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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.



    If you want hair to show from a helmet you map it like a hat instead of mapping it as a helm. That means you use the amulet or tail slot.


    That'd be the quickest and most efficient way around, I agree.

    Just check slot deployment in case you're using third-party clothing, or in case the outfitting revolves around a companion.


    In fact, this can be amusing. Yesterday I had quite a bit of fun trying out a witch hat on my right-hand sorceress, only to find she would insist to wear it atop her hooded cloak instead of switching headgear (I didn't try with a large helmet, but I -will- do so later!). :biggrin:


    This is why Meris enchants her hoods with chameleon, then she doesn't have to take off her hat to put on her chameleon hoods (one at time of course, they have different features), and when she's ready to be seen in public again, she puts on her favorite wig -- which changes out the hood. Meris is a natural blonde, and she's wearing her favorite wig in my sig. now if the hat was mapped to helm, she would lose her wig when she put on the witch's hat. See what I mean.


    The same phenomena comes when using the sparkly headdresses that can be bought at the Apachii Goddess Store, so yes, you'll sometimes have a hood and a headdress, but if you're enchanting your clothes, sometimes the opportunity for those layers comes in quite handy.


    For the most part, hoods suck as a fashion statement, so making them disappear pleases me.

  2. Does anyone know of any mods at all that are inspired by The Witcher in any way?


    Though it was unintentional, this new face texture of mine might work for you. There will be a way to have it without the beard add-on. The texture not released yet as I have to tweak some .esp files, but it shouldn't be too much longer.




    Wow I love that, he looks just like Dave Navarro! Haha

  3. That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.



    If you want hair to show from a helmet you map it like a hat instead of mapping it as a helm. That means you use the amulet or tail slot.

  4. Make sure to use the TESNexus resources too.



    Read the whole thing.




    Also, is the only real problem with that outfit the textures and the cuirass too short?


    Could you give me a link to it please.


    I can't promise anything because I don't even have time for my own projects, with my schoolwork bearing down on me, but it looks like an easy enough fix. However, I do realize it may be that you really like the top shape of that cuirass and want to lengthen that particular one rather than finding a reasonable facsimile to substitute, in which case I encourage you to go for the blender route, which is difficult but rewarding, or consider some nifskope & texture trickery in which case I may have time to help.


    If I were to mess around with some meshes. I would like to take the belt from the Imperial Legion cuirass as the skirt, and modify the vanilla Elven Cuirass, make it into a bodice, because it has the texture I want, and change the colour to match the Golden Saint helmet.


    Myrmaad, this will take up your time. You sound very busy. When I get things up and running, may I get your help? But you doing it might be quicker then baby-sitting me... heh!



    My problem is that I much prefer creating stuff for oblivion than trying to discuss Yeats with people who've never heard of him before. I daresay it's easier to borrow the Elven Cuirass texture and modify it for whatever cuirass you most love the shape (mesh) of, and that includes modifying the golden saint helm to match it exactly. So you're not locked in to the shade of the Golden Saint helm unless that's exactly what you want. To use blender to change the Vanilla Elven Cuirass is a pretty big job, comparatively.


    What happens when a female body puts on the Legion cuirass? I've never tried it. I wonder if anyone's made a female version that's true to the male shape?


    I found a bunch of the female versions in this mod, which has already got generous permissions. Possibly something to work with female-skirt-wise??



  5. Make sure to use the TESNexus resources too.



    Read the whole thing.




    Also, is the only real problem with that outfit the textures and the cuirass too short?


    Could you give me a link to it please.


    I can't promise anything because I don't even have time for my own projects, with my schoolwork bearing down on me, but it looks like an easy enough fix. However, I do realize it may be that you really like the top shape of that cuirass and want to lengthen that particular one rather than finding a reasonable facsimile to substitute, in which case I encourage you to go for the blender route, which is difficult but rewarding, or consider some nifskope & texture trickery in which case I may have time to help.

