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Everything posted by baduk

  1. And I had originally been thinking at least u didnt single out any modders work for an example about what you mean. :sad: Personally i really admire his work and i wish he would return to our community. It is not maybe the wrong word.
  2. Hi! Seems like u are on the right path on that.. Whenever i think my uv map is coming out weird i just make more islands. Like i would go and make the handle and spout separated with a seam and make another seam down the middle of each. Then probly separate the top and bottom and the little nub on the top also. putting a seam down the middle of each cylindrical part so it unwraps into a rectangle instead of a ring shape.
  3. Hi! U have something called cube. lol! Anyway hit alt h to unhide stuff cause maybe its hidden, if u use h key it hides stuff. and go into the outliner window, u can switch window with the little dropdown list thingy in the corner of the windows. outliner window gives u a nice list of everything that u have on your blend file.
  4. Hi! Thanks for sharing your tips! I have a question tho. Is it able to use these techniques on skinned armors also?
  5. Hi! Looks to me that there are unweighted vertices on it. But I thought that the newer version of nifscripts at least is yelling at u when u missed vertices, or maybe that was just with the dismemberment vertex grups. Anyway. its the pipboy arm isnt it so u gotta check both versions of the sleeve.
  6. Hi! I hope that your problem is very simple and u can enjoy your working model soon. What is your model? Is it an armor or a static or a wepon or something else? It is important to know the details because different types of things require different settings a lot because of how the game is set up. Anyway if it is an armor or clothing or creature body, it is common to have a problem that your shadow map shader flag is not selected in the bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips node. Please when u ask a question again take some time to explain in greater detail about the problem u are having. If u do not have any ideas on how to provide details on your problem i think it means that u have not researched the issue as much as needed before asking.
  7. Hm. I wonder what caused the problem.. Lol u are a magnet tho for all the issues huh. Sometimes u get artifacts in the normals or something. U can export a body and get these white squigglys. but u dont get so much of em like that. Those ive had before and usually update tangent spaces spell fixes it. One time i had a squiggly on my hair but i couldnt get it off and i had to set tspace flag to 0 tho.
  8. I saw the awsom o 400 on youtube so I hope u can make it work! Ok so for getting into the game and testing, doing all the gecking on it.. I suggest that you use the protectron animations. Import the protectron.nif that u get out of the meshes.bsa Import the armature first and then import the geometry to look and see how its rigged and compare the shape and size. Then u Use bone weight copy script to get the vertex group names from the protectron body mesh. Using control - p and name groups only gives u the bone names and u need the dismemberment stuff also. U also get to get the meatcaps off protectron, That way u wont have to make em yourself, Tho its not so hard i guess. You could alternatively type in the BP dismemberment vertex group names. I dont know which way is faster cause u gotta reweightpaint it to fit your model anyway. And it needs to have a normalmap. Then when u have your nif exported and ready, place it in meshes\creatures\protectron\ folder. this is where the animations and skeleton.nif are located in the archive. Other than that the process is identical to making an armor or clothing outfit so u can refer to a tutorial for that to get your robot in the game.
  9. Hi! Normally i add the nialphaproperty by right clicing on the nitristrips node node > add property > nialphaproperty. The flags value probly defaults to 237 or whatever it is.. change that to 4845 is the normal number to use. Different flag value can be used if u have problem going in water or something. I have problem going in water so i used 4846 instead but,. I am only sure its good for my system with hd4850 on it. I dont know about other system. Anyway on nifskope i have difficulty seeing the effect of the normalmap, i dont think it renders it the same as the game. Looks like your problem is the normalmap. How is it u created that? I create my normalmaps out of the color texture in photoshop. I got artifacts from baking it in blender so i havent tried it recently. There is this normaalmap making tool called ndo That is easy to accidentaly make the normalmap too severe and it could look like this sometimes. Also the alpha channel of the normalmap is gonna control the intensity of light reflection on it. Ok and also it could be with the material property settings, there is a material property inside of the nitristrips block also. Select it and look around. u got specular and emissive color settings that usually u just set em to black. Then there is glossiness setting That is controlling the scale of light reflection on it. its called specularity, so if u read that somewhere. I hope that it helps u fix your texture!
  10. Hi! I am not knowing what looks like a chap prostitute in your eyes. The best advice i can give you is to design some outfits that is what you are looking for. And make em, but u know it takes some time and effort.
