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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. We can be dumb as a box of hair but we are friendly folk. And all the foreigners I know always mention that.


    Amen to that, sister! It's exactly what I say about America ;)


    You might be interested to read my second year paper titled "The search for happiness through consumption", myrmaad, as it picks up on the key points of capitalism and mass consumer markets as a driver for people's false perceptions of happiness. It also got me a 1st class honours for that module :D


    Sounds very interesting, I'd love to read it, I've always felt exactly the same way about our conspicuous consumption, and how it's glamorized by an unfettered profit-driven media.



    And jaosals42,


    I think your heart's in the right place, but I think you're wrong if you don't think that Americans, particularly, reflect their cultural indoctrination of materialism and the media reflects it right back:


    How many times have you heard you must "dress for success", and "clothes make the man"? Because I worked in Corporate and I was a size 2 and always looked great, but I let it out one day that I liked to shop at Goodwill and the big boss came and actually "dressed me down", and I didn't last much longer at that particular company, luckily I went on to bigger more successful corporations here.


    How about the popularity of show like Sex in the City where the main character obsessed over designer shoes that cost upwards of $400 and more.


    How about the true stories of kids being shot for their tennis shoes especially in the 90s?


    We are indoctrinated to believe we're supposed to get a diamond engagement ring that cost at the very least 3 months' salary; we think we need mega weddings (by the way I had an unforgettable wedding day and it cost $400). How about we think we need Hummers, SUVs (it's our way of life dammit!) we have to use our cars to transport us all singularly to our jobs 45 minutes and more away from home so we can afford our McMansions.


    Are you for real or just not paying attention? I'm sorry if that sounded rude, slap me with a wet noodle but I take a lot of pride in using as small a carbon footprint as possible while living in American society.

  2. I've never been to America, but many of my aqcuiaintances have, some regularly. I'll have to say they react... quite unimpressed, all of them. However, american people I met here, at least those I had some time knowing and older than teenagers... well, if there's anything wrong with them, then I haven't yet noticed that.



    Am I the only one that thinks that statement just seems, well, weird?


    I mean what were their expectations, what were they expecting to be impressed by? I guess if you've been to Tokyo you wouldn't be much impressed with Times Square maybe..? But if you were looking to be impressed maybe the destination should be Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Sequoia National Park, the Everglades, the Mississippi river, The Rocky Mountains, Kentucky Bluegrass country, the Chesapeake Bay, and all sorts of wonderful, beautiful natural treasures we have in pockets of every state, here. But I can't imagine an average real American that would "try" to impress a foreigner. We can be dumb as a box of hair but we are friendly folk. And all the foreigners I know always mention that.

  3. What never fails to amaze me, is how short-sighted many Americans are, generally. There seems a wide-scale inability to conceive that what is good for society, "the Greater Good" is also always good for the individual in the long run, if not immediately in the short term.



    Every man for himself is not how great civilizations were forged. They were built on the clan concept of society, where individuals serve society for the gain and protection of all. Capitalism makes a mockery of the concept and is destined to failure, sooner or later.


    And the Corporate Capitalism we have now has no goal or interest in societal preservation at all. The entire vested interest of corporate capitalism is to create wealth, exploit all resources unapologetically, and has no need to consider the future.


    But I can tell you this, my grandchildren would pay a lot more for a clean glass of water than they would care about paying some taxes that insured they had clean air and water. I guarantee it.


    Anyone who doesn't see the simple beauty of that logic, is an ignoramus.

  4. Hello. This is Hentai


    Im working on Hentai Mania Episode 2 and need your help especially in script.


    I have been trying to mark total damages inflicted by any kinds of weapon-attack on the screen. Not from the enemy, From the player.


    I have used script fuctions of "GetAttackDamage" but it only indicate weapons base damage not the total damage.


    I know the Oblivion's damage fomula is extreamly complex


    So i thought It is better to use enemy's health info than player's attack damage.


    But the problem is that The only fuction I know about health is "target.getav health"


    If I can get the info kind of " enemy's current health - enemy's previoud health before the attack ", I can get the The total damages inflcted on the enemys by single attack.


    IF anyone can help me


    please semd me a mssage


    If you can kindly make a script for me


    I can send you HentaiMania2.esp files


    Thank you for considering me



    Sending PM.

