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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. Hello and welcome. If you tell us what game you are wishing to do this then we can tell you where exactly to post this. Also every game on the file side pages, if you look at the top tabs you will see FORUMS. This will take you directly to that particular game's forum. Navigating on this side of things is a bit confusing sometimes. :) Good luck and let us know!
  2. I completely agree that the people that hire them should be held accountable also. If not more so. And as I said I disagree with illegals having access to public assistance. The main issue as it though..is what do we do with the huge numbers here that have been here for years and years and years. I think a path to citizenship is a good way to go. Maybe not as presented but I can not imagine how much more money it will cost to round everyone up and send them all back to..where ever. I don't think that is the answer. As for the wall...well unless Mexico wins the lotto I am unsure how we'd pay for any of it. Hell our infrastructure is in deplorable condition, our schools as well. And even homeland security said it would cost too much. Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Duncan Hunter proposed building two parallel steel and wire fences running from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Coast. Hunter called for building a reinforced, two-layer 15' fence, separated by a 100-yard gap, along the entire length of the US border with Mexico. It would include additional physical barriers, powerful lighting and sensors to detect illegal border crossers. Some envision a wall or a fence. Others foresee a "virtual" fence of cameras, lighting, and sensors along the US-Mexican border. But Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said a wall running the length of a border would cost too much. A 2,000 mile state-of-the-art border fence has been estimated to cost between four and eight billion dollars. Costs for a wall that would run the entire length of the border might be as low as $851 million for a standard 10-foot prison chain link fence topped by razor wire. For another $362 million, the fence could be electrified. A larger 12-foot tall, two-foot-thick concrete wall painted on both sides would run about $2 billion. Initially it was estimated that the San Diego fence would cost $14 million -- about $1 million a mile. The first 11 miles of the fence eventually cost $42 million -- $3.8 million per mile, and the last 3.5 miles may cost even more since they cover more difficult terrain. An additional $35 million to complete the final 3.5 miles was approved in 2005 by the Department of Homeland Security -- $10 million per mile. Now I suppose they could just put up some yellow tape that says do not cross, set up a few fake cameras like we used to do in my bookstore since we couldn't afford the real ones to keep the kiddies out of the Playboy Mags. Maybe a nice sound system playing dog barks and whatever Kanye West album is out? I jest but I think you see the point I try to make. Walls have been built to keep people in and out for thousands of years. It usually doesn't work for long. And then people get creative like the guy from West Germany in the 1960s whose girl lived on the other side in East Berlin. He could cross back and forth, she could not. He studies the gates and noticed at the time, Checkpoint Charlie had just a gate bar that was about 3ish feet off the ground. The soldiers would go inside and check the paperwork. he decided to exploit this and went and found a Austin Healey Sprite which was super small. He let air out the tires and removed the front glass. He hid his poor woman under a back seat and when the soldier took his paperwork into look at, BAM flat on the floor he put the pedal and bending over at the last second, he cleared under the gate with an inch to spare. Getting safely to West Berlin, the guards on that side came over. The guy lifts her out and announces they were getting married and a little street celebration ensued. A wall of some sort may help. Closing off the jobs would be a good first step and that will take, as you say, making the existing laws apply. But unlike Little Jack Horner, Mr. Trump can't just stick his thumb in the wall and hope to stem the tide. There needs to be more creative thinking here. And not to veer this topic even more, but if there was not such money in narcotics...which is in large part why some cross over (not just to deal and sell but to escape violence of cartels) I think there could be a big impact on the number crossing. But now we have many in South America (not just Mexico but many Latin American States) suffering from the same things. Many see America as the land of milk and honey and will continue to be desperate enough to come. And no, I guess it isn't "our" problem they are dying in these illegal attempts...as a government...but as a nation of compassionate folk I would hope we could do better than that.
  3. No...I want a pink bow on its head and it is Ms. Pac Man I demand the eyebot have its pink bow! This is my vision. Make it so, Number One.
  4. Nope, I can read just fine and I will enjoy my evening thanks much. You decided the tone on this one. I been around a long time here, I've modded, I've helped, I've lurked, I've learned and heck I even moderated for a number of years. I have seen post like this many times. You can listen to what pretty much everyone is telling you (not just me) or you can keep digging. And I don't need to be able to read to know how this one is going to end. Best of luck to you.
