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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. c00LtuRizaTe banned.


    Admitted to piracy of Skyrim in the Chat room by PCM.




    did you enable screenshots in your preferences file?


    (ini file)


    and then, in steam you can set up a custom screen capture key as well


    i dont have it in Steam


    i've download it :3


    i have this




    its this ?


    You Pirated it!


    you dope.


    I'm staff here.


    pirating is illegal and a bannable offense


    Why not just buy the game and support the game developers so they want to make a good game for you next time??


    when the game come at game of year


    i will buy them


    its my 1st TES game


    didn't know if I would like


    But now I have to ban you


    'when you have it on steam you can get unbanned


    if I had known so well, I had bought at the time


    I understand but I have to follow the rules




    when you get it on steam ask to be unbanned


    where is that rule?




    Piracy is against the rules, read the Terms of Service


    Read the Rules forum, but it doesn't matter right now.


    You can read that at your leisure.


    In the meantime. Goodbye and good luck


    i didn't know about it :S


    i understand




  2. moralese banned.


    Profanity, trolling.


    You all call me a troll and give me -54 reputation only for share my opinnion? That is what I call "NORTH AMERICAN DEMOCRACY". F*CK YOU ALL! You are nothing but a bunch of CENSORS!


    And l0n3llyw0lf...YOU CAN SUCK MY CO*K. Ever heard the word DEMOCRACY or FREEWILL?


  3. The trouble is, you can't have another entity share an account name. If we "deleted" the account someone else could then use it. I hope the powers that be are considering the ramifications of their actions, but there is a very good reason why we do what we do.
  4. The only "higher up" than buddah is Dark0ne himself.


    Posting this in public is a bannable offense. If you have a problem with our rules or our staff, the way to address it is to privately write to staff regarding your concerns.


    I think your complaint is pretty dopey, myself, but almost all complaints about the staff are, in my experience and opinion.

  5. WestTiger banned.


    Linking to illegal content.


    I allowed Steam to update Skyrim, but had a copy of the previous .exe file copied elsewhere. I then copied over the new .exe with the old one so that I could continue using Script Dragon and SKSE (although SKSE has updated).


    So far, I've seen nothing gone wrong with my Skyrim, but I can't guarantee that it's 100% safe. I just assumed since it was a fairly mini-update, that using the old .exe file wouldn't make a difference.


    Here's the v1.3.7 exe file if you don't have a copy: [link removed by staff]


    Note, you won't have the 4gb functionality, so you still need to use the 4gb launcher mod to use high-res texture packs and stability.


    Reference post removed.


  6. Pardon the aside, but:


    Why be self conscious about it?


    34 - 36 was my favorite time, I was at the top of my game in every sense, the most beautiful, the most fit, the most intellectually voracious and mentally quick than any other time in my whole life.


    I tend to be a bit vain about withstanding, even outlasting, the trials of life, and maintaining a level of -- let's call it "well-preservation". I've done Maiden and Mother, and I'm going to do Crone with joyous abandon, too.


    There is a dumb myth that gamers have to be 15 - 25 (and male).

  7. steelengine13 assessed one strike for advocating ripping.




    Why do people bother giving a crap about where models came from? I'm so tired of people complaining that some mods are illegal and that they should be taken down. Oh boo hoo someone is providing free services for me for no profit. Just enjoy the mods and shut up. Who cares if they were ripped or not. In fact I'd prefer ripped models because then they'd look perfect.




    To reiterate: Ripping hurts modding. It encourages laziness rather than creativity, and discourages industry from supporting the modding community. I suggest you get your priorities straight. -myrmaad

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