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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Mod release threads are not the place to air your personal opinions. They are the place to give props, encouragement, and tips to modders, or to ask technical questions. They are never the appropriate place for debate. Use the open forums for discussions of aesthetic tastes or debates.


    Please review the Terms of Service, and remember you do not have the right to freedom of speech here.


    Finally, realize that "I mod for myself" is a standard disclaimer used many years now by modders who do not want to customize their mods for every single one of the millions of members here.


    Strike 1 Reference Post



    Strike 2 Reference Post

  2. Ardun banned.


    Extreme Potty Mouth and all around undesirable element.



    Ardun said:



    this is f***ing sad.... go get a life honestly


  3. Ok Ginny, I do see your point, it's the same one I agreed with when RZ expressed a version of it with examples.


    However this statement is so blatantly racist that's is almost laughable that someone make it a serious contention, "What is sad is, if you say "black people are good at sports" no one says anything,"

    We just had this conversation here when some talking head from Fox interviewed our president, and made a comment about him being a basketball guy, as if, because he's black he's supposed to be good at all sports. That is a stereotype and it is racist. Nobody may say something out of politeness, but I assure you we are all cringing inside.



    myr, I agree.


    The thing is, the amount of pigment you have and your facial features shouldn't be an issue generally. If someone's being a toerag to you because of it, then yes, they are in the wrong--just as if they're being an idiot to you because you're a redhead, wear glasses, or are of extreme height. People are different, but nobody is a special snowflake. (Pun about paleness not intended.)



    And if they didn't have color, some would hate you because you're wearing red shoes. :unsure: oh no, you did not wear them :laugh:

  4. I'd personally be really embarrassed if I was moronic (and bigoted) as some of you sound.


    RZ I'm not a star wars fan -- and I don't care at all for Alec Guinness, who to me is just another actor, and actors are entertaining but not particularly bright in general. (I give you Charlie Sheen.) -- but at least I can relate to your last few paragraphs.


    Crayola, "I hope you don't get offended", but if you are actually capable of a critical thought you will understand my point. I had momentarily left the topic of race aside to address the fallacy that "everyone should be treated equally" in a just system.


    If two children are in a race, and one of the children trips the other, and goes on to win the race, is that justice? I guess it depends on who saw it.


    I'm here to say I see it.

  5. Ultrajet, it's not dorky, and I do not think you were seriously trying to get around the rules. I just wanted to make it clear to everyone, as we do have people who post images immediately, even after the images are deleted. It happens all the time. When screen caps of rips are posted, normally all that happens is that we take them down. So if it happens just don't put them back up. If you're not sure why it was taken down, contact a moderator. You did the right thing by posting your question in a serious sincere fashion. I just removed your images because we had already seen them and knew what they were, so there was no reason to leave them up.
  6. The Persians stole from the Lydians, the Greeks stole from the Persians, the Romans stole from the Greeks, the Germanic and asian barbarians stole from the Romans. Wherever we look there are cultural artifacts which could only exist through those thefts. Should modern Greeks feel guilty for the desecration of the Achamaenid empire and the wholesale looting of incredible amounts of gold, silver etc? Where does guilt end, should the modern Greek state or the modern British state feel obliged to expiate the sins of people who are either long dead or in old age. People should be responsible for their own actions and take blame for what they do. If I had voted tory this time or New Labour last time then I would have some real responsibility for my government's actions.



    This is my point and we should acknowledge it. No one here has advocated reparations, as if that could solve anything. But we should man up and acknowledge who were the winners and losers and what that means and stop pretending like we all made it on our own with no help, and definitely stop living in denial as if it makes no difference. That is unacceptable. and insulting.

  7. N-n-n-n-no. You can't say "your textures aren't good".


    You can say, "your textures are very high res, and my framerates took a hit, do you think you can compress them without an obvious loss of quality?"


    You could say, "I prefer the vanilla textures over these." But in that case why bother to even post?


    Or you could say, "I really wanted to use this mod but after I installed it my game crashed. Has anyone else reported that problem?"



    Why must you go on to a modders' thread and say "I don't like this mod" ? Can you explain the need to do that? Why not just move on without any words at all? Why must everything require an announcement or a pronouncement?

  8. I know nothing about the politics you mentioned, but I do not think the intent is to create a fresh set of prejudice.


    There is the fact, the truth, that most wealth is inherited.


    You are born into the wealth of your parents. Their situation and circumstance is a wealth of resources for your upbringing.


    The fact that, for example, wealth was stolen from one culture by another means that there is an imbalance of wealth, those whose resources were stolen before they were born have a genuine cause that is unjust and unbalanced.


    And what shall we, those of us who benefited from that theft, say: Oh well.

  9. This topic really makes me sad and mad at the same time.


    It deserves a dissertation, but you'll not get it from me here, there's an old adage about casting pearls before swine that I try to live by. It's not my responsibility to educate people or disabuse them of their [wrong] opinions with facts, but I will lay out a few of my thoughts.


    Race is a human construct. On a cellular, physical level there is no difference. There is ethnicity but it is somewhat misunderstood when used purely in terms of race without regard to experience.


    I have seen mixed race parents produce offspring that is dark and another that is so-called white.


    I know so-called "white people" who have a black ancestor, and a large majority of so-called "black people" have white ancestors.


    I conclude race is a political, social tool used to discriminate and subjugate, and otherwise has no use in a just society.


    Since it has historically been very successfully used to denigrate a minority by a majority, there is a social imbalance that needs to be counterbalanced and we attempt to do that by celebrating those that were overlooked historically. That's why we celebrate black history month. That's also why we have an International Women's Day.


    Remember that historically, history books, religious tomes, and other propaganda were all written by those in power. That would leave out the women, the children, and any minority.




    I didn't bother with Morgan Freeman's video because while I enjoy his acting, I know him to have very poor judgement in his personal life.


    Oh and one more thing. I don't think that everyone should be treated equally. I had a brother with Cerebral Palsy. He deserved special treatment.

  10. Well, you can post screenshots of mods not hosted here, but which are hosted on Planet Elder Scrolls, right?


    We run the same policy over there, and delete mods that contain ripped content. (meaning, ripped content aren't even approved when uploading, as we check them out before they are visible to the public. And if not found then, they are usually reported very quickly.)


    Of course you can post screenshots of legal content that is hosted elsewhere. No problem!

  11. Your answer is images of ripped content are not allowed and will be deleted when we see them.


    Ub3 has it right:

    I believe it's called advertising rips, which usually leads to questions of "Where can I get this armor?".


    Unfortunately we don't have time to comb through and delete every image that's in violation but when they're reported we do delete them. Older images in violation have more of a chance of being missed than newer ones.


    By the way, reposting deleted images is a bannable offense.

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