  5. Blender and GIMP are just as good and last I checked completely free. There are many, many modders that are hurting for time and money but they make mods THEY like and then choose to share. It is a small group that work on specific request and with the massive list you have I can see why many might steer clear. And it isn't your ideas that are such an issue, but rather how you present yourself and the unrealistic expectations you seem to have. You will get more with honey than vinegar and if you show a willingness to learn and be polite I think the response you got would be much different. To begin...I believe you posted this thread BEFORE you put out your list of requirements. Regardless of the chicken or egg, that really isn't a way to go about things. Also the list you have is an immense amount of work. You don't seem to remember your manners of please and thank you and also seem to think that you are entitled to have your wish list filled or you poo-poo all over the modding community. If say you requested a single model and offered to texture it or learn to texture it I could see many people be more helpful. If you want to learn, a little bit as you have time here is a great place to begin http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/81-the-enclave/ And remember, just as you say you are so busy and have no money...do you really think that everyone else that mods is in a different situation? Personally, I have three teenage kids and a single income in the household. That takes tons of time and drives me to the point of insanity. I haven't modded much other than for myself since Oblivion. But the few times I have asked for something (and I didn't get a bite on most of it though I have people willing to help me learn as we can) I asked nicely and I don't get pissy because people aren't making mods I wished to have. You also give this list of things your require and though you have been here since 2011 you have endorsed a grand total of 5 mods (and the last appears to be in April of 2015.) Sometimes if you need or want something you have to give a little to get a little. And sometimes the give is simply a gracious attitude and polite manners.
  6. Well golly gee, I can totally see why you would be disappointed since you seem to have a long list of "requirements" https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5065700-i-require-mods-that-do-thiese-things/
  7. I don't necessarily disagree that immigrants are sometimes not what they are portrayed. I know they often do jobs that most Americans will not. I also know that there are hundreds of thousands of STEM jobs, many which pay well that are going unfilled in the US because no one is getting the required education to work them. So there are more jobs than some admit (and perhaps some of that re-training for miners some discuss could be used to educate them on STEM jobs or to send them to college to learn the skills.) However that being said many immigrants still get public assistance even when not legally here. That is the biggest issue I have with that. Regardless it all needs addressed and it is something that can't continue in the way it has. Eventually there is no room in the inn. But bless your heart, I just kinda think you chose poorly in your words. I spoke of people dying crossing borders and tens of thousands of children crossing alone (for whatever reason) and your next comment is to move on to things that matter. You are, of course, allowed to say what you will and in any way you wish with whatever amount of tact and respect you choose.
  8. Are you just wanting the look? Are you wanting to say, take a character from Skyrim and put it in New Vegas or just one new vegas to another new vegas save? Perhaps this? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35769/?
  9. Things that actually matter? *scratches head*
  10. Ain't that the truth. :smile: Fence, wall, whatever. The idea is to make it more difficult for illegals to come into the country. Just walking across some line on a map isn't really much of a deterrent. A fence will help, especially if it is monitored. (sensors, cameras, whathaveyou, and then people to respond to alarms......) We only had a fence around our weapons storage area when I was in the service. And we had a pretty good sized collection of nuclear weapons behind it. Of course it was monitored/patrolled 24/7/365, and the border fence should be as well. Maybe have some of those troops we will be bringing home to keep track of it. I am going to have to disagree with you about the "just walking across some line on a map." Now there aren't many agencies that keep track of immigrants who die trying to cross US borders. There was an article in Smithsonian Magazine in 2014 saying that even the US Border Patrol who do not really keep the best of numbers at times (but the best we have) say that in the past year (article from Oct 2014) at least 445 people are confirmed to have died trying to cross the US Southern Border. Perhaps that isn't a big percent compared to the number that come across but I think its a bunch. Even more disturbing the article discusses that in this same time frame over 47, 000 unaccompanied children were picked up trying to cross. How desperate are people to save their children and/or to get across that they will do this? With all the suffering and war in the world now I suspect there will be more. They cross in places that don't have as much "protection" and they don't have it because it is so dangerous to cross in many places. Think how bad it is in Europe where there are places hemorrhaging people fleeing from ISIS and Syria, etc. I know we need to address the immigration issues. I admit I don't have a ready answer, but there are places on the southern border with "walls, fences, etc" and they really are not particularly effective. And Mexico is not going to be willing or able to help that cause. We are a nation of immigrants. The US would not exist if not for this. We are a smart and I thought, compassionate people. Surely a better way can be found? (Article for reference.) http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nearly-6000-migrants-have-died-along-mexico-us-border-2000-180952904/?no-ist
  11. And that my friend IS the warning system. If someone can not bother to read the bug reports and scan through the comments...for actual helpful post or constructive criticism then *shrug*. Modding a game is not for the faint of heart. Everything that has been said by others as to WHY we don't use something like this is true. I been around a long time. I know of what I speak. However the majority of mods and the majority of comments of "this won't work" and nothing else...well that usually ends up being user error. In the case it is not then again, you described the best way to address these things. The mod author is under no obligation to fix or do anything else. Heck maybe they got hit by a bus and got amnesia? Who knows. Mods are to be thought of as "as is" and that you use at your own risk. If someone is deliberately making a mod to screw a game then report it. If it is a big turn in a bug report. Nothing happens then don't use the mod. These mods are gifts to the community. This is a gaming site. Nothing here can do more than ruffle a few feathers and the worst one has happen is they lose their save and have to reinstall (and if that is the worse thing that happens then I want to trade lives lol). But if you learn about how to use these mods even that is a rarity. (and I always have back up saves...lots of them lol) If you wish to address mods and modders in the way you describe (warning signs) then you are going to have to do that elsewhere.
