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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. so now his blood will be female while the rest of his body has Y chromosomes


    Err......what happens IF I get a blood transfusion from someone of an opposite sex then?


    Hopefully, you'll live.



  2. FYI : If you set up your account with an inappropriate username, it can and will be banned without warning, and you will most likely not even see a ban notice depending on the level of inappropriate. You know what's offensive: profanity, slurs, obscenities, etc.


    If your account is banned and you don't see a notice, consider whether your username is inappropriate, and if it is, you may make a new account to ask a member of staff about it.

  3. It's funny isn't it, but that is the default directory for pirated copies of the game. It is not the default directory for legitimate copies of the game. It's odd that if you knew enough to know what you were doing you would choose that particular default directory. My pirate sensory detectors are tingling.. It's almost like shooting fish in a barrel.
  4. jim_uk


    I'm not sure how I did it but I was able to lie to Esbern. I know that I looked up what to do online real quick because I was distraught over the choice. I could swear I saw somewhere that it's possible to lie to Esbern and that is what I did, but I have not been able to find any information about it since I started looking again. It is possible I moved the quest forward slightly, via the console but I just can't understand why I can't find any information on it again.



    It's the same old story isn't it? Bethesda did the same in Oblivion and I resented it then too.


    I don't want to be werewolf, I don't want to join the thieves guild and while so far I've managed workarounds, it makes no sense whatsoever that finding the Dragon Thu'ums is dependent on joining a faction and the only reason for that is non-immersive that Beth wants to make sure you get the total game experience the first time.


    It's not that big a deal to me because I know that I'm getting the creation kit and I will be able to fix these type issues.


    I hope they release it tomorrow, I have a notebook full of notes and I hate waiting.


    As far as the following comment.


    You chose not to do certain quests, but don't want to accept that this means things in those quests will be unavailable? I chose not to go to work once, and the ungrateful sods didn't pay me. Can't work that out. You made a valid choice not to do a certain thing....this logically results in you not being able to do anything directly requiring that certain thing. I can choose not to go to a zoo or the north pole....funnily enough that means I'm not going to see a polar bear in real life.


    You used choice not to do something and are complaining that this results in a lack of further choice relating to that initial choice. Well......duh.


    Do you really believe that sort of rude attitude is appropriate? I don't.


    We are discussing things in the game that we'd like to change, and since the game is by its very nature a moddable game, all the issues discussed in this thread are fair game.


    Your other post was hidden. If you make a habit of similar personal attacks as you used in that post, your days with us will be short, indeed.

  5. HadToRegister is a really nice person, and I like him a lot actually, (and I'm not picking on you! it's just the way things are) but notice how he dumbed down his response for the little ladies who don't get science, biology, or anthropology?

    I wasn't dumbing it down for anybody out there, I was dumbing it down for me, because I wasn't explaining my position well at all, and being a visual person,

    I thought a graphic would help explain my point better.


    I meant this:

    Now, please don't take this as sexist etc, but I'm working on a Science degree, and we have to talk about this in an analytical way in Biology etc,..



    :blink: Did someone say "shoes" ? :unsure:

  6. No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


    I personally reported it. I know that the PMs were received, because I got replies.




    It's a long time ago, so I don't have those PMs now. The 'older (popular)' mod was, IIRC, the sexlivion / sexdarkness mods that use audio taken from a commercial adult game. The new mod was one I initially included in my list of Japanese Oblivion mods, but took down the link after seeking clarification on Nexus policy.


    I don't know what IIRC is but I'm looking into it. I'm familiar with the copyright issue and know that we have disallowed all the mods that included those contentious files, as far as I know at this moment.

  7. Yeah, I don't particularly want to annoy those in authority here, but Nexus policy does get bent on occasion.


    I know of at least one case where a new mod including illicitly copied copyright material was (naturally) disallowed, but the exact same material in an older (very popular) mod did not result in that older mod being taken down.

    No. you don't get to make such accusations. What proof do you have that the "older (very popular) mod" was ever even reported?


    If you don't have proof I don't want to hear it. You can PM me with the details but I know of several rumors like this that were completely unfounded and debunked.


    Furthermore our policy is that you may not upload copyrighted assets without permission.


    CD Projekt has given permission and the converter also termed it a "Resource".


    We have a similar longstanding policy for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. assets.


  8. Gotta love it when people post without knowing all the facts.


    Verbatim from Fraper's original readme:




    All models in this pack are copyrighted, and belong to theyr oryginal authors and copyright holders. This mod is not an commercial modyfication and so you cant gain any profits by releasing any parts of it for any material benefits.


    This mod is shared as an resource, you can break it to pieces, reuse it, add to your modyfication or whatever comes to your mind, WITHOUT THE NEED TO ASK ME ABOUT PERMISION as long as you copy paste credits from my readme into your readme and mod descryption.





    This mod is shared as an resource, you can break it to pieces, reuse it, add to your modyfication or whatever comes to your mind, WITHOUT THE NEED TO ASK ME ABOUT PERMISION as long as you copy paste credits from my readme into your readme and mod descryption.

  9. Dazzerfong again:

    I didn't understand it was concept art. I thought MB was characterizing it as a screen shot. I really didn't know where it came from.


    Now that you say so, though, I can see why MB was confused. I would have imported the body and modeled the armor to the body.


    I only saw the pic MB posted so just for absolute clarity, I never accused anyone of saying it was real, but I knew it wasn't using real skyrim body models.


    A crown, a porno mustache, and a thousand-yard stare.


    That man has done awful, awful things to get where he is.


    And enjoyed every bit of 'em I'm sure!

  10. @aeonthraen That's funny. I would never wear that but I can totally see it being a huge bestseller!



    So thinking about the last few posts, I'm going to wade into some truly unpleasant waters, so bear with me and understand I've made a certain peace with it, as I am happily married celebrating 30 years coming up in a month.



    HadToRegister is a really nice person, and I like him a lot actually, (and I'm not picking on you! it's just the way things are) but notice how he dumbed down his response for the little ladies who don't get science, biology, or anthropology?


    Oh screw it.


    Women are trophies because men own the power. It's really as simple as that.


    If women owned the power we'd probably have Calipers to measure out the golden ratio of the the polykleitan canon of proportions on our men.



    Jim certainly we influence the market with purchases, but that is hardly being in control of the industry. As for your contention that what men want can be found in the porn industry, I disagree with that premise as well, I think the porn industry just wants bodies to chew up and spit out. Any bodies that are willing will do.


    I have however dated many women who I will admit didn't have that model type figure but were some of the most generous and loving souls i've ever met.


    Then you have known true beauty.

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