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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. By the time you get to high school you should be very proficient with grammar, and ready for literature.
    And by the time you exit high-school, you will have had time to forget most of it. Grammatical knowledge needs to be refreshed, and built upon, until the point where students are regularly writing five-page (ten-point serif, single-spaced, double-column, kerned and full-justified) analytical essays. Grammar must be taught in high school, and can be filled out with things like speech and philosophy of language when necessary.


    EDIT:Oh, and students also need to know how to properly split infinitives. And the difference between em dashes, commas, and parentheses. (En dashes – well, why not?) Capitalization after colons, too: That's useful. If you think you learned all there is to grammar before age 10, you're just ignorant of how much you've missed out on.



    I was 12 in sixth grade. Maybe a refresher for math as well. I don't see the point of wasting precious high school time on a foundation that middle school teachers should have established.

  2. By the time you get to high school you should be very proficient with grammar, and ready for literature.


    I remember learning the bulk of my grammar lessons in 6th grade: dissecting a sentence, identifying its parts: conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs, the subject and the predicate, dangling participles, never end a sentence with a preposition, or a prepositional phrase. What the hell are you doing screwing around with those in high school?


    Marxist male without a father, how dare you end your sentence with a preposition? Where is your brain at? And who told you that's okay?




    And that is most definitely not what I said!

  3. Lord have mercy, I have 66 gigs of mods.


    I have around 13 gecko merges with anywhere from ten to 35 mods packed into each, mostly clothes and armors, but some are weapons, pose mods, obviously not counting everything packed into those merges, I have 235 mods active.


    My favorite mods are many but Supreme Magicka, Companion Share Recruit, Harvest Containers, denock arrows, and advanced magecraft are some I wouldn't want to play without.

  4. I was going for the one with the eyes being both like the golden saints. :l


    Thanks though, that'll be nice enough. :)


    Just make him use Golden Saints eyes, or.... Flonne's recolored Ren's eyes have 'Madgod' eyes(You'll need some search for getting it. Converted texture for Elaborate Eyes is available by downloading my BP-Cosmetic Library or bnnfish's resource).


    **Beautiful People uses Elaborate Eyes resources, not Ren's eye meshes and textures.


    Here is a sample of Flonne's Madgod eyes, and her aureal eyes.




    I figured out why I kept calling the EE textures Rens, one of my earliest mods installed a folder called Rens in my textures folder, but it has EE textures in it, not rens. I fixed it, and now I'm clear.



  5. It's the version with the chimney smoke, lit windows, darker nights, etc.


    This description actually sounds like the problem was with AWLS or "Animated Windows Lighting System" which does change both the building meshes and the textures if installed correctly. Glad you got it fixed but don't be surprised if the windows don't light up at night like this.



  6. In my nearly 47 years one thing I've noticed, is that men who really love women, love everything about them including their curves.


    When it comes to my admiration of women I have been an avid size, "does not matter" man since I learned how to guess a woman's cup and bra size's, waist, and hips in near fractions to content my lonely teen age pals, and I, during our lonely single life existence.


    I won allot of bets that helped pay my respects to woman on those dark nights on the streets watching the crowd go by. I remember the first time I nervously approached the first gal who my friends challenged me to confront to ask to prove me correct or incorrect.

    She was happy to oblige my innocence. And I found woman more cordial after I lost my virginity. No I did not loose that virgin part with her. Unfortunately!


    One thing that gets my attention is your picture, on your post. The girl resembling that oat's cereal companies more scantilly style of dress with the red hair has blue eyes. Are her eyes that color in contrast with you in reality or a tribute to ole blue eye's "Frank Sinatra"?


    Because I can almost imagine her with green eyes.


    I'm sorry, What?

  7. hubba12:


    As a woman, it's insulting when men modelers try to de-feminize the female body by cutting off our breasts. Women do come in all sizes, and our breasts are one of our assets that set us apart from males.


    And for the record, the size of my breasts have nothing to do with Sex. I'm certain I'm a grownup, son. I'm not so sure about you, with your choice of nickname.


