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Everything posted by TheObstinateNoviceSmith

  1. Hey Unconformist, Regarding this question: 1. I'm making a quest forcing subtitles, but after i get to the point where the player should receive the quest and quit dialogue, the subtitles remain in the screen for a while and nothing happens unless i talk to the npc again, it opens dialogue without nothing being said, and only after quit this "blank" dialogue the player gets the quest objective. Does anyone know how to fix this? I might be able to help if you didn't already solve this but the length of time a subtitle stays on screen should be based on the length of time you recorded for (even if you recorded silence) so if it is staying on the screen for too long, try recording a shorter amount of silence. Also, make sure you have the Goodbye checkbox selected as well. Hopefully this helps. Good luck.
  2. Thanks for the advice, I tried this before I posted but tried it again to see if I could get it with fresh eyes. Still doesn't work. I'm starting to wonder if the data is somehow tied into the projectile's mesh.
  3. Hello Elias, Thanks for your response and my apologies for being confusing. What I mean is, when you go to a fort, they commonly have those wooden barricades up. They can be destroyed by hitting them with a weapon but they can also be destroyed if you hit them with most destruction spells. The spells I've made, do not destroy them. Say for instance you use flames or fireball, it will do damage to them. Some spells do and others don't and I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between the ones that do and the ones that do not.
  4. Hello Baseball, First off, the best thing you could do is NOT use the vanilla system for your custom follower. I forget why it's best to avoid doing that but I think it is because it will put your mod in conflict with any other follower that uses the vanilla set up (or tampers with it in some way). Follow these tutorials and it will help you quite a bit in creating your follower... Creating the Custom Follower's Functionality: http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-a-custom-follower-skyrim-modding-tutorial Creating the Custom Follower's Voice: http://deck16.net/post/23029593001/making-a-unique-voiced-follower-in-skyrim-part-3 Creating Custom Appearance that doesn't Require People to Have Other Mods (Standalone): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25673/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33106/? Good luck.
  5. Hello Evil Panda, I'm far, far, far from knowledgeable on this subject but, if I am not mistaken, the best way to fix alignment would be to import a Skyrim mesh of a weapon similar to what you made. So if you made a one handed sword, find a one handed sword and import it into Blender and then line your mesh up with it. That will also give you an idea as to the size your mesh should be as well.
  6. Hello people, I am trying to create custom spells and I've noticed that some spells destroy barricades and some do not. I've narrowed the reason down to the Projectile but nothing beyond that aspect. I've looked at the projectile and tried to see the difference between them and the projectiles that don't damage the barricades. I don't see it and maybe it's something in the .nifs but I don't know. Whatever that difference is, it scales with the magnitude that is set inside the spell. When set to a low number like 5, it took a lot of hits to break the barricade, when at 500, one hit would crush a barricade. Something else to note, explosions do no damage to barricades and I'm wondering if there's a way to fix it. Thank you for any help you can provide.
  7. Alright, There were some hiccups, but I think I got this working. Give it a try and see if it is in line with what you were looking for: No Friendly Fire - Chain Lightning and Fireball Spells -Tons
  8. Hey firsTraveler, Sorry about that. After reading the mod's description and then rereading the posts here, I did notice that this isn't quite what the mod wasn't quite what you were looking for unfortunately. I'll try to have something up in the next day or two. I should be able to do it pretty easily.
