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Everything posted by sgtKraigO
True, it has been stated that a large reason as too why the NCR is doing so poorly is due to Kimballs desire to send a large chunk of experienced troops too Baja. If the NCR lost at Hoover Dam they would still have a decent sized army but they would lack leadership, the states would be arguing with each other, troop morale would be way down, and civilians would most likely start too riot do to poor economy and a failing government.
No I think that would be too great of an assumption to make. We have direct evidence of it through the DLC, but that does not correlate that they are the only ones. Men are drawn to power, it is obvious the Legion is powerful. Men may capitulate to a greater power and some tribals may see allying with the legion as the only way to survive. There may be other tribes that are petitioning too join the Legion but we have no evidence of that. We know that all 87 tribes that have joined the legion were forced into it. Yes they would commit military resources dependent on resistance, as I stated above. Part of the legion recruitment process is conquering new tribes. So you can see where I'm going with this? I see your point, but they also had other resources to relies on like towns and cities, reservists, males who would have been considered too young to fight in war were also probably rushed into service too fill in the ranks.
It was used historically to guarantee loyalty of allies, so for instance in the white legs case they wanted to join the Legion. If they had been allowed to (as opposed to being conquered and assimilated) the children of the while legs chieftains and other important peeps would find themselves raised in the capitol, where they would be insurance and also learn the imperial ways. I can't say for sure (with authority), but if you look at the wiki they'v got quite a potential land area, and many tribes are currently or recently in play (conflicts, conquests etc) that are not anywhere near the Mojave. I think that indicates some pretty busy fronts. The difference is, the NCR can put up a effective resistance, which the tribals cannot. So IMHO they are busy conquering (because I believe the legion needs that to moving forward and keep itself together), but it's resources being devoted to these other areas are proportional to the resistance. I could see that being used for the White Legs but they're the only tribe to have want to join the Legion, all others were forced. The Legion was committing majority of its military to Hoover Dam, after their first loss (And second, GO NCR!) they committed solely on recruiting and training. Again, I'm sure they have some troops stationed else where for defense but I can't see any major push into new lands while they're busy with the NCR. Also how do you break up quotes like that?
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Do you mean so all vendors and merchants etc,only accept NCR dollars instead of caps? I don't actually know how to do this iIdon't know if its possible without totally changing Caps to a different currency but im not an expert ahah :tongue: That's fine, I imagined it would be pretty difficult and it was just an idea. -
I can't do this but jsyk, use a flamer against Cazadores.
Camp Searchlight No Radiation
sgtKraigO replied to FearTheGuardian's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Could someone rebuild Camp Searchlight? I would love too see it before it's destruction. -
I watched that video last night, I enjoyed the fact that the actor who played Lanius is the same one who voiced him in NV. Legate/Frumentarii: You could definitely find historical inspiration for a possible coup d'etat between the frumentarii and the legate. Boomers: I could see the Legate creating many enemies for his decision too waste so many legion lives on a pointless sacking of a heavily defended pre-war base. Maybe some of them were well liked frumentarii. side note: If Nelis is deserted and the NCR win I could see them using the base for their own air force. If the boomers rebuilt the bomber and then deserted the base then it could become another asset too the NCR. If its still at the bottom of Lake Mead then I could see an NCR officer wishing and hoping to retrieve and rebuild it but idk if they could do it. That would be up too the mod creator. Fiends: The Fiends fail taking over McCarren no matter what you do. The only reason Caesar doesn't assimilate them is due to their reliance too chems. Khans: I would like too see an abandon Red Rock Canyon and depending on the ending chosen, it could be pretty grim. If the Khans abandon the place then it could just be tent polls and some smoking fire places. If the Legion take them over then I could see some dead bodies being picked over by birds (it would be cool if the first sign is something being pecked at by birds and when the player get's closer it's revealed too be a dead khan, possibly a named one). Some of the tents could be burned too the ground, the training area destroyed, Jack and Diane dead crucified in front of their chem lab. Kings: Depending on the ending I could see a few wastelanders popping up here and there with the kings hair style. Boone: I would enjoy a quest where you could hunt down boone and have a choice of killing him or letting him go. The only reason he doesn't try too kill you is because you helped him at bitter springs. Camp Golf: I could see Caesar turning Camp Golf into a personal resort for higher ranked Legion members. Camp McCarren: The airport would probably become a major Legion training camp for recruits.
