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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. I definately noticed right as I fired up Oblivion that day I got it that it was built for the Xbox.


    Look at the horrible interface, the giant text across the screen. Same with FO3's interface, its catered for the console vrsion of the game.


    Naughty naughty Beth. Naughty!

  2. Now I mreally curious as to the remark "Amazon class. enough said".




    I fail to see the negative corrolation youre going for there.

    As of the rest of it, most of it is YOU'RE personal preference.


    "no Rogue Mini-mages, Sorc turtle-mages or crazy Warrior Micro-mages, need apply", ah so you relied on Stone Curse, CHain Lightning, and Flame Wave. That some variation you got going on. All three character types relying on the same strategy.


    Im glad stunlock is gone, it was garbage anyway. Yea a games a hell of a lot of fun when you fight one guy stun stun stun stun stun stun dead. Wow that sure was fun!


    "Sorry stealthers, no more sneaking around for you. And absolutely no Beyond-Naked Mages! Or anything else, for that matter." Ummmmmm.....wth is a "Beyond-Naked Mage"? oh and there is no stealth function or sneak key in Diablo btw. Just throwing that one out there since you seem to really think you could actually "sneak around".



    Once again everything you stated is personaly preference. Both games had almost the same interface. Same combat system. Attack rating, defense rating, block chance, resistances, etc.


    Yes D2 on normal difficulty was pretty easy, but play that game on Hell difficulty. "Simply run away" wont work there scooter.

  3. Woooo Yeeeeaaaa looks like I get to retired early! AWwwww Riiiiiight haha




    Wait a sec....


    Old AND gray?!?!?!


    Awwww crap, thats like 30 years from now


    *Sobs uncontrolably again*

  4. Turtle soup...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ain't nothing better! followed by pizza and then oysters or smoked eel




    Mmmmmm Mmmmmm pizza makes me all giddy like a little school girl haha

    pizza is food from the gods! :biggrin:


    Haha yes indeed Minx! Thin and Crispy, extra pepproni, crushed red peppers, jalapenios, and anchovies :D


    MMMmmmm MMMmmmmm thanks a snack id lose my head over.



  5. Turtle soup...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ain't nothing better! followed by pizza and then oysters or smoked eel




    Mmmmmm Mmmmmm pizza makes me all giddy like a little school girl haha

  6. Lol now see Ive been extremely curious about the whole importing from Mass Effect to Mass Effect 2. I mean what if all youre characters skills are already jacked up, and youre running around with all four of the Master Spectre X weapons and Heavy Colossus X armor. Lol seems like youd start the game in god mode lol.


    Unless youre skills are reset and you lose all youre gear. Something like that maybe?

  7. I agree the the whole thing was made up so people could have market it and make a lot of money.I guess when 2012 comes we will all know.


    Haha now wouldnt it be funny if this crap really does happen haha.

    Lol Ill be standing on my front porch with a bottle of Jack Daniels saying "Well...S**t"

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