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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Hi! Why did the bolt disappear? I omitted the part about fixing shader stuff for the bsshaderpplightingproperty u added, maybe that was the reason, sorry. So Anyway about the animations being applied in the game i think that means that the nicontrollermanager is applied in the game for weapons. And i dont know if the nicontrollermanager is adding nitransformcontrollers that override the ones in the existing nif, if it does then this may not work. If you look inside the nitransformdata of the nitransformcontroller you can see that there are translation, scale and rotation keys, I think that when the game calls for the reloading animation to occur it plays these transformations. You can try comparing the values on the bolt one to the values on a similar weapon that you might find in the bsa. If there are no translation keys you can type 2 in the num keys field and then click on the green circle arrow thingy to refresh the list. You only need 2 keys for the simple translation movement and the game will interpolate points inbetween. Put in the time value on the first key and then copy the translation from the working nif probably some -y value for vector i guess. One key is going to have all 0 values and the other u want to put in a change. I really dont know if that works unless i try it. hope that it is helping you.
  2. Hi! Yeah you can go in geck and then theres some lists of different things. Its a static object so u want to go into that list and add a new reference with the right click in the list. Then you can name it and select the nif in your folder and everything! I know very little about geck but maybe you need to make it an activator to get a script to run off it.. Yeah that thing about it playing piano songs would work. Try adding a new activator instead of static object and stuff. You then would need to get a colection of legal piano songs to use, add the sounds to game in geck as sound refs, and write a script to display a menu and play the chosen song.
  3. Dang just lost my post. Umm.. where was i. If u look carefully at the node list then you can see that there are 3 animated nodes on the gun, trigger, bolt and clip Except for the ##bolt ninode, each of them has a nitransformcontroller in em and a nitristrips node. The nitristrips node ##bolt:0 u have expanded is a direct child of bsfadenode atm. I read in a niftools forum post by saiden that i cannot locate atm. That some weapon nifs have animations on them but those are ignored by the game. The character animations involving weapons in the game overrides any animation on the nif. It would be cool if otherwise, but no such luck. So anyway. I would just right click > node > add node > nitristrips on the ninode named ##bolt. Then add nimaterialproperty and bsshaderpplightingproperty to the added ninode, name it ##bolt:0 then copy the nitristripsdata from the existing ##bolt:0 nitristrips node into the geometry data field of the one you just added, copy bsshadertextureset into the bsshaderpplightingproperty textureset field. and then remove the old ##bolt:0 block. Maybe i am missing some quick and simple way to parent and unparent nodes in nifskope. Wouldnt mind to hear how to do that .
  4. Hi! Ok well it sounds like your question is very much similar to another question that i answered yesterday, so please look on that thread its a couple threads down. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/291816-nif-mods-dont-display-in-fnv/ Now if you have some other questions or specific issues like getting the animated parts to be working then pleae ask additional questions!
  5. Hi! Ok i dont really know what your operation will do in the game. The model was originally created in quads and then it was triangulated and strippified on export. So now you want to change the orientation of a set of triangles on a face that was originally a quad? Ok so you deleted the faces and recreated them . Does this affect strippification? Maybe any performance loss from this modification is negligible. i really have no idea. You can use this script to weld uvs back together once you have them positioned correctly. Please select only the uv vertices and the ones you want to join before using the script or you very well may end up welding your nipple uvs all together! http://glender.hybird.org/ scrool down for uv tool. but u probly want to pick up some other scripts also especialy the geom tool.
  6. Hi! Yeah its kind of tedious to arrange your uv maps and stuff. IT is sort of a strategic exercise to choose where to put your seams for unwrapping. I would try on your model to first separate the center quad cause it gives a point of reference. then maybe put a seam to separate the side parts and the bottom parts. Then i will select all vertices and unwrap at once. And then i will select only the parts i was unhappy with the way they unwrapped and re unwrap em, maybe with changing seams or something. I will make sure i am happy with the scale and proportions of existing uvs, always keeping in mind what part is what. If the uv is unrecognizeable you can go into face select mode and select faces in different places to identify what is what. There is one script for em ive been using . Uv tool from here has a script that rotates uv islands so they are facing a certain way (i think in regard to global space) then ther is another one that welds uvs together for when u want to stack em directly ontop of each other. It has another script also that i find quite useful for mesh work. http://glender.hybird.org/ I dont know about other uv scripts, havent really been looking. maybe there is some other great scripts to find! If u find something please post about it.
  7. Hi! I was hoping someone would come along and offer a fresh perspective on the issue. but its been a couple days. Ok if you havent solved it yet, then if u pm me a link to the nif i can have a look at it, get it working in game or whatever and let u know what is wrong. I just didnt see anything else on the screenshots you posted, but maybe tinkering with it a little will help me understand whats going on.
