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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. as much as i love the armed forces, they shouldnt exist. When countries need to gather their men together for the sole purpose of killing another country's gathered men, it is pointless. But i do love oyu guys for risking your lives


    No armed forces?!?!?!?!?!

    Wait so you mean we really can all just get along?!?!?!?!?!?!


    *Head explodes*

  2. Well, the heart of the matter is that game publishers simply have no clue what they're doing, don't understand the value of any of the game content, and only care that they're still making money from it. The concept of DLC or Micro-pay is still "new" to some of them, and the only thing they understand about is that it's a way to suck more money out of a product without any significant investment of time.


    The prices for minor stuff won't change because people are stupid enough to keep buying them. If people stop buying, rather than lower the price, or make them more substantial, the company would likely just take it as meaning that people aren't interested in downloading content as a whole. They look at people downloading that content illegally, and just assume that it is all normal piracy without any special meaning behind it. They look at how well something sells at a given price, and so long as someone is buying, and earning them profit, they don't bother to consider what would happen if the same, or similar thing were offered at a lower price. The whole 1 person paying $15, verses 5 people paying $5 thing seems more reliable since that 1 person is almost guaranteed, but those 5 are not.


    If any of them had the slightest idea what they were doing, they could really rake in profits and make DLC actually worthwhile. But they don't, and none of us who do will ever be in a position where we have a voice on the matter. It's not their fault that they're greedy and out of touch with the players of a game.


    You got that right. Its an unfortunant situation really.

    One that I dont see getting better with time.

  3. Hey guys, Ive been hearing a lot about Dragon Age but never read much about it since Im leaving for Marine Corps boot camp soon, so I cant really cant get too involved in any games right now lol.

    So far Im hearing pretty good things about the game, but I know nothing at all about the story, style of gameplay, etc etc.


    One thing did catch my eye though, its made by Bioware.


    The reason I bring this up is because of previous PC titles released by Bioware. Primarily Mass Effect for the PC.

    I found that game to be almost unplayable because of the bugs (even after patches) and system locks I would get while trying to play it. Not to mention the fact that I HAD to be connected to the internet just to play Mass Effect, that really irritated me to no end.

    Now I understand that no game is perfect and there are always going to be bugs, but what bothered me about Bioware is that pleas for help on their forums went ingnored, bugs werent fixed, etc etc. From what I understand if you had an Intel core, Mass Effect would run fine. Ok, well thats all well and good but theres a lot of people who also use AMD cores (ME!) and the game simply did not want to run on a platform with an AMD core. All my system specs were definately up to par, but the game would crash and crash and crash. I called Bioware, I posted on forums, and even after the patch, the game ran no differently.


    Now Im not trying to bash Bioware or anything like that, but that whole experience has left a pretty bad taste for them with me.

    Since mods are popping up Im assuming the PC version is out by now.


    I gotta ask is this game buggy? Unstable? Fitted to run on Intel cores or anything like that?

    If it is, them I simply wont get it. Im very fond of my AMD 6400 BLACK and have no desire to go to an Intel quad when my AMD dual is screaming fast.


    I guess Im just looking for general gameplay and performance of the game itself.


    Any input?

  4. Granted but the DVD is blank, all you have is a disk that says Dragon Age Origins haha.


    I really wish I had some Pizza Hut thin and crispy large pizza, with extra pepperoni, crushed red peppers, jalapeno peppers, and some anchoves.....right now, right in front of me.


  5. Bhahahahahha awesome!


    Though I gotta say, Pizza Hut's Thin and Crispy Pepperoni pizza is my ABSOLUTE favorite food haha. Like no joke, I can shovel that down all day londer and never got tired of it haha.

    Pepperoni, hot peppers, sprinkle some crushed red peppers and throw some anchonvies on there....



    Hahaha, damn it....Im hungry now!

  6. Gold doesn't back our money anymore, just so you know, and hasn't in a great many years. Lots of folks still think it does, of course.


    True. My mistake. It is based off of Treasury Bonds - perhaps the U.S Treasury got blown up in the war. :unsure: Regardless, that was just my idea about why bottlecaps are used instead of dollar bills.


    Lol wow I didnt know that one, man I gotta pay attention to current events more lol. I though all our money was still backed in gold and silver. Well look at that, learn something new everyday haha.