  9. Hello Marianito, I'm not sure if I will be able to help but I do have a few questions that will hopefully increase the chances of you getting help. After you uninstalled the mods you recently installed, did you try starting a new game and if so, did you still have the problem(s)? Which mods did you recently install? What method of installation do/did you use? Did you make sure the Load Order is good? -Tons
  10. Greetings Tristamid, Perhaps this mod will be of use to you: No Friendly Fire Hope it works out for you. -Tons
  11. Hello Mystery Patron, If that feeling you want (the feeling of never really feeling safe) isn't limited to wanting it to be bandits, this mod may be what you're looking for: Ultimate Deadly Encounters Good luck. -Tons
  12. You're free to believe whatever you want about whether you addressed something or not, about the points of views of others, whether something is fact or opinion, etc, etc. That is entirely your choice. That's why I presented no argument in my final post to you. You got the last word against me and you trying to continue to belittle my posts and/or incorrectly solely lay blame at me for a lack of production in this topic won't cause me to argue with you any longer on this as it is clear that our minds are made up. Good luck to you. And Monganfinn, thank you for the chat. You made some good points and helped me learn about certain aspects I didn't know/realize before. You also gave me another way of looking at certain things and some nuggets to think about, but we have come to the point where there is nothing else for us to gain either. We've come to the point where the only thing(s) left is/are what I cannot be convinced of otherwise so our further discussion would prove unproductive. Good luck to you.
  13. I'm not going to argue with you anymore despite disagreeing with you as it is clear to me that there is nothing that can be said and or shown to you that you will accept as proof. You'll likely say the same applies to me and maybe it does, either way, this it is a waste of time to try to convince the other of anything as our minds are already made up. Good day to you.
  14. Hey Morddamek, You might be looking for Fire and Ice Overhaul by Apollodown who also has some other overhaul mods that may interest you. Hope this helps. -Tons
  15. "...This is common knowledge, both in the lore outside of the game and in the game itself. From Ulfric's Wikia page (http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Ulfric_Stormcloak):..." I asked because I didn't know. The other person already addressed this and I already admitted to being wrong about this. If you can't appreciate that difference, I'll leave it at that since the horse is well dead at this point. This isn't about how I see it, it is about how the enemy sees it and to the enemy, and strategically, there is no difference. If all they have to do is keep using a certain kind of torture and or threats to obtain information from someone, that person is still an asset to them because they are obtaining information from it. I have to say though, it is funny that you accept part of the note as absolute truth but not the rest. That's awfully convenient, lol. How do you know Ulfric isn't already aware of the longterm threat posed by the Thalmor? Because, he doesn't see that what he's doing helps the Thalmor. They knew he would be a bigger asset to them free rather than as a prisoner and they released him. He makes no mention to anyone of being aware of this. I mean, for all we know, you guys are right and he is all about subterfuge and he is intentionally helping the Thalmor as the note implies. Though intentionally or not, his civil war benefits the Thalmor more than it benefits anyone else right now. All right then. It might be best for you to drop this point then. You mean like I already did? You keep falling behind. This is the second time you addressed the already addressed/resolved. But let's not pretend that this was the Thalmor's only avenue for trying to destabilize and weaken the Empire. It's not like they were basing all their plans on the hope that disgruntled Nord would return to Skyrim and start a civil war. If Skyrim stayed at peace, the Thalmor would have no doubt looked to other avenues. Ulfric was their plan. They had him and then realized it would be to their best interest to release him. We could speculate as to what they would have done but we have no sources so take your own advice on that situation and drop it and focus on what we do know for sure. They didn't have to come up with another way. Ulfric was that way and it's working out great for them. Yeah, that's how revolutions normally work. Armed uprisings and revolts are required to overthrow a ruling government. Ulfric is no doubt willing to start war and spill blood to accomplish his goals (as is the Empire willing to do the same to preserve the status quo). But that doesn't necessarily make Ulfric (or the Emperor) warmongers who want rampant chaos and destruction and pillaging. Not sure what this is supposed to be countering. I clearly stated he doesn't want unrest and you basically responded with he doesn't want unrest. As for Ulfric being used by the Thalmor as "bait" to attain the goal of a weakend Empire, like I said earlier I agree but it's a 2-way street. The only reason Ulfric serves a useful purpose as bait is if the Empire takes the bait. The only way the killer gets what they want is if the police attempts