  8. Hi! So i take it u are making a gun modification? And the part u are adding is not one of the animated components? Make sure nifskope view menu is showing block list with treeview display and block details window. Ok, so u export your part for modification of weapon, Ur exported nif is having a bsfadenode root? Then look at bsshaderpplightingproperty for the nitristrips block and make sure its default shader with just empty and unknown 31 shader flags. I think that it lets you then copy the entire block over to the existing weapon nif. Ive been doing things different tho, I use right click on bsfadenode root > node > add node > nitristrips then i add bsshaderpplightingproperty and nimaterialproperty. then copy just the nitristripsdata from the exported nif into where it says data geometry data ptr there in the block details of the nitristrips block u added. Then copy the bsshadertextureset over to the textureset field in the bsshaderpplightingproperty, then set the shader and shader flags as i explained above. Try doing that process, if it didnt work for u try the other way, then if its not working please post screenshots of your nif file and we can see if there is some other problem going on.
  9. Hi! Ok u can pm me the link or something, I will look at the model and then i can explain better how u can fix yours. I think we can get it working good ok.
  10. Hi! Lol this thread just wont die will it! I really cannot comprehend why anyone wants to force others to play the game vanilla aside from some base urge to exert control over people. I think this responsible and accomplished modding community is a great asset to bethesda. And they publish such a statement to reassure us of what we can look forward to. Mods provide valuable r&d for bethesda, from information about content that people enjoy having in their game to new gameplay concepts that they can implement in future games.
  11. Oh i think i see, if u just remove the reference entirely u lose desired work in the area also huh. I really dont know how world building works tho. maybe someone will be of more help to you. I hope that when you get things cleared up, u start making backup save files! I think just doing that will keep you from experiencing this problem again.
  12. Hi! Did you try yourself looking in fnvedit? The main benefit of fnvedit is how all the references are displayed in a treeview and each reference also will bring up a display on what is conflicting or overriden. So when you look at your plugin in the worldspaces section you should see the entry and the corresponding vanilla entry right next to it. Its much different than how it looks in geck and a lot easier to find what you are looking for!
  13. Hi! There is a nice grand piano model for fo3 here. It works on nv also. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13746 Not to say there is no need for more! Maybe an upright piano or a pipe organ tho?
  14. Hi! I never make building but i loked quicly at the nifs. Ok u got regular static nif with default shaders flags empty and unknown 31. It has static collision object on it. U can make all that stuff in blender. Also it has a distant lod nif which is super lowpoly version with low res texture and its got no colision on it. It has same kinda nitristrips block and file name with _lod.nif on the end and in same location, dono if that matters. I think u can just set up the ref in geck and then start using it. So when you learn how to make object with blender and into game then this becomes fairly straightforward. Look at fallout 3 mod talk sticky topics for lots of tutorials and stuff cause its gonna work for new vegas also! http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/287-fallout-3-mod-talk/
  15. Hi! It is possible that your problem is completely different one! Ok so theres different kinds of colision in the game and its used for different kinds of objects. U can see the color of the colision box to see what type of one it is, its called oblivion layer. Haha funny name, sounds like something they would be studying in chorrol mage guild. Here is a reference link. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Oblivion/Bhk_Objects/Layer I think for rolling around molecule u are gona want clutter or prop so it should be blue or magenta ones. U can copy the settings from a vanilla nif but u gota have the right kind of nif first! Yeah set up the motion system and motion quality and solver and that other stuff and see if it works! Also for export settings when u make em in blender, Look on the top of the middle column, it has some handy presets that you can use to set most of the stuff up just the way you need from the beginning!
  16. Hi! I am realy looking forward to your mod it all looks so flavorful and stylish! anyway. I think that nistencilproperty is good for inside of coat or whatever but u may find yourself dissatisfied with the specular properties of the other side. I have heard that material settings like glossiness and specular color and stuff. dont act the same , u can test it by flipping normals on just one poly of your mesh and look at how it looks with different settings. Ok so there is a way to deal with this! What u do is you make it single sided, and duplicate the mesh in blender (shift d). Then for the duplicated part only recalculate normals inside (control shift n) so u have 2 meshes on the same spot but they have normals facing opposite directions! U can check it by turning on cactus view ( draw normals in button window edit panel mesh tools tab) You can just choose one vertex and select linked vertices (control L) IT can even allow you to place a different uv map on the other side of the hat so you can benefit in more ways than one. the drawback is polygon count.