    Furthermore, the extent of misogyny in society I find utterly disturbing, from both males and females, the hatred for the feminine body and for women generally, against the idealization of males, really plays out vividly in the modding community. In my nearly 47 years one thing I've noticed, is that men who really love women, love everything about them including their curves.

  8. Maybe people should read The Real Barenziah.



    Barenziah cocked her head to one side quizzically. "They say Dark Elven women are pro-- pro-- something. Prostitutes?" she said, although she was dubious.


    "You mean promiscuous. Although some do become prostitutes, I suppose," Katisha said as an afterthought. "Elves are promiscuous when they're young. But you'll outgrow it. Perhaps you're beginning to already," she added hopefully. She liked Barenziah, had grown to be quite fond of her. "You ought to meet some nice Elven boys, though. If you go on keeping company with Khajiits and humans and what have you, you'll find yourself pregnant in next to no time."



    All of the books of the The Elder Scrolls can be found at



    Also for your edification, I would recommend "Notes on Racial Phylogeny and Biology, Seventh Edition" which is most likely the book SavageA mentioned. I don't know who it was that gave you crap about it, SA, but they are full are full of crap, IMO. :D


    Notes on Racial Phylogeny and Biology, Seventh Edition

    by the Council of Healers, Imperial University

    After much analysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present. It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring. Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology -- the “fur” that covers their bodies -- but their metabolism and digestion as well. Argonians, like the dreugh, appear to be a semi-aquatic troglophile form of humans, though it is by no means clear whether the Argonians should be classified with dreugh, men, mer, or (in this author's opinion), certain tree-dwelling lizards in Black Marsh.


    The reproductive biology of orcs is at present not well understood, and the same is true of goblins, trolls, harpies, dreugh, tsaesci, imga, various daedra and many others. Certainly, there have been cases of intercourse between these "races," generally in the nature of rape or magickal seduction, but there have been no documented cases of pregnancy. Still the interfertility of these creatures and the civilized hominids has yet to be empirically established or refuted, likely due to the deep cultural differences. Surely any normal Bosmer or Breton impregnated by an orc would keep that shame to herself, and there's no reason to suppose that an orc maiden impregnated by a human would not be likewise ostracized by her society. Regrettably, our oaths as healers keep us from forcing a coupling to satisfy our scientific knowledge. We do know, however, that the sload of Thras are hermaphrodites in their youth and later reabsorb their reproductive organs once they are old enough to move about on land. It can be safely assumed that they are not interfertile with men or mer.


    One might further wonder whether the proper classification of these same “races,” to use the imprecise but useful term, should be made from the assumption of a common heritage and the differences between them have arisen from magickal experimentation, the manipulations of the so-called "Earth Bones," or from gradual changes from one generation to the next.


    See also "Development of the Species", and the "Annotated Anuad".


    I myself am highly interested in Halfling Races in my own WIP projects, as well as in my fan fiction. So I am claiming my stake in this topic.

  9. Not at all, for me. Not even a little bit.


    I'm very blessed to have a strong imagination, ability for suspension of disbelief when it comes to fantasy genre -- games, movies, books, theater.

  10. In effect, no.


    That is, you can just press the u key and "unwrap" and get a map, but no sane texturer will work with the results you get that way. You're generally going to have to do some manual editing with seams, pinning, and the live unwrap/proportional edit features. I sometimes use project from view for gems, spheres or symmetrical weapons, but it isn't appropriate for clothing or other stuff. Nobody seems to bother with the weld command (w,2) which is a shame given that it can be used to make nice straight lines on the UV, which makes seamless texturing a LOT easier if it doesn't cause too much stretching.


    RGMage2: Rigging can be quite easy. And if you don't want to use the Bone Weight Copy script to copy weights from the body, Blender now has a bone heat weighting feature.


    If you load the armature you want to weight to, you can select the item, then the armature, and press ctrl+p. Then choose "armature" and "create from bone heat." This will at least give you a base to work from. No copy method works great on skirts, those just take some tweaking. I usually copy from an existing skirt that I know works well.


