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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Hello all, For some reason, while running the mod "Requiem", a major battle system overhaul, I run into a problem if my game triggers a kill-cam. The game goes into 3rd person view, and my character just twitches. No controls work, either. Had to ctrl+alt+delete my way out of the game, which almost killed my poor computer. Anyone know why? I haven't installed any other combat-related mods... If all else fails, is there a way to disable kill moves in either of the .ini files?
  2. Looks like it could be one of Hentai's armour mods. Seems very similar to the Fate/Stay Night "Saber" armour, but I can't find anything matching it on the Nexus.
  3. Personally, I don't see how the Dwemer could still exist in Tamriel, UNLESS - Yagrum Bagarn was in an "outer realm" at the time of their disappearance. Maybe a "return of the Dwemer" could be justified using a story similar to what happened to Alduin? Perhaps: Maybe this could be the justification for the sudden reappearance in the Dwemer? Or, perhaps there was an entire tribe that was in an "outer realm", and when they returned, POOF, everyone was gone, and they've been trying to investigate it in a secluded ruin...that you, the poor wanderer, happens to stumble across. Whether they're hostile or not depends on the modder's preference.
  4. In Morrowind and Oblivion, there were console commands you could use to get a copy of yourself in-game...not sure if it can be done via console in Skyrim. I've been trying for quite some time...
  5. Doesn't really add to the creepy factor per se, but this definitely makes dungeons scarier: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25698
  6. This reminds me of Oblivion..."The Archer's Paradox: because a perfect arrow flies forever, and that's impossible!"
  7. Maybe the Dwemeri crest where the glowing part is? I could see the Aetherium crest being useful there, but only if you have Dawnguard.
  8. I...wow...just...wow. I can't wait to see this come to fruition!
  9. Actually....no? Excuse my rudeness but you make no sense. Saying that Leather, steel Guard, ebony, hide, and fur armors are Nord armors is like saying arrows are Nord weapons...That isn't the case at all. Just because a Nord may use these at some time doesn't mean that they are associated with that race. Just as you previously stated, "Except for Elven and Orcish armor," Orcish armor and Elven armor are associated with their respected races because they are iconic and a symbol of that race. Thinking that a weapon or armor is "Nordic" just because it's in Skyrim is extremely foolish. No need to name call. Anyway, you're really missing the mark. Think about it this way, when a Nord in Skyrim goes out and hunts a deer to make leather, and then turns that leather either into Hide Armor or Leather Armor, that is in fact "Nordic Leather Armor" or "Nordic Hide Armor." The thing is, we don't need everything tagged 'Nordic' just drive home something that painfully obvious. Now, another example, think about the weapons and armor tagged 'Elven.' Do you honestly believe that those are the only types of swords and armor the Elves use? The answer is no. But those are weapons/armor typical of what might be found in Summerset Isles. The same is true of Skyrim, there is no one special set of armor or weapons that exclusively Nordic, Skyrim is a big place, and its people feature many types of armor and weapons that they can call their own. You are in Skyrim, home of the Nords. Unless it is otherwise stated, it is safe to assume that pretty much everything around you is "Nordic." Bethesda even included tags on certain items like "Imperial Sword" and "Elven Sword" to help you realize that. So, otherwise can I ask what would make you think that the Leather Armor found or made in the Nordic homeland isn't 'Nordic Leather Armor,' or do you honestly need the 'Nordic' tag put on every item? You're actually the one missing the mark. Telling me it doesn't matter if the 'Nordic' tag is on a specific item, when clearly that's what I was asking for when I created this topic, is pretty pointless don't you think? You're trying to tell me what I said isn't what I meant, when i'm pretty sure I know what I meant better then you do. And no need for name calling? I said what he was referring to wasn't true, and that his way of thinking was foolish, not him personally. So please don't make accusations that I'm name calling when i'm really not. And even if I did call him foolish (Which I didn't) that's the least insulting insult there is..you shouldn't take much offense to that. You were asking for 'Nordic' items...in Skyrim, the Nordic homeland. Pardon us if we don't want 'Nordic' tags written on everything from leather to hide to steel. It's Skyrim, you should be assuming it's Nordic. That's like asking where the Japanese food is when you're sitting in a Japanese restaurant with a pile of sushi in front of you. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif When you see Sushi, what do you think? "Oh that Japanese food". When you see fur armor, what do you think? "Oh, that Nordic armor." <------Not so much... That's all I really have to say for that really, since that's all I really need to say. And as for the 'Nordic' Tags, You read my main topic post, knew what I was looking for, and yet post anyway. Very smart of you good sir. Literally true. But in this case the reference is to the leather, iron, etc armours found in Skyrim. They're standard armours, yes, but they're in a Nordic style. They're just not overly decorated in the Nordic style because they are just mundane armours. Compare these two plate armours (let's assume they're both made from either iron or steel). http://media-cache-ec7.pinterest.com/originals/89/14/e8/8914e8bb36c017e315948936fc4c75f5.jpghttp://www.talismancoins.com/catalog/Suit_of_Gothic_Plate_Armor.jpg Different cultures, same material. In game the armours that are labeled with the name of a culture are so because they're supposedly of a higher class or tier than ordinary armour. The kind a veteran or hero might wear, for example. Everything else is in the local style, but it's just normal all the same. THIS. This is the point I was going to make. I mean, OP has apparently never played TES III or IV. In Morrowind, glass, ebony, and leather armours were made using the local styles. The same can be said of Dwarven armour. The reasoning behind this variation from one province to the next? Simple. The materials would have been available all throughout Tamriel, but would everyone have made them look the same? Absolutely not. The Dunmeri style would not have been the same as the Cyrodiilic style, nor would it have looked like the Nordic style. Even the Dwemeri armours vary from one province to the next, due to the fact that the Dwemer had "tribes", each with their own culture and style.