to save the hostages. Yeah, both parties play a part but clearly one is more responsible and more a pawn than the other. They released Ulfric so he would do what he did... so that the Empire would do what it is supposed to do. You don't blame the firefighters for trying to put out a fire even if that whole thing is a trap. I send an arsonist to burn someone's house so that the person will rush inside to save their family, even though all are doing what I expect/want them to do, the only pawn is the arsonist because I set him in motion. Not sure what you're getting at here. Then don't worry about it. Sorry, but you're really talking out of your butt here. You really think the Thalmor don't care who wins the Civil War? You think they want to see an independent Nordic Kingdom? Let me explain this even clearer. The most desirable outcome for the Thalmor is for there to be no outcome. It would be the most ideal if the two sides continue to war all the way until the Thalmor decide to attack again. That is what would be best for their goal and they will do what they can to make sure that happens. However, if there is to be a victor, it would be better if the Stormcloaks won for the obvious reason that I will explain again (assuming same reduction of troop strength regardless as to who wins): Empire Victory - Skyrim and her forces still support the Empire and still will have support of the Empire's forces. Stormcloak Victory - Neither Skyrim nor the Empire will have the other to rely on. United we stand, divided we fall. Divide and conquer (I cannot spell this word to save my life, lol. I keep wanting to put another "o" in there for some reason). If the Stormcloaks win, the Empire divides and it makes them easier to conquer as well as Skyrim. As others on this thread have pointed out, the Thalmor dossier on Ulfric states very explicitly that a Stormcloak victory is to be avoided, as is an imperial victory. Yes, needlessly so since I already had this aspect covered. Hopefully you and others will not miss it this go around and won't miss it here again: If I'm Thalmor, I definitely prefer the Stormcloaks to win. I mean it would be most ideal for the war to rage on for awhile before either is able to claim victory but once the outcome happens it is definitely better for the Stormcloaks to win. No one is denying Ulfric's ambitions and desire for power. But again, what is your source for this claim that he lacks any strategic foresight and cunning? I explained why and it involved something quite key but we'll agree to disagree here as well. Consider it dropped on my end which is why I am not making an argument here. You didn't do a very good job as the argument holds very little if any water. History would disagree with you since divide and conquer is a tried and true tactic still used, not just militaristic, but in various other situations as well. Empire win - Still together. Stormcloaks win - Not together. Try not to mistake a simple explanation for a bad one. The note was vague, and Bethesda left it that way for a reason I know the note called him an asset and not the Empire. That alone is very clear. Another thing, I know it specifically says they released him intentionally and talked about how he has benefited them and that they were able to approach him. I mean, the note isn't nearly as vague as you're making it sound and actually explains a great deal without guessing. Certainly far less to guess about on that front, then to try and guess the note was a fake and or planted or whatever. I've already addressed this. The fish has to take the bait in order for the bait to serve a purpose. Both parties (the Empire and Ulfric) play an active role in this. Yes, they both do except Ulfric's active role is as the pawn/bait. Never said the Empire didn't have a role, I just said it was absurd to say they too were pawns. That makes little to no sense. So please, move past the Empire having a role and move towards how merely having a role makes one a pawn. It doesn't, but that is what you should be trying to argue. Not everyone with an active role in a play is the lead actor just because they're involved. Didn't damage my point at all. The Empire knows the Thalmor pose a threat. Most Nords, including Ulfric, know the Thalmor pose a threat. This wasn't about whether or not they see the Thalmor as a threat. Everyone knows they are a threat. This was about whether or not Ulfric realizes/knows that the civil war benefits the Thalmor. He makes no mention of this fact. He makes no mention of knowing that the civil war is exactly what the Thalmor wanted. Of course, if the note is to be believed, he intentionally doesn't mention this fact because he does know because this is actually his intent. I don't know so I won't argue that but I do know that he makes no reference to this fact while others do. How much it helps them is irrelevant, it does help them. Period and it is in fact what they want. He never states this or even acknowledges. If I remember correctly its Dengeir who claims that Ulfric is just after the throne, right? Dengeir, the one who doesn´t even trust his own friends. Didn't even know about him. But, since I'm not going to go on a quote hunt or play through again just to find the quotes, I'll drop this and accept that you didn't hear any Stormcloak supporters speak about doubting Ulfric and or his intentions while I did. And accept that even if you did hear this, you just dismiss it as them only