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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. phillipjfry007 banned.


    Piracy of Skyrim




    explain the issue please


    steam wont update the new patch for skyrim


    Where did you get your skyrim




    That's why right there. It's pirated.


    so mods only work on a legitamate copy


    You need to buy it on Steam


    or buy the disk from a store and install and verify it in your steam account


    ok thank you very much


    much appreciated


    When you get it make an unban request, I have to ban you but all you have to do is include your steam account in your unban request


    ban me from what




  2. The CK makes custom magic possible, and houses, and quests and a variety of great things I want now.


    At the moment you need TesSnip to add custom armor meshes, but when the CK arrives you will no longer need TesSnip.

  3. There is no historical reference because our history precluded women warriors because of persistent social patriarchal attitudes that devalued the role of women in society.


    So any women who wanted to be a warrior would normally have to pass herself off as a boy.


    If there were examples of women who battled as women with any semblance of female armors, they've been mostly lost to history as women have not written the history books, haven't even had a possibility of an opportunity to do so until the very last few decades.


    But we are not discussing the role of women historically on earth. Nirn is not earth. There is no such persistent patriarchal lore that we must feed, and as far as I am concerned imagination rules the day.


    I don't think the debate is over whether female armors are denigrating is actually over, because in my opinion, some are. But not simply because there are bikinis.

    But not all are, and some that are overly covered up, I feel, can be denigrating. I will not be shamed by being female. I will revel in it. I will glory in it.

  4. The topic is pretty numpty if you ask me anyway.


    It's all personal taste.


    I missed those historical photographs of Joan of Arc.


    Most women who fought in historical times passed themselves off as men as much as possible.


    We're trying not to do that in our games, speaking for the majority. Yes I'm taking liberty to speak for the majority because the download counts for feminine skimpy armors make me feel pretty darn confidant about that, at the very least.

  5. My characters take baths, go swimming, sleep safely in their own beds and during all these they can wear bikinis, negligees or nothing at all, completely appropriately.



    Anyone who honestly believes that rape has anything whatsoever to do with what you are wearing is naive and frankly, I find such a pronouncement highly offensive. It's a sexist idea that has been thoroughly debunked.

  6. Yes I will be using nude replacers for both genders.


    I also will not be leaving the majority of corpses nude. You will just have to wait and see how.


    None of the NPCs in my game walk around in public nude, ever. Nor do the player characters. As if that's anyone's business :rolleyes:


    I rolled my eyes! Shock and Awe! :dry:

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