  12. @HeyYou I took a very active interest in everything this year. These were not the droids I was looking for.
  13. Many of his statements were in direct response to Hillary's comment that was made in regard to WV. Also in several speeches he mentions West Virginia directly. Even if he were speaking to coal in general, that dog won't hunt either.
  14. I didn't miss the point. It may not seem to be significantly related but I didn't misunderstand a darn thing. MY point is that there is a massive amount of evidence that coal jobs are going, going, gone and to say you will save them/bring them back is incorrect and not being straight up on the matter. I personally can't connect with Trump because he makes these wide reaching statements how he is going to fix it all and be some comb-over messiah when there is and has been evidence to the contrary regarding the coal industry in West Virginia. Someone who says they are the only ones that can help and knows so very much about business SHOULD know this and speak plainly and honestly about the predicament people here are in. A good businessman would have plan a, b, c and onward. Also I point out that there are many dems elected in WV including the governor-elect Justice. So why would WV vote in a republican president not being able to connect to dems as some of you say, but then vote for a democrat governor who ran against a pro-Trump/pro-coal ticket (and the other guy was named COLE for god's sake)? And WV has done this most of my lifetime. The people of this state deserved better. But Trump won because he gave the angry masses false hope. When people are desperate they believe much. And lets remember the popular vote from this election. I think Hillary made plenty of connections. Anyway, I said my piece. Enjoy.
  15. (My coloring above) As a West Virginian I feel the need to step in here. Now, Hillary was kind of dumb for saying that how she did. However most people don't know what else she has also said which is that she planned to help coal workers with retraining for other, equally well paying jobs. West Virginia's coal industry is a hot mess and not likely to improve. The fact is, coal jobs are becoming fewer and fewer for many reasons and most of the jobs will never come back to West Virginia. It is the stubbornness of the State and many of its people that feel some kinds of visceral connection to coal regardless of how badly coal treats West Virginia (and really always has but I guess they all forgot about the Mine Wars) and a complete "hide my head in a hole" attitude refusing to see the decline in coal jobs, increase in cost of production and the use of other, cheaper fuel. In 2015 West Virginia University did report on the coal industry here (and WVU gets much money from coal, so if they wanted to have them all chuck money at them this report didn't endear coal to them.) In WVU's report (found here an article on it http://wvutoday.wvu.edu:8002/n/2015/05/28/wvu-report-shows-coal-industry-faces-nearly-39-percent-decline-in-coal-production and the mentioned paper here http://www.be.wvu.edu/bber/pdfs/BBER-2015-03.pdf and another article about it here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/04/19/coal-industry-energy-fallout/82972958/ ) they found that coal production, especially in the southern part of the state (which I live) suffers of many factors. The rising use of natural gas, the loss of easy to mine coal, the age of the mines which are not up to modern tech or safety standards (which will cost more jobs), the type of coal present here, and there are places to get coal easier and cheaper. The jobs were going down before Obama and anyone else. The regulations are not what is killing West Virginia's remaining coal resources (which is estimated as a 200 year supply and that does not take into consideration how hard it will be to mine) are becoming harder and harder to get to in a safe manner both for humans and the ecology. My husband works for Workers Comp here in WV and the amount of new black lung cases still exist. And let's face it...any of you who may have physically seen mountaintop mining will know that there needs to be a better way and something more for this situation. The days that one here can say, "My granddaddy mined, my Paw mined and I'm gonna mine" are over. No regulations or lack thereof will save West Virginia's miners. If West Virginia wants to compete in this brave new world then there needs to be a realization that retraining is a must and alternate plans for jobs other than mining need to be started and implemented more soon than later. Mining jobs are not going to return to West Virginia (especially in Southern West Virginia) and will keep declining as time goes on. Maybe Hillary should have chose her words more carefully (less sound byte worthy), but if anyone believes Donald Trump is going to bring mining jobs back are still drinking that Trump Tower Kool-Aid.
  16. Dante has his own special boots to deal with offenders. :)
  17. No you can not. The games are different in many fundamental ways. Even if you happened to find one to work, it would in all likelihood mess up your game. Just be patient for now.