being his acquaintance so there's no way that serves as proof enough for you. Perhaps he is too dumb? Who knows? But, with our limited knowledge of the in universe logistics, politics etc, I dare you come up with a method to oust the Thalmor by the year 202 4E from Skyrim that doesn´t involve civil war! I don't know. I also don't know how to build a bomb but that doesn't mean it can't be done. All I am saying is, with patience, there is often multiple ways to accomplish a goal. He didn't bother with any other way. I say that has to do with his own ambition, the note says it is because he is helping the Thalmor, and you say it is because he felt like there was no other way and or that this was the "best" way (I think) mind you what we see as the best way to do something often has to do with our true motivations so your point of view doesn't even automatically conflict with mine. Say that 3 times fast, lol. No, the point was that you claimed he aided in the fall of White Gold No. I said what my point was. Now if you misunderstood and or if I didn't convey it accurately okay, but don't be jerk by trying to tell me what my point was after I state it more clearly. There's no need for that. pawn=/=bait, to address your fishing metaphor, IMO a pawn is a person who is manipulated, through bait if you want to, to achieve a goal. Not sure how your explanation is saying a pawn isn't bait. Bait is manipulated onto a hook and manipulated into the water for the purpose of luring fish to being caught. Ulfric was literally manipulated and released into the wild to do what they wanted him to do. That's the very definition of bait... which makes him a pawn. The Thalmor didn't directly manipulate the Empire, they manipulated the Empire through Ulfric therefore he is the pawn. I just gave you several quotes from his dialogue that show he is a good politician, no matter if he is lying or not, I showed you examples where he managed to come over quite well IMO: I know you did, but I addressed it. To be more clear, I didn't say you were wrong, I merely said that it is possible for anyone to be/do anything even if that isn't in their more dominant traits. I say he doesn't see he is being manipulated because, while he possesses some great and strong traits that make him a great leader, he is shortsighted and subterfuge isn't his strong suit. Then again, if the note is to be believed, he does in fact know and is doing what he is doing intentionally for the benefit of the Thalmor. Not saying I believe that, just saying it is more of a possibility than some of the points you and others have tried to make as some of them have less of a basis to them than this note. How should he know that he was released and didn´t escape? No one but the Thalmor know, Tullius doesn´t know that either. Why Tully was brought into that is beyond me. You're mixing points. Tullius knows that the civil war is what the Thalmor wanted, as do others if I remember correctly, Ulfric seems not to realize this. I spoke of Ulfric's arrogance because arrogance would allow someone to think they accomplished something that they didn't. Other traits/factors could as well but that's the one that typically is played upon. I beat someone at chess (which would never happen because I suck at that game, lol) and take pride in it because no one else has beaten that person, arrogance would make it difficult for me to realize that the person let me win. If I escape from a Thalmor prison, I might question how that was possible if I didn't believe in my own abilities. That's all I was saying. No it isn't definitive proof of arrogance, but this is a discussion for fun I thought so I brought it up as a point. I won't do so again and you have my apologies. That´s your logic, might be right, but it´s not based on anything in the game and is thus speculation as we dont know what the Thalmor want! We do know what they want. They want their opponents to be weaker. Divide and conqueor. Standard ancient and still widely used strategy. WE DONT KNOW WHAT THE THALMOR THINK AND OUR "LOGIC" DOESNT APPLY!! And calm down, lol. This is a game my friend and it won't change regardless as to our discussion. It's one thing for some light jabs here and there but no need for so many caps. I don't want any blood vessels bursting over this. Yes he is being manipulated, and yes starting the civil war and fighting it helps the Thalmor That's it. I'm done. This makes him a pawn and useful. An asset and that is all I have really been trying to say other than I think he doesn't see it while others seem to see it and I attribute this to arrogance, shortsightedness, and or lack of understanding of subterfuge. The note disagrees, and so do you, but isn't disagreeing what makes this world a beautiful place? Well... when done civilly, lol. Thalmor Dossier: A Stormcloak victory is to be avoided" - we dont know anything beyond that. Anything further is unfounded and pure speculation. It could be seen as speculation, but unfounded, no. There's plenty of foundation from history to common military strategy to logic. (which you can say their logic is different from ours but I have yet to see them really think differently from us (I mean releasing Ulfric is exactly something we would do and have done in various situations) so...) Well, what does it matter if he knows he is being manipulated? Tullius clearly knows as he said it himself that the war furthers Thalmor interest, yet Tullius still participates