  5. Why? Substandard teaching, shortest school year, shortest school day, longest school breaks, many schools still teaching from books that are 10-20 years old. Add to that a certain religious bias against many of the sciences, a devaluation of mathematics, and a society which sums up concepts and ideas with as few letters as possible. Americans tend to be more lazy, less aware of what is happening in the world, less knowledgeable about their own measly 350 some years of history, and mostly uninformed about how government works. America does not take their ideas from a basis of facts and experiences, but instead directly from what they see on TV or read in a book. In general, there is lack of quality parental guidance for the last 60 years, an abundance of sexual and violent images, religious groups who cannot seem to adapt to a changing world, social sects which indoctrinate lifestyles which are non-sustainable, activists which have no idea what they're being active about, and a media organization which just doesn't know when to let things rest and report REAL news. A populace which is enamored with any celebrity they can get, even those which do nothing other than be celebrities. A society which is more concerned with the size and girth of their appendages than those diseases which are eating away at them. A political system which is less concerned with the well being of the people they are responsible for than they are with partisan politics and lining their own pockets...


    So yeah, it's pretty much systemic. But good news is that we aren't alone since almost every other country has some of these issues. Ultimately, Americans are seen as being stupid because they have a tendency to not know when to shut up. Having a majority of people online under the ages of 25 doesn't help much.



    I simply wish I could give multiple kudos.

  6. Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots? Don't come back with a clever comment that points out my spelling or grammar and any of that asorted bs. I don't revise anything I'm typing because I don't find it very important on forums. Just give me your honest opinion.



    Why are you asking that here on this forum? Is this a political or behavioral science website?


    Here is a website that gives statistical averages of IQ by state:




    In my experience, 100 is barely functional. So maybe there's your reason.

  7. hate to bug you...or you guys again, but now im looking for armour and weapons for an assassin player

    light armor (i have already tried alexscorpions sneakinggear and assassins creed gear)

    blade (anything but 2 handed)

    and a cool bow


    Thanks!! sorry to bother you again so soon, just the heavy armor warrior thing didnt quite work out


    This comes in light armor or heavy armor



    Matching Bow


  8. That's fine, you can delete it now.


    All right, go back up to the knowledge base articles I posted above your last post, and do all those things listed.


    Most importantly, you should have updated your windows vista drivers with Windows update. Do not choose the express version. Choose custom and look for sound drivers particularly.



    Next time you restart, take a look in the BIOS and check that selected Audio hardware setting. One of them is AUTO, most likely, you may have to change that and force the selection of your on board card. If you are uncertain about looking at the BIOS let us know. Only save if you have not changed anything but the one thing you are there to touch. If you're unsure do not save, just exit.


    You can write down the choices if you're unsure, exit without saving, and research those options before making a choice.

  9. Thanks for the reply, it was late yesterday and I had to have dinner and go to bed.


    Thanks for posting the DXDiag excerpt, but it's hardly enough without the sound card and device driver listings.


    the only thing that could be considered personal is the networking information and you can certainly take that out.



    In the meantime, this MS Knowledgebase article might help you out.



    Don't be lazy, read all of it, and there's a link at the bottom you should review there as well:


  10. Thanks for the reply. Let me give you some answers:


    I've bought my computer online from Dell. The bad thing about Dell is that they do not have the official Microsoft CD's, but they have their own versions of the CD's. I already tried all of them, including the 'Drivers and utilities', but none of them worked.


    Vista came installed with the computer. I never had anything else but Vista on this computer, and I never had any trouble with the sound card. I won't reinstall Vista, as that is exactly what caused this problem :).


    I already tried removing the device and installing it again from scratch, without effect. The strange this is that Windows Device Management does not find any problems, but all other software (like Itunes and Windows Media Player) does.


    So my problem isn't solved yet. Any other suggestions?


    Have you gone into the control panel and looked at your audio devices there?


    I ask because if the Device Manager is listing your Audio card as working properly and the driver properly installed, I would look for the problem elsewhere, especially because the audio device is showing up in the taskbar, another big clue that the audio device is recognized in device manager.


    So try right-clicking on your audio icon in the taskbar (the same one with the red X in your image), and choose sound





    It should take you to pop up window, the same one pictured below which can also be accessed by clicking on Sound in your Control Panel.


    Also look in the control panel for something labeled SigmaTel High Definition Audio or something similar, or anything that looks to be sound related in there is worth looking at. Check the settings.


    My similar crappy on-board card is finicky about which of those settings I use in the Sound window.


    Finally there is one more possibility, but I'd want to know more about your system.


    You could go to Start / Run

    and type:



    Save the file and post it here.



  11. Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


    Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!



    Read THIS carefully.

    (Detailed Walkthrough of the Quest: Where Spirits Have Lease)


    Thanks, i've used that a few times to help me out.


    But it says Velwyn's disposition has to be raised to 60, i believe i've done that as it says his disposition has been raised to the fullest, but he just says he won't help.



    What is his disposition number exactly? Do you know how to check? And your character has the diary note in inventory?


    Could you have attacked him or his faction? Do you have outstanding warrants or fines? And finally there is always the possibility of some mod causing a crazy conflict. You may have to post your load order if none of these others apply.

  12. If you want a simple farmhouse you could try my Maple Leaf Cottage. It has a basement and NO cheat items. Just a house in the West Weald with a map marker.


