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Everything posted by baduk

  1. on photoshop. U go just like adding a new layer. but u have the channels tab selected instead., Then it will let ua dd chanel and make it an alpha one.
  2. Hi! Noap! cant tell a darned thing from what u got there! Except that on the surface it looks fine. U know u can turn on the show blok details list and ur gonna want that on also. Both block list with tree view and block details is the way to go! btw.. do exactly what Quetzlsacatanango told u to do and then when u wanta check it in geck make sure its located in your data\meshes\ folder area. Ok and about datablocks. thats just what all the data in blend files is separated into. its in Blender. material datablocks, geometry datablocs, animation datablocs, etc. What i mean is that once i saw someone who had 8 materials set for the same object in blender. the 8th material setting was set up mostly right, but the other 7 ones were blank. That blend was exported and created 8 separate nitristrips blocks in the nif all with the same mesh on em, and only one of those had a texture. U can set or remove the material on it in the buttons window, edit tab, link and materials panel.
  3. Hi! Make sure to check the material datablocks for each object in there if ur joining em. Because nifscripts is gona separate the objects that have a different material assigned to them. The material includes what texture file is on it so if its using different textures then u cant join em. Unless you edit the textures and move the uv maps around also. It is very odd to have 10 separate nitristrips blocs on your nif tho! Again, check the material datablocks and remove any extra ones you may have added on accident. Woups! u posted right while i was posting. Wheres your screenshots? Your eclamation mark thingy can be caused by some stuff. like improper node herarchy or just having it in the wrong spot.
  4. Hi! Yea its easy and extremely useful to do this stuff. What u do is on your diffuse (color) texture. open it up and add alpha channel. Edit the alpha channel so that the outside areas is all black, and only the part that u want to have showing is white. If u use gray then it will appear translucent and stuff. so u can experiment with that. Then on the nitristrips block for where the texture is applied on u right click > add property > nialphaproperty. In the nialphaproperty change the flags from 237 or whatever it is by default to. 4845 its what u use most normally. 4844 i saw on a sign nif tho so that might be good, and 4846 i use on my clothing to fix rendering problems i was having. i dont really know what the number means tho. Then there is a threshhold that u can change, from 0 to dunno, 0 probly works just fine to u. the higher the threshold, the more shades of gray will be transparent, and i guess u can make even the white part transparent if u wanted to.
  5. Hi! I think most people dont use the texture set feature on geck. Maybe if your having problem with it then just use nifskope instead cause that way is reall easy to do and u get used to using nifskope. Then when u want to do more stuff to a model u at least have become somewhat familiar with nifskope.
  6. I dont really care about the issue. I didnt vote. I loked at some of the stuffs people are writing about it. seems like everyone agrees on most important premise. Its bad to make children more violent and its good to make children less violent. I think its kind of interesting tho. How we normal and regular thinking people can be so enthusiastic about preventing our kids from becoming violent. IT is actually our system of perpetuating hypocrisy. Our everyday actions condone violence and the societies of the world are steeped through and through with violent cultural stuff. We are concerned with bringing our children up to be peaceful and kind, as they try to comprehend the world they are living in. Of course they become as confused as we are and face a similar confusion when it comes to bringing up their children.
  7. Hi! Thats a weird nif. Couldnt understand what u were describing without seeing it for myself. Anyway the text is on a separate mesh in the second of the 2 nitristrips blocs. IF u want to make that part wider u have to select the second tristrips block, the one with just the black text texture on it. Right click > transform > scale vertices and scale it to 2 on x axis to widen it enough to fill the pane. Or scale it to whatever looks rigt for u. U can only scale it on the x axis tho cause the panel is runing diagonaly on the z axis. unless u want to scale it on the z axis and then rotate it on the x axis to get it lined up parallel again. oh.. doh i forgot about the other side. yea um if u want to make the letters taller u gotta make a new text pane mesh in blender thats taller. Or maybe u can just delete the text mesh and edit the texture and glowmap to get the text written on it. I think they had it set up that way so they can switch out the text part easy or soemthign but. its weird they put another set of textures for the text part. cause they put the text textures on the bottom of the other texture also.
