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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Hi,


    I have added a custom Hockey Mask, bandanna, and two camouflage combat helmets in to the game. The work fine in the edit>view portions of the GECK editor, and in game the biped models SOMETIMES (rarely) load correctly.


    The problem is the textures don't load on to the mesh in the game. For example, a camo pattern texture for a combat helmet looks just fine in GECK on the biped model and world model, but when I put it on my character in the game it appears as solid black. However - if I drop the items on the ground in game the world model works just fine.


    Any ideas? I tried the files as DXT1 no alpha, and DXT1 w/ alpha, and it doesn't make a difference.


    Did you make Normal Maps for them?

  2. I went to the spot ingame and TCL'd to get closer. I think it's just an odd placement of the lighting, because up close without glaring through the window it's much harder (unfortunate pun) to see. In fact, unless you're at the perfect angle, you can't even see where it's supposed to be.

    I took a couple of screenshots but my resolution is huge and would break the forum frame.

    The forum will resize it, but you could also post it at photobucket and then link the thumbnail here.


    At least put it to rest. I really think this is nothing more then overactive hormones and imaginations.

  3. Thanks a lot!


    One last thing though, where would you find that hair ribbon the 3rd girl is wearing?


    I'm pretty sure I got that in Lings.


    Is it possible I can get this?



  4. I know that FO3Edit can change a plug-in from an .esp to .esm and back, so if you are asking how to change a mod that you have downloaded to an .esp so that it can be edited then that might be what you are looking for.


    FOMM can also flip the .esm master flag, I believe.


    I couldn't find the FOMM setting but I just updated to the latest yesterday.


    I did, however find (and download) Elminster's FO3edit while I was searching "esmification" "esmify" "espify" and "modding a mod", I wasn't sure whether it would do the trick though, so thanks!

  5. I know it is possible but I dont know how. More specificly im trying to get the elevator esm mod to work with my current plugin, which is already working with an esm. Help?



    I was wondering about this too. I wish Wrye was working on something I like to imagine as "Wrye Flash"!


    I'm not familiar with the 'elevator mod' but what I did was make my plugin dependent on the same master file, for the moment, and that worked out in that case. It's possible to have 2 masters so you could consider going that route.. I did that as well. (Falllout 3.esm and Broken Steel.esm for a mod I called "Equipment for Sarah Lyons").. As you may or may not know I rarely release any of my mods, but I'm really beginning to reconsider. I love the GECK so much.

  6. How did you get all those masters to load after plugins?
    FOSE lists files by their "Date Modified" attribute, but Fallout 3 always loads master files before plugin files, regardless of their date modified. I find it easiest to think of it as two sequential load orders - the first for master files only and the second for plugin files only.



    I use FOSE with FOMM without any inconvenience. I missed your point, and I'm struggling to figure out how it helps the poster with the troubled load list.


    All I'm asking is that he post his ACTUAL LOAD ORDER, because if that's some semblance of it, that list seems to show the unofficial patch loading before fallout 3.esm.


    But perhaps he just wanted to show off what mods he has installed.

  7. the best way to get help on it is to start working on it yourself and show whats going on with it and then people will join later.


    Sorry, I frankly have zero interest in your idea.


    Make it a beautifully verdant castle courtyard with a realistic moat and a horse shoe shaped stands with villagers (like from the arena) with the nobles and player seated across and above them in an "honor box grandstand".


    Make the battle Jousting on horseback.


    Then I might be in.



    And please don't bump your own posts, that's against our rules here. Get to know them.

  8. That's a very strange load order. How did you get all those masters to load after plugins?


    Maybe you should try again, I think that's not your actual "load order".


    The Load Order should be the one that starts with




    If you're using FOMM, click on "Load Order" at the top and then "Copy to clipboard" then paste.


    Here's my current one.











  9. EDIT: Wild animals should not be made into 'pets'. Animals born in the wild do not belong in zoos (unless it would save the species from extinction) and dogs breeds with aggressive personalities need to be trained by people who know what they are doing.


    Right On. I can get behind all this.

  10. I love animals and I'm currently sheltering a stray queen with her four kittens, been like over a month now. But for whatever reasons, the animals must not be put down no matter what wrong they've done, they're simply animals with instincts, they do not have moral instincts like some humans do. For the whale, it's better to just let it out into the ocean then to kill it. But for the pet owners, when the pet is legally yours, it's your responsibility. The owners have the right to be punished but not the animals.



    Letting the whale out into the ocean at this stage is probably a death sentence, but maybe not, it's probably a better option than putting it down. I thought the trainer looked a bit negligent, the facility was most certainly negligent. When will man stop imprisoning wild animals? This was wrong with Keiko "Free Willy", and it's still wrong. But as long as we bow to the all-mighty dollar nothing is going to change.


    The chimp story is a few years old now, and I followed it closely at the time. Similarly to the whale, it's negligent to try to make a "pet" out of a wild creature, and I think the "owner" is accountable.


