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Everything posted by IndorilTheGreat

  1. The above user doesn't like Call of Duty (just a guess here)?
  2. Yeah, it took me quite a while to get used to the controls. Unfortunately something can't run on "pure" Newtonian physics without a supercomputer (even then, it's not even close to a "1:1" ratio). However, the overall system is based on the concepts and general laws of Newtonian physics. But enough of that. I'm excited for the upcoming expansion; upgraded cockpits, sharper-looking planets, better cities, and walkers! :happy: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  3. So, I picked up this great game titled Evochron Mercenary back in January. It's one of those space-sim games, and so I was reluctant to try it at first, as I had been burned by similar titles in the past. However, I played the demo and instantly fell in love. It's based around Newtonian physics, has virtually the entire Milky Way galaxy to explore, and smooth planetary descent (did I mention that you can land on any planet you can find?) It also has a multiplayer campaign, something that made me love it even more. If I were to describe it to someone, I would say it's the equivalent of Mount & Blade, but in space. I've been playing it off and on for the past several months, and I'm about to start up again now that college (Uni, etc.) is coming to a close, and I'm curious if anyone else around here played it. Space is big, after all, and it can get pretty lonely out there sometimes. :happy: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  4. "I never asked for this..." - Adam Jensen, Deus Ex: Human Revolution "So you must be...'Quilt-Man'...'Padded Pete'...'Mister Triple-Ply?' Oh! I got it! 'The Cushion!'" - Spider-Man/Peter Parker speaking to "Shocker", Spider-Man (2002 game) "It's alright Rosh, you didn't (offend me). I've been offended by professionals." - Kyle Katarn, Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy "Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you as such." - HK-47, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic This last one isn't so much of a quote, but more of a conversation: Master Chief: "How much firepower would it take to crack one of the engine's shields?" Cortana: "Not much. A well-placed grenade perhaps, but why-" **Master Chief is tossing fragmentation grenade up and down in his hand** Cortana: "Okay. I'm coming with you." - The Master Chief and Cortana, Halo: Combat Evolved
  5. Yep. Skylon. I'm excited to see just how well it works. The heat exchanger in itself is fascinating. Sorry. My engineer is showing again, isn't it? :geek:
  6. IndorilTheGreat


    A week in on my first real job ever my boss laid one of his grubby little paws on my rear end. Needless to say, he ended up on the floor with a bleeding gash on his face (I slammed a stapler right into his forehead 8) ). Heh... a friend of mine was in a similar situation. She worked as a waitress, and when she went to pour this guy some coffee, he groped her butt. So, she "spilled" a pot of hot coffee all over his lap.
  7. Very cool. I'll have to check out the video some time. Hopefully it will be posted up somewhere on the internet. My hopes are that we are finally advancing towards more effective and quick means of travel.
  8. Greetings! Here, have some SPAM: http://www.bruceongames.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Spam-a-tin-of.jpg :D Welcome to the family. I'm sure you'll fit right in. :yes: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  9. IndorilTheGreat