in the war. Which is even worse than Ulfric, Nope. The person trying to rescue their loved one(s) despite knowing they are going into a trap is not worse than the person who was manipulated into starting the fire. Well, yes, under these circumstances logic would tell you not to save them. After all saving them causes the death of two people, whereas leaving them to die would kill just one person. Still going out to save them just makes you an idiot. And if your death furthers another goal of your enemy down the line aka not you walking into the trap itself, by walking into the trap, acting as they wanted you to, you become a pawn in their scheme. I won't argue this not because I can't but because your words are insulting to many people (and their families) who have died (and even those who happened to survive) trying to save the lives of others despite knowing the risks (even when the tragedy and or risks were deliberately caused by someone) and I won't engage in that my friend. Believe those people died idiots if you'd like, that is your right and I am not saying you're wrong just saying I disagree and that it is insulting to no end... though likely unintentionally so.
  16. Hey xcafe, Why don't you try throwing different debug.notifications through your script to see if different parts are actually happening? Maybe one right after the OnEquip that goes something like this: Debug.Notification("Script Has Started") Maybe others to go inside the IF functions like this one: Debug.Notification("DESTRUCTION is the highest magic skill!") As this may help you figure out what is going on, if anything. -Tons
  17. Hey Minii, I think NexusComa may be right. If you have mods that add a lot of hairs or other options to the character creation, it could cause crashing. If that is the problem, the ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer will fix the issue. -Tons
  18. I know it is a wide spread theory and I know that even ingame many in both factions say it, but isn´t proof either as obviously those aren´t all knowing or wihtout bias either. If only those who opposed him were saying it saying this isn't proof would have a bit more validity, but since there are those in support of the Stormcloak cause who also say it... Now naturally he also might lie, he also might lie when he is only talking to Galmar, we dont know, and we never will, but to say that he would have started a civil war for the crown alone no matter what, is nothing but pure speculation based on hearsay! Either you're saying Ulfric is too dumb, shortsighted, and or impatient to figure out other ways to accomplish the goal of removing Thalmor influence... or this was really about obtaining the crown. "He was made to believe information obtained during his interrogation was crucial in the capture of the Imperial City (the city had in fact fallen before he had broken)," Okay, the information obtained after breaking him was useless so I was definitely wrong about that aspect... however, apparently he was still an asset to them which was really the point: "...After the war, contact was established and he has proven his worth as an asset..." Clearly he can use coercion and political subtlety, even if it appears heavy handed to the Jarls and those in the know, to the common soldiers and masses it comes over very well. Even a broken clock is right twice each day... but it is still a broken clock. What I mean is, everyone lies but this doesn't exactly define them to be subtle or blatant. And just because a person is a direct person and or blunt it doesn't by any means indicate that they are always such. In general, Ulfric is not this political savvy guy. He's a general. The Warrior Leader, but he's not an idiot. It's due to his ambition and or shortsightedness (maybe even arrogance as it isn't even implied that he knows the Thalmor LET him escape) that he is unable to see how he is actually being used. The Thalmor don´t want a Stormcloak victory! It is stated as such in Ulfric´s Thalmor dossier: "A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided," As I already stated, the ideal thing would be for the war to continue therefore of course you don't want either side to win, but if there were to be a victor, logically, it would favor the Thalmor more if the Stormcloaks won than if the Empire was victorious, all things being equal. Meaning, if the losses would be the same regardless as to who won, it would be better for the Thalmor if the Stormcloaks prevailed for the reasons I already named. And I didn't say or imply Elsif was competent so maybe you were responding to something/someone else there as her competence, or lack thereof, has no bearing on Ulfric's. And to be clear, I am not saying Ulfric is incompetent or stupid. Ulfric is undoubtedly a great leader, but this doesn't change the other things. He still is very much good for the Thalmor and doesn't see that. He is why they didn't need to come up with another way to distract the Empire. In fact, he was the way they came up with: He was made to believe information obtained during his interrogation was crucial in the capture of the Imperial City (the city had in fact fallen before he had broken), and then allowed to escape. Like when the law tells a suspect something (often not true) and then they release them so they can follow them to who they were really after and or the evidence that would put that person away. Ulfric, was their plan and he obviously doesn't know that.