  18. I know Arthmoor made a post on his site regarding changes and what prob need to happen to make various things work with the new version. http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/ This may help (if you didn't already know this) but it is just a start. Things are always hinky for a while with a "new" game. But it is just a game. Exercise a little patience folks. I still have my old Skyrim that I can mod til it breaks. ha ha ha Thanks Lisnpuppy. I got the meshes into the game a little while after posting this. It was as simple as importing and exporting the meshes with 3ds Max. Glad I could be of service. They need to put that info up here somewhere (if it is not and IDK) and like..sticky it :) Either way glad you got it working.
  19. Thats good to know, but dont you think could have saved a lot of effort by simply limiting prep to page duplication, and restricting actual file uploads till a later date? So far, its only a been a trickle of un-tested, mods, but you can bet come tomorrow, their will a flood of un-tested mods simply C+P'd over. If that occurs, and I wouldn't be surprised, managing something like that will be well impossible. i agree. would the adms. be testing said mods to make sure the are support, or put them on a waiting list so they can go threw them to make sure they work? or another way is make them hidden in tell the modder updates them? That is really un-doable. They will rely on reports to fix things. There are already 240 mods listed for SSE. The small and voluntary staff can not possibly check them even if they wished to do so. And not everyone on the staff plays Skyrim or will have this edition yet. It will be a mess but not for long. Things like this get addressed pretty quick. When in doubt read the comments. I personally will probably be waiting a few days before diving into the mods. But I don't think it will be as bad as some think. I know Arthmoor made a post on his site regarding changes and what prob need to happen to make various things work with the new version. http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/ This may help (if you didn't already know this) but it is just a start. Things are always hinky for a while with a "new" game. But it is just a game. Exercise a little patience folks. I still have my old Skyrim that I can mod til it breaks. ha ha ha
  20. True but I think Dark0ne made it pretty clear he wasn't going to like a bunch of folks just re-upping mods without testing. I hope he keeps to that. But that does not mean just because a page info is duplicated that it was not tested and fixed.
  21. How do you know they don't work? The Nexus allowed mod authors to "duplicate" their page information so they didn't have to retype everything. I have no idea if they did what they had to do to convert them (as the game has not unlocked for me yet.) But I would think that many of them work. Those that don't will be told quickly enough.
  22. I don't know if you can. Of course someone else may come along and tell otherwise and I hope someone more knowledgeable does come about. I have used tons of Skyrim mods (and made some for myself) and have never encountered what you are saying. Now there are ways to script a mod not to start until certain conditions are met but the plug in is active. This is why you occasionally see mods which advise not to add and/or activate until a certain point in the game. That way there is no interference with whatever happens in a place or with something or someone. I hope someone comes along to give you a more definite answer but as I said I have not encountered a way to activate the actual plug in via a game condition. Good luck!!
  23. Assume nothing. As a former moderator here I can say there is enough work that things cannot be seen. Especially in a game still being heavily modded. Copyright content is any content made by anyone that is not given direct permission for use. This can be content from other games, content made by other modders here, etc. Copyrght is often misunderstood and people trip over it a great deal. In the US something is copyrighted as soon as it is given a medium to view, hear or otherwise present. So if I make a sword from scratch in Blender as soon as I do so this is copyright owned by myself. I don't have to fill out anything or get a government approval. However, to further explain and to cover what seems to be copyright questions the Terms state (my coloring of the font) : Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.Always provide appropriate credit to authors who have given you permission to use their content in your files both within the file description and within your file readme, even if said content was published as free to use.Basically if you didn't make it yourself from scratch, make it with permission of the ORIGINAL author then you need to have permission. If you use another author's uploaded content and they stole it from somewhere else, you don't have permission. To use a author's work that is not their content they have to have gained permission to use (and redistribute) or the content must be open source/free content. Your best bet here is to not try to guess (or us guess) and simply show a moderator (Or the community liason SirSalami) the content you wish to use and see what the staff says. Again you are ultimately responsible for the content used in mods uploaded here. If you want to make something for private use only the Nexus does not care. You can do what you want in your game you just can not present it here.
  24. You might want to read the actual Terms of Service for the Nexus. It is a bit long but has important info. Robin didn't put it there because he likes to use up internet space. And stealing assets can get you banned. It is your responsibility to verify that assets you use from someone else are legal to use. Asking that person isn't generally a good way if they are saying not to upload here. That implies that they are aware of things they should not be using. Also if a mod is on the site that has not been removed does NOT mean it is ok. This is in the ToS also. It needs to be reported for investigation by the moderators. With literally tens of thousands of mods, images and posts on the site (with more coming) the Nexus staff relies heavily on reports from the community. Here is a link to the Terms of Service. Should you have questions I am sure a moderator would be happy to answer them. Or even if you want to have them take a look at something before you upload may be something to consider also. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  25. I would love at least some search options. By name or date downloaded. Anything really.
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