  8. Ah well thats good news and good luck! I was thinking since the nipple is on the arm they sure made a lot of changes between v2 and v3! lol
  9. Hi! I dont know what tut u looked at but for explanation of em and building em from scratch i guess u wanta look on this page. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Basic_Animation_Tutorial I toyed around with it for a while but i managed to choose pretty complicated nifs to extract and look at. lol But I did just see a nice post by ghogiel about making one out of a door! http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/211325-animated-static-meshes/ Anyway whenever i gotta make one im gonna do the door thing for starters. its probly what ur looking for also.
  10. Hi! Yeah creapy arm nipple lol. thats what people get from all the rads. Anyway its from the skin shaders on the skin showing part of your outfit. if u change it to use shader default and turn off the window environment maping shader flag and stuff it makes your arm nipple go away, but then its not using the skin shader anymore. and maybe it doesnt look good in certain lighting conditions.Shader settings are located in the bsshaderpplightingproperty. So what u can do is import into blender and replace the arms01 with the new bodys arms01. then u get the correct uv maps all on the arms part. U still want to go in and remove the geometry that would otherwise be hidden under the armor and everything. duno whats all the differences between the bodys tho. it might have different weights so make sure the bone deformation is ok. u can delete the armature and import skeleton nif and move it around to check that. or import the skeleton with an animation on it. or u can go ahead and remove the skinning data all the way and use bone weight copy script from the full new body to get it rigged right. that can maybe cause issues if u have parts of that outfit that need to be rigged by hand. Anyway, when u export it all now its got the right uv maps and no more arm nipple. even when u have skin shaders for the arms01!
  11. Ok. U got further along :) Yea so u got your weaponin the game and its showing up in geck sounds real good. Extract a similar weapon from the meshes.bsa with fomm and open that with nifskope. Is it a gun or a melee weapon? U can see the boxy thing around it and thats the collision mesh. Also u can see all these lines sticking out in different directions if its a melee weapon. those are for the blod decals. Guns are gona have other stuff like transform controllers for the reloading animation and the projectile node on em. I dont know how to set up a weapon from scratch, but u can open the nitrishape node of the weapon u extracted and remove the nitrishapedata from it. then open the nif for your item and copy the nitrishape data from your weapon and paste it into the data spot in the block details of the nitrishape that u just cleared out. Then open the bsshaderpplightingproperty and remove the bsshadertextureset from it. do the same and copy your bsshadertextureset into the block details for the bsshaderpplightingproperty on the target nif. this way you end up with the new mesh u made and the texture set and everything stuck onto the nif u extracted from the bsa. u can save that nif as the name u want for your weapon. You could do someother stuff like making a different collision mesh for it or whatever but the nif is basically ready to work in the game at this point.
  12. Hi! First of all u have your file set to hidden so nobody can download it! Anyway. To get a texture to fit onto your mesh, Open up a uv image editor window in blender. U gotta make a uv map for it. in edit mode if you hit u and select unwrap it makes the uv map for you. Its all the faces of your mesh laid out flat on a 2 dimensional picture. Uou can make seams on some edges of your mesh to change how it flattens out. think of it like cutting edges of a cardboard box to make it easy to flaten it out. Just select the edges u want to make seams on and hit ctrl - e and they will turn orange. then unwrap it. Go into uv menu of uv image editor window and choose scripts > save uv face layout. IT will save the image of your uv so you can use as a texturing guide for it. In the link and materials panel of the editing tab of buttons window when your in edit mode u can select the material datablock. You gotta set up your material datablock so goto texture panel of shading tab of buttons window and make it have 2 textures on it, map imput panel tab: change both to uv, Map to panel tab top one to color and bottom one to normal. Now its set up and when u finish your texture it can be applied to your mesh. Just take it one step at a time ok.
