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Everything posted by AugustaCalidia

  1. I only donate to mod authors because mods can exist without Nexusmods but they cannot exist without mod authors. What you say is true. But then it would be like the old days, with mods for 855+ games scattered all over the internet. I like the convenience of one-stop shopping.
  2. You can always donate directly to mod authors and cut out the middlemen. Nexus Mods is an online mod hosting service, not an online mod vendor. As such, it is not a middleman. Donating to mod authors is worthy and commendable. However, those donations do nothing to help Nexus Mods pay its bills and keep the lights on. I want to help Nexus Mods keep the lights on.
  3. Having enjoyed hundreds of hours of free modded gaming, courtesy of Nexus Mods, I felt that I owed this site my financial support. About six years ago I purchased a premium lifetifme membership after having been a member of this site since 2007. Exchange rates were in my favor, and I paid about $65 US, which I had to budget for. However, amortizing that amount over six years, it turns out to have been the best gaming investment I've ever made. I'd do it again. Is there a way to donate directly to the site to support its operation?
  4. Nexus Mods is an enormously expensive enterprise. Advertising its services is essential to staying in business. Instead of complaining, would it not be more helpful to offer some constructive suggestions about how the site should advertise its subscription services while not annoying sensibilities and compromising its revenue stream?
  5. Follow the instructions, which are to update the mods in question so that they will work with the version of SKSE64 that you're using.
  6. Try this forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3510-fallout-4-mod-troubleshooting/
  7. Are you using Vortex as your mod manager? Also, what game are you talking about? Fallout 4?
  8. What exactly is the warning? Are you possibly confusing a cap on download speed with a cap on download size? On Nexus Mods, there is no size limit. The only limit is your computer and your ISP.
  9. @nookatensis You may want to take your issue to this forum: Vortex Support Forum. You'll have a lot more visibility there.
  10. While I have no idea why you're having trouble logging into Vortex, I can offer you what I hope is good news. 1. You don't need to be logged into Vortex to download mods and install them. Use "manual download" and drag the mod archives into the file drop box at the bottom of the Mods page. 2. You don't even need to run Vortex to play your modded games. Simply hit your script extender game loader and be on your way.
  11. The problem is a Bethesda problem and not a LOOT problem. Every time Bethesda updates FO4 it also restores the DLC to their (dirty) vanilla configuration. LOOT is simply the messenger of that change, not the cause of it. Follow dark47's good advice, and you'll have clean DLC once again.
  12. Try reducing to a bare minimum the number of saves in your game "Saves" folder. No guarantee, but that has worked for some people. Why it works, and whether or not there's a better solution, I have no idea.
  13. You may find more help for your issue by opening a thread here: Vortex Support Forum. Also, are you aware that you don't need to launch your game from Vortex in order for your mods to work? Once you have set up your mods with Vortex, simply exit Vortex and play your game.
  14. After 500 posts, you can create any member title you want, provided it doesn't violate the ToS. As for the default member titles such as "Journeyman," I too am curious about the matter. I don't know where the master list is kept, and I don't know the number of posts required for each default member title. I'm sorry that I can't be of further help to you.
  15. On the BodySlide UI, did you click "Settings" to verify your Target Game, Game Data Path, Data Files, and Reference Skeleton?
  16. Read this: https://loot.github.io/docs/help/Introduction-To-Load-Orders.html. Google "Bashed Patch." Google ".esl."
  17. There is a limit of 255 ESM/ESP active plugins that can be loaded in Skyrim. Do you exceed that limit?
  18. Just re-validate your game files on Steam. You don't need to download and re-install the entire game.
  19. Start a new thread of your own. In explaining your problem, you may find the following reporting guidelines helpful: How to Request Vortex Support.
  20. Your assumption about Vortex is mistaken. If you understood what hardlinks are and how they function, then you would know that Vortex does not use what you call a "virtual install method" when dealing with Bethesda Gamebryo titles The referenced Nexus Mods Wiki article makes that abundantly clear. Furthermore, if Vortex uses some kind of virtual file system, then how is it possible for me to play my modded Bethesda games while Vortex is shut down and not running? If your "virtual install method" claims about Vortex were correct, then I could not do that. But, in fact, I can. read the post again. before replying. i clearly stated this: while it may not use Virtual Methods, it is clearly still having the same issues that Virtual Methods could have as well (Mod installation). context is very important here, i am not saying it using virtual methods, what i am saying it it suffers from the same issues that virtual methods have. understand this. so as you can clearly see, i have accepted it does not used virtual methods. make sure you read the post fully before replying. You also said: This sounds rather like a claim that Vortex does in fact use "virtual methods," your previous remarks notwithstanding. Two other matters: The point is to correct mistaken claims about Vortex for the sake of the OP and others reading these comments. Nowhere did I say or imply that "virtual Install method" is a made up concept. Consummatum est. Vale.
  21. What "coding?" The mod consists of a single NIF and nothing more. Simply remove the NIF and you're done with it. According to the mod comments section, the mod works well for a number of people. To say the mod is broken and bad is to overlook its success for those people. Methinks your problem is something other than the mod.
  22. I got it. When I activate it in Mods, I also have to activate it in Plugins. Isn't that step rather extraneous? Or is it meant to help with load order and conflicts? In Vortex, when you install and enable a mod on the Mods page, you simultaneously enable the plugin listed on the Plugins page. There is no extra, extraneous step. (However, after enabling, be sure that you deploy.)
  23. Your assumption about Vortex is mistaken. If you understood what hardlinks are and how they function, then you would know that Vortex does not use what you call a "virtual install method" when dealing with Bethesda Gamebryo titles The referenced Nexus Mods Wiki article makes that abundantly clear. Furthermore, if Vortex uses some kind of virtual file system, then how is it possible for me to play my modded Bethesda games while Vortex is shut down and not running? If your "virtual install method" claims about Vortex were correct, then I could not do that. But, in fact, I can.
  24. You may want to move this issue to the Vortex Support Forum, where a lot of Vortex-related help is available. The following guidelines may be of help to you: How to Request Vortex Support.
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