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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Having seen the cease and desist comment, I don't see why Blizzard would do that. The project doesn't use any of Blizzard's direct materials, it's just inspired by them...and besides, Blizz seems pretty relaxed about this sort of thing. How many Lich King/Frostmourne mods have there been for TES games since Morrowind? I really don't see this being an issue at all. While I can't contribute, as I have no modding skill whatsoever (except maybe voice acting, but I have 3 parrots and no soundproof room), you have my full support.
  2. "Hiiiiiii, Dragonborrrrrrn~!" :dance: Long as it doesn't turn out like vanilla Morrowind. "E-e-e-excuse me, I, I know you're the N-N-N-Nerevarine..." That would deserve a Fus Ro Bitchslap.
  3. That was indeed the problem. Everything fits properly now.
  4. This is meant as a potential mod for roleplayers, so a bit of forethought would be necessary. You're absolutely right; if everyone dies, how's anyone gonna know? I should have worded things a little differently.
  5. Yeah, I finally found the version of CBBE I was looking for. Going to try switching over to it and seeing what happens, will post results.
  6. Okay, I have screenshots, but as they're NSFW, I have no idea how to upload them.
  7. So, I use the UNP body, and something very, VERY interesting is occurring with my female-specific armours. I'll get some screenshots, as I didn't think about the issue until I started reading through other people's problems, but for now I'll describe it. The two particular armours I'm having trouble with are the LustDesign Daedric Armour Replacer by Lustrianna, and the Schwertleite [sp?] Armour set. Basically...my character's boobs are poking up above the designated cover area, like a pushup bra gone wrong. Is it just a conflict between the armour mods and my choice in bodies? If so, can someone direct me to the nude version of CBBE? I could only find the underwear version, which IMO isn't as realistic.
  8. I would definitely like to see Hammerfell soon. I love desert landscapes (not sure why, just do)
  9. As I play through Skyrim, I find myself wishing there was a reputation system. Not like in Morrowind and Oblivion, where it was just your fame rating, but more of a World of Warcraft-style system, where your rep changes with various factions based upon quests you do, actions you take, and NPCs you interact with. For example: Let's say you run across a group of Thalmor escorting some poor sod to Talos-knows-where. You decide to get up in their faces about it, and one of them draws a blade on you. You strike them down, and that's that. Next group of Thalmor you see treats you like they've never heard of you. Now, with my idea in place, killing the first group of Thalmor would cause your reputation with them to shift in a negative direction. Each successive Thalmor you kill makes them hate you more and more, until they start either attacking you on sight or sending assassins after you. Or, let's say you're a true son/daughter of Skyrim. You stumble upon an Imperial camp as you wander through the wilderness. With my idea, killing those soldiers would lower your reputation with the Imperial, causing progressively worse treatment from Imperial solders and guards in Imperial-loyal cities (maybe even resulting in banishment from the cities?), and raise your reputation with Stormcloak loyalists, making them nicer to you, perhaps even willing to overlook a crime here or there (without the related faction or speech perks).
  10. Reminds me of a similar mod for Morrowind..."Helms of Sight, I think it was. I would love to see this!
  11. Someone please teach me how to use archery with a dragon?
  12. I had forgotten about Kit Rae's Sedethul blade. I know there's a mod that adds two version of it, I'd just forgotten about it. Hey, do you know any more weapon mods like this? You've already found two awesome mods...I just don't have the patience to sort through all the mods on the Nexus and Workshop :sweat:
  13. I retract my previous statement...a certain DG crypt was a real pain on the adept setting O_O
  14. While I don't see anything close in the screenshots on the page, I'll still download and have a look through it (there were definitely some awesome weapons in there)
  15. I'd really like to see someone make Kit Rae's Exotath and Avoloch blades :) This is Exotath: http://larp.swords24.eu/images/products/en/LARP_Kit_Rae_Exotath_Full_Contact_Foam_Sword_KR0030F.jpg And this is Avoloch: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/avoloch_sword_540.jpg
  16. The conversation in Solitude about telling the little girl her uncle's a traitor always makes me giggle. Serana's dry sarcasm is also enjoyable :biggrin:
  17. Right. If you're already a vampire, Harkon mocks your power, basically calls it child's play compared to the power he's offering.
  18. Well, in-game, it just restores stamina...but by lore, it makes you feel like you're unstoppable. Numbs your body so you can't feel pain, heightens your senses (probably to the point of absolute mania), etc.
  19. I've had trouble with the display cases too. I don't know if there's a fix for it, as I haven't gone looking, so I just make it a little bit of roleplaying - my character having to stop and ask herself, "How exactly should I go about putting this in here...?"
  20. That reminds me, I need to get a house together for Lucia in Whiterun. I feel so bad for the kid, walking the streets, begging...and her only source of guidance now is Brenuin's drunk self. Also, should probably look into a home for my DB assassin...might be interesting, raising children in service to Sithis.
  21. I've done this with Sabre Cats, Wolves (not like they're that tough anyways), Bears, and even Frost Trolls. Archery is....yeah. It's wayyyyy overpowered. And with the addition of crossbows...goddess's mercy, it's ridiculous. Send someone into a vampire-infested cave with a crossbow, and they might as well be the lead role in a Predator movie.
  22. Are you looking for any specific spells? I'm looking to get into modding Skyrim, and spellmaking was kind of a strong point with the previous two games for me. I'm a WoW player as well, so just run the names by me and I'll see what I can come up with.
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