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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Hi! Apparel and wepons are different because apparel is having skin instance on it for deforming mesh to bone movements. While weapons diplay fine with just empty and unknown 31 shaderflags on em, skinned items require shadow map shader flag. Even though the shirt is positioned and weighted correctly, it will render like the screenshot ingame without this shader flag selected.
  2. Hi! I recomend to look in nif.xml located in the blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\ folder or the nifskope documentation files in doc volder of nifskope installation folder. Search for bhkrigidbody and it has good listing and some simple explanation of the options.
  3. Hi! Its good you are interested in making stuff! It looks just like you need to turn on shadowmap shader flag in bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips nodes that you have exported. Please ask more questions if you happen to run into another snag.
  4. Hi! For making normalmaps with photoshop You should try ndo cause you can get a lot of control over the result. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/244691-ndo-normal-creation-toolkit/
  5. Hi! Look onto the normalmap (filename_n.dds) And see the alpha channel of it. It is greyscale and you should darken this in all areas u want to be less shiny.
  6. Hi! Yeah, it is the one with _n on it. you will be pleased with the result once you have a good normalmap made. So what do you use for textures? there is normalmap plugins for gimp, paint.net or photoshop. I guess u can use some links so i hope these can be helpful. http://www.pixologic.com/docs/index.php/Understanding_Normal_Maps http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/95745-i-need-a-specific-normal-mapping-tutorial/
  7. Hi! Its good to learn how to make meshes and stuff, but i was wondering about how you are planning to place a scar mesh onto the face or neck? The head meshes have morphing animations of facegen on them so each vertex is referenced in several files of the game. This makes it complicated to actually alter the mesh of the head. A great alternative would be to make a normalmap for your character s head. and have the scar strongly detailed in it, this way when light reflects off the area the scarred area will reflect diferently and There will appear to be an actual indentation without altering any geometry.
  8. Hi! I guess it can be tough to get the idea of what you want when you have a result so distorted! So. its good to start out just using the bone weight copy script. For fixing the bracers, remove each vertex group it has and then with a clean slate, go in obljict mode u can select the bracers first then shift+select the body mesh. Go into the scripts and find the bone weight copy one and copy em at quality 3. U can then see what vertex groups and weights are assigned by looking in weight painting mode, test it in game and see how it is. Probably you will be satisfied and not need to do any weightpainting by hand. Use weight painting when there is no preexisting rigged item for that bone or when the result of the script is unwanted as it often can be with skirts or loincloths.
  9. Other! Quest mod is my favorite kind of mods. I hope good luck to you for making it how you imagined. Looking forward to it!
  10. U should try sending pm to puce moose cause he always is making cool stuff with crafted items.
  11. Dismemberment Capsに他のVertex Groupsも決めなっければいけない(Headcap、Neckcap、Blown Ons、Blown Offs)







  12. KURESEさん




  13. Hi! I hope you enjoy making lots of cool stuff in the game! This is a recent thread with links to what your looking for. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/290107-importing-nif-to-blender/
  14. Hi! I would try to go into the ninode for the clip and open the nitransformcontroller\nitransforminterpolator\nitransformdata and in the block list theres the keys listed there. Find the translations one and open up there should be 2 keys and the data is vector. You can try tweaking the values there like reducing the z translation for the key that has the highest z translation. first one or second one i guess it really depends on if the time is positive or negative. I hope it helps u.
  15. Hi! Just cant resist to show the animated gif of snake. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/528/gecksnake.gif
  16. Hi! Ok i just post some screenies of what i got so far, the snakes and bozo bop bag arent textured yet. And i gotta fix the robot doll texture a little bit still also. http://img99.imageshack.us/f/snakes.jpg/ http://img87.imageshack.us/i/bozobopbags.jpg/ http://img217.imageshack.us/i/toyrobot.jpg/
  17. Hi! It is a very good looking cart and i hope you can get it working. Maybe you can have the bighorner wearing that harness thing and then use a script to make the cart follow it around. That way you could make the wheels start turning also when the bighorner starts moving. The idea about tossing items into it and relying on havok to hold em in does not sound like it will work. Because the objects will tunnel through the cart. It would still look good to model some junk and tarps covering bumpy stuff or something inside the cart and have it be a container.
