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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. Ronin - some explanation. W/out naming the mod - it had needed inventory set in main quest related building, that the MOD had nothing do with specifics of Main Game Quests. Just decided to put in places ... again not related to the main game. I get it, if a mod is tide to the main quest .. but the mods that I am talking about - are not related or associated w/the main quests in any shape. Does that make sense. If a Quest Mod is specifically related to a Main Quest ... Hey fine! But if it's not, maybe do not associate with a main-quest, if at all possible? Does this main sense? Sorry, I'm going through Radiation Therapy and a bit tired and thinking is not 100%. One of the reasons I was / am just playing Quest Mods .. Thanks! I do appreciate you taking the time to share you thoughts and shows me I DO need to try to be more clear in my postings.
  2. Well I did read a lot of posts that shared a whole number of problems and issues w/the mod in question ... again, sadly .... that does not speak well for the mod and it's likely reason. As one person suggested: If you have a prior game before the mod was installed try it, ( though based on my reading the specific posts in the Mod Site in question ... ) I'm not sure that's going to work .. but, yes, give it a try. I had one person tell me ... he had tried a mod that really had NOTHING to do with setting up settlement quests ... until this mod he tried. Screwed up so he only got three ( Settlement set up quests ) and the rest were locked out. He actually had to do a total clean install of FO 4 , which took him seriously out of his ".. happy place .."
  3. Your post makes it sound for more "harsh" and "demanding" than the OP even suggests. I stated .. " .. try not to link ..." and I explained my reason. It was NOT as harsh sounding as you made it sound.
  4. Thank you ... I'm glad someone " got it "....
  5. Dude, where did I even suggest your statement???
  6. I know you are not going to like the answer: You will have to start a fresh clean game. Maybe even a clean install of FO4. < - Try just a new clean game, 1st though. Something you might want to do in the future - READ THE POSTS and see if there is ( and there is ) any on going, similar and such problems. There were enough posts that would have warned me: DO NOT GO HERE!
  7. Thanks for the clarification! I'm not sure I'm ready for a clean install ... been there done that with Skyrim SE ... and this last Dec. I "lost it" with Beth / Steam over ridding my DO NOT UPDATE ... and doing it anyways. They totally F'd up my Skyrim. :-{
  8. Thanks - no, this is with a clean game and I do not add / remove mods while game is active. . o O ( I learned the hard way many moons ago. ) I will try the "revisit" ... and see. I just started a brand new game today.
  9. .. also I ran into that problem a 'few' times. I will load an earlier save ... and usually I can load the one in question ... then resave w/the corrupted one deleted.
  10. When I know that something is going to happen ( computer wise ) and it will / does: I create a TEXT file with Notepad ++ and have *ALL* my mods with specific links noted. Those that are not on Nexus or available - due to Mod Creator not 'going there' or such ... I have a backup of the ZIP files that can be located here to B/U: <drive>:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4\Mods That will have all your MOD's in ZIP format to backup. I would also strongly suggest that you go to your SAVED files and back them up and ZIP them.
  11. I don't think that had anything to do with NMM ... sounds like a base program issue and not NMM.
  12. I have about 4 - 5 settlements that will not get "active", as in no Quest or such to get them going? I tried restarting the game 4 times, fresh and clean ... and I still have the same issue. I do not have any mods that interfere with this, that I am aware of. As the only new mods are Quest - New Lands. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and it's random: County Crossing worked then next game it did not. The Slog, same. Worked then did not, as with other settlements that need activation quests. The only Settlements that work consistently are: Sanctuary - Red Rocket - Tenpines - Starlight - Homebase - and Coastal Cottage .... the rest are Hit & Miss.
  13. Try not to link your mod or quests to base game quests please. IE: Buildings - Places - as some of us might not be wanting to play the Base Quests ... as we've played them way too often. I decided this time around, I was just going to explore QUEST MODS / NEW LANDS. Some excellent mods .. but sadly, 1 Mod required Base Game Quest to be done, before you could find / complete it's quest. That kind of killed it for me, 2/b honest. It's a GREAT MOD .. but it required MASS FUSION Quest to be done and the Fort Hagen / Kellogg to be done, if you wanted to finish the Mods Main Quest. I did TCL w/the MF building and got to the Quest Marker .... but Fort Hagen triggered to many Base Quests ... that well I realized I was going to have to "go there" if I wanted to move forward. Anyways, just something to think about ... Thanks for reading!
  14. Okay, so I get a pretty consistent CTD, when Cigs are in a Bin - Desk - Box - Garbage Can and even a DOA Person. Someone told me it's due to FWE ... ??? Is there a fix for this?
  15. Thanks, yes it is and it's not being seen or recognized? I think I'm getting to the end of my rope here ( thanks Steam / Beth ) and have to scrub the game - uninstall Skyrim SE and re-install it.
  16. Yes, been there ... no fixes there at all ... still got error. the EngineFixes.dll and then another error that when I applied those ... even worse.
  17. Version 2.2.5 is not working .. Tried it and several online "help" and still get errors. I'm going to give a couple of more days and then it's scrub and reinstall the game. Thanks Steam / Beth for another 'fine mess you created' ...
  18. Yes, I am one of those that STEAM literally over rode my "NO AUTO UPDATE" .... and did it anyway and totally ruined my game that had several days and many hours into. Now it looks like I am going to have to remove the game and do a re-install. I am so not in my happy place.
  19. Just a heads up .... I tried that LINK, by clicking yes and it did NOT HELP at all. In fact I think it screwed my game up ever more, if that was even possible. ( I started getting other ERRORS ) until I removed it. What I fear is I am going to have just do a total REMOVE of Skyrim SE and Re-install it. I'm so PO'd with Steam and Bethesda. I had a game going that I was enjoying and then this crap. I had clicked back in 2021 with Steam - DO NOT AUTO UPDATE - and made sure every few months that it was still "ON" and it was. Steam OVER RODE that and did it anyways!
  20. Version: Skyrim SE AE CURRENT FU update that Steam overrode my DO NOT UPDATE OPTION. I already stated in my OP that I am using the current SKSE with version number, which I thought, should have been a clue, 2/b honest.
  21. Okay, I searched and came up with nothing that make sense at all. - Make sure you have the updated EngineFixes.DLL file. Okay, fine - WHERE DO I FIND IT? Problem is - I keep getting the following Error either w/ the SKYRIM Launch or the SKSE Launch ... EngineFixes.DLL ... REL/Relocation.h (567 ) failed to open file. How the .... do I fix this? The game is worthless. - I have the newest SKSE: skse64_2_02_05.zip Installed and followed the Read Me instructions. There is no EngineFixes.dll in this and I have no clue where or how to find as the current one is not accepted.
  22. Every time I try to read a SKILL BOOK .. any one of them: CTD. Anyone find an answer to this?
  23. As soon as they have time to 'go there'. Beth really did not think this through, right during the Christmas Holiday and they expect people to accept a program update that simply will not work until certain other people ( SKSE ) have time to 'go there'? This is bad bad PR for Beth.
  24. Right now - any and all that require SKSE ... as we need to wait for that to be updated. Then any / all mods that operate under SKSE .. then we need to wait for them to catch up, if they need to be updated. Some may not need to. Basically the LIST is too toooo toooooooooo long to even begin to list.
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