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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a reasonably healthy individual who didn't admit that Lauren Bacall, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot were all representative of great beauty.


    I do disagree that beauty relies at all on fads.


    The greek sculptor Periklitus set the standard of aesthetic perfection when he gave us the canon about 450 bce; interestingly enough a recent study bore this out.


    Many other studies have noted a hip to waist ratio that is a common standard of feminine desirability across all cultures.


  2. It is allowed.


    Yes both Vagrant and I have seen the communications from CD Projekt to Lon Hammonds.


    I saw the original upload that was most definitively not posted on an "asian site" but another site I know well, and which we do not allow to mention here.


    I also read the permissions though I didn't download it myself at the time.


    There were full permissions to share with the warning that if you posted it to the Nexus you would have to accept the consequences (implied you would be unreasonably and summarily banned because we of course are unreasonable.)



    Personally, I think if you want to use it, and enjoy it, the least you can do is support CD Projekt by buying the game it originated from. The Witcher 2.

  3. Exactly, and those 'styles' quickly started to culturally define what 'beauty' was in each of those time periods as well.


    I remember Spandex and Leg warmers and huge hair looking all kinds of "hot" in the 80's, and now, it looks silly.


    You're conflating the two: fads and fashion are not synonymous with beauty.


    It's not your fault, beauty is difficult to define. Most people know it when they see it, Aristotle said no one that is not blind would ask why we desire it, Plato said it's "a harmony of parts with a certain pleasing color".


    Culturally, over the same centuries beauty has been both revered as the embodiment of bliss, "Only in the contemplation of beauty Is human life worth living," -Plato, and maligned: "there is nothing good in the flesh," St Clement said.


    At any rate.


    Oblivion and now Skyrim represent my fantasy world of beauty, if I want grit New Vegas and Fallout3 are always there full of drab depressing ugliness, but I can only take them in smallish doses comparatively. Then back to the verdant fields of Tamriel I run. In a pretty body.

  4. I can totally relate to what Vagrant0 just posted, I can barely relate to what HadToRegister posted right after that, but first:



    Worst of all, there is a faction of men who want us women to believe that wearing makeup is somehow cheating and we should be able to look beautiful without cosmetics etc. That is the most pathetic of all, if I feel like going without makeup that's my business and if I prefer to wear it that's also my business. It smacks of "the man trying to keep me down". Well applied makeup just flatters what we've already got, and we're not going to listen to detractors, but we will see them for the haters they really are.



    I agree and disagree, depends.

    You put on make for others to see. So it's not just your own business is it? I'm guess you don't just do it at home around mirrors.

    I don't see beauty as something merely subjective. Our eyes are a way of sensing important information about one another and that info is not just in the eye of the beholder. It's like looking at a flower and being able to see if it is a healthy flower. Smelling it too (same with perfume).

    I'm not anti makeup or anti-flattery using clothes and such. But when all that stuff is removed, I'm anti any surprises that were hidden, as if I was fooled.


    You are exactly who I'm talking about. Yes it most certainly is only my business, and you have not any right whatsoever to a public opinion on *my choice* as a private individual in this matter. I guarantee I didn't put it on (or leave it off) for you. It's not unusual for women to be required to wear makeup for certain professional positions, especially where you serve in any PR capacity. Damned if we do, damned if we don't, you can stuff your opinion. I'm convinced the anti-makeup brigade is just another tool in the arsenal of misogyny, the war against pretty woman, whose power must be denied, subjugated, repudiated, controlled. She's a witch! Burn her!




    The white lead powder was a fad among the very wealthy, not a standard of beauty among the masses.


    One of the enduring standards of beauty across all cultures is a certain hip to waist ratio, for example.

  5. It was generous and courteous of you to take the effort to clarify your meaning and be understood, and I appreciate it very much.


    What I dislike is the sanitized (so-called) perfection that the media and society put forward and which make many women miserable and self conscious because they feel that they can't live up to that fake ideal (hence the mention of plastic surgery in my previous post). That's the reason why photoshop is used, that's also the reason why many actresses also use body doubles so it can seem on camera that they have the perfect figure or the perfect bodyparts.


    I think we can agree to a meeting of minds here. :)

  6. Let me lay it out for you:


    You were asked if "hot girls" aren't believable or don't exist in your world. Your reply included this: "Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women." Considering most women who become movie stars (a visual medium relying on glamor) are at or near the top of the beauty/charisma food chain it sounds to me as if your standards are freakishly inflated.


    I'm the one who said:


    Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist "except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors" is offensive and simply wrong and stupid.


    Again, it is the idea that beautiful women don't exist without "magic" that is simply wrong and stupid.