    I still dont understand why even bother at all with trying to maintain any currency what so ever. It has no monetary backing to give it any value. Anyone see the movie Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome? Look at Bartertown lol. Barter being the few word, and bartering is the exchange of goods. To me a bottle cap in useless in all walks of life haha.


    Beth would have been better off just saying to hell with currency, FO3 is gonna be pure barter.

    Ex: "Hey ill give you 3 stimpacks for 90 10mm bullets" "Deal!"

  7. i doubt the world will be gangbanged in 2012 but considering it does, so what?... i am pretty sure we are all gamers here.. and what do we usually do when the world ends???.. press continue...

    Hahahahaha omg thats aweome. Gotta point though lol. Definately got a point there XD

  8. Yea Ive gotten pretty mixed reviews about the movie too. My friend Erin says its AMAZING but movies she likes, I typically dont like lol. She did say its like 3 hours long too. I swear movies that have ridiculous run times, I swear its like I can feel my butt fusing with the seat lol.


    The DaVince Code was really bad in that regard lol. Good movie, but holy hell it was drawn out like a 12 foot sword. Just when I thought it was almost over, of it was concluding, something would happen that would draw the movie out like another hour haha.

  9. Oorah Gunny


    Yea I figured one of you more experienced guys would explain it better than I can haha.



    I remeber reading about Blackwater in the news when they got accused of killing civilians. Never really paided much attention to it though since I was in school at the time. So I really have no idea what happened and all that jazz.

  10. Hey guys, Ive seen several mods come and go featuring night vision and stuff like that.


    Anyone recommend a solid night vision goggles mod? Looking for one in particular that primarily utilizes goggles for night vision, not power armor helments or stuff like that.


    Any recommendations?

  11. I support the armed forces, and am gratefull that they do what they do, but i couldnt do that.


    1. I have flat feet, so thats a downer and the army might not let me in

    2. asthma

    3. My shoulder, it cramps up if i stretch it wrong

    4. BAD allergies... i take two pills and a nose spray every morning

    5. I could never kill another human being unless they were attacking me personally or someone else

    6. I think im a bad shot

    7. My mom doesnt want me to be in polotics, the police, or the armed forced

    8. I get ticked off by people yelling at me, and it kinda makes me emotionally unstable (my dad yells alot when i do bad in school)



    as you can see, ill probably never be able to serve my country to the fullest


    Well Im ridiculously flatfooted too lol, I have yet to find a comfortable shoe since most shoe these days have an arch support built into it. But Im flatfooted and can run all day lol, its not as much of a hinderance as its made out to be, flat footed people just have different impact points on the bottom of their feet when walking and running.

    -the asthma would be a problem, dont know how any brances would handle it because no one I know has asthma.

    -The shoulder, unless you had serious surgery, should get accustomed to use as you use it more and more. My knee use to do the same thing but you just gotta power through it. Eventually itll stop hurting because itll get stronger.

    -Dont know about the allergies, no one I knoe has that sorta problem.

    -Not every position in the military is frontline combat, raiding houses, kicking in doors, that sorta thing. There are TONS of things you can do that are not combat oriented.

    -Doesnt matter if youre a bad shot, you'll learn to be a good one lol.

    -Cant always live in the shadow of youre parents dude, you gotta do whats best for you. Hell when I told my mom I signed up for the Marines she started crying almost immediately haha.

    -As for the yelling part, take it with a grain of salt, dont take anything personally. When youre getting yelled during training, its not because they are attacking you personally, its to motivate you, push you past youre limits. ILl tell ya man, its works. When you have a big mean angry Ssgt running behind you telling you to run faster, lol youre gonna run faster hahaha. IT works lol.

  12. i would like to serve the marines in a year and a half. im gonna try for the sniper corps.


    Umm far as I know theres no "sniper corps" as you call it. Theres being a Scout Sniper, or Recon. Youll get shooting experience going through boot camp since every Marine is a rifleman. Rifle week you shoot at 200, 300, and 500 yrds. Some of the more experienced Marines on this forum can explain it better, I still havent left for boot camp yet lol. But hey if you wanna join the Marines, read up on it, do some research on it. That way you get a clear sight of what you wanna do, and prepare for it, run and workout like EVERYday lol.



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