    You'll probably want to delete the armature and reimport one for export use if you do this. The NIF scripts are picky about anything that looks like a change while a skeleton is parented, I don't know why.


    I totally agree with you about the importance of mapping while you work! I've seen too many meshes posted around that were completely unusable because some genius sculpted them with a million polys and no UV, realized he couldn't map them, and posted them in hopes of someone else spending the twelve hours it would take to do that adequately. And it's very hard to "share" UV bits among repeated elements in an item (chain links, buttons, etc.) without mapping as you go.



    You just answered like ten questions I had in my head!

  11. Okay Okay tagged it. I doubt anyone who played Oblivion doesn't know about that.


    I mean,it's not like the giant marshmellow monster at the end of the game


    And deny what? What is controversial?



    Spoiler tag is done by using the "insert: SPOILER" option in the left hand side of your reply screen (in the list labeled Quick Access)


    I said, it's "NOT CONTROVERSIAL." I didn't say anything was controversial.


    What is NOT controversial is that the game conspires to conscript you into the DB. You know what "conscript" means right? force you into service, like the royal navy in the 1880s.


    And finally, I am a roleplayer and I've played the entire game as a Paladin and she never murdered a single undeserving soul, so I've never, myself, done the DB questline yet, though I've done about 98 percent of every other questline including finishing the main quest. I have a new character who is a male assassin, and I'm counting on him to take me along.


    I think this is enough off topic.

  12. Well, I'm looking for a mod that adds sunglasses. Could anyone help me, plz?



    Hey, I can't find the fix for the arena murder glitch.


    In fact, I can't find anyone who acknowledges that its a glitch. An arena fight can count as a murder, initiate the DB questline, not to mention trigger a whole host of mods that check murder count, and every forum I check has people remarking things like, "what's wrong with you, why don't you like the dark brotherhood?"

    "I love the dark brotherhood. They is me very favorite part of teh game."

    "the guards don't come after u so y does u care?"


    Somewhere, someone out there has fixed this bug and I commission you, the Mod Detectives, to find this mod.


    I've done some some investigation of my own, but its difficult to find immersion gamers in a sea of cheaters.


    No offense to cheaters. I respect your lifestyle choice.


    I believe it's not an actual glitch, because the game conspires to conscript your character into the DB. We've had conversations on the Nexus regarding this in the past where I've mentioned this observation.


    The trouble you've had is you've narrowed too much by focusing on the Arena rather than the DB itself.


    There are several DB mods, one takes the DB option completely out of the game, if you tell the fellow to leave you alone, he just never comes back.


    I found that one a little too limiting, because it kills the questline forever, but here it is: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15806



    IMO the better one I found gives you the option to explain your innocence, (it was self-defense etc). Based on your explanation the DB quest either begins or is suspended until a next incident, where you are given the chance to make your case again. It's downright RP friendly, from an RPer.



    Take a nice look at the readme and see, this be the one ye be wantin'. http://www.htloz.net/forums/images/smilies/mack/Pirate.gif





    (couldn't resist, it's ITLAP day)

  13. Thank you for all your votes, it seems that the average user does use OBSE.

    But that anyone that has worked with it rather evades using it, as I'm currently doing.

    It is good news that so many people have it as that does means you can create fully-OBSE-dependable mods knowing that quite some people can play them as well..My thought was that much more people had some trouble with it.

    Again, thank you all.



    I don't think that scripting modders tend to avoid it or "evade" it, your sample is a bit flawed.


    You should probably ask modders who have released a scripted mod to answer, and widen your sample population to include the Bethesda Forums, at the very least.



    I've been using it for over a year, myself, but I have not scripted with it, I've only made one scripted mod, and still learning.

  14. I used to have a companion mod called "1st Alchemy Companion Julienne". I believe I got it from TESNexus, but it no longer seems to be here.

    Also, I've tried to google it, but all references to it appear to be dead.


    Is there some place where the latest version of the mod can be downloaded?

    Or, if not, do any other similar companion mods exist (capable of gathering ingredients, etc)?



