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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. Seems like this should be in the debates section? Anyway I am not defending a side here...but some were asking for some evidence. While this is an editorial (and thus not evidence per say) it is from a major publication and has a bit more meat than just throwing shadows. I have actually read a great deal on this topic in the past few months. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2016-06-22/google-is-the-worlds-biggest-censor-and-its-power-must-be-regulated Though I find it funny that they want to regulate (censor) censorship? Still, here it is if you all want to tear into it.
  2. Sorry I haven't posted. Mack is leaving for college Sunday and one of my doggie's passed away last Saturday. I will try to get something up soon and get Sin out of jail. I don't suppose anyone could perhaps miss her presence? lol
  3. I don't play anymore (maybe sometime though) and I have much lower expectations that some. I liked it but played as a Single player game more often than not. Only a few quest or te occasional dungeon got me grouped and it was well enough. If I had known more that played I would have likely grouped more. I think I played long enough to get my money's worth. I mean $60..you could blow that for like amusement park ticket in one day.
  4. I haven't played in some time. Rather than try to fix everything mod wise I decided to just start fresh. So I un-installed everything (saves and all) and reinstalled F4. I started it (no mods, no f4se, nothing) and it detected my hardware. I started it again and the little wheel shows above the mouse and then it just goes to Steam's Store page. I tried checking the game cache, re-installing and searching the internet for answers. There is no loading screen. It never goes black. Just Start then BAM! Store page and that is it. Anyone know what it might be? I am running out of patience lol. Thanks!
  5. Really? Where did you read that at? Got a link? Thanks.
  6. If you go to the top of the forums where your picture is displayed..there is a drop down menu. In the menu is the option to "manage Ignore prefs." When you click this you can add the name of whomever then you can pick which options you would like to ignore (posts, PMs, etc.)
  7. Below is the listed permissions on that file. It does not allow porting to other games. You would have to get direct permission from the mod author to have it ported. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms Author notesThis author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions File creditsCredit goes to my favorite gaming company: Bethesda. and the good people from s.t.a.l.k.e.r. as well and the many great people at Freesound.org
  8. You can use the textures and meshes from the type 3 in F3 as a replacer in your game by adding it manually to your files. It won't have an ESP and will overwrite your current female textures so I advise backing up the folder before you add it. This will allow to use Type 3 things in your FNV. Just remember there are several types of Type 3 body and you will need to decide which one you want. good luck
  9. Well I can not say for sure. I think that mod is a texture replacer that makes things more HD and not changes them outright. You can always try installing it again to see. Also I would maybe ask in the mods upload thread to see if you can get any help. If your computer graphics is lower then the look may not be as changed as the pics you see of the mod. Just ask in the thread poliely and see if you can not get some assistance on that specifically. Good luck.
  10. Authors don't typically make mod packs. If someone merges mods they would have to have the permission to do so from every author. That doesn't happen typically. If you want to know the more popular mods searching the top 100 on the Fallout 4 site or you can even check the top downloads vs endorsed. You can do this in a time range or for all mods from the beginning. You can also sort by category and use filters to help you narrow down your search. At the top of the page where there search is there is an advanced search option. You can also do this for each category (which leads you to some good mods per category instead of the top 100 over all of them.) There is also easy access to the top files in the downloads tab. I realize this is a bit overwhelming but learning the proper search functions and trying mods individually is usually a better bet in the long haul. These games are complicated and are not perhaps working in a way that is conducive to creating and running packs like you see in other games like Minecraft. Modding is not for the faint of heart. Always back up your saves and only try one mod at a time in case something goes wrong. Good luck.