    If she won't pay you to watch her son or to do the work that she hired you to do, don't do the job. It's illegal to promise someone a paycheck for work they will do, and then not deliver the promised payment (unless of course it is undocumented pay - which is illegal in and of itself, I might add - which it sounds like it might be). That is good that you found another job, however. Remember: this is only one of many dilemmas you will be involved in; others can (and most likely will) have a much more serious moral and ethical impact.
  10. Thor in itself is a good movie (at least I thought so), so I would recommend seeing it just for that alone (and for some back story). I have not seen Captain America, so I can't really comment on that. I know that some theaters are showing all of the movies before The Avengers, so if you have a whole day to spend, that might not be a bad idea.
  11. o_O Except for the parts with the mountains! (Fellow Minnesotan here) Very true. There are some pretty crazy hills in Duluth, though! :P I still don't understand why on earth someone decided to start building houses on that zig-zaggy hill bit. It's almost impossible to get up them when they're icy.
  12. Also, from what I've found, if you record the FRAPS footage to a different drive (external or just a different HD), the resulting performance impact on the game while recording is minimal. Now I want to start recording again. I just need some sort of motivation to start up another LP. :unsure:
  13. You know, a thought just occurred to me after re-reading some of these posts. When I was growing up, there were only two other boys my age near me (and one moved away when I was 7 or 8 ), and my sister was 5 years older than me, so we never really did much together. So, I played with the few girls on the block as well. After I got over the whole "but they're girls!" thing (I was a little kid, give me a break :rolleyes: ), I discovered that they were pretty fun to hang out with. So, I began to hang out with more and more girls when I was younger. Some of my best friends from back in those times were girls. Then, I went to middle school, and virtually no one from my elementary years went to the same school as me. It was around that age the hormones kicked in (yadda-yadda, you know how it goes), and suddenly, the girls that I used to hang out with were no longer a "bro," if you will. I then proceeded to hang out with more and more guys, and I suddenly became incredibly shy of women. This shyness lasted throughout high school, and that time period (end of junior high/early high school) is when I developed an interest in the video games that I wanted to play, not what everyone thought was "cool." And, as such, I started out with male characters, but then branched out into different class types, and created thieves, mages, etc. Almost all of my "non-serious" characters were female (I'm not sure if that says something about my fear of commitment or not, but that's beside the point). TL;DR: I had friends who were girls when I was younger, which changed when I grew older, and I just realized that I may some some fear of committing in a relationship. I'm just going to go cry in a corner now. :ohdear:
  14. Something similar happened to my Lydia... except that she died taking a shot for the enemy, rather than me. As soon as I let that fireball go, there was no taking it back. :ohdear:
  15. We had a particularly cold and windy winter this past season. Because of this, I decided that I wanted to try some apple cabbage stew. The first time I made it, I put in too much vegetable oil. The second time, however, it was perfect. So, I made a batch of that and heated it up whenever it got chilly. That stuff lasted forever too. I would totally make that (video) in a frozen field once winter rolls around again. Some parts of Minnesota look almost exactly like Skyrim. Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  16. I think you're misunderstanding what "saadus" is saying. The Titanic received so much publicity when it was built, stating that it was the "Unsinkable ship." And because of all this publicity (and how much of an engineering marvel she was back in her day), people actually believed that she was indeed unsinkable. Because of this belief, people got arrogant. When people get arrogant, the universe decides to show them up. It's not about the new protocols and safety features that are on modern-day ships, but rather about the idea that no human being is above nature and the laws of physics. Take for example, the collapse of the 35W Bridge - people did not suddenly come up with brand new and far-out ideas because of this tragedy. They did, however, pay far closer attention and detail to their work.
  17. Am I the only one who enjoys vaporizing someone with a laser rifle, or turning them into a pile of goo with a plasma rifle? But to answer your question, Mid-to long-range combat is perfect for me. As armor goes, the bigger and clunkier the better; I don't care (that much) about agility. As long as I have good perception and an energy weapon in my hands, I'm like a walking tank. Edit: I suppose it's from when I first played Fallout 3. When I first picked up that energy pistol and got a critical hit on my target, I fell in love.
  18. Within the first few hours of playing (back in November, 2011), I found a book floating in the air. I was determined to read it, so I shot a spell at it. the book flew even further north into the ocean, and I never saw it again. Also, rapid-stepping mountain goats. those things sounded like machine guns. I'll add more if I find any more interesting ones.
  19. I've always read it with an "e" as in "wet." I also believe that is how a few characters in-game pronounce it.
  20. Right now, I'm using these mods for immersion: 1. Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival (varying temperatures in different regions, different materials keep you warmer, etc.) 2. Alternate Start - Live another Life (for RPing purposes) 3. Imps More Complex Needs (you must eat, sleep, drink water, drink blood - if you're a vampire, stuff like that) 4. Winter is Coming - Cloaks (This one ties in with Frostfall) 5. Enhanced Night Skyrim (darker nights and better looking night sky) 6. Weapons of the Third Era (makes sense lore-wise; the Dunmer came to Skyrim from Morrowind, and took many of their traditions with them) These next ones are a sort of mix between graphical and immersion: 1. Dimonized UNP female body - NSFW (no more odd vanilla "angular" women; that, and it does not have extremely over-exaggerated features) 2. UNP Female Armors (conversion of all vanilla clothing to match body) 3. Body Hair Nude Male HD - NSFW (no more awkward "bubbly" back muscles) 4. Better Females by Bella - No makeup, just improved textures (not as many angular faces on the women) 5. No More Blocky Faces (no more of those strange "block" textures running down someones nose when talking to them) That was actually a far bigger list than I expected. I don't have any quest mods yet, however. I still need to beat the main quest. :happy: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  21. Here is one called Frostall - Hypothermia Camping Survival. Your vision starts to blur when you get cold, different items of clothing have different resistances to the cold (you will not last nearly as long in a wenches outfit than in fur in the cold). Different regions have different temperatures... I'll just let you read about it on the description page. :happy:
  22. Well technically you didn't say much else than Titanic being the largest ship of its time, but whatever floats your boat. :thumbsup: I WAS SAYING THAT ONE OF THE REASONS WHY IT'S SO WELL KNOWN IS BECAUSE IT'S THE LARGEST SHIP OF ALL TIME!!! STOP MANIPULATING WHAT I SAID! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's stay on topic. There's no need to get angry at each other. This wasn't meant to be a debate thread, merely a thread to point out just how ignorant of history some people are. :yes:
  23. The above user is a warrior of the north, who is questing for a noble cause.
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