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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Hi! First of all read the readme for the mod! I dont use the create fomod from archive option cause U are not sure of the folder structure inside. If u extract the zip or rar file to a neutral location first and look inside then u can see the structure. Look for the folder directly containing any esp or esm or bsa file, or directly containing textures or meshes folder. Think of this one as the fomod container folder, and u can rename it from "data" or "whateveritscalled" to something that includes mod name and u recognize it. Then open up fomm and choose create from folder in package manager. This time the files will be inside your fomod where they are supposed to be! Sometimes mods have various options included with the main download. They may or may not include a fomod conversion data with menus and stuff to chose options on fomod activation. You will recognize these mods if you read the readme file for them.
  2. Hi! Maybe you dont wait long enough when exporting. When u export click on the taskbar to get the blender console to appear and watch what it says, and wait. I think you will see an error that you have. Since its a creature and your exporting dismemberment, Make sure u have meatcaps asigned to proper bp_torsocap and bp_sectioncap vertex groups. The body parts of the character assigned to bp_torso, bp_head etc.. You can find the right set of dismemberment vertex groups by importing a vanilla nif from the creature skeleton you are using. It could be some other kind of error tho u know so,. look at that console.
  3. Hi! U coulc try remove bogus nodes spell in nifskope. I dont know if that helps tho.. It is hapening when you have imported skeleton.nif into blender. So whenever i import skeleton.nif for some reason, I delete the armature before exporting. I wil replace the armature with an armature from headhuman.nif or from some hat nif. and then export it. If you put it in game like that it will work just fine but your filesize is bigger than it should be.
  4. Hi! Yea I saw that tutorial! it looks like a good one to me. I never seen a missing diffuse map error, that means that you dont have a texture assigned to it! the color texture, also u are gona want to check and make sure u got normalmap assigned also. I dont know why you would have that problem tho cause the nifscripts keep your material settings intact. You can check them in nifskope. first make sure on nifskope view option block list and block details is enabled and then have block list options set to show in tree. Look in the nitristrips block and u will see bsshaderpplightingproperty, thats where u set shader flags in the tutorial. expanding that u will see bsshadertextureset, click on that one and then look in block details and you can see textures and expand em to get a child list of textures. Click on the flowery looking thing for the first child texture, not the parent one! and then u cann select the diffuse map(color texture) dds file and put it in there. Click on the second child texture and put the normal map filename_n.dds file on that one. When u are looking at arms01 nitristrips block and cheking the textures for it there should be a third one selected. In the 3rd child texture slot u want to make sure u have a file with _sk.dds on it. At least if u have those all set up u should be seeing a different error if any!
  5. baduk

    importing a kf

    Hi! Yeah, I havent really gotten into the animation stuff very deep but simply importing one is quick and simple! U want to import skeleton.nif with nifscripts and have import animation selected. And then there is a place for keyframe file, u have to click on the button with 3 dots and browse for it. Then when u hit ok it imports with the animation. If u want to import more animations u can delete the skeleton and reimport, or import the animation from another blend file. I think the article you read is just from when an earlier version of nifscripts didnt have this functionality.
  6. Hi! If u go int o button window editing panel link and material tab u can find where it is listing the vertex groups the object is assigned to. When you delete all of them it will no longer have any skinning data! (maybe this came out wrong, this is what you want, a clean slate.) Ok and then you can use bone weight copy script to get the vertex groups and have it rereigged basically. Then tho u gotta test it out and make sure its deforming ok. selecting the object u can go into weight painting mode and tweak the weights . U problay want to look at tutorial for details on that process. Aslo.. if bone weight copy script is giving you too bad of a result You can make a high poly mesh with simple shape, just sub it lots u know.. then u copy from body to this shape and then to the object. It can change the outcome of bone weight copy script.
  7. Hi! I think that weapon animations is hard coded, in that u may not be able to add a new weapon type to assign animation to. This would be too specialized of a weapon to want to have replacing another weapon type also. Maybe you can make an idle where u pull it out and expel the gas at em and then put it back away when u activate the hotkey for it.
  8. Hi! Its in hexadecimal, or base 16 so its 15 in decimal, base 10 the same number is 21 Yes i do mean that 21 = 15 I hope this is not confusing.
  9. Hi! Ok well even if u are not interested in 3d working Blender is free and can be useful, for simply converting oblivion nif or to convert armor for different body model. There is not a software in the world i recomend more highly! But anyway, yea what u want to do for this experiment is only involving nifskope. I mean it is an experiment, cause it would be clear cut to create brand new colision mesh, but if u just replace hkpackednitristripsdata instead u can learn if this particular colision mesh shape has any effect on its function. for using nifskope to replace just the geometry data what u do is find another nif with a hkpackednitristripsdata, remove the geometry data (hkpackednitristripsdata) from original mesh, copy just the geometry data from the mesh u found and selecting the parent bhkpackednitristripsshape and find data field at bottom of blolck details window and paste new data there. It might work or not, dunno. If u want to make new colision mesh in nifskope without blender, u can use this tutorial tho. It show u how to convert any nitristrips or nitrishape into colision mesh with only nifskoep. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Adding_Collision_Model_-_Step_by_Step_Guide
  10. Hi! Did u test it in vats also? I think vats wont work either, also u may not be able to see your arms in 1st person camera. So basically what u got is. special vertex groups for dismemberment. These grouops are not bone weighting it is body part alocation. They are named as : BP_TORSO, BP_HEAD, BP_LEFTARM, BP_TORSOSECTION_HEAD... etc. if u import a body into blender you can read em for yourself. The meatcaps are having a different vertex groups : BP_SECTIONCAP_LEFTLEG, BP_TORSOCAP_RIGHTARM... etc. Bone weight copy script does copy these vertex groups properly. When it ask you to name groups when u parent with control-p, it will only name bone name groups! Make sure when you export you have clicked export dismember body parts button.
  11. No u dont gota do that! U can change to 4846 but it wil require that you change the threshold as well. Just tweak the threshold until it looks the way you want again.
  12. Ok.. Maybe you are not understanding, as you say "database" it is a strange choice of words. If u are loking in geck there is refs from fo3 in it. and if u are looking in bsa archives there is resources from fo3 in it. I have no idea what percentage of stuff is included form fo3 but, since data files take up more space than the ref entries do, i would assume that u see a lot more fo3 stuff in the esm than you do by browsing the archives. Because they would want to remove content they are not using to reduce file size. But its really simple tho, if the resources are not included with fnv then u cant use it.
  13. Hi! To me, the colision geometry seems weird, 2 unconnected planes. The other ones ive seen have lines conecting em to form an enclosure of some sort. It does sem strange that that would make a difference, but maybe you might as well try replacing the hkpackednitristripsdata with a different one and see if it makes a difference.
  14. Hi! I have had this thing on me also,. Also i have had haircut that goes over the mouth make a tooth invisible. it is related issue of alpha blending. Havent done anything in oblivion tho. i heard that fo3 is beter at handing transparency. What part of your character is having transparency on it? is it on a armor part is it on a hair? I dono why some hair is not having nialphaproperty but its still transparent, maybe hair shader flags enable transparency without it. Maybe its helpful to try changing flags of nialphaproperty around, probly its 4845 but then u can try 4846 cause that helped me before. Oh, and gpu driver changes can affect this btw..
  15. Make sure u take the file from the FNV bsa archive only cause then u will not make an accident.
  16. Hi! Its cause the nialphaproperty flag defalts to 237! All u gota do is change it to 4845 and then u get the regular alpha blending of layers. But! try testing it, walk into water walk over decals. My outfit had just 3 layers and thats including meatacps that were hidden at the time. but it would disappear!! So i made mine 4846 and it worked, but that could be hardware specific so im not sure if u want to do that. I have hd4850 GPU btw. but anyway 4845 is the normal flags valu for body cloting when u lok at em in the bsa and stuff. I think glasses and goggles and stuf us 4333 for if u wanta do em also.
  17. baduk

