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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. A perk given upon equip? That's...I don't even know how to...whaaaaa....
  2. Try going to the face sculptor in Riften. If "showracemenu" fixes it, then the menu following interactions with her should too.
  3. Might be a while before I get on the Hot Files :whistling: I'd need to learn to create my own meshes first...and I'm a long, long way from that point :hurr:
  4. I agree with gyroknight. I had a character once that collected Leather Strips, and while I could put hundreds into a container with little trouble (aside from a moment of lag when I transferred them in or out of the container), but if I tried to place them anywhere outside of one, I'd get lag and then crashes after just so many piled up. I think it's because rendering all of them at once may be a bit resource-intensive.
  5. I had this issue for a little while, and it just mysteriously fixed itself without me doing anything...it may go away in time, it may not. I'm not 100% sure what caused it.
  6. I can tell you it's not "Dead Body Collision", as I use this mod and have never experienced any problems with it (aside from the occasional blocked walkway). I'd recommend opening your mods one at a time in the CK and going to places where you have this issue, see if maybe there's an invisible object placed there. I don't know why it would be there, but it can't hurt to look.
  7. I don't think it's a "hunted to extinction" issue. Nor do I believe it to be because of the number of dragon souls. I've had issues with areas not respawning properly as well. I think it's just another case of "Oh, Bethesda"...you know, all these buggy games of theirs.
  8. I suggest method 3. It's a bit tedious and time-consuming, but it's the best way to completely erase a mod from your game. I did that fairly recently with a mod. Takes time, patience, and thorough examination, but it works best IMO.
  9. I think the issue here is that OP wants to be able to level up one level at a time in a situation where normally you would level up two or three times. For example, let's say OP uses the console and types in "advskill smithing 10000000000000000000". This bumps his smithing skill up to 100. He opens up the Level Up menu, and only wants to advance ONE level, where the game is trying to force him to jump straight through to level 16 or 17. What's been requested here is a mod that lets you level at your own pace no matter where your skills are...I've also wondered about this. It would let me max out certain skills without missing out on level-based content.
  10. Do you think substituting my current enchantments with a modified Dragonslayer's Blessing would be a good idea on the gauntlets? The current enchantment just fortifies melee damage...might end up being a little OP
  11. Bump...really could use the help here. This would open up a whole new world of modding for me.
  12. Haven't played CABAL, but this makes me think of Quincies from Bleach (I know, anime reference, FLAME THE ANIME FREAK)... Anyways. I like this idea.
  13. I wouldn't say they really "like" Serana...and it would be a little bizarre for them to like you if you become the very thing they're sworn to destroy. They take an oath when they join, to eradicate vampirekind not just in Skyrim, but throughout all of Tamriel. However - I'm not gonna sit here and flame you for it. Everyone is entitled to their own wishes, and nobody has a right to insult anyone if they don't agree. While I personally do not believe this is a lore-friendly mod idea, I have little room to talk, as I have a few mods that, by lore, have no business being in my game. Now that I have that off my chest... I don't think it can be done. Dawnguard is just another one of Skyrim's "choose a side" quests. There's a lot of duality, and it's all in black-and-white. There's really no grey areas, which is what your idea qualifies as. Just because I don't think it can be done, though, doesn't mean it can't. There are some pretty damn talented scriptors out there, I'm just not one of them. I'm sure it would be a matter of altering a script...but as I said, I don't know.
  14. What kind of hairstyle qualifies as lore-friendly to you? Not to be "that person", but yeah. I haven't run into a hairstyle that didn't fit in with the game world yet.
  15. Maybe the rumbling sound that goes with the Greybeards speaking could be used?
  16. I'd love to see them as a purely aesthetic thing, but the idea of familiars would be GREAT for magic-based play. I mean, don't magic-wielders in ~most~ other fantasy realms have some sort of familiar? And some real-world pagan sects believe in them as well.
  17. Also reminds me of the Lilarcor mod for Morrowind....ah, how I miss him, even with all his zany outbursts.
  18. Okay, couple of questions here. First, is it just distorted, or does it slow down as well? Second, I had a similar problem with my entire computer yesterday. Are your audio drivers and codecs up to date? That was what fixed mine.
  19. I agree with the above post, it's most likely not mod-related. You may need to update your DirectX or your video card drivers. That sounds like the most likely culprit to me. I've never heard of an ENB addon doing something like this, but that doesn't mean it's not to blame. Check your drivers first, though, just to be safe. If indeed that's the problem, you'll get more enjoyment out of all your games, not just Skyrim.
  20. I'm working on my first Skyrim mod: The Dragonslayer's Armour It's basically just a suit of Dragonplate armour with a few enchantments that are handy for fighting dragons. As an unintended side effect, all testing thus far shows that it also makes it easier for melee-only players to fight mages...but that was never its intent. I've got the cuirass and gloves ready to roll, but I'm stuck on three things: 1) Is there a way to fortify speed in Skyrim? I see a "speed buff" ability related to Wisps, but would it work for the player too? 2) The draugr eye effect - I want to add it to the helmet, but I'm not sure if this is safe. Is it? 3) How would I go about adding an effect shader? I'm thinking that the armour should make the character glow or something...would this require modifying the existing mesh, or is there something in the magic menu in the CK that I can use? In any case, going to upload it to the Workshop and Nexus as soon as it's finished, probably within the next couple of hours, depending on how quickly help comes. I'll link to it from this thread when it's up and running. Thanks!
  21. Just Skyrim.esm. Don't use any enhancers or DLLs. Got it working though, just had to pull it up a second time for some reason
  22. I'm looking to start modding, but I've discovered a huge problem...the Creation Kit just CTDs after it finishes loading Skyrim.esm. Any idea why?
  23. I'd look into some hi-res facial and skin textures (it's a matter of personal preference, so I can't really list a specific mod there)... I also suggest Apachii's SkyHair, and the Oblivion Hair All-In-One mod. Both available on the Nexus.
  24. I know this sounds silly, how confusing can a house mod be? The problem is this - I can't find a way to get any of the added homes except Lakeview Manor. I know there are more, but in all my snooping around, I haven't figured out how to get started on the others.
  25. I'd even settle for something that changes the HUD. There's nothing wrong with the vanilla style, I just don't like the location of the bars. And I can't use SkyUI, SKSE seems to dislike my system
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