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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Not "still," but soon "again."


    I played Morrowind on the Xbox (finished it once) until my Xbox died, then borrowed a copy of the original release and started I-don't-know-how-many games on it and finished two of them (one sneaky Hlaalu/Thieve's guild/Morag Tong and one honorable Redoran/Fighter's Guild/Temple). Now, after much urging from a couple of friends, and after walking away from it in disgust a few times (first when I discovered the hand-holding "Now I should ______" journal, again after I discovered the map markers and yet again after I did the Kvatch quests then went off to try to do some other stuff, only to find those damned gates popping up all over), I'm finally playing Oblvion, and, those (and other) faults notwithstanding, it's an okay game. It's pretty at least. But it just isn't even a fraction of the game Morrowind is, so I'm certainly going to go back and play Morrowind again when I'm fully bored with Oblivion. And the really nice part is that I only played the original release, so I not only get to look forward to playing Morrowind again, but to getting the GOTY edition and playing content that's entirely new to me.



    I'm still playing both Oblivion and Morrowind whenever I can, but I'm newer to Morrowind, just having started early this summer. I'm totally hooked.


    With my current but dying video card I was able to get beautiful graphics at high quality with Oblivion. Running MGE withMorrowind seems to strain my system much more, but new video card arriving soon, so we'll see what then.


    :thumbsup: Don't forget to add lots of mods.

  2. I never understood it, myself. Basically because if I want an uber item I'll just make it to my own custom specifications. I have done that, but I never use pre-echanted items or weapons, except ones I've won from doing the vanilla quests.


    It's super easy to into the console and remove the item's enchantment.


    But about reverse pickpocketing, I was never able to do it unless the item weighed "Zero".


    There's a wonderful home I think you'd like, (I saw it at Oblivion Real Estate, but it's posted here on Nexus), the only thing it's missing is that recall spell. It would be more worthwhile to make the Home Recall addons for mods like that then to try to reinvent the wheel for someone else's taste. In my opinion, is all.


    But I think you may have found your home for the time being.


    Before you make your final answer though, I forgot this one has fast travel.



    I highly recommend Oblivion Real Estate for all your realty needs in the future:


  3. One more suggestion:


    If you stumble across the home of your dreams, and it doesn't have a recall, you could request one in the forums and I'm sure someone would create an add-on for you. It would be a simple mod and I highly doubt any of the mod makers would mind if someone else made you one. They may even add it to their mod themselves if they're still modding.

  4. Believe me, I understand. I'm still remodeling my first oblivion house I started on a year ago.. and none of my characters live in it!


    I have not used Hognuts Haven but I have heard good things about it. I will link it in a moment:




    This one is pretty cool it allows you to live at Gweden Farm after the quest. I always loved that place. I had this in my game but never used it much, only because I had moved on to other homes by then.




    Princess Stomper I believe made an addition to the Anvil Abandoned house, I played that one for a long while myself.



    Oops it's in the city, but it makes a great crashpad.

  5. You're welcome but I'm afraid it's not going to be stoic enough for your taste. I hope you looked at the pic gallery.


    I understand about mark & recall, and had a feeling about it when I suggested it. But you never know.


    I thought I'd suggest a couple others..


    You might consider

    Hognuts Haven http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16420



    And I have a couple others in mind I have to look for.


    Oh and I used that portable tent mod, and I really did like it, I believe you can be woken up if there is an attacker while you sleep if I remember correctly, so it wasn't too uber.


    Another tent mod I used for a long time actually pitched a large beautiful tent anywhere. I like it a lot but it added a reasonable amount of weight to your load, and there was an issue with trying to store it indoors (you couldn't stash it in an indoor container because it would spawn more in your inventory.)


    You could pitch it in your back yard once you bought a house though, and it would serve as the recall point.

  6. Why don't you choose the home you want and then use Advanced Mark and Recall?




    There are plenty of non uber homes, but few of them have a recall.



    This is one that does, is nice and not very uber.. it has an ingredient sorter and an indoor garden but besides those it's only a humble priory style house with one bedroom, and a pretty yard. I actually furnished mine with stuff I bought from the Imperial furniture store.




    About those exclamation points in your cottage:

    2. The portable campsite mod was only half-included in this; the plugin files were merged, but the resources and textures were not. If you actually plan on using that stuff, I recommend you get the original portable campsite mod so you don't have giant ! or WTF symbols etc.
  7. i was wondering ..how do you get Morrowind Graphics Extender to "Talk" with the Morrowind Script Extender.. the read me isent very clear on how to do this. I have the MGE mod

    Zooming bows and in the read me it states "Ensure that MGE is set up to connect to MWSE, or the bows will do nothing and you will not recieve any warning messages." but i do not see a way to do this.. wondering what i am missing.


    Thank you



    First go download and install the latest version at sourceforge,



    It automatically sets it up for you to use a Launcher. When you launch MWSE look at the top left of the Morrowind title screen and and you should see the words in white letters: Morrowind Graphics Extender with the version number you installed.

  8. oh, and if you ever get around to the quests, make one for Z'Khane were you have to bring him his armor and sword before he is truly at peace.


    You should get extra points for such a nice quest idea.

  9. The outfit is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19172


    I remembered because I grabbed just the horns out of it for a personal mod edit.



    That's right, one of my favorite modders, and a favorite outfit, too. I especially love the stockings. I could remember it was in a chest in the Arena district, but I couldn't think which one, and I have everyone of that modders' chests in there, among a few others. Haven't had time to play much lately so couldn't go check. I always get distracted with a million things to do when I'm in Tamriel anyway.