  17. Hi! Ok when u export your swrod from the max then make sure u have chosen default shader presets. This is including default shader and shader flags of zbuffer test, empty, and unknown 31. U also want to make it have using bsfadenode root. I think this will avoid mapping problem when pasting in nifskope. Ok. the reason you wil want to copy to another nif is to get the decal placement vector groups For when blood spaters on it. Also you can use the colision model for existing weapon for now, Make your own after you are having this working in game. Ok so for the nifskope part all u gotta do is find a weapon nif out of the vanilla bsa archive. You can use a sword nif or a baseball bat or knife one or whatever. open it up and open up the exported nif., Make sure that in view menu of nifskope you select block list and block details window and set block list to display in tree. find the nitristrips block for the weapon geometry of the target nif. (the one you extracted from bsa) find the nitristripsdata inside it and delete that. find the nitristripsdata for your weapon geometry of ffvii sword. copy that and then selecting nitristrips bloc on target nif look in block details. You will see where it says data geometrydata ptr and paste it into there. that makes the weapon geometry of ffvii appear in the target nif! set the textures for your new weapon and save the nif and admire it in geck! After you get all that working fine you can do stuff like copying to differetnt nifs to see if u can get blood decals to appear how u want and making a custom colision mesh for the weapon and adding a cube map to it or whatever it is u do to make it awesome.
  18. Hi! I just want to add that when you attach the nialphaproperty the flags defaults to 237 and you should consider 4845 as being the standard flag settings for most stuff. Look into the bsa file for an example of the type of thing, transparent headgear in fallout 3 is 4333 for example. And I changed flags on my outfit to 4846 while playtesting to fix alpha blending problem with world transparency such as entering water. Then you can see below the flags that there is a threshhold setting. depending on what you set flags to the transparency threshhold will change and you can tweak it with this value.
  19. Hi! I never looked at your link at all. It turns out to be not a regular mod, just a fomod conversion system. I never used something like that, and the only scripts i ever messed around with are geck ones. Yes you need to download actual mods, go ahead and decide what mods you want instead of getting them only from that list though. My guess is the generic fomod conversion script just tells fomm which folder is the root folder, and maybe discards unnecessary files. if there are optional files or a peculiar folder structure it would need a customized script that may include menus to choose options during fomod activation. All of this can be done manually and packed into a simplistic fomod for use with fomm, and thats what i have always done. tbh, im not a huge fan of fomod only releases either cause when i need to use the contents of a fomod for modding resources or references I must use fomm to edit and browse to the temp directory to get the files. Because unless they are using a bsa file my data folders are so full of stuff i cant find anything!
  20. Hi! I think maybe its in your shader settings that can cause the bannister not appearing. look on the bsshaderpplightingproperty of the bannister nitristrips block. On the block details on that you need shader default and shader flags of empty and unknown 31. zbuffer test shader flag is optional, I dont think u need it on that model.
  21. Hi! You seem to have been trying for a while to recruit people for helping you with your project. It is a potential way for someone to learn how to do modding stuff while contributing to your project, so Try posting in this thread and there may be a mutually benefiicial outcome. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/269597-how-to-become-a-modder/
  22. Hi! I understand that 3dsmax nifscripts exporting control panel thingy is looking different than blender one! But anyway, the thing i am thinking is in geck u are seeing the flat plane, is the xy plane at z0 that depicts the ground? It is just a default plane that helps to see orientation of the model instead of having axes displayed. Ok lets see if you only have 1 problem, I dont know about your colision mesh moving, it is red and that is good for a static object that u have. Please find the option for "use bsfadenode root" and try that. the nifs that are having colision on em are using bsfadenode instead of ninode root. We can see if there is any problem remaining after this.
  23. Hi! Here is an instruction just focusing on using the bone weight copy script. I dont know what script you used but when i used bone weight copy it just gives an error if both objects are already rigged. so. the one objct that you need to get rigged properly, u have to remove all the skinning data from, just delete each vertex group. And then what you do is in object mode select first the clothing object u want to rig, hold shift and select the object u want to copy weights from ( often it will be the body mesh that the outfit is for.) Then you go to object > scripts > bone weight copy. A little dialog comes up where you ca specify quality, and set that to 3 ( i guess 4 is better but it crashes on my system. i guess u ned powerful system for that.) there is other button called no x crossing, only need to select that if your doing pants or something like that rigged to leg bones with separate parts that you dont want bone heat crossing over on. This will assign vertex groups and approximate bone influence for each vertex on your clothing object so it will move (deform) properly along with the body and other clothing stuff during animation. It also will assign the dismemberment vertex groups. Ok so. We can worry about tweaking the weights later, just get this working first!
  24. baduk

    importing a kf

    Hi! Thanks a lot fore for these links and your pitfall tutorial! Im agona be able to work on my project much smoother with this help. Good luck to u also Nadimos!
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