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Everything posted by Gerandirr

  1. It is indirect, but Gopher's ''Pumping Iron'' requires you to sleep, unless you want to waste all your hard earned training (i.e. fighting, running, etc...) In turn you bulk up (body slider goes from the point you set it at character creation to eventually 100%) and if you don't sleep, you'll start losing muscle mass. Better than nothing, right ?
  2. There is a perk in illusion that makes ALL spells you cast silent.
  3. Maybe it's because it's not an actual shout, but rather a mass necromancy spell/script linked to the fake shout ? Kinda' like Alduin's meteor shower shout. And Miraak's ''kill-a-dragon-for-health'' hack. But if someone can actially make such a mod, I'd definietly try it. So seconded.
  4. Ah, okay then. Well good luck finding and convincing a modder to do it, because (I think) there is no such mod out there.
  5. player.setav Enchanting 100 player.setav Smithing 100 I know, I know, cheating is bad and it ''breaks immersion'' yadda yadda yadda. But I don't plan to do the boring grinding of skills I can't train while also enjoying it (i.e. destruction or weapons, stuff like that) EVERY DAMN TIME I create a new character. Do you ?
  6. Try clicking right and left at the same time. If you don't hold it, just press it, it will do what you want. (I think)
  7. Um, you click with the other mouse button to use your other weapon. Problem solved.
  8. For Argonians, feathers acting like facial hair, anyone ? Hey, it works for their ''hair'' so why not ?
  9. Freedom of speech kind of fixed that by moving the word walls out of said dundeons to more accessable locations, but for some reason, just now when I searched it, it said it's hidden. :confused:
  10. All kinds of images popped into my mind upon reading your request. Imagine a whole new class of weaponry with this idea behind it. Like a bow with two components before activating. One is obviously the handle, the other could be a ring (only in appearance) that would act like the string's ''handle?'' (on the left hand's middle or pointer finger) It would fire any type of arrows, but it could have a new arrow type made of something valuable (and small) to offset it's higher dmg output. A hammer with a ridiculously large hammerhead (hey, it's pure energy, it wouldn't have any weight anyways) And all the other types of weapon you can use. It would be glorious. lol So yeah, I like the idea.
  11. I know that feel bro. -Clearing a large Falmer invested cavern. -Well, that went well. -Opening inventory to check what loot I got. -Where the hell all these *insert ridiculously large number of* crappy falmer arrows came from?? Anyways. Yeah, that's a good idea. While we're at it, if someone finds a fix to this, (s)he should also fix the NPCs getting the arrows you shoot them with too. I mean, when you kill bandits, and you shoot one with a bow but (s)he didn't die. Now you got a bandit shooting at you with (possibly) dragonbone arrows. And they don't run out of them, so it's all the more annoying.
  12. I didn't notice it until your request, and I was fine. Now I need that thing. It would look totally badass.
  13. I downloaded a mod that makes her shut up. ''Yes?'' ''Did you need something?'' NO SHUT UP YOU UNDEAD C*NT !!! lol Sorry, I needed that.
  14. If there are still people who play with the skeleton race, this would be awesome for them. Along with a skeletal vapire lord ofcourse.
  15. That doesn't work if the vein is on the ground. Try it. You'll just swing your pickaxe without hitting anything.
  16. I think SKSE would enable some kind of charging system to work. When you get in, it will check if you have a filled black soulgem with you. If you do, then it will take one, then proceed to drain it very slowly, unless you move a lot or attack non-stop. When you get out, it will run out of charge, no matter how much juice it still had before getting out. Now on making it seem worth the trade-off. You could use certain shouts trhough the mech, if you had all three words. (along with the original steam spray, that would be equally powerful as you shouts) Like : -All breath based shouts (fire, frost, freeze) -Clear skies -Storm call -Marked for death -Aura whisper (shouts would not drain power, because they come from your character, it just needs to be channeled to the mech's ''mouth'') And if these are not enough, it's meele abilities are pretty awesome. Maybe if you apply a nother soulgem, that would not run out when you get out, but rather stay and give your mech's meele attacks elemental dmg until it's consumed. (identical to enchanted weapons, fire, frost and electrical) Anyways. I like where this is going.
  17. Consuming dragon souls seems a bit too much to me. How about filled black soulgems ? It could run on a charge, like enchanted weapons. Only, this would take nothing else than human/mer souls. It would be still pretty expensive to fire it up, but it would be manageable. The model ? It could use a modified version of the dwarven centurion. Animations should be pretty much the same. Overall, I think it's a pretty good idea. I'd also like to see something like this.
  18. If you have high enough skills and the perks needed, you'd take no damage if you blocked the hit. As I said, block when you see them notcing the arrow, then run in for the kill. How complicated that can be ? I don't know what codes are involved though, so it could be something hard-coded. Or something that can be solved with a few clicks in the CK. Who knows. Nevertheless, it's a good idea.
  19. Deflecting arrows in Skyrim doesn't mean you swat them away. You block and the arrow bounces off your shield (or in this case, hopefully your large weapon) without you taking any damage. Basicly, when you're fighting someone who has a bow in Skyrim, just start blocking when you see them readying their shot. Block arrow, then run towards them as fast as you can before blocking again. Rinse and repeat, until you reach them. Don't need to overcomplicate the request, that'll just reduce the chance of it being made.
  20. It's not that they can't wear them, but it looks like it smashes their face in to look like it is worn by someone not of the beast races. Same problem with Argonians. Anyways. Full face helmets thend to do that. Here's a few I know of : Daedric helmet, Ebony Helmet, Nightingale hood, Dark brotherhood masked hood. There are others maybe, but these are the ones I ran into. There is a nother problem that more effects Argonians, but sometimes does Khajiits too. (ears/horns sticking out or magicly being cut off by helmets/hoods that otherwise would look good on more humanoid races. ex: Dragon scale helmet and the majority of the hoods you can get.)
  21. Deflecting arrows with a shield is morfe effective, but I kinda' agree, because my current character uses two handed weapons primarily with some magic on the side and very limited marksmanship for targets too far away. Anyways. Maybe if you take the perk in blocking that allows you to deflect arrows (or have the heavy armor skill/perk) it could be somehow made so that it also affect your weapons, if they're large enough. I second this idea.
  22. Why ? That would be the shi*tiest mod on Skyrim Nexus. *badum tsssssshhhh* lol
  23. ''Way of the monk'' Best unarmed/unarmored mod ever. Try it, it's awesome. It also has a lot of standing stone-like rocks called ''pillars of the way'' One of them adds elemental dmg to your punches. (It think it's in the Hialmarch region, but I'm not sure)
  24. Opening the console may mess with achievments if you want to get them, and it's really bothersome to do it every time you start up the game. Maybe you should try a preformance optimizer mod ? Those usually remove or reduce grass, because it's known for causing framerate drops.
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