Just curious, if this is for the Legion ending, why would the player choose to weaken their hold on other territory. Also I believe the legion doesn't need the use of royal hostages as they just simply assimilate the tribes and move on. I wouldn't be surprised if the legion was expanding into other areas, but I suspect at the moment it's minimal and mostly consists of spies and scouts collecting information on the tribes in those areas.
That's a cool thought. I could see the Elite Riot Gear being used by the military special forces, the police using advanced and regular riot armour and the military using Combat Armour. I think the standard fire arms for the police could be pistols and hunting shotguns inside the towns while on watch or patrol outside they use hunting shotguns, smgs, and some assault carbines. The military could use assault carbines, marksman carbines, hunting shotguns, light machine guns, and sniper rifles. It would be interesting if the NCR and the DDC worked out a deal for electricity in exchange they send some soldiers to help defend the dam as well as sending some to help in the upcoming battle. It would be fun too see the DDC soldiers fighting along side the NCR.
Correction: Native Americans for the most part were pretty peaceful too each other. They did fight but it was nothing major, most conflicts were settled peacefully. Geronimo, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse were major leaders in the war against the US governments expansion into their lands. Salt Upon Wounds and the White Legs were already a militaristic tribe, it was through Ulysses they learned of more advanced tactics.
Sorry brother, that went totally over my head. Could you expand on what you meant? I believe he means it's a reference too native american history and how the US government committed genocide, but I'm not aware of any natives working on plantations. Although I don't see that being the reference in the DLC since there are no government type forcibly removing the tribes, I do see the connection between the Huron, Iroquois, and other native tribes. Personally I'm not a big fan of the idea of an athletic tribe or a park ranger tribe as I feel the Zion park would be way too over crowded. With 3 tribes it's perfect but any more it would be too much, one way of getting around this could be too have the Black Sands not have a base and very rarely find their hunters and scouts since they're very stealthy. When the player has too contact them they will speak too a representative of the tribe.
Yet the game gives you reputation with those various factions, also yes I did mean or instead of and. If you nuke the faction they hate you but if you disarm one or both nothing really changes. I never understood why they would hate you though since they wouldn't know who exactly launched the nukes. Its not like Ulysses tells anyone since he stays in the Divide and the player never has they option too tell anyone.
I'm not sure if the Followers or the BoS know that you were the one that nuked the NCR or Legion. Also if you disarm the nukes then no one other than you and Ulysses is aware of the situation. Oh and the BoS would never work with the Followers, although I'm guessing you meant "or" rather than "and".
Why are Deathclaws so damn deadly?
sgtKraigO replied to AxlDave's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I'm not familiar too how DR works, I just kill stuff. But wouldn't 100% mean they can't take any damage what so ever? -
Long 15 & Drywells Reborn Mod
sgtKraigO replied to aaronz12345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Wouldn't the NCR government be trying to smelt as much of it down then? Also just a thought, but since we would be in NCR territory could it be possible to have NCR money used instead of caps? There could be somewhere you could exchange the money in on of the first buildings you pass. Idk how difficult it would be too change the currency, it was just a thought. -
I could see the followers trying to work out a peace deal between the NCR and tribal groups
Thanks, I'm not sure how long this will take as I am busy with school and its been a while since I've messed around in the GECK.