  11. Hi! I am not a blendre pro or anything, but Im doing something like what u are saying so i only figured out a little stuff so far but i can let u know what. On my companion creature first i rigged it to the existing skeleton, the skeleton is reasonably different from the shape of the body. I can only use the upper arm bones when rigging the arms cause it makes the arm stretch too much. This makes the creature working just fine but with limited arm mobility, and only having animations for the vanilla creature, i am using it right now for testing other parts of the mod. I did make changes to the skeleton so it fits the body tho. Modifying the location of the clavicles and changed rotation on clavicles and thighs. So i have a modifyed skeleton and a rerigged body to use for later. I moved and rotated those bones, and i also made same changes to nitransforminterpolater thats inside the nitransformcontroller of the bones, then the ragdoll constraints were messed up so i use right click havok > a - > b to fix it. The child bones updated correctly but the nitransforminterpolaters ended up slightly off, so i gotta go back and fix those still. I dont know what else i may be missing. I think having the modified skeleton is only useful tho when my creature has died. because it is always at least on mtidle if it is alive. I did notice i am having an issue when i was trying to alter the mtidle animation it will play that animation in geck but. for somereason in game my creature would just stand there and do mtidle. It wouldnt move around, so i gotta figure out whats causing that. Maybe i have to have a good finished set of animations for getting that to work. I still have to learn how to use the action editor in blender tho. For my project i can just use the vanilla animations as a base to work off so it probably makes it a lot easier. I think i am supposed to duplicate the existing animation and modify the duplicate so i can easily see what changes i am making. Anyway, good luck with your thing tho! I hope u will share what u learn also.
  12. Hi! U want to paste new to old. And what do you mean by wrong place? Is the block in the wrong place in the node hierarchy? or is it the location of the mesh? Node hierarchy is easy if you remove just the nitristripsdata from the inside of the nitristrips data block on the original nif then select the nitristrips data block and paste your modified nitristrips data into the geometry section of the block details window.
  13. Hi! Its good timing for your question as there is this new thread that maybe some other people will offer rigging tips on. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/287629-avoiding-clipping-with-armor-meshes/ The main clipping issue you will find in your sneaking pose. since you have a double layer skirt. First of all you can shorten the under layer skirt if it is not too conspicuous, you will only see the underskirt terminate prematurely if you look up the skirt. You can fade it out to transparency also, I have used alpha transparency to help remove clipping issues before. It is just like cutting out part of the underskirt but it does not appear so abruptly when seen from the other side. When using bone weight copy on the skirt you can first copy weights to an intermediate mesh and then to the skirt to get a different result. It is tricky to rig skirts in a way that mininizes stretching and still eliminating any clipping. So its particularly useful to import skeleton.nif with animation or posing while tweaking weights. If the butt is a problem cliping also you can move it forward, shrink it, or you can add large bloomer style underwear to occlude everything from further down the thigh, and just remove the geometry above that point. It is going to be the pelvic bone influence that pushes the underskirt through the outer skirt. be reducing the weight by small amounts with x mirroring on you can tweak this effect.
  14. Hi! I really havent worked on so many meshes before, but i got some ideas that might help you. My current outfits are having very good rigging because i care about the issue. When i make my outfit i test em in game with the body geometry underneath just cause i feel that it helps the clothing move as if there is really an arm underneath it. if the mesh topology of the body and the clothing over it are almost the same they should deform almost the same. ITs not practical so i would just add subdivisions to the joint areas. instead of expanding armor and clothing parts the body underneath can be shrunken or offset in a problem area. IT is good to import skeleton.nif with animation attached to simulate what it is like in game. You can tweak the rigging in weightpaint mode with x mirroring on while the mesh is deformed into a pose. You can also move the skeleton around manually if u want to look at something specific. Although i think u can only import one animation with skeleton.nif If u want u can import more animations by importing the animation datablock from another blend file. Or maybe u just keep reimporting skeleton with different animations on it works also.
  15. Yea, u gotta do that but also. add windows environment mapping shader flag . U add em in bsshaderpplightingproperties of the nitristrips block for the showing skin part of your mesh. its in the block details window. doubleclick on the value section there and if u dont see a down arrow appear u gotta scrool right to get it. The other shader flags on it just leave em like they are its fine cause im assuming u exported this along with the clothing and the clothing is using cloth shader settings. btw, Glad to see uare geting stuff into the game! looking good!
  16. Hi! Sorry but i havent released it yet cause its far from being done. I havent even gotten the creatureref.openteammatecontainer 1 command to work yet. For my greeting topic i got it with priority 90 default conditions is the getisid creature:mycreatureref ==1 stuff in there and then its got the other topics all listed in the choices box there. The topics have the same conditions on em and top level topic text and response and changing the quest variable that switches the ai package. my creature has allow pc dialogue checked , follower faction, player faction and teammate faction on it. seems like in the game u can talk to lots of different factions so i dont know if that matters but u could try changing it. in the creatureref editing window there is a little dialogue button u can click tho to see what dialogue can happen for it.
