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Everything posted by Gerandirr

  1. Ah, that's why I didn't find it. Thx for the info. I might try that later.
  2. Excuse me for a thread-unrelated post, but I keep hearing about these ''dragon-tongue'' rounds, yet I can't find them on FO:NV Wikia. Are they part of a mod ?
  3. I thought you wanted Christine to be romancable or something, with the title of this thread. lol Anyways. I would only agree with you on the ''more ghost people'' idea, if I could bring my whole equipment into Siarra Madre. Well, there is a mod for exactly that, so why not ?
  4. Do you use any animation replacers at the moment ? Or a mod that adds new animations to new things. Removing them, or moving them down on your load order might fix your problem. (not sure, just guessing) Also more information about your game setup yould be also helpful. Not your pc. load order, previously deleted mods that add scripts and stuff like that. (Skyrim's way of ''remembering'' scripts is really f'ed up in my opinion, as it stores them in your save files...)
  5. The dice poker from the Witcher games would be pretty awesome in New Vegas.
  6. Ask Gopher. His tactical gear has a funtion to indicate allies and enemies. But what's really interesting here is, that in his lets play of FO3 on youtube, he said he might include a corpse detection function, because he has the same proble as you. He also said he'll update his FO:NV mods someday soon too, so there is hope.
  7. Please don't mind me, I'm just throwing in some ideas. Maybe they'll spark someone's interests, huh ? -Winged steel helm of Talos : + 10 for two handed weapons and heavy armor -Dibella's golden flute : Basicly an item with the appearance of a flute. Has the effect of Call to arms and Rally on allies. -Stendarr's ivory shield : A shield with a high defence rate and does extra bashing damage against daedra, vampires, undead and atronachs -Mara's rosary : Restoration spells cost 10% less magicka and also heal 10% more. -Circlet of Julianos : Magicka regenerates 50% faster, All schools of magic costs 10% less. -Coin purse of Zenithar : Once a day, you'll be able to open this ordinary looking coin purse and get a random amount of septims (btw 5-50 maybe) -Necklace of Kynareth : A new model maybe. If I imagine this, I see a single flawless sapphyre on a simple golden chain. Run faster and regenerate stamina 50% faster. At this point I've run out if ideas, but only Arkay didn't get a new item.(Didn't include Akatosh, since someone said Auri-El's bow was his artifact) I'm pretty sure you guys will be able to think of something. :wink:
  8. I agree. They're ridiculously easy to kill, even at low levels. It would add a new type of dfficulty to places where they spawn.
  9. Or the collar you find on their corpses. At first, I thought it if I got a dog, and somehow gave that collar to it, it would turn into a death hound.
  10. Some performance booster mods remove the trash, some rubble and unused items from the game, but I've never seen a specific location done.
  11. @Daedthr I don't think that's what he meant. ''The ieda is to make a spell that make it seem like you teleported from the point of view of an NPC and is easy to use.'' Not a ''real'' teleportation spell. But slowing down or stopping time until you move into a better position or escape. It'll still look like you've teleported, but only for NPCs. Anyways. I like this idea.
  12. Only needs a big orb for mesh. The textures are the hard part, but I'm sure someone would be talented enough for that too. Moving textures are not that new, so that is also doable. I don't see any reason why not hope it. I mean look at it. It looks awesome.
  13. Am I the only one who'd love to have this ? http://25.media.tumblr.com/772301a11ba29a874fc389c6472955b7/tumblr_micv300U5m1qg887io1_250.gif
  14. Is Skyrim really that different from Fallout 3 ? A lot of console commands still work. If it's somewhat interchangable, then what about that Fallout 3 multiplayer mod-thing ? Could it be used for Skyrim too ? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just guessing.
  15. I love the vampire gloves. (yes gloves, because a gauntlet has some bulk and doesen't look like a damned glove. lol) All those pointy ends at the fingertips. Really awesome looking stuff. But my characters can't wear them, because most of the time I use ''the way of the monk'' (perfect way to get real protection, but not be weighted down by bulky armors) So I second this idea. A mod like that would be very useful.
  16. I really like this idea. Good alternative for mages : magelight hat/circlet/crown
  17. ''Archmage crafting'' has the arm bandages, plus a few more gloves.
  18. There was a mod named ''Serana's Secret'' but I can't find it. Hm, wierd, and it was pretty popular too. Sorry, I can't help you.
  19. You mean double dmg, like when you dual cast a spell ? It would be pretty awesome. I like the idea. Maybe make it drain the charge faster if you ''dual cast'' so it will not be overpowered.
  20. Werewolf Mastery. Have you tried it ? It lets you do just what you want, plus more. It's awesome.
  21. I don't think a ''simple'' retexture would work for this. It's just not the same, you know.
  22. If you like soultrapping your opponents as much as I do, the area they are in Soul Cairn would quickly become ''overpopulated'' Massive FPS drop is not my kind of idea of fun. Maybe some of them ? Not every random NPC you soul trapped.
  23. I've played that quest multiple times, and only my last character had a problem with it. It's not like I want to buy that home. (I hate Windhelm's cold weather *brrrr*) I have the bug when I need to talk to Ulfric's assistant(?) but he tells me nothing. I usually solved this quest by randomly encountering the killer while he was in action, but nothing happens this time :( But I agree, a bugfix is needed.
  24. Or if you're a mage, Shalidor himself would fireball the hell out of your enemy. lol
  25. Our lore =/= Skyrim lore It is stated that Werewolves are there because of a daedric prince, so are vampires. Yeah, there are a few similarities between our version and theirs, but it's not the same. If it was, vampires wouldn't be only weaker in sunlight, they would light up like a torch. And I'm pretty sure that cutting something's head off is deadly to anything. But hey, it's your idea. Maybe someone will do something about it, just keep on hoping. Cheers.
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