The White Legs were not a part of the Legion. They had petitioned to join them but Caesar told them to kill all of the New Canaanites and they will be able to join, he also sent Ulysses too aid and train them. When the White Legs destroyed New Canaan they didn't kill all of the New Canaanites so they followed them to Zion. Although it doesn't mention it in the endings but I believe the White Legs do join the Legion after the player kills Joshua Graham and Daniel.
If you want a simple mod to start, I'd recommend filling Nexusaurus's request in The Divide Reborn, he just wants a small number of NPCs. I have rather large plans for this mod (just havn't had time to lay them out yet....busy the last couple of days), but of course I welcome suggestions in regards to the Divide and if I like them I will include them. That's what I'm planning on doing. If I get it up and running feel free to use it and expand on it for your mod if you'd like.
If I get the spare time I could try starting the mod and then hand it over to someone more experienced. It wont be much and I'm not sure when I will get the spare time but I will try.
Personally I would like to see them up against the NCR and the Legion. The NCR could be trying to force them off of their land while the Legion is trying too assimilate them. Some endings could be that the NCR forces them off of their land in order to farm it and help feed the nation and the tribes join the Legion. The NCR allows them to stay on the land and work out a deal that would allow them to farm it and the tribes protect the farms while getting a percentage of the harvest. They could also share some military knowledge, for example the Blade Prayers could help train NCR Rangers while the rangers train the Blade Prayers in more advanced tactics. This one could also result in the Legion losing their forces in the region resulting in utter defeat. The NCR wipes out the tribes and the survivors are assimilated into the Legion. The Legion assimilates the tribes and stops the NCR from gaining any land. The NCR and Legion are destroyed in the area and the tribes continue their way of life. If the Legion assimilates the tribes then it would be neat if the legion soldiers gain skills in unarmed, survival, sneak, and melee. If the NCR Rangers work with the tribes then rangers could gain skills in unarmed, melee, and survival, while tribal warriors could gain skills in unarmed, medicine, and guns.
You mean the awesome cartoon by Dan Harmon? How does that explain the Blade Prayers worship of mantises?
It's interesting that they would worship a mantis. Personally I've always viewed the mantis as nothing more than free xp for low levels. My idea of the Blade Prayers is that they worship the blade (Their weapon, a warrior without a weapon is no warrior at all), the whetstone (without a stone a blade is nothing more than flattened metal), fire (allows the forging of the blade and provides heat), and the earth (Where the blades, and whetstones come from, and where warriors to in death). They believe the sword and whetstone is a gift from their ancestors who have fallen in battle so that they can bring honor to their name and tribe. The tribal blacksmiths are some of the best in the wasteland, and in the tribe they're the priests. Only tribal members can obtain their blades and only after they've looked into the eyes a man they've killed (basically their passage into warriorhood). If you're a blacksmith you cannot become a warrior, but they do know how to fight so they do not get the same blades as warriors but they do get their own special weapon. A persons sex does not matter in the tribe, neither does their sexual orientation. The tribal elders raise the children and teach and train them in warfare and weapon smiting (although how exactly the weapons are made are kept secret by the blacksmiths). The warriors are trained in scouting, raiding, open warfare, survival, tracking, and hunting). The leader of the tribe is considered the strongest, fastest, and bravest of them all and too become the leader you must kill the leader. There is some farming in the tribe but it's minimal and looked after by everyone.
I'm liking the Blade Prayers and the Black Sands Blade Prayers: Warrior tribe that are similar too Kilngons and Dothraki. They would never step down from an honorable find but find most ranged weapons dishonorable. They are trained from an early age and do not care what sex you are, if you can swing a sword or throw a spear you can fight. The most common weapons they use would be Machete Gladius', Axes, throwing knives, and throwing spears. The leader could have a special shish kabob. Black Sands: A tribe that paints themselves in black and attack in the middle of the night. The stay in sandy areas and their camps are almost impossible to find. The Blade Prayers find their tactics dishonorable and cowardly. That's just what comes to mind when I hear the names.