  17. Hi@ I think its a lot easier for you to make it in the right place than to export it with the animation! U can right click on the nitristrips node and >transform > edit and change the position. You can try changing the position to xyz000 for the door part before exporting also. hit n and in the transform proprties window change the location xyz all to 0 If its too big or too small u can change the scale of it also. If it is so easy to create animated nifs from scratch u will see so many wacko moving around nif mods it make u dizzy in the game im serious! when the geometry data is pasted on the right node then it wil have the same animation as the original nif did.
  18. Hi! Haha u again! :wallbash: -> :teehee: -> :turned: -> :wacko: -> :sick: -> :yucky: Loking at your pic there u got these nitristrips nodes called bip01 etc and there is a funky node sticking out to the left of your nif! ITs good to name your mesh objects in blender what u want em to be called so its easier to know what is where and everything. Bip01 is a reserved name tho so u cant call any part of your armor that. its for the armature names. I cant tell unless u expand it if there is important tristrips data inside of the misnamed nitristrips nodes. But it wont work if u dont remove them. Try deleting all the nitristrip nods with bip01 name on them. save it as a different nif name then if that makes u be lacking bone markers it wont work. import the new nif back into blender, delete the armature and import new one from the bodymesh nif u are using. If u found that u are missing important geometrys then u want to use your old nif and rename the nitristrips nodes. Having one node thingy shown off to the left may be just that the center of your dress is located there. or something like that which shouldnt matter since it is parented to the armature. So anyway keep your nif clean and rename the parts and stuff until it works!
  19. Nono. U can remove that control panel just fine. U just remove the control panel with blender and export the nif. then u replace the origina mesh data with the one u exported. just use nifskope to remove the tristrips data from the original nif then u select the nitristrps node and look in block data. copy the tristrips data u exported onto the geometry data spot in the block data and save your edited nif.
  20. Hi! For detailed normals it is replacing normalmaps around the world so u need to download fallout mod manager and use it to activate archive invalidation invalidated. I am gonna recommend that u go and package the mods into fomod and use the mod manager to install em cause youl be glad in the long run that way.
  21. Hi! I like fire emblem very much! there is a black knight armor made on oblivion also. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30371 It even has a skeletonbeast tail rigging on the cape! I was looking at it and I decided I wanted to make a fire emblem armor for oblivion also, so I started on my armor. U can see pic of it. WIP Its on back burner tho cause i got some fnv projects im on. I was thinking about how it should be put in the game tho. should it be like that orc guy that goes "I scour the land seeking fortune for gorworg and orsinium!" But if u make quest for fe then its even better. Anyway, that there is other people interested in it is going to help me be motivated to work on the armor! It is needing a lot of work to complete. But i hope that u can tell what its supposed to be!!! Oh yes and it does require embelishments to be made for an oblivion armor because the lod is higher in oblivion especialy for modded stuff. And um. instead of email isnt it ok to use a thread or this one? That way other people might get involved u know. I put this thread on watch anyway ok.
  22. Hi! I think u can start on whatever u want! Some people say that its good to start with cs but i think on cs wel u can sure make lots of stuff with it and u can keep making different kinds of stuff with cs. Its probably best if u want to make quests and make places. Or say u start with blendering, u need just a little bit of cs to make it into your game but that part is so basic that its not really a comitment to learn. I think the blendering is going to make u need to be good at texturing also tho. texturing is the most important thing to make what u make look nice. Its good for if u are interested in making your art into the game. Whatever is interesting u can focus on and then branch out from there when u feel u need something to be able to make what u want. I hope they keep using nifs on skyrim but i dont know if they will. i like nifs cause u can find out about them and make em work but they are always still mysterious.
  23. I dont know at all. I am just very basic with my gecking! But i am making also a pet mod and i had the same sounding thing happen to me and when i put the greeting topic on it made it work.
  24. Hi! What is it u want to change on the door in blender? If its just the shape of the door then u can export it and then copy the modified tristrips data onto the old door nif that still has the animation on it. Just make sure its on the controled node and replacing the old door .
  25. Hi! I think you are describing the situation where you have not added the greeting topic. Its strange to have to use a preexisting reference but I guess the GREETING topic is just a special one and it will make the creature respond when u activate them to begin conversation.
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