  19. The information wasn't useful because it was outdated by the time Ulfric divulged it. Not saying you're wrong, but where was this stated? Also, I think perhaps you're confusing "aiding" the enemy with simply succumbing to torture. I'm not. Whether someone provides me information I use to succeed in doing something because I bribed them, tortured them, or simply observed them; they helped me. "Help" is synonymous with "aid" so he aided them. Unwillingly, but he did. How much he helped here would be speculative and pretty much irrelevant so I would need to see where it says the information he gave was useless and there can be no source that says otherwise in order for that to stand. The Talos issue is minor, but the it is representative of a much bigger issue (whether the Thalmor should be allowed to impose themselves so freely on the Empire and its citizens). The bigger issue here is actually two formidable forces making themselves weaker instead of building up strength and or preparing for round 2. If Ulfric was so big picture and so good at being underhanded with subterfuge and the like he would know this already. He could have proposed this if he wanted. "We need to be making preparations. There's no way the Thalmor will let this peace stand. They will find some excuse to bring war back to our doorstep and we need to be ready or better, be ready before them and bring war to their doorstep!" But there was a huge problem with that for him, his chance to be High King would have likely never came or taken longer than he would have liked. People good at that subtle stuff have to have patience as subtle tends to take longer to yield a result (success or failure) than blatant. I'm not sure how you can claim that life for Talos worshipers was easier prior the civil war. You aren't sure why I would think it would be easier to explain disappearances/murders during a time of civil war than during a time without one? Okay. Do you have sources for this? Nope. And besides, if Talos worship wasn't an issue do you really think the Thalmor wouldn't find some other reason or grievance as justification for imposing their justicars and patrols on Skyrim and the other provinces? For all we know, the Thalmor might have been scratching their heads trying to figure out how to cause this level of chaos in Skyrim and then Ulfric handed it to them and or gave them the idea during his capture and then they realized it would be more of a benefit to them if he "escaped" than if they kept him captive. I guess we'll never know for sure if they wouldn't have found another excuse, but we definitely know one thing for sure. Thanks to Ulfric, they didn't have to. ) Disagree vehemently with the notion that Ulfric wants to promote unrest. Okay, I worded/grammared that one wrong. What I meant to say was that Ulfric does NOT want unrest. He wants the crown and he doesn't care if he causes unrest in order to get it. So he doesn't want unrest but if that's what needs to happen to get control of Skyrim then meh. The Thalmor want unrest so they let a pawn advance in order to get an Empire to respond. Ulfric is a piece on the board that is useful but he isn't important to the Thalmor so he is a pawn. A pawn depending on where it lands can create a situation where it must be taken but that doesn't make the reacting piece/side a pawn. You're confusing predicting the moves of your enemy and thus using that knowledge to entice them. When I fish, my bait is the pawn. The fish will bite (on a good day anyway, lol) but the fish isn't my pawn. The fish is the prize/goal. Ulfric isn't their goal, a weak Empire is and he helps advance that goal just like the bait helps me get my goal of the fish and yes, the fish doing what it is supposed to do helps me towards the goal of catching it, but we are not equally at fault or to blame. He wants to be High King for sure That's all and since you made it clear this is his first priority (as have others in the game (including some of his own supporters)) this means that his primary goal will be what primarily influences his actions. They don't want an independent, Nordic kingdom, free of the constraints of the White Gold Concordat; This is like saying they actually care who wins in the civil war and they don't. If anything, the Stormcloaks winning and separating from The Empire would leave both broken and bloody. The Empire wins, there's still losses but they still have each other as a unified force... The Stormcloaks win, same losses only now neither have the other for any kind of military support. If I'm Thalmor, I definitely prefer the Stormcloaks to win. I mean it would be most ideal for the war to rage on for awhile before either is able to claim victory but once the outcome happens it is definitely better for the Stormcloaks to win. Again source for this? Where is this notion