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Everything posted by nivea

  1. It can sometimes hurt the mesh quality (holes in the mesh, bad lighting issues, ect), so I would make sure you save before hand. It should be pretty clear if there are issues right away on export and in game.
  2. You need to "Update All Tangent Spaces" in Nifskope, that should remove the distortion. Spells-> Batch -> Update All Tangent Spaces You should do that to every nif you make.
  3. Just log into your steam account (online mode) and it will update the game for you, there is no patch to download besides from steam.
  4. The actual "Golden rule" is Permission NOT just give credit and call it a day, you need permission and to follow the guidelines the modders post in their readme. If they say anyone can use their stuff then you have permission, if they say no one may use their stuff then you do not have permission and should contact the modder.
  5. Geck should be all you need if you are simply using already in game facial hair.
  6. Most mods under review are there because of theft, be it theft of another modders property or theft of a companies property. In other words the modder took something that was not theirs and uploaded it, alot of weapon mods in this situation are ripped content which is NOT legal on nexus.
  7. Can you in any way explain to me how you set the nif up to have the new NiNode with all the new information in it, because I think with that information I might be able to help. I am trying to set it up in a dog skeleton to test out some ideas but if I can not build a NiVisControllers into a nif I dont think I will ever be able to help. :\ Also there is no KF file in your upload is that right? Because the hat is not showing up at all in the animations in GECK.
  8. Alright send me over the file, I will take a look at it tomorrow. But I use blender too so I dont know if perhaps that has something to do with it or not, have you tried contacting rainrtw or even perhaps Ghogiel since Rain credits him for information about the controllers. I havent tried contacting them because I was working on other projects that where more important to me when I started my research, I saw how it required knowledge of editing animations and since that is not somthing I am into I passed on it. I just figured I would create more creatures with different items and then switch between them in the mod if I made it.
  9. Rigging is easy if you are referring to the rigging of meshes and not rigged the controller or something, its the same as you would do for any armor just instead of a human body its for the animal. I have done tons of them myself and released a large amount of rigged animal stuff already. I studied the My Dog mod for a long time trying to figure out how to get this stuff to work when I was working on my Corgi mod and then again more recently when I was thinking about making a brand new dog companion, I can not understand how it works sadly. I do not know what this civ 5 tools you are talking about is, if someone could explain it to me how to set it up I dont need help rigging items I just need to know how the NiVisControllers work and how to set them up.
  10. I would be more then happy to add something like this to my Corgi companions or even a new dog companion idea I have, if someone would be able to explain the NiVisControllers to me. Such as how to make one, what do I need to do with the animations, a tutorial would be nice.
  11. Khailik's right, the NV modders seems to have left their work probably due to excessive Steam protection that prevents much of the bigger mods from working. Breeze male skin doesn't work anymore, the skins are corrupted despite installed according to instruction. Female skin works but at less detailed compared to FO3. My friend who bought pirated version get to use all the mods perfectly with disabled Steam. :sad: Your joking around right? Breeze works perfectly perhaps you are not installing the mods correctly because that is a problem for people they do not read the readme or install correctly... OR do not use armors MADE for that body. Did you toggle your Archive Invalidation, corrupted skins is often because people do not turn on or do not toggle. Type 3 skins are the SAME exact skin as in FO3, they are the SAME resolution so they will render as the SAME resolution. Its the same exact mod except with FNV armors added to it, so your using the same thing for both FO3 and FNV. There are actually HIGHER resolution skins in FNV then there are in FO3. You can not "Buy" a pirated versions, thats because pirated versions are non-legal free versions of a game. All mods work with Steam, they work just like they do without it. I am going to go out on a limb and say you really are not installing mods correctly or your graphics are set up incorrectly compared to your FO3 install. ):
  12. You should ask in her thread, Llama is very often there helping out people who use her mod.
  13. I would not say that FNV has less mods, but it in my opinion has less "junk" (as in learning mods that edit one thing in the game, thats how people learn but its not the highest quality of mod) mods and much higher quality stuff then FO3. In FO3 most people where learning, in FNV there where alot more tutorials and people had a better grasp of modding. To convert somthing for personal use only, you will need to locate the Textures and meshes from the FNV BSA and then place them in your FO3 Meshes and texture folders. You will then need to manually make a plugin (.esp) to put the items in FO3.
  14. Not always, some mods can not be installed with NMM because it breaks them. Mods that where made before there was a NMM and use FOMM C# installer scripts have issues and should not be installed with NMM. Such as Project Nevada. There is no cure all to modding your game, you should always research the mods you want to install first. Read their readme, FAQS and even a page or two of comments before installing a mod.
  15. Make sure any merged or bashed patches have been rebuilt, also make sure no other mod is editing that same NPC which would cause a conflict with your mod.
  16. Well just keep in mind its a lot of work and will take many months or even years of work, if you are willing to learn and put the work into it yourself included then you might get someone to help you. But you should know that these kinds of projects almost never get off the ground because your not giving ANY information on what your idea actually is, you just say it will have a ton of stuff and work. You are MUCH more likely to get people working and interested with your mod by providing a detailed layout of what your mod is, what you plan on doing yourself and what you need help with. Since your the writer even a small sampling of your writing and dialog would be a good idea since that is what your bringing to the mod. The more professional the setup of your request and the more information you can give the much more likely it is that many people will be want to come and join up with you, it shows you have talent and you have a good solid plan for others to easily follow.
  17. If you are talking about my Corgi resource mod (meshes and textures) then no permission is needed (just credits given to me and those in my credit section), as long as its not a Corgi killing mod just made to kill corgi (because that makes me sad... I love Corgi), your not posting it for FO3 (resources must be talked about). If your talking about the companions then you will need to get my permission, they are not resources. I find this to all be extremely amusing for a mod. XD
  18. Super excited to see this still in the works, breaks always need to be taken but its always super great to see mods your very interested in getting back underway. :D
  19. During exporting the mesh there is a Shader Options section, make sure the option is clicked for Cloth.
  20. I assume you made sure to rig the item and give it the proper clothing shader?
  21. Its ripped content, you will not find it on this site and we are not aloud to talk about it.
  22. But armors and clothing do show blood decals, its if your using a body replacer where there can be issues with blood decals not showing. Though a armor degrading kind of thing would be interesting to see, though a ton more work if your mod is a large one lol.
  23. Yes, it DOES have to do with the Archiveinvalidation. Most the mods will give you installation instructions, and one of those is to turn ON Archiveinvalidation (which is off by default most the time.). If your Archiveinvalidation is already ON, then turn if OFF and then back ON this will reset it.
  24. That modding site is known to have some major theft issues, I would not download from them since you more then likely can find most those mods where the authors actually uploaded them originally.
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