  13. Hi! So I am making this mod with a companion pet. I call him beany cause i was going to call him benny but there is npc called that and also it makes u think of those stuffed animals with the beans in their hands, feet, and butt to give added weight. He is only about as tall as regular teddybear and cant run very fast so i can make it so u can tell him to hop into your inventory when danger approaches or something. Here is beany! He is looking very cute in the game and walks around and stuff. But his arms dont move as much as i want because i had to rig it weird to the protectron skeleton. So I decided to try changing the skeleton to fit his body more. My hopeful attempt. I think its gonna work just fine and I rigged the body better to this skeleton version so it moves how i want now. But now i have a problem! Pictured with protectron mtidle.kf In nifskope when i attach the animation it is moving just how i wanted it to! But In geck and when i import the mtidle.kf in blender with beanys skeleton It lost the changes i made to the skeleton! So first of all, Why does it work so good in nifskope? When i use attach animation spell it creates this nicontrollermanager thingy under the first bip01 node. Under that some stuffs is created like niMultiTargetTransformController and niDefaultAVObjectPalette. I dont know what those are! Also under it is the mtidle.kf nicontrollersequence and i dont think its changed at all. I think something else in that nicontrollermanager is making it work in nifskope. Ok so if i can figure out how to update or somehow prepare the skeleton for use in geck it lets the animations work with it? Or do i have to make new kf for every action of beany? I can use modified skeleton as guide to adjust the starting position for each animation. So far i dont know how to do all that fancy animation stuff. If i move the clavicles and hit apply as restpose, it moves em back forward again and its rotated all weird for the rest of the animation. I can probably figure that out somehow, but point me in the right direction if u know about this. Its just that since it works so good in nifskope i want to know why its different in geck and in blender! I think its in the nicontrollermanager but that does not exist in the kf file and i guess i can give up on that if the skeletons used in the game is a hardcoded part of the engine. But if thats true then why isnt it working when i put it into blender? So yeah im all confused about it, I hope someone can shed light on my problems.
  14. Hi! I never done that before, but i might want to adapt my finished outfit to some other body when im finished. I would import the target body and set its drawtype to wireframe so i can see what im doing. Select the 2 vertices and pull with proportional editing and get the general shape. It would be nice to just delete half of it and mirror it later but that can mess up the uv map. maybe select half of your outfit and hit p for making it into 2 separate objects. Add lattice and modifier to the one object to fine tune the shape. Maybe you can mirror the lattice to apply same deformation to other side. Or just mirror the lattice prior to deformation, separate it and keep track of changes you make then apply same changes to the other side. It can be also useful to apply testing texture to your outfit to make sure u dont accientaly distort the uv mapping too much and make it look bad. If you end up with some vertices from each side pulling apart you can use 3d cursor to find the middle and snap em to it.
  15. Its too bad u gota sign up cause maybe people wont participate then. I like blood and mud so much that i registered anyway just to vote for it!
  16. Hi! Your problems with the nif file itself. Sorry but i am completely lost when i look on a oblivion nif. What i would do iss download the original aigis armor and open that one and the one u want in nifskope. Then compare them and set the broken one all up the way the original one is and then it will work fine. Oh and check the texture sizes also cause it wont render properly with wrong texture compression. I think it might depend on how u set up the nif also, what kind of texture compresion u can use.
  17. Hi! Last time i exported hair. I have it set for fo3 u know and then turned Left collumn: off export skin partition off strippify geometries off stitch strips Right collumn: on default presets button on shadow frustum off use bsfadenode off export dismember body parts Then i had to nifskope it, right click nitrishape called hat > flags > hidden Just to ignore it u know :tongue: nitrishape called nohat: bsshaderpplightingproperty turn on non_projective_shadows shader flag. Uhm.. I think thats all and on my hair it is wokring fine. Some other stuff cause i have remaining questions about hair. This hair is not original hair creation. I just make edit to it so it wont clip my shoulder and stuff. nohat is not having nistencilproperty, the geometry is duplicated and duplicated half is normals facing other way. nohat is not having nialphaproperty, I would have guessed it should have this but it is working fine without it It could be that this is the regular way for hair, but on other hair is having some differences. Or that the hair is originally created with different techinique using older nifscripts or something. When i use stealth boy hair pops off and is sitting on various places, even lands itself on other npcs head. :laugh: but its back on the way its supposed to be when stealth boy wears off. So i still have those questions about hair but i could go back and experiment with using stencil property and try to figure out how it gets alpha without nialphaproperty! Take existing hair nif that you think is a good one and compare your result nif to it is good way to make it work to begin with. Oh yeah and dont forget u gotta make egm files for it with conformulator. the egm is gonna be same name as the hair nif plus nitrishape name. hairnamehat.egm and hairnamenohat.egm
  18. Looking good! Yeah i came across a confirmation about the transform > apply thingy for the bounding box error. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=266
  19. baduk

    Humanlike aliens

    I like more the less antrhopomorphic design for an alien character cause its more interesting. There is some examples of em where the artist is basing the character design from octopus or insect or something. But anyway about whats out there. I dont think its ridiculous to imagine that there is alien entity around somewhere that does not recognize earth life as something that fits their concept of life. We probly wouldnt consider them alive either tho.
