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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Funny how people are always so fast to respond when I have an idea they don't agree with, but when I'm looking for help with a technical problem, it takes forever...
  2. Yeah, the CK can't backtrace the file path back through to a BSA. If you want to edit an item that's in a BSA, unpack that particular BSA, drop the data folders into their appropriate location within your Skyrim folder, make your changes, then just save the mod. You can even leave the BSA in place, and it will still accept your changes first, because it's looking for a direct filepath. However, when I do this, I move the BSA file to a different location just to be safe.
  3. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Hail+Summoner_5fa6c8_4336234.jpg
  4. Going to retract the smartalec comment that I originally posted. I installed Razer and suddenly I got an infinite loading screen. Definitely seems to be your problem. My apologies.
  5. Well, apparently the "activate" code has been removed from the console in Skyrim...I just checked a list of commands, didn't see anything that could help. The only suggestion I have to offer is to use "tcl" to get across, then type it into the console again to re-enable collision once you make it. I know it's not much of a solution, but I do want to help. Come to think of it, I've had this problem with pull chains, levers, pull-and-twist handles, and Dwemer button consoles...
  6. I use the "Ichigo Vasto Lorde Transformation" mod in a manner very similar to this. I'll keep the transformation power on tap, and when the screen starts to turn red, I transform and all hell breaks loose. Blood and body parts fly around until I run out of magicka (or everyone dies, whichever comes first). My biggest "What have I done!?" moment, though, was when I first played through the main quest...when Esbern and Delphine ask me to kill Paarthurnax. I blindy followed orders, as the power-driven "mighty hero of justice" is prone to doing...and as I stood there and watched the flesh burn from his bones, I actually began to physically feel guilty. I thought to myself, "All he did was help me. He even gave me the tools to learn a shout that he KNEW could be the undoing of his entire race...and I drove an axe into his skull as a thank-you." http://chan.catiewayne.com/b/src/136042532756.jpg
  7. I'd like to see a menu that splits the blacksmith menu into two main categories with subcategories. Two main categories: Weapons & Armour. Subcategories: weapon/armour material
  8. Try "In Your Shadow". It allows you to complete Dragon Rising without actually becoming Dragonborn. I don't know if you become Thane of Whiterun with that mod, I haven't been able to get that far (just had to uninstall/reinstall thanks to a little whoopsie with a mod)
  9. I believe DarkNut made a mod like that for Morrowind that worked with MGE...wonder if he's still around? Hell, I have this funky issue where my helmet pieces temporarily hover over my face when I switch from 3rd-person to 1st-person in a manner almost like what's being asked for here, and I haven't even done anything to the armours! If I could track down what's causing that...
  10. Hey, that's what forums are for. Those who can, do; those who can't, post. :P
  11. Are you using mods that come as folders or as .bsa files?
  12. Good Idea: Worshipping Talos. Bad Idea: Worshipping Talos in the Embassy.
  13. So, I've been looking at some of the content from Dragonborn lately, and I gotta say...I'm a little disappointed with the new Dunmeri styles. I'm glad to see the return of their native materials, but...I'm really not liking the new styles. Can someone make Morrowind-style armours? I'm already aware of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22793/ , but I still don't feel as nostalgic when using these armours as I would in a set of Armun-An Bonemold (my favourite medium from "back in the day"). I also use the Daedric Lord Armour, love it to death, don't need a replacer there. PS - I don't have Dragonborn, I've been researching whether or not it's gonna be worth buying to me. Anyone who produces a Dragonborn-dependent mod based on this suggestion is gonna get an automatic thumbs-down from me (ooh-ooh, one player in a sea of millions disapproves! :P ) EDIT: Posted the wrong frakkin' link...getting to be a bad habit...corrected it.
  14. Actually, I can kinda see the use in this idea. I use a 360-style controller to play, it's easier on my wrists and has a more familiar feeling. I use it for just about every compatible game I have. It's very hard to find that sweet spot in the left thumbstick and get it to stay there.
  15. Loving it! Hell, I end up Fus-Ro-Dah'ing most of my followers off of High Hrothgar's courtyard anyways...if I don't run 'em through with the Ebony Blade. Mephala just LOOOOOOVES me :D
  16. Jarl Balgruuf The Greater: I will not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people! This man is the reason I stayed loyal to the Empire.
  17. As a primarily melee-type, I don't often bother with the Thieves Guild. But when I do, I always, ALWAYS screw up "The Litany of Larceny". I never retrieve all of the items involved, and wind up with a decidedly empty set of shelves near my desk when I reach the end of the Thieves Guild questline. I know now, thanks to the UESP wiki, where all the items are, but...can someone help me with a way to remember to grab them? When I get started on a quest, I'm normally just looking to get from objective A to objective B as quickly and quietly as possible...is this a bad way to play (matter of opinion, I know, but I'm asking for opinions), or do I just need to slow down a little?
  18. Check this: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1351910088/3doodler-the-worlds-first-3d-printing-pen
  19. I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but trying to search the forum didn't go so well...very broad results, mostly in Oblivion and New Vegas boards. I'm using the Oblivion Hair NPC Overhaul mod, and while the girls look fairly stunning with their new hair, there's a problem...the skin on their faces is darker than the rest of their body! It's a real bother...neck seam is very visible, and the difference in colour is just...it's freaky. Notsomuch on humans, but on the Dark Elves...their bodies are ashen and their faces are brownish. Can anyone tell me what's going on, and/or how to fix it?
  20. Page is up and running, PM me for the link!
  21. Well, facebook is apparently having issues with creating public pages...I'll pm links whenever it finally straightens out.
  22. If I can figure out how to get facebook to delete one of my old public pages, are you interested in enrolling in the Academy of Dwemeri Studies? :D
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