that Ulfric has no foresight or political savy coming from? I didn't know what to type here. I played the civil war questline many times as an Imperial and as a Stormcloak and there is plenty of dialogue that support this notion. I think you may have gotten the wrong copy of Skyrim if you didn't realize the ambition, blunt, and direct approach of Ulfric. This thing borders on being part of a version of the Red Oni vs. Blue Oni Trope. The Empire (Blue Oni) being political and "rational" in their mindset vs. The Stormcloaks (Red Oni) being passionate and quick to action. Sure the actual colors are reversed but still. According to you, Ulfric is blunt and direct and too shortsighted to see the true threats and intents of the Thalmor. Yet somehow this man started an organized and coordinated rebellion out of nothing, won the allegiance of half the Holds and Jarls through political cunning and/or persuasion and the other half through military prowess. You asked me for sources but uh, what supports this political wizard version of Ulfric you speak of? Ulfric is clearly meant to be the embodiment of a "True Nord" and Nords typically value being direct and blunt. It's even in their typical preference of combat style which is one of the reasons they prefer hand held weapons to magic. Ulfric was able to get half the people on his side for 3 reasons, none of which have anything to do with him being some kind of political mastermind: 1.) The issue of worshiping Talos. While for him, this is only a means to "justifiably" make an attempt for the crown, for many Nords this is the only issue. This is why some of them clearly state that they don't trust Ulfric and or know he is not the answer, but fight on his side anyway. 2.) He is very charismatic. In addition to being a Nord, through and true, he also speaks in a way that empassions and motivates people and that goes a long way in addition to his strenght and proof of being a strong warrior. 3.) Bethesda wanted it that way. Once Ulfric's revolt succeeds and Skyrim becomes independent, there is absolutely no way anyone can consider him a Thalmor pawn. I actually explained why his victory would actually better suit the Thalmor than an Empire victory. You're making an hefty assumption on what Ulfric might have done in the absence of Imperial rule. I find it humorous that despite there being nothing that clearly even suggests the idea of a note being a tactic, that you felt it was enough of a possibility to mention that it could be, Ulfric is mentioned as ambitious and/or that his intentions are clearly not pure by several people (some being on his side mind you) and that's not enough to say what he would do, lol. It's a "hefty assumption" to you. Okay. Their actions are exactly what the Thalmor want. In that sense, there are numerous "pawns" serving Thalmor interests, not just Ulfric. Again, the fish taking my bait is exactly what I want but it isn't my pawn. The bait is. I'm actively using the bait to get what I want. The fish is the prize. Ulfric = bait/pawn. Weakend Empire and Skyrim = Prize. General Tullius even acknowledges in game that the real fight is with the Thalmor and this civil war in Skyrim is a distraction. This fact is against, not in support of, your argument(s) The Empire is the one that can see what is going on. To support your argument(s) you need a quote from Ulfric saying that the real fight is with the Thalmor and that the Civil War is a distraction. Oh, but of course you meant in support of the idea that the Empire is just as much a pawn as Ulfric in which case still doesn't support this. If I know it is a trap to go in an save my friend's (or insert any desired important loved one here) life and know that is what my enemies want, I am not a pawn nor am I just as much the reason for what happens as my enemy is. What am I supposed to do? Not save them? But yes, this quote damaged your argument regarding Ulfric knowing what is going on here. To repair it, find a quote that says the same thing but is coming from Ulfric. Galmar is so clueless about what is happening that when Tullius goes to explain it to him, he doesn't even know what Tulius is talking about. Galmar being the closest to Ulfric is aware of his ambitions as Ulfric has discussed this with him... but not about the civil war being good for the Thalmor? But find his quotes about the war helping the Thalmor and that won't matter. I'm not holding onto E. But just because it seems likely that the note was accurate and demonstrated the true intentions of the Thalmor, doesn't mean it most certainly was. My point is, this thing isn't supported at all in anyway. Period. Bringing it up as a possibility is just as useful as bringing up that it is possible that ink wasn't used to write the note because it doesn't explicitly state anywhere that notes were written with ink.
