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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. No those edits would be fine. The problem is primarily with music files.


    For example retextures that add a new item upload vanilla meshes with simple edited vanilla textures in a majority of cases. This is fine.


    Likewise, snippets of conversation are really not very useful outside the game.


    But music can be easily shared outside the game, even when remixed, and editing a music file doesn't have any impact on copyright.

  2. But we apparently do know she wore a Torc which was worn by men as a symbol of male verility.

    The Iceni and most but not all Celtic tribal groups of the period drew no distinction between male and female leadership.



    They certainly were not patriarchal like the romans, but there was definitely a great distinction between male and female symbolism (and roles).

  3. Anyone actually thought of Boudica, Queen of the British Iceni tribes, who led a violent and and almost successful revolt against the Roman invaders? She was certainly no housewife, and her revolts nearly booted the Romans out of Britain :P


    I'm also pretty sure she didn't face the Romans in a bikini armor.



    Yes I "thought" of her, and I'm quite interested in what you imagine she (and her tribe) were wearing.

  4. At present your choices are leave some pants on them i.e. don't loot the pants or wait until someone makes a script to do something else. There really isn't much else. Someone who knows script dragon might be able to figure out a scripted alternative to that, or wait for the Creation Kit when more of us will take the plunge.
  5. I thought you said you wanted them replaced with other clothes (the standard lower class clothing).


    Well the underwear is attached to the body model.


    The body models that have been stripped of underwear have been done so via texture and 3D editing not applicable to this process, if you try to equip these onto the body via modeling they will clip through all the armors all the time not just when defrocked. etc.

  6. That would be even harder. Come on, you can't wait a couple of weeks. It's not like the underwear is revealing.


    When the construction set comes out I have been planning a mod similar to one I used in oblivion or maybe I dreamed it, where after you loot, a script runs and re-equips the body with the gear that npc spawns with (the stuff in their inventory) however it has to not allow re-looting after this script runs.


    Scripting requires the Creation Kit.



    There is another way using another scripting device that is not familiar to most of us, but good luck finding someone else who is willing to do this, if they do, I won't have to.

  7. What do you mean, it's been done before Ub3r?


    I don't think it's ok. Even if it's Skyrim music uploaded to the SkyrimNexus, it is still uploading copyrighted content without explicit permission of the publishers, and music, unlike texture and mesh assets can be used easily outside the game.


    Even if remixed it's probably not ok.


    However Peckham is discussing this via PM with staff members so perhaps with more information this is an exceptional case, but going on this alone, I think not.

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