    Dogs are different. Dogs have a historical allegiance with us. We both have a responsibility to each other, and most 'man and dog' relationships honor this ancient bond we share. The dogs deserve a case by case analysis on their own merits. Justice should never be painted with a broad brush. Unfortunately justice requires a lot more thoughtful consideration and a much more astute facility for objective compassion than the average citizen can seem to muster.


    Usually, if your neighbors hate your dogs, it's because you're not a good pet custodian.

  11. Here we got a scholar example that approachs the original title of this topic. You are obviously competent with history, and me I would get a(what is it you use?) a C. Not that I do not find all history unimportant, I have stated so in earlier posts, but I sort out for my self what is, and what is not.

    We both live our seperates lives with our families, our job, our social life, and we are both satisfied with our life. Also none of us miss anything in our life I take it.

    So now to the original question; is history important. For me not very much, unless it is usefull experience I can use in this very moment to go on with my life.


    That's wonderful for you. I only ask that if you have no interest in history, refrain from voting in any election that effects my life.

  12. I know I'm going to be sorry, but "until you can't see them"??


    Cut the balls of, literary. I want to use this model to replace sreapon in SFG.



    alex2avs, yes i have them but that did not help.


    Can't we just do that then? I mean shrinking is easy enough but sometimes it's easier to just do the castration. I don't have the mod, but you can send me the model (or PM me a link) and I will castrate it for you. No problems. I actually threatened to do just this before, so it would be my pleasure. :P


    "Iron and steel are used widely in the construction of roads, railways, infrastructure, and buildings. Most large modern structures, such as stadiums and skyscrapers, bridges, and airports, are supported by a steel skeleton. Even those with a concrete structure will employ steel for reinforcing. In addition to widespread use in major appliances and cars. Despite growth in usage of aluminium, it is still the main material for car bodies. Steel is used in a variety of other construction materials, such as bolts, nails, and screws.[67] Other common applications include shipbuilding, pipeline transport, mining, offshore construction, aerospace, white goods (e.g. washing machines), heavy equipment such as bulldozers, office furniture, steel wool, tools, and armour in the form of personal vests or vehicle armour (better known as rolled homogeneous armour in this role)."


    From here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel#Uses


    Considering that the Enclave is the single faction capable of producing material in the Capital Wasteland, the Pitt is highly valuable to whoever holds it, it being capable of resupplying an army with ..... ammunition.


    One of the plot holes in fallout 3 is where, after 200 years, all the ammo is coming from ....


    Furthermore, with the sophisticated tools and equipment that may be built with steel, the quality of life of the average wastelander may be improved ....


    Unless you want them to build central heating, or pipelines, or medical facilities out of rocks ....


    After reading the first post, I had planned to make a comment. But you saved me the hour it took to type it.





    Nicely done.


    I was also wondering about how they're generating power, (I skimmed I admit it! Did I miss something?) and why so much broken glass in all the homes, glass can be made with sand and lightening, surely they have welding equipment, if they're making steel, any metal is going to be hugely valuable. I've only gotten the game this week, so I'm totally noob about the whole game lore, so forgive me if I'm being a dolt!

  14. Its miraculous how I'm able to survive with vanilla fugly unladylike body, huh?


    Yes, isn't it nice, we actually have CHOICES.




    Rouge hair. It may be in some of the cosmetic packs here on Nexus. It's in MHE for sure, though I renamed it to "rogue" hair since that made more sense to me. I believe it's in one of Apachii's mods as a wig as well.


    Yup that Rogue/Rouge mis-spelling thing always peeves me too. "Rogue" is a villainous scoundrel, "Rouge" is what little old ladies paint onto their cheeks.


    That hair was originally in the 2ch Hair Explosion Pack and now can be found all over the place.. You can Google "Beautiful People 2ch-Ed" and get lots of links, or get Savage Artistry's MHE which is better in my opinion, and has more yummies anyway.

  15. I disagree, it doesn't matter if you are faceless and nameless. You are part of a historical time and place. Maybe nameless and faceless but part of a larger group impacting future generations at every turn. Whether it's something you do specifically (like die in a bog where your body is preserved for a thousand years) or whether it's as part of a group (people who invaded another country), every person makes an impact in some small or large way.
  16. "If everyone were special, nobody would be."


    That saying is one of my huge pet peeves. I won't go off on a brutal witchslap tangent about it right now though.

    Is it any less amazing that every snowflake is unique? Is it any less awe-inspiring that all fingerprints are singularly distinctive?


    There are literally thousands of historic figures that aren't remembered but who made a very relevant impact on your current life (and mine). History isn't made of only those bits that someone thought to write down. And "pre-history" is still history.


    By the way:

    The Romans settled London, and built the first London Bridge on the same site where it still stands today.

    I'm surprised it's "contrary to popular belief" that most slaves were not mistreated. Isn't it common knowledge that the Chattel Slavery practiced in the US was the most brutal form of systematic dehumanization that history has ever seen, an anomaly, a malignancy unique to its time and place?

    And why isn't "Wall of Text" against the rules? That's just rude.

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