  20. A.) Granted the point had to do with Ulfric not being useful to the Thalmor, it does make sense to use the fact that he gave up useful information as a counter to that point. So, regardless as to why it was true that he aided them by giving up information, he aided them by giving up information thus adding to the point of his usefulness to the Thalmor. B.) "... I agree the Talos issue was a minor issue in and of itself..." Exactly. In fact, there are still Talos worshipers who side with the Empire, Legate Rikke being one of them so it was actually likely easier to get away with worshiping Talos prior to the Civil War which means his actions only truly serve civil unrest much like was pointed out before. Also, "...After returning from imprisonment, all of his actions and commands have been focused on promoting the worship of Tiber Septim..." Not exactly. A lot of his actions and commands have been focused on his desire to be High King and promote unrest in Skyrim... the second thing being exactly what the Thalmor want. C.) "...Agreed, Ulfric was hostile because he has open hatred for the Thalmor. He is not willingly helping them. ..." Irrelevant as his hostility and or willingness has nothing to do with whether he is a pawn or not. This isn't even a counter to anything as I am pretty sure that most people stating that Ulfric is a Thalmor asset are not arguing that he is willingly helping them. He's just too blinded by his own ambition to see that he is doing what they want him to do. "...The only way that Ulfric can be considered a pawn of the Thalmor is that he is waging war against the Empire and distracting it from the Thalmor threat. But as someone else pointed out, by that definition the Emperor and General Tullius are also Thalmor pawns for the very same reasons...." This isn't true. Without the rebellion, there is no civil war in Skyrim and no immediate war with the Thalmor. Without the Empire, there would likely still be Civil War as Ulfric would have found another reason to justify why he should be High King and there most certainly would have been immediate war with the Thalmor. So no, The Empire is not a pawn by responding to Ulfric breaking the law. D.) I have no opinion either way on this. E.) It's also possible that the note was written by and or a strategy of Tulius to cause people to lose faith in Ulfric... but so things are so improbable that you may as well say they are not the case. You ever hear that the simplest explanation is often the most likely? Well, with where the note was located it borders on absurd to think this was some attempt at underhanded play. And because of the 4th wall aspect of things, meaning the way games like this tend to be written, if it was intended to be planted and just wasn't it would have been told to us in some way. Since this isn't the strongest of your points, it's just in your best interest to let E go.
  21. When you said that the follower worked fine except the dialogue to follow you appearing before you wanted, I took that the follower was set up already. You're going to have to Google on how to make a custom follower and put them on a custom framework or hope someone else can help you with the different scripts you need and how to apply them. Here are 2 tutorials that may help you out: Skyrim MW - Making a Custom Follower: Skyrim Modding Tutorial
  22. Okay, I didn't think you understood how to do that given the issue but now I guess you just dont understand how to do it specifically for your case. Here, let me explain in greater detail with more pictures :) : You basically want to set the dialogue up and connect it like this: Player Doesn't Have Enough Money: Player Has Enough Money and This Leads to Two Other Options: ; Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, 500) Player Decides to Hire Her and Add Script for Her to Follow and Script to Remove Gold: Player Decides NOT to Hire Her Eventhough They Have the Money: Player Doesn't Have Enough Speech to Convince Her to Follow: Player Can Convince Her to Follow:
  23. Hey Alteezy, I'm not saying I know what the problem is or that I'll be able to help, but it would likely increase your chances of someone being able to help you if you posted a picture of what this looks like in game as well as posted a picture showing the texture paths in Nifskope. -Tons
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