  6. I like NYE also,usually go to friends or have friends over...never drink and drive,always spend the night,or I have extra bedrooms for those too partied to drive

    I like a bit of the bubbly myself! :biggrin:



    We often go out and get a snazzy room near wherever we plan to be. We've done all kinds of things, including going to the Symphony, which you wouldn't believe how fun it is to get dressed to the 9s and party with the ritz. One time we had our neighbors over for a pajama party and bonfire. :D

  7. Korea is a beautiful place, so, besides the obvious, what happens after the wedding, what are the romantic plans?

    Some sightseeing in/around Seoul, and since Teri's an artist/art-educator by trade (main focus: ceramics), there's an enclave sponsored by the National Gallery in Changdong (just 10 stops down the line from my base) that she's applied for a residency at... planning on taking her there to visit to get some face-time with the directors and staff. With any luck, it will improve her chances of getting accepted for the residency.


    Regardless, she'll be here until 09 JAN, and we plan on celebrating New Year's in downtown Seoul. :biggrin:



    Aww. that sounds like so much fun! I'll definitely think of you both on NYE. We are a very romantic couple, and New Years is always an opportunity for fun and romance. Even if we just dress up and stay home, which is what I think we'll do this year.

  8. What if its a leap year! no...wait.... Im just not going to get that invite, am i? I like it that hb's wedding will not cater to riff raff. *sniffs*

    Well, seeing as how the ceremony is being held in a small chapel on-post that is primarily a quonset-hut, and the reception afterward is at the post club across the street (formerly the NCO club) where my guests will be treated to chicken-wings and beer, I'd actually say the wedding is very much catering to riff-raff.


    Mostly, it's catering to a Corporal, who's spending most of his money just getting his fiancee across the Pacific Ocean to get married.


    You're welcome to attend, Chesto (dancing bear and all) as long as you can pay your own way to Korea.

    And if you're that wealthy, maybe you could bring some side-dishes? Chicken-wings all by themselves are a bit... um... pedestrian...



    Korea is a beautiful place, so, besides the obvious, what happens after the wedding, what are the romantic plans?

  9. For her visit, and your wedding!!??


    Awww! *Myrmaad melts*




    May your journey together be a lasting blessing and bring you great joy and happiness.


    You'll be a lucky couple indeed if you can find as much happiness as we have over these last 27 years.


  10. HI!


    I have played oblivion from the day it came out for sale and it have worked perfectly.


    Now that i reinstalled and started to play oblivion and when the game has been played for precisely for 1min 4sec the comp shuts down and when i start it upp again it claims that oblivion is not installed but all the files are there and i need to install it again to play. There was one message when i started the comp the first time.


    Message: The system has recovered from a serious error. nothing else..


    My comp:


    Processor: AMD Athlon XP @ 1916 MHz

    Ram: 1536 MB

    Video Card: ATI Radeon 9600 XT (V350)

    Audio Device: VT8233/A Ac'97 Enchanted Audio Controller


    What is the problem?. :wallbash:


    Best to check the power supply.

  11. I'm looking for nipple jewelry or any other sort of female breast decorations. I've scanned the catogories here and I know I've seen them somewhere...please help!!!!




    I believe your looking for this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16476


    as for the other post got any video links to help find your mod?

    thank you very much!


    There's another called "little jewelry" or something like that, little items, little things...

  12. You're TOO horny.... And I didn't think that was possible!


    ... So, who's up for some spanking?


    Ohhh..pick me <hand raised in air> pick me!!

    I like spanks!





    I'll spank ya. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/EvilGrin.gif

  13. hi,

    today I've watched a video and i saw this pretty nice female bodys/faces/hair, i althought saw it on pictures on this site, but i don't know, what is the name of this mod.

    here is a sample movie, where you can see this nice textures http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il8bSD_vEhc...feature=related I don't want to know the name of the mod, which give you wings smile.gif

    uhm here are two pictures from that, what i mean smile.gif http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/13193-1-1211965041.jpg

    http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/13193-2-1211965041.jpg I've downloaded the eye candy mod, but there are not these nice faces/bodys and aircutes like on the pictures.

    maybe you can help and say me, what's the name of the mod.