    For better skin you need to find the high resolution textures. I think most facial textures and skin textures that were done in less than 1024 were pretty unsatisfactory. I tend to find the best ones I can and then repaint them, to remove visible seams.



  10. Hi durham really love the idea for this mod. Can you do me a tombstone mate.






    Kalin Saast




    This was the epitaph Jesse James that i found on the net lol. :thanks:



    I hope you saw the movie starring Brad Pitt recently, it was good.

  11. Hello there, I'm new in Oblivion and I wanted to know how can you get so beautiful characters like this one?


    It's a perfect character !! :P If you have a save with this character or if you could just tell me what mods I have to use to get such beautiful woman tell me please... ^^

    I can't send any message to the author cause it seems is mail box is full...



    I really need help !! :thanks:



    try these:


    Skin textures: Chocolate Elves


    Eyes: I believe those are from Ravage's Slit Eyes Resource. If you need help installing them, just ask. Some good substitutes can be found in this mod:


    or this mod:

    Beautiful People 2CH edition (Japanese Language)

    or possibly, this one:

    Acid's bloody and serious eyes


    outfit: One of DFSL's Leathery Remixes I'm certain, not sure whether it's available.

    A good substitute while you're looking for that one is here: (click)

    (a girl needs more than one outfit anyway.)


    Maybe someone else can tell you where to find a plugin with that hair, or check the beauty mods I linked above.




    I started this post last night and never finished it, so I didn't see the other replies, but I still think you should try my suggestions as well.



    And I forgot the horns, they're around here somewhere.

  12. Here is one, It's not original, but I have always liked it.


    I always knew this would happen one day.



    BBen, I like it.


    Nosisab, you are brilliant as always! I totally agree it's a keeper!

  13. Yes this an excellent project, I will definitely use as well.


    I posted on your general mod talk thread, please check that out.


    I'm actually going to announce and link your post and project on that site. Check your PMs.

  14. Thanks Myrmaad Will do. Appreciate them all :D :thanks:



    Durham, this is an insanely cool project. Is it part of a larger mod, or will it standalone?


    As you may have guessed, I wrote an epitaph for each of my characters.


    I'm going to suggest your thread elsewhere, we have a character bio thread, and people with high investment in their characters' histories and biographies are likely to take an interest in your project, as well as offer some very creative epitaphs.

  15. May I suggest four:


    Here below is Siobhan Scarbourne

    Prepared to meet the Gods

    Whether the Gods are prepared for her

    is another question.



    Mannix Scarbourne

    Though the Vanquisher lies vanquished

    beneath the stars above

    His unvanquished spirit

    soars the heavens with his true love



    Meris Mournfall

    Noble, True, Beloved




    Last Maid of Myr

    No longer mourns


    At Rest.

  16. How is that possible, if it's such a great game? Spoiled by graphics? (I'm not judging!)


    I got tomb raider one and two in 1997. Yup. I was 34 years old. I still love to play both those games and play them once every two years or so. Graphics be damned, that's some good fun there. I think since I grew up in the dark ages, (I was already a high school senior when my baby sister got PONG for Christmas), the graphics don't matter so much as the gameplay--the puzzle factor, the ability of the game to suck you in without the means of fancy visuals. I mean face it, RPG began around a kitchen table with imagination and nothing else. I remember Dungeons and Dragons when it was just a bunch of freaks yappin'.


    Oh gosh, I'm doing the same thing as Tchos, I already started downloading Morrowind mods, made myself a beautiful desktop icon to my Morrowind Mod folder, like I did for Oblivion, (there are some pretty ones in DA to choose from). And I'm not sure when my game will arrive either. Probably next week. Tchos we should compare notes, I can't wait!

  17. You may have to go back to a saved game, prior to the walk down the mountain from Cloud Ruler Temple with Martin.


    Like many other NPCs in quests, if you get too far ahead of Martin on your way down to Burma, he will patiently stop and wait for your return.


    You can try looking for him now, but I suspect the effort will be fruitless, as you have already completed another stage of the quest.


    Storm Raven




    In this case, using the console is sheer brilliance.


    If you google, in this case "UESP Wiki Martin", you'll get the Oblivion wiki sheet on Martin with his Base ID and Ref ID.


    You want to use the Player.moveto command and I believe it's the Ref ID (on this I may be confused so someone might correct me, but it's either Ref ID or base ID--I think it's Ref ID), so the command will look like this:


    player.moveto 0001E746




    That should safely move your Player Character to Martin's location and you can move on from there.



    CAUTION: You DO NOT want to substitute the PlaceAtMe command here. In fact, I advise against using the PlaceAtMe command at all to guard your game against bloat.

  18. The US Air Force of course. Fly High.



    Off we go into the wild blue yonder,

    Climbing high into the sun;

    Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,

    At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun!

    Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,

    Off with one hell of a roar!*

    We live in fame or go down in flame.

    Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!


    Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,

    Sent it high into the blue;

    Hands of men blasted the world asunder;

    How they lived God only knew! (God only knew!)

    Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer

    Gave us wings, ever to soar!

    With scouts before and bombers galore.

    Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!



    Here's a toast to the host

    Of those who love the vastness of the sky,

    To a friend we send a message of his brother men who fly.

    We drink to those who gave their all of old,

    Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.

    A toast to the host of men we boast, the U.S. Air Force!


    Off we go into the wild sky yonder,

    Keep the wings level and true;

    If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder

    Keep the nose out of the blue!

    Flying men, guarding the nation's border,

    We'll be there, followed by more!

    In echelon we carry on.

    Nothing will stop the U.S. Air Force!



    It should be obvious which branch I served.

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