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Everything posted by AugustaCalidia

  1. Wow! You have over 2650 mods installed? Maybe you have reached a Vortex limit. However, this is the first time that I have heard about such a limit. Currently I have 680 mods installed across all managed games, and I am having no Vortex start up problems. Other users of this forum have reported over 1000 installed mods, with no start up problems. But 2650 mods?
  2. LOOT is integrated into Vortex. You do not need to run LOOT separately. Just let Vortex do the sorting. Vortex will also display LOOT messages on the plugins page.
  3. If OP is correct in claiming that Vortex loads plugins in a game breaking manner, then why have I been able to load and play a heavily modded Fallout 4 (and other games) since the alpha days of Vortex? As others have already pointed out, nothing would have worked with such a topsy turvy load order. Furthermore, when consulting the Vortex plugins tab, why is the load order always properly structured?
  4. How did you fix it? I ask because your solution may be helpful to someone else.
  5. https://modding.wiki/en/vortex
  6. In regard to modifying the Windows 11 UI, Winaero Tweaker may be of help to you. Also, you may want to look at Start11 from Stardock Software.
  7. My experience with Windows 11 Pro 64-bit and Vortex has been overwhelmingly positive. I upgraded to Windows 11 Pro several months after it became available and have had absolutely no reason to regret that decision. During this time, the games I've managed with Vortex are the following: Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, Skyrim SE, The Witcher 3, and Horizon Zero Dawn. The management of these games has been trouble free. My experience with Windows 11 Pro and Vortex is not limited to just one computer. I have three robust gaming computers (I love redundancy) running Windows 11 Pro, Vortex, and the games listed above. I have had no problems of any consequence with any of them.
  8. There's no problem for me either. Vortex 1.8.3 and LOOT are getting along together just fine.
  9. Your issue is best raised in the appropriate Skyrim SE support forum.
  10. Use the autosort toggle switch on the plugin page taskbar.
  11. https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/migrating-to-a-new-pc
  12. This warning occurs when Vortex detects incorrect BSA versioning for mods used in Fallout 3, Fallout NV, the two Skyrims, and/or Fallout 4. It is not an error. Rather the warning arises from the fact that some mod authors, in creating mods for the aforementioned games, possibly used the wrong tools when packaging their BSAs. Vortex is simply reporting this discrepancy and suggesting a course of action should there be problems such as the game crashing on load. The following article explains: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Bethesda_mod_archives I myself have experienced this "incompatibility" most often with some Fallout 4 mods, but less so with Fallout NV and Skyrim mods. In all cases, the so-called "Oblivion" BSAs were not incompatible at all. After a couple of warnings, Vortex ceased the alert.
  13. You need to raise this issue with the developer of the Valheim extension for Vortex: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/210.
  14. You need to raise this issue with the developer of the Valheim extension: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/210.
  15. On the mods page double-click on a mod and open up its info panel. There you'll find a place for notes.
  16. The issue is discussed in the Vortex Support Forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12639888-collections-list/.
  17. An alternative to Picky's suggestion is to update the "dead" mod yourself for your own personal, private use. There are many tools and resources available on Nexus Mods and elsewhere that provide the means to do this.
  18. On the mods page, the only thing to be concerned about is the conflict resolution rules. It's those rules that govern the results, not the deploy order.
  19. Firefox works well for me. With Firefox I have complete access to the Nexus Mods site.
  20. Are you talking about the Vortex dashboard? If so, then your concerns would be better addressed by starting a new thread in the Vortex support forum.
  21. A "broken" button is a completely broken Idea. Such a button would be a modding disaster.
  22. Use Patreon money to beef up Vortex to break the plugin barrier? Yes! And while we're at it, let's also energize Vortex to turn all our graphics cards into RTX 1000090 Ti monsters and overclock our lazy CPUs to 10GHz or more! :teehee: Seriously, is the OP really serious?
  23. Regarding download caps, read this: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/96-download-speed-caps-adblockers-and-different-types-of-membership
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