    I can't really help you with the body and head, as I can't tell from the pictures and the video link is messed up so I can't look at it. The body looks like Exnem's Eye Candy or possibly Eshme. It looks a little too skinny to be Fantasy Figure or Robert's Female but I could be wrong. To me the heads look like default heads just tweaked a certain way. I can tell you though that the hairs you see in the pictures are by Ren, and there are a lot of mods which incorporate that hair. I'd suggest just having a look around at whichever cosmetic mod you fancy because there's a good chance that any of them will have Ren's hairs. Also the head is not dependent on the body mod, so just pick whatever you like best.



    I fixed the vid link for her, I don't know why it's acting up like that when you click it.

    I'm fairly certain it's Eshme's body, since it was posted by EshmesVid.


    I've never seen those wings before, how cute they are.


    It's a pretty old vid I think. I'm pretty sure the hair is Rens.


    There are some new fairy dresses and fairy wings, but I don't know of any working wings like those, I wonder if you could do 'em like eyelashes?


    To get the look in the vid

    Download Eshme's body - or the HGEC small version of bust and hips.

    Eshme -V2 Omod - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6280

    I also downloaded V3 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18655

    HGEC - This is my main body, now, I never uninstalled Eshme's and have no conflicts, I can still wear Eshme clothing whenever I want. - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802


    Rens hair, beautiful people has rens in it, so that should be no problem



    Eshme's dresses come with the Eshme body but you have to buy them at the Eshme boutique store.


    For HGEC -- Fairy Fantasy mod, gives beautiful fairy dresses, and wings, and you find them in a jewel box someone dropped outside the Imperial sewers.

    Actually this is a work in progress, and I can't find it on nexus. The author was releasing for every imaginable body I think though. PM me.



    Eshme's is a lovely body but the textures for it aren't very good, and it doesn't have a lot of support any more. If anyone feels like giving a go on those textures, I'm sure the Eshme fans would love you for it.



  14. Where do you get the skeleton armor .nif files from this mod here: (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18977) and an image from the mod here: (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/18977-4-1217957260.jpg) which does not include the skellie armor .nif files. pleaaase help.

    he retextured the vanilla nifs. They be in with the data file under meshes


    Only the skull, Dezi. I got the feeling he used the CS to give them regular vanilla arms to wear, from what he said in the comments.

  15. I have another question, about FCOM mods, which i don't know very well : i started a game with these four ones, and saw some creatures like rabbits, and "dark" wolves. Then i added lots of others mods, not ones that add or change creatures, but now i cannot see the rabbits and wolfs anymore. Are these animals really rare (so all is normal), and from which of the four mods of FCOM come they ?


    You need to start a new thread and ask this question in it. The best way to get help is to post your load order with it, but don't do that in this thread.

  16. *** I also want to point out that I just added the new file called 'FileOneESP' which is usable by anyone, for those who may not be able to use the construction set. The items will be located in a chest in the Skingrad bakery.


    I hope you all enjoy it!




    Aha! The perfect spot!

  17. Thank-You very Much, Myrmaad!!


    I have gone with the respawning chest advice.


    LOL... as to what you said about duplicating the npcs from a mod as a companion... I suppose I'm guilty of just always actually enticing the original to follow me! I may try the duplication method next time.





    I've been thinking about this, and I'm hoping you put service for 12 in the chest, that way they don't have to take it all if they can't carry it, but if they are trying to do a large castle or a couple of houses, they will have plenty. If they don't use it, it will never "overfill". (Hello, I'm myrmaad, and I'm a House-A-Holic. :/ )


    I think it would be great if there was a vendor later, but if you put it near your favorite castle it might be as if the delivery to the castle "fell off the truck". Of course I've never even seen a cart on the roads, but :) but I think I'm just too busy looking out for danger ;)


    As for the companion, someone has to be there to mind the store!!

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