  11. Many texture replacers do not come with an .esp that would show up in your data files window (I assume you mean the list of mods plugins that you can click a box or something.) I don't use NMM but it is likely it would keep track that it is a texture replacer and list it as installed, but since there is no .esp then that would not appear as a box you can check on and off. That doesn't mean it isn't working. And the look of the replacer in your game may not look the same as the screenshots as your system set up is different. Does this help you any? Or did I just confuse you more? lol
  12. This ^ Also like someone said there are sometimes no advancements for ages then something sparks and it is a tech than brings along tons of other tech. Also sometimes humans loose technology. So the Dwemers in TES games, in real history things like the fall of Rome, the Black Plague, Fall of Atlantis (ha ha I am kidding) bring around even backwards movement. If a society relies on magic, has a steady food supply and a basic fear of tech it will just keep on trucking like that for a while. The best reason...its a fantasy game with magic so they don't need it. :)
  13. Being close friends with several police officers and WV State Police I can tell you what myself and most of them think about this, at least to start. Now knowing this isn't 100% the reason or cure but it sure helps...You get what you pay for. Officers in more populated areas and areas where drug trafficking takes place typically will face more dangerous situations. They will often work longer hours to stretch the budgets of the already stretched. Now I am not saying that most officers aren't hard working and able individuals. I think that many, if not most are. However if you are paying people to put their lives on the line day after day...if you want the best available you are going to have to pay them better than they are paid. Having people with good training, education and other necessities for these positions involves money. I know many folks are looking at it all backward...cops are corrupt and do not perform well....why should they get more money. That is ignoring the issue and putting the donkey before the cart. You have to be able to pay police officers a good wage that will compensate them for the danger and stress in which they find themselves daily. You have to have money to be able to give officers continuous and better training to handle high-stress situations. You have to be able to hire enough of them that they are not too overworked or too stressed and have adequate backup. I completely believe that there are prejudice cops. That goes without saying. And no matter what you pay them there probably will be. But you can mitigate these things. You can have the training and ability to replace officers who are showing themselves incapable of holding that thin, blue line with only courage and conviction and not corruption. Paying these folks so little, having so few of them and not being able to train them properly, have proper evaluations and access to proper mental health services will only eventually, even with officers with the best of intent, lead to what we are seeing. The best that West Virginia has (and they used to be some of the best performing and best trained in the country) the State Troopers make on median $30,000 per year. That is less than $15 an hour on a 40hr a week schedule. You think they only work 40 hours a week?. Now there are troopers that make much more and some less. But on average...there you go. Now the standard of living here is lower than many places, but still. My husband, who works hard for his money, but nonetheless works a desk job makes more than these men and women. I saw an interview with the head of police in Dallas (a black man if that is necessary to know) and he said these men make "40K a year" so even in a place with a much higher standard of living the average police office in Dallas, who lost members...who stood their ground and protected people to the loss of their own lives for $40,000 a year. I wouldn't. Would you? So if you want more, better trained, less corruptible police that are more adaptable, less stressed and hopefully with less prejudice you have to pay them. In my opinion police, firefighters, EMS/Rescue and teachers should make more money than pretty much anyone else. We rely on these people to get us from danger, save our lives and teach our children every, single day. We don't thank them or acknowledge them until something like this happens and far too often it is only the bad we acknowledge and not the good they do. I am not saying to ignore these bad things, of course not. And I am well aware that a paycheck doesn't cure all ills. But maybe if we traded all the money the crappy politicians make every year with the wages of police service men and women it might male a start. You get what you pay for...every...single...time.
  14. Perhaps this question would be better directed to a moderator instead of tossing things (which may or may no be accurate) around in the open forum?
  15. Sorry guys. With the internet being spotty for a time and me having to be on the laptop or phone...well it isn't conducive to writing RP post. I should be able to get one up by tom at the latest. Child is going back to her Dad's a few days so...
  16. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ This is where you can find more help. It is a thread that specifically deals with finding mods that you know exist but maybe can not find. Post there and you may have more luck. Good luck to you.
  17. I don't know as it is difficult to see. However there is a thread in which you may want to post that instead. It is here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ Finding mods is what the thread is for and you might get more results there. Good luck.
  18. Did you click on her and try resetai?
  19. It may be that since this was a weekend with a US holiday they are a bit backed up. Dark0ne is the one that handles account issues typically (and the CONTACT US button is the best way to get help for this) and like I said, it may just be that things are a bit backed up.
  20. No one is saying not to have a good anti-malware, anti-virus. In fact you will see just the opposite in many threads here. What is being told to you is that McAfee is not known to be the best and in fact you can get many good programs for free (or buy them if you want) and that are leaps and bounds over McAfee (which is well known for its false positives and for missing alot of everything else.) So perhaps consider a new and more robust anti-virus and dump the McAfee.
  21. I believe the reasoning they give is that they are not sole owner of the meshes. They buy a license to use a mesh making program that allows them certain rights within the scope of the game they are creating. They do not have permission to use these outside the game, even if it is other Beth games.
  22. There should be a way to use the report function. If not all the more reason to look at it. If not then take a screenshot of it along with any information you can get and submit that to Dark0ne (also perhaps the area where you live and all that.) Something is better than nothing. You can use the contact us at the bottom of the main forum page to send it in. Thanks for the warning though. I wouldn't think that full page hi-jack ads would be welcome.
  23. Actually, the option 3 is to read this and act on it accordingly: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3906517-ad-reporting-functionality/ And if you find an add that you think is troublesome or think gave you the virus (and I'll be honest that there is a very, very slim possibility of this happening) or is malicious then use this feature to report the ad. The Nexus recently changed providers of their ads and will do so again if necessary. However as ads are regional and sometimes have other filters applied not everyone sees the same ads. For the Nexus to be able to help you and also track down a possibly malicious ad then they need more info. I suggest you read the attached article for more info. As for showing malicious ads so that they can generate money...well extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. However a one month supporter gets rid of the ads forever with just a one month supporter of about $2 U.S. I wish you all luck getting your computers sorted out. However should you see any ads here that you think are problematic report them for Dark0ne to check out.
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