  20. Hi! I dunno. U seem to have a talent to make something easy sound so hard! :geek: How about the filename of your fomod? Yea add fomod it just works on any .fomod file and the fomm is gonna put a copy of the file into the mods folder thats inside the main game folder. but i dont think its good to have extra period in the filename. so make it called Shiloh DS - DS-CORE 102 Beta.fomod or something like that (-CORE 1.02 Beta.fom <-just get rid of the extra period) Create from folder button is for when u want to install your mod as a fomod but its not packed into a fomod yet. U should do this everytime when its not a fomod already!
  21. I really dont know anything about that stuff cause i never made levels or anything in geck. It was bothering me tho so i found a thread here. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/116688-oblivion-nif-statics-to-fallout-nif-statics/ They say its the selection box for geck and maybe it gets fixed if u right click > transform > apply in nifskope.
  22. Hi! Glad u fixed your problem. I think lots of people have had this issue cause i have heard baut it before. Its good to have the thread remain for future reference of people! U even provided a screenshot to show what the issue may look like. Infact last time i had a screwed up mesh problem that is like your one it was from making something for oblivion instead of fallout. I sure did try using a different skeleton. It was infact my texture compression was not the right kind. I try to remember to suggest using another set of bone markers as a potential solution next time!
  23. Yes u need to make the colision object. U can make it just a simple box that surrounds it or u can make it a convex shape that tapers a bit on the top so objects landing on top dont just sit there. It is a simple mesh with less poly is better. Separate object u can call it collision or something. Its this link u need to look at there even is screenys to show what to do. http://niftools.sour...ender/Collision Anyway, I retype the collision instructions more explicitly. U just change a few settings for this particular object, as it is not a visible object. On buttons window: object tab (f7) draw panel. Box if box or polyhedron if u make it convex hull prototype(yea funny name, thats just what its called in the list). And set the object so it has collision properties. U go on the logic tab in buttons window (f4, its the one that looks like pacman :turned: ) On the left there is button to click that says "bounds" Then choose from the collision bounds options, like box or convex hull. Under that there is a button to click called add property. Here u specify physical material property for the havok engine. Theres other kinds of physics engines and properties so thats why u need to do this one. change datatype from float to string and type in a name for it "HavokMaterial" without the quotes u know. Then there is the data field right next to it and type what kind of material it is. I dont think there is a cardboard so maybe HAV_MAT_CLOTH is a good one to choose. The havok materials are listed in Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\nifxml\nif.xml if u want to look at them. Then u will have the collision mesh ready for export along with your gift box mesh.
  24. baduk

    Dark spots

    Hi! It loks to mee that u are having a problem with the normals. U can turn on the normal viewing mode that makes a line to show the direction of the normals, it looks like a cactus. flip the ones that are not going outward like they are supposed to. Its hard to see from the small pic but maybe some other normals arent smoothing right. You can fix that by makeing a little bevel at sharp angles in your mesh. subdivide it and bring the cut near the affected edge.
  25. Hi! I just think u need bigger normal drawing size so u can see what way they are pointing. Sorry, it was on mesh tools more not mesh tools. And I didnt realise u are wanting this item as a static object! My current projects is not needing static object at this time so i am of less help with how it behaves in geck. This button on export options will set the basic settings for colision for u! Silly I never tried using these preset buttons before. It may be still useful to extract vanilla nif file and compare em with your nif to make sure it is all in order. I dont know what the bounding box thingy u have showing in geck is and how to change its size. Anyway, make the colision on it first cause that might affect it.
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