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Everything posted by AugustaCalidia

  1. You need to raise this issue with the developer of the Valheim extension for Vortex: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/210.
  2. You need to raise this issue with the developer of the Valheim extension: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/210.
  3. No, I don't think so. My Vortex turns off instantly. Others more knowledgeable than I will have to help you figure out why your Vortex behaves as you describe.
  4. https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/managing-file-conflicts
  5. Yes, or use a game specific mod manager. Currently Vortex supports approximately 250 games, including RE2. I'm not aware of any Batman support.
  6. How is this a Vortex problem? You need to ask your question in the appropriate game forum.
  7. Is your mod staging folder also on the same drive as Fallout 4 and the Vortex app? Your pictures provide no information in that regard. By the way, it doesn't matter where the Vortex app itself is installed. The only thing that really matters is that the mod staging folder be on the same drive as the game. That is what makes hard link deployment possible.
  8. On the mods page double-click on a mod and open up its info panel. There you'll find a place for notes.
  9. In Vortex go to the mods tab settings (the little star on the right hand side just below the taskbar) and select "Installation Time."
  10. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12639888-collections-list/
  11. Fortunately this bug has now been reported to the developers. See issue #14032 on Vortex GitHub. Thank you @immamangoman.
  12. Help can be found in the thread "Collections List?" directly below yours.
  13. The issue is discussed in the Vortex Support Forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12639888-collections-list/.
  14. Thank you for the tip. I disabled the Collections extension, and now everything is OK.
  15. The same error pops up for me. I've never downloaded a collection. Here's the relevant error information found in the Vortex log.
  16. For the purge function, go to the mods page itself (not Settings) and look in the taskbar at the top of the page.
  17. Maybe the help you need is here: https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/Modding-The-Witcher-3-with-Vortex.
  18. No, I meant go to the extension tab in Vortex. However, what you've found on Nexus Mods will work because that is the extension you need for the game. If you have not already done so, go to the Vortex extensions tab to see whether or not the extension is currently installed and enabled. If it is not, then download from Nexus Mods and install.
  19. To report an issue, navigate to the upper right hand corner of the Vortex dashboard and click on the vertical dots. (The "Your Issues" panel is used to respond to issues that you've already reported through the feedback channel.) The extension for "Trials of Mana" is found on the Vortex Extensions page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Find More."
  20. You would be better served by posting this in a Fallout 4 support forum. This is not a Vortex issue.
  21. Pick one of the options and confirm?
  22. There's no 32-bit version of Vortex. The developers have stated they have no plans to offer one.
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