  10. ^this guy. This. Guy. THIS GUY. Not to rant, but SERIOUSLY. It's bad enough that everywhere we smokers go, we run into this person. Now we're going to run into it in our video games? Hell no. Menschenhass, you are a buzzkill.
  11. Nope, got the schematics, went to Galmar's forge, still can't craft it. Did you talk to the chick and make sure she's selling them? Eyyup
  12. Nope, got the schematics, went to Galmar's forge, still can't craft it.
  13. I've been compiling Bleach-related content, and I've noticed something...there's only a couple of Hollow Mask mods, and I'm not fully satisfied with either. Maybe I'm being nit-picky, maybe not, but here's my request: First off - Ichigo's Final Hollow [Vasto Lorde] full-head mask. I was inspired by this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26446 Second - Ichigo's vizard mask (pre-hueco mundo). Inspired by this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3729/ I use the first mod, and love it, but would also like to use just the mask with my female characters (as it wouldn't make sense for them to turn into a most definitely male beast like that). The second one, I love the concept, but I can't bring myself to terms with the hood... A version of the second one without the hood does exist in this mod:http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28586/ however, the original author is no longer available for contact. If anyone thinks they're capable of doing this, I'd be forever in your debt :)
  14. I always did wonder why there weren't Soul Reaper's who's release'd weapon was a bow, y'know. Some of them surely had the spirit of an Archer. My question, however: Since spells that could be launched are already shot at the enemy, what advantage would the bow be? In Bleach Lore terms, a Soul Reaper whose shikai took the form of a bow would most likely become an outcast, due to the Quincies' passion for the weapon, what with the two sides hating each other. As far as the second question, I think the main thing would just be a graphic change. Maybe it could be arranged so that the spell fired increases both its magical school, and the archery skill? I think I know of one way to go about this...wouldn't really be what OP asked for, but it would be a step towards it: Variations of the Bound Bow that come with their own arcane powers, using existing spell types. Fire bow, ice bow, shock bow, fury bow, fear bow, paralysis bow (I know there's no paralysis spell, but it just makes sense to me), etc. Think that could be done? It'd require a lot of new conjuration spells, probably heavy scripting to get the effects right, and a fair amount of retexturing, but it could at least be done with existing meshes.
  15. Press 'esc' and go over to the stats page >.>
  16. I'd love to do this. I've taken quite a disliking to Thalmor...don't have much of a problem with the general Altmer population of Skyrim, but I'd give an arm to be able to burn the Embassy to the ground.
  17. Goddess above, I'd forgotten all about this mod...it was so much fun to run around looking for these little items to display in my home! I actually managed to get every single one of them...I fully endorse this idea!
  18. I tried the Draugr eye effect...didn't go anywhere. Glow effect didn't work properly, it lingered when the helm was unequipped, and then it started CTDing upon accessing the inventory.
  19. So, I've run through the main quest probably six or seven times, and now I just can't be arsed to do it again (not without the TMM and TGM commands, anyways). Does anyone know of a mod that auto-completes it for you? I had one like that for Morrowind. I don't really want to download someone else's savegame, as I run the risk of winding up with a character whose name and face I dislike and can't change without the console. Personal preference and all that, y'know? Something similar for Dawnguard would be nice too.
  20. Here's the helmet when equipped. I'd upload a shot of it unequipped, but apparently I'm now experiencing CTDs caused by attempting to open the inventory. Going to have to look into that too. http://i.imgur.com/sSH6anf.png
  21. So, I'm working on an "Ancient Nordic Helm of Power". It uses the Yngol helm mesh, and the intended effect is a few fortifying enchantments and glowing draugr eyes. There's just one problem... The eye effect isn't working properly. The helm goes on, the eyes -sorta- light up, but it's just a basic glow around the edge, more like phosphorescent makeup than the intended "blazing power eyes". And, when the helmet comes off, the messed-up eye glow remains. All I'm really good at is assembling resources donated by others, and at enchanting (which apparently I need some help with). Any help I can get in making this work properly will help. NOTE: I'll get a screenshot as soon as I can, I'm a little absent-minded about these things.
  22. I've had this problem too, any/all help is appreciated!
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