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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Soldiersembryo banned.


    Trolling a file thread



    I really don't appreciate your editing your post simply because you've noticed your ban before you logged out and try to cover up the evidence.

    In fact the reports capture exactly what was reported, they are not edited.


    Furthermore I happened to have a copy of the unedited version.





    Reference post deleted.

    See report.

  2. No offense but it seems to me you're one of a small minority who thinks they're just fine.


    So they're just fine -- for you. Repeating it over and over isn't going to persuade the rest of us. Thankfully, we are free to mod them.

  3. The way I envision this is :


    the horses will never fast travel with you unless you command them to follow you.

    the whistle will be equipped on the player and undroppable (quest item) and when activated you will choose which horse (if you own more than one) you want to come to you.


    When you are not riding the horse, you will be able to tell it to wait.


    If you forget where it's waiting you can call it to you.


    When you release it from following you it will return to either the stable where you bought it (default) or stable you have assigned as it's 'home".


    Otherwise it will never fast travel with you at all.

  4. My above comet was a real shoot in the blue. I admit this.

    The aspects of the intimacy of men regarding that they uses codes as well not to openly ask about their most intimate needs. Reflecting this in their language more often in the male to male behaviour, as well as some of it is also handled as second related subject to many published works about feminism, be it conflicting partnerships, or emotional abuse,s to the expression of violent behaviour, to domestic violence. (There is much on all that points to this diction that most of the works about feminism have this in common when analysing male behaviour on scientific works in contradiction with above mentioned fields subjects) It needs not a genius to draw a line from emotional needs and wants to see that there could be some truth in the behaviour of male gamers wanting skimpy armors for a female heroine.

    It is a not a great secret that males that openly and direct asking for the own most intimacy needs is seen by others as a weakness.


    Since sociology and psychology are soft sciences this can be disputed

    I would recommend reading on subject the following works to start with.

    "A new psychology of men" by William S. Pollack

    "The emotionally abused and neglected child" by Dorota Iwaniec


    Yes, this can be cross related to another topic here in debates... guess why I thought about this ?


    rofl Harbringe...



    Sociology relies on the scientific method.


    However psychology often misses the boat. A lot of womens studies I can tell you (as a woman) is a bunch of baloney. It's my least favorite subject because it's so full of self entitled bullstuff.

    I do think playing video games is emotionally safe for a man because it's a paper doll of sorts without all the drama and baggage of a real relationship, but so what? That's not a failure and is true for women playing as well.

  5. http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc15/fabian365/f365%20smilies/smiley-stroking-chin.gif

    I don't think harbinger is completely wrong. .. There could be something deep in side the male psyche that is looking for something that they otherwise can't find in reality. Need to dig throu the scientific records and statistics ..

    hold on just a sex .. ops oh no no no sorry about that ...just a second .

    http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc15/fabian365/f365%20smilies/smiley-stroking-chin.gif... I still haven't found what I'm looking for ..

    ah yes.. now I got it ..

    They seam in search of a motherly protector where they emotionally can drop their defensive wall that they would in reality uphold to protect themselves.


    This could be a possible explanation. i don't claim that Psychology is always correct. In fact it is just guess work and poking with a stick in the dark.

    On the other hand much problems could be solved if we just pull down our pants and slide on ice.

    This was a house call .. but the 1st one is for free..


    A quote with no reference? I'm not buying it. Plus I'm a woman, so 'splain that. You do realize that at least half of psychology is just crazy people making crap up, right?


    a seam is a line where two pieces are joined together, by the way

  6. Well we actually don't really know. There has only been one woman found in the Peat Bogs and she from about 3 to 400 years earlier and was completely nude and apparently she was not under duress when she died.


    The men we have found wearing linen and leather. There has been one man wearing linen and leather that was from the approximate time.


    Other than that we have no written history and most of those paintings you mention were from later and were undoubtedly influenced by the social mores in force and enforced during that later period.



    Harbringe, if I were you I'd put that psychology degree back in the cracker jack box.

  7. Like all beth games, they have a shelf life so you can always return later.


    If you played Twilight Princess, I was envisioning a method like that. Otherwise into the default stable or an assigned stable (such as with a mod added house).

    Come on CK! For me to be satisfied it has to support multiple horses, I already own several and I will want mod added horses as well.

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