  18. Alright! Now im really confused. :laugh:
  19. Hi! Thank u Ghogiel. Whenever i was looking at some animated nifs i would end up selecting some too complicated one out of bsa to look at, and it would make my eyes rool around! This vdoor one is perfect for learning on and u end up with great of translating, rotating and scaling nifs!
  20. Hi! Toys and gifts is a nice project! I Hope u get lots of good ideas. If you are wanting to make custom stuffed animal mesh rigged to teddy bear skeleton then here is a link with instructions. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/272148-collision-question/ And also Im working on a toy mod and have a few toy ideas, it will include a plugin to add items to some existing shops, but Its mainly intended as modders resouse so i hope you would want to use it when i get it finished. Oh yeah! And this post by Ghogiel U want to look at It gives you the easy way to learn and make animated nifs and its very useful to have in a toy! http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/211325-animated-static-meshes/page__view__findpost__p__1850504 Ok downloaded your mod, Im totaly into it! Anyway. I got this idea, u could have a mascot "creature" thing. It can be like a person or midget inside a kigurumi (stuffed animal looking character suit). This is an effective way to promote the shop to customers.
  21. Hi. Can u explain what your problem was and how u fixed it? Afaik nifty is a program that does something with the bp vertex groups, convert niskininstance to bdismembermentskininstance or something. i never had to use it before for anything and I always just assumed it only existed for before nifscripts was supporting that feature of fo3. I just look and nifty is from 2 years ago. Maybe whatever it is had something to do with the fact 2pac4eva who made this version of body made the last post on nifty comment thread 1 year and 3 months after the previous poster, and he complained about it crashing. Crashing could have been related to the problem of nimaterialproperty was named bip01.
  22. The "skeleton" on clothing outfits and body nifs are just the named nodes for the bones for rigging it, and skeleton.nif is the real skeleton with the havok stuff, transformation stuff and bone hierarchy on it. If you have a problem with it or your animations, it will not be limited to this exported drk-2pex body of yours. Here is a good information on what they look like and how to make them in blender, but you dont put them on clothing. you put em on other stuff like weapons, props, clutter, statics and such. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Blender/Collision#Constraints There is another bounding box looking thingy you see in geck, but it is just the selection box for objects in the world editor. The dismemberment is done with just some separate vertex groups. It affects dismberment, and i think it also affects vats and some other things like visibility of body parts in 1st person view. if your vertex groups are messed up then it would be the skin instance that would cause the arm to produce a gap during animation, but you would be seeing that effect in blender as well as in game. It could be your head and hands causing the problem but only if the ones you are using in game are messed up and not from the bsa, and the ones you are importing are a different set. And you would be using a custom race so as not to observe the issue on other body models. It does not seem likely to me.
  23. If you use the welding tool you wont have to zoom in so far to position the uv. Just get it close enough and run the script but dont have the nipple area or other areas with tight vertex positioning selected, just have the uvs selected that you want to weld to each other. The script will position the uvs on the same spot within the chosen threshhold.
  24. Hi! I was interested in your problem, so i downloaded drk-2pex body and i also downloaded exnem bigger breast body to make comparison and look for problem. There is a problem with nimaterialproperty name of arms01 as reported in this thread. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/176034-drk-2pex-body-replacer-beta-endorsements/page__view__findpost__p__2628357 If you use correct import procedure you will get error nimaterialproperty has no attribute _parent So fix it by removing the reserved name bip01 r upperarm from nimaterialproperty of arms01 There is one other problem unrelated to animation. environment mapping shader flag is not assigned on arms01 I tested it a bit with different poses against other bodys and it seems to deform properly in blender. It should work ingame just fine if you fix these 2 problems.
  25. Hi! Ok in blender when u have the body in try deleting the armature and then import skeleton.nif with an animation atached to it and see if the gaps appear.
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