    I prefer the simple life as well. :biggrin:


    However, it does have a horse and two pet dogs which are companions. But none of the other things you mentioned.


    Maple Leaf Cottage



    I know I'm promoting my own mod so if that's a problem there are others to look at. :smile:


    BTW...the lion doesn't come with it.



    While you're at it, check out her other fine mods. :thumbsup:


    I've always loved your work Maigrets!



    And just for the wonder of it, I suggest everyone go see Oblivion Real Estates Water Homes Challenge participants, I think they're all winners.


  13. Ok, I found out tht my video drivers were out of date. So I went on the official Nvidia website, downloaded the installer for it, got it running, and then, 1st of all, windows now seem to have this weird sliding down transition, I can't really scroll down like i used to because it has the transition thing and it flicker. 2nd, I thought the installer would fix this, so i left it on, wwent for s take away, came back and found it had an error message telling me my laptop isnt windows vista 32bit, when it is.


    Please can you help me, this is realy annoying and i need help soon or ill destroy my laptop.


    I would roll back to an earlier date prior to today using System Restore.


    If you need to be very careful that the driver you downloaded was the one for your card.


    Did you use the Nvidia automated driver identity applet?

  14. Aha! Somehow, I didn't lose any of my mod data! So, I'll be continueing it. Remember, it's not specifically for you, but i'm doing it along the lines of your specifications because alot of people want the same thing.


    Great news, katshy!

  15. Aways I see "xyz" f***kd my anything I read "I did something wrong and now I need someone to blame"


    It isn't strange thousands of people uses UOP for so long and don't have their games destroyed or even worsened? I (me) counted among these thousands.


    And aways I see statements like that from the OP I lose immediately all 'willings' to even read the whole post and try to help. Think about it.

    you made me realize something


    that is the second biggest block of text i have ever read on this site lol

    first being a story, forget which



    UOP - never used it, never wanted it.


    You should get into the habit of reading what every mod does carefully, before you decide to install it, regardless of who thinks it's the end-all be-all killer-ap of all mods.

  16. Benirus Manor, but I can't get Velwyn Benirus to return to the manor to remove the curse. :confused:


    Usually I'm always on the move, but like to leave most of my treasure at Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, which also has a servant!



    Read THIS carefully.

    (Detailed Walkthrough of the Quest: Where Spirits Have Lease)

  17. I used the shack outside the IC the most...until I was introduced to the handy-dandy portable storage warehouse called Bobo's Summoned Chest


    Can you tell I'm not that interested in houses? ;)


    But when it came to displaying my trophies, I sure did like Armory Lab. :D



    Unlike you, I'm obsessed with houses. Pick a favorite? Impossible. I modded all the vanilla houses before moving into any of them. I haven't found my perfect home yet though.


    It's the same in Morrowind. I'm still buying and collecting houses but haven't found my home.


    I have stayed in some great places though, in both locations.



    I think my character's some kind of jet setter, she's wealthy enough and just keeps traveling around Tamriel.


    In Morrowind, my character isn't very wealthy but she has stayed in some nice places.


    The best place she has there, so far, is a Telvanni tower out in the grazelands.

  18. Argh, I did someting stupid!


    Basically, whenever i went back to the main menu it ould rash, so i decided to re-instal, forgetting to backup the house mod file! DOH! I can't be bothered now, sorry.



    Oh that is so annoying when that happens, but you'll get around to making another. Modding is relaxing.

  19. Exams went fairly well, paper's turned in and I only have a couple assignments left this semester.

    I like to forum on my study breaks, no time to game or do anything that requires long bits of focus.


    I think I know exactly what you are looking for. ;)

    Its called Abandoned Mountain Shack. Look it up if you want it only has one minor thing that is "uber", but it requires something to do before you earn it.


    Abandoned Mountain Shack (clicky)

    That's a pretty sweet looking mod for sure. It's fairly new and highlighted on the first page of Oblivion Real Estate.



    I haven't used it but I have a newish male character I modeled on my husband, it would be absolutely perfect for him.



    There is a buyable house (about 3000) in the riverside village of Water's Edge, it's hosted by ORE's Shezrie, (she made it)

    Water's Edge Cottage This one's been a staple in my game. A pretty, yet basic cottage, no ubers included




    I guess my main character turned out to be a real estate mogul, she was planning to be a writer and write her memoirs but never got around to it. She just acquired hundreds of properties.

  20. It looks like I may have missed a link. Now I have no idea what I was thinking of. Sorry I just did two exams since I last posted on this thread! I need to write a paper too, but I'm soo tired.



    Oh I remember, it didn't have fast travel or a recall spell, so I skipped it for now. I'll look again tomorrow when I have time. I'm writing my paper at the moment.

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