    This seemed to be a controversial mod, though the version I downloaded was credited as follows:

    1st Alchemy Companion Julienne ver 6.0 by Pela also known as Quistena


    it seemed to keep appearing under the controversial name of a well-known modder. Personally I never could figure that bit out.


    I've never used it myself, and don't really know of any later versions. You may want to search for the mod author name "Quistena".




    I've tried searching for "Pela" and "Quistena", but I still can't find any download locations for it.

    What exactly was controversial about the mod? As far as I recall it was just a companion capable of gathering alchemy ingredients and stuff.


    Check your PM.

  15. I used to have a companion mod called "1st Alchemy Companion Julienne". I believe I got it from TESNexus, but it no longer seems to be here.

    Also, I've tried to google it, but all references to it appear to be dead.


    Is there some place where the latest version of the mod can be downloaded?

    Or, if not, do any other similar companion mods exist (capable of gathering ingredients, etc)?



    This seemed to be a controversial mod, though the version I downloaded was credited as follows:

    1st Alchemy Companion Julienne ver 6.0 by Pela also known as Quistena


    it seemed to keep appearing under the controversial name of a well-known modder. Personally I never could figure that bit out.


    I've never used it myself, and don't really know of any later versions. You may want to search for the mod author name "Quistena".

  16. I bet if you visit Russia, you would not be impressed as well, though the most obvious things we don't have enough is not intelligence. It's more likely order.



    Sorry but this is where you're not only wrong, but it's what makes me not understand you, or your point at all.


    I have a dear friend from Moscow, and I have a very good friend who lives in Russia.


    Based on pictures he's sent me, and my own love of history, I'm certain if I visited Russia I'd be very impressed. But then I'm old, and cranky and value history and people, true graciousness. And I'm very aware of the difference between sincerity and backhanded derision.

  17. Could just be momentarily invisable.

    Try to copy the image and proceed on.



    There is no image.


    Yes, this has been happening in the latest updates I've had as well. Don't be concerned just highlight the name of the face you want in the left pane, check the boxes at the bottom for the attributes you want to import with it, if any, and proceed as normal.


    Make sure you've backed up the savegame file you are importing into, prior to performing the operation.

  18. I wrote this paper in my third year of univeristy (first year of a Business Studies degree) for a module with a post-modern look at marketing called "Consuming the Da Vinci Code". The 300 or so students taking the module had to write introspectively about their own experiences with The Da Vinci Code talking about whether they had read it or not, why they had/hadn't and what had influenced their decision. We could then pick any subject in the marketing world as long as we could use the introspective essays to evaluate and compound our theories within the paper.


    For the main points simply read up until the evaluation of the introspective essays, at which point the essay becomes an exercise in "blagging" rather than talking about anything substantial.


    If you manage to read it rather than TL;DR then feel free to discuss the subjects raised.


    DL'd I have a heavy reading load right now, but I will keep it on my desktop for the first chance I get. I'm actually doing homework right now! :D

  19. I still heavily believe that money does not bring happiness. I know firsthand (being a spoiled child myself in several ways, :s) as I may ask for something one day, enjoy that same day and act like I am very happy with it, and maybe a few days later, then forget about it and want something new.


    That comes from my own experiences, so regardless of what they may say on television (and I don't watch much TV btw), I again, do not believe money brings happiness. Just a brief idea of "happiness" (Which is merely satisfaction rather) and then it goes away. True happiness will come from great, lasting relationships/friendships and getting to know your family, enjoying nature as it is meant to be, and merely finding yourself and who you truly wish to be.


    That, is the true definition of happiness. And that version of it, does not go away easily.


    That's all fine and dandy, and there are a lot of nice Americans who agree with your sentiment.


    But it misses the point which goes sailing over their heads, and yours.


    We do not change our selfish materialistic lifestyle while we use up the world's energy sources "like there's no tomorrow", leaving very damn little for anyone else. We think we are entitled to our gas guzzling automobile dependent society. And we're just not. We're not entitled to it. As long as we do not change we are complicit in a vast hideous evil selfish consumptive gluttony.


    Consumption is Sick. - Me

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