    importing a nif

    Hi! U sure its all the texture it cant find or just not some of em? Cause if its an armor or clothing for example, unless u are using gore replacer, u have meatcaps with textur inside bsa. And if u have vanila body then its also got texture in bsa.
  18. Hi! Its a weird nif. I guess they make it have that colision on it just for activation? funny colision object of 2 planes. Why is the center of the nitristrips in that odd position? Anyway. i think it needs mass cause your other settings sound fine. and its ol clutter and everything. And if u give it mass u proly want to give it inertia on m11 m22 and m33. Cause i seen other nifs and the inertia matrix is all 0 except for those ones.I think its worth a try. If its no good u can give it a new colision object but that way u dont lean anything.
  19. Hi! How about u can say exactly what part of the process u got stuck at, and then someone can let u know how to get to the next stage. Then when you get stuck for the second, third, fourth... lol dont worry everyone goes through it! Just keep posting your problem with a good description, probly best in the same thread i think. I think people here want to help u get to making mods!
  20. Hi! Dont give up! Its good that u are doing oblivion head. Thanks to alecu there is a new program for creating head morphs! Here is the very informative head creation process detailed by alecu. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/242642-wipnew-head-in-blender/ Here is facemix! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35037 I am hoping we will eventualy have this for fallout 3 also.
  21. Hi! U cn use nifscripts importer to import oblivion nif in blender. Use nifscripts exporter for producing a fallout 3 nif. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2726
  22. ecksile is right. The normals are pointing the wrong way on those faces. I do not agree with the use of stencil property to fix this, it is best to fix the normal direction of the faces. If the lid is opening you can use a stencil property for when its open, but otherwise it is a small performance drain. It is all adding up with every performance drain in the game.
  23. baduk

    quick question

    Hi! The reason your imported models are made of triangles are they are triangulated on export by nifscripts for ingame use. It is preferable to have a mesh of quads when modeling it because you can use the editing tools to manipulate it much more effectively. You can use axes to guide the direction you are moving vertices, global ones are default but you can use local and normal axes. For example when you grab or scale verts, u can hit x one time to lock movement to global x axis, hit x twice to lock it to local or normal axis. There is a lot of different ways to model a sword. I never made a sword, just been doing outfits and stuff, but I will consider these methods. You can start from a plane that is defining the outermost boundary of the entire blade. You could start small and extrude your way to the size of the blade. You can use a nurbs curve to define the curvature of the blade, duplicating and flipping it for a symmetrical blade. Or positioning the curve against another curve or straight line for assymetrical. Then you create faces between the 2. After this you can make subdivisions along the mesh and manipulate it before mirroring the underside. Blender is a magical forge. I also recommend highly some mesh tools; 3d cursor snapping, proportional editing, lattice modifier, and geom tool. http://glender.hybird.org/ <- link for geom tool, uv tool, and pattern selection. I never used the mesh copy paste one tho, seems i can just import datablocks from other blend file if i want. This is really all i have been needing at my basic level. Here is a thread on mesh topology for further studying. The focus is on high poly modeling, organic modeling, models that undergo deformation. It is not the case for a sword but It is an enlightening thread. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=93651&page=1
  24. Hi! Its good u got nifskope and blender all installed. U cant import and export the nifs tho yet cause u gota get some more good stuf. Just go here to find out how! http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2726
  25. Hi! Isnt that just the center of your object? Try moving the 3d cursor to a nice location like xyz000 and hit center cursor with the object selected.
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