    Furthermore, my point is that there are beautiful women everywhere and unfortunately they are preyed upon by toxic others (men, women, media) who have something to gain such as control or profit by playing on their insecurities. If a movie star isn't good enough then how on earth is the girl next door ever going to measure up?


    Worst of all, there is a faction of men who want us women to believe that wearing makeup is somehow cheating and we should be able to look beautiful without cosmetics etc. That is the most pathetic of all, if I feel like going without makeup that's my business and if I prefer to wear it that's also my business. It smacks of "the man trying to keep me down". Well applied makeup just flatters what we've already got, and we're not going to listen to detractors, but we will see them for the haters they really are.


    There isn't a single woman on earth who was put here solely to live up to your standard of what is beautiful.

  7. You can only think of two.


    You've never watched the Oscars then, I suppose. I always do, and though they do have hair and makeup done, the lighting is generic for all of them.


    Your standards sound oh so high. :rolleyes: On the other hand I am a pretty woman with a lot of pretty women in my friends and family. My niece could have easily become a beautiful actress if she'd gone to hollywood, she definitely has the acting talent and she's absolutely stunning. Though I'm older now, I have been called stunning myself when I was younger. Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors is offensive and simply wrong and stupid. That's just my opinion.


    Stupid? I have high standards that much is true but I think you've misinterpreted what I've posted:


    Also on the supermodel thing, it is a matter of taste but if you think that ladies on magazine covers really look that good without some help from photoshop you are wrong. Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women.


    The important part in this post is "that good" (like a movie star or super model) as opposed to being pretty in a natural sort of way. I was reacting on the subject of "super" models as opposed to real women. TV and the media force upon us a sanitized and stereotyped representation of beauty (which is probably why so many women feel the need to undergo plastic surgery unfortunately).


    Also I wouldn't say that the oscar ceremony is shot with unfavourable lighting. Watch an interview or a making off with ordinary/natural light and not necessarily the right angle and many actresses won't look so amazingly beautiful (and some may look rather plain). That implies that many "regular" women would look as good as most movie stars or models with the right light and make up.


    That being said it is utterly naive to think that photoshop is not routinely used on pictures found in magazines, ads and the like.


    IMO a truly beautiful woman doesn't need make up and "smoke and mirrors" to look gorgeous. Heck a truly beautiful woman will be stunning early in the morning without any make up and in a disheveled state.



    Omg if you only knew how amazingly condescending you sound.

  8. I didn't understand it was concept art. I thought MB was characterizing it as a screen shot. I really didn't know where it came from.


    However as concept art, it's cool and I can see people liking it.


    On the other hand, my favorite Skyrim vanilla armors are:


    Saviors Hide, Nightingale, and the much maligned Ancient Nordic.



  9. Hayzie banned.


    Trolling a file thread.


    What on earth possessed you to make this comment? The mod breaks our ToS and will go away, but I'm keeping your comment here for posterity. After all the time you've invested in this site and been a contributing member and you throw it away to make this comment? /shakes head, walks away.





    Hayzie | Today, 07:15 AM

    Next: My Little Dildo for Pony's mod.


    I will make several fake accounts and endorse this as soon as I can.



  10. This is me and my husband and recreations I made of us in the CS.




    He doesn't play video games much. Here is his character who I play as, ingame.



    It doesn't mean I want to be a guy. It means I want to explore the game world from a perspective I imagine as his.

  11. You can only think of two.


    You've never watched the Oscars then, I suppose. I always do, and though they do have hair and makeup done, the lighting is generic for all of them.


    Your standards sound oh so high. :rolleyes: On the other hand I am a pretty woman with a lot of pretty women in my friends and family. My niece could have easily become a beautiful actress if she'd gone to hollywood, she definitely has the acting talent and she's absolutely stunning. Though I'm older now, I have been called stunning myself when I was younger. Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors is offensive and simply wrong and stupid. That's just my opinion.

  12. A few pointers:


    Stick to one post and if you must, learn to use the Edit button to add to your comments.


    I would also suggest that focusing on narrow definitions is kind of like naval gazing, it distracts from the bigger picture.


    Words like "retard" are offensive.

  13. mboy1327 banned.


    Repeatedly trolling a file thread.


    Here's a nice selection :rolleyes:




    In Topic: Assassin Creed Armor


    16 December 2011 - 08:07 PM

    plus im only in the 6th grade and ur like 25 yrs old and ur playing this how bout u get a life

    In Topic: Assassin Creed Armor


    16 December 2011 - 08:05 PM

    how bout u suck my cock *censored*

    and i do have a life

    In Topic: Assassin Creed Armor


    22 November 2011 - 06:27 PM




    Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?

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