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Everything posted by saurusmaximus
The hangup you will likely encounter isn't the brand of computer, a new Alienware will come loaded with Windows 10 like any other PC, but Windows itself. In my experience, most games older than the mid-2000's don't always play well on Windows 10. Sometimes you can work around it by googling and finding the right .dll files to make an older game work, sometimes not. My advice is to search up the games you want to play and see if they run/can be made to run on Windows 10.
I've never tried this with her, but have you tried removing her from the Vampire Faction? Most NPCs are hostile to that. The formid is: 27242.
Your results are anecdotal because you are one guy reporting on your results. If we get a large collection of people, testing a large group of mods, and they can all say definitively that the whole form 44 thing is overblown, I'll happily change my tune. I'm honestly not trying to bust your chops, but I've been around too long to take one person's word for anything. As to your question about me providing evidence to refute your point..well, I can't. My experience was like 3 years ago and at this point I couldn't even tell which mods I was using. My save got to be about 20 hours old and I suddenly started having stability issues. Because they were many of the same mods that I had been running in LE without any trouble, I figured it was because I hadn't converted them over, like everyone was saying you should. I just wanted to play the game, so I didn't take the time to figure out which mod was the problem, I just converted all of them, started over, and the problem went away.
It's not about a witch-hunt, it's about holding modders responsible for uploading "ports" that haven't been done properly. This especially true for modders that are porting other people's work. I shouldn't have to go through and fix a mod that was supposed have been done properly from the start; and I'm getting really tired of having to do that by the way. This happens because the engine fixes requires a older version of the CK, which is not available through the Bethesda launcher. If this exe was available in the Nexus, this could help those modders, since to open the CK without the fixes takes up to five minutes, with several error messages, which discourages them to convert the plugins to form 44. So we should accept shoddy work because it takes an extra 5 minutes to load the CK? Seriously? Also, your point is doubly ridiculous because there is also an engine fix right here on the Nexus that corrects everything you were complaining about. This engine fix requires a older version of the CK, which is not available through the Bethesda launcher. I was only able to use this fix after I downloaded the older exe in a obscure link. Before it, the CK was taken 5 minutes to load and crashed constantly. If this exe was available in the Nexus (or at the least the link to it), many modders would be using the CK. I'm using the current version ( and it works fine.
It's not hard to do this yourself, you just need to follow some good practices: -Use a mod manager. Make sure you understand how to use it. -Read the entire description for every mod you want to use before you download it, to ensure it is compatible with what you already have. As a bonus, I also like to go and read the Posts, to see if anyone has had any trouble with the mod in their setup. -Use LOOT to sort your mods once you have them all installed. Pay attention to any errors it throws at you, it will usually tell you if you are missing any compatibility patches, or if mods conflict. It isn't always perfect, but it will get you 98% of the way there. -Don't add all of the mods you want all at once. Load in 10 or so, make a test save to see if the game loads and plays ok. Then add some more and repeat. It's much easier to find a problem this way, rather than dump 200 mods in all at once and then try and figure out where you went wrong. Be smart about mods that retexture stuff. Yeah, we all want everything in our game to be in glorious 4K, but unless you have a good GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM, you're not going to be happy.
It's not about a witch-hunt, it's about holding modders responsible for uploading "ports" that haven't been done properly. This especially true for modders that are porting other people's work. I shouldn't have to go through and fix a mod that was supposed have been done properly from the start; and I'm getting really tired of having to do that by the way. This happens because the engine fixes requires a older version of the CK, which is not available through the Bethesda launcher. If this exe was available in the Nexus, this could help those modders, since to open the CK without the fixes takes up to five minutes, with several error messages, which discourages them to convert the plugins to form 44. So we should accept shoddy work because it takes an extra 5 minutes to load the CK? Seriously? Also, your point is doubly ridiculous because there is also an engine fix right here on the Nexus that corrects everything you were complaining about. so you removed form 43 mods and ctd are gone. and what does this tell us about form 43 see compatibility ? i clearly say: nothing. you are just assuming but it is much more likely that the mods were buggy or somehow conflicting. how could my game still run without any ctd or faulty save reaching level 108 after 1 year gameplay using about 20 form 43 esp mods ? sure, i experienced ctd - but they were never form 43 related but mod conflicts i could trace and i solved all of them. And your anecdotal experience doesn't prove anything either. I have had experience where converting mods did have a verifiable impact on my game's stability; and before you ask, yes, I know it was that because it was the only thing I changed. Edit: To clarify, my experience is just as anecdotal as yours. The point I've been trying to make all along is, it takes like 5 minutes to convert mods to form 44, so there no reason for mod authors (or at least, the people posting a mod as "ported") to not do it correctly.
It's not about a witch-hunt, it's about holding modders responsible for uploading "ports" that haven't been done properly. This especially true for modders that are porting other people's work. I shouldn't have to go through and fix a mod that was supposed have been done properly from the start; and I'm getting really tired of having to do that by the way.
SKSE for SSE not being recognized by Mods
saurusmaximus replied to mbray1018's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To make sure all bases are covered, I'm going to ask: are you SURE you are using the correct version of SKSE and SkyUI for the version of Skyrim you are using? -
If you have a save from before you went into Dimhollow, try that.
Console commands for free camera
saurusmaximus replied to Salamandre1970's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Basic Tutorial for Screenarchery -
Are you really still using BOSS? If so, stop it, that was rendered obsolete by LOOT years ago. Nothing is jumping out at me in your load order, my only recommendation is the trusty, disable one mod at a time until the game starts, method. First thing I would do is disable all of your patches, it's possible you're accidentally patching something you don't have. If it's still a no-go after that, start at the bottom of your load order, and work your way up, disabling one mod at a time until the game starts. Good luck!
- 4 replies
- ctd
- ctd after bethesda logo
- (and 8 more)
Ma'isha has a strange foot glitch
saurusmaximus replied to sudoshywolf's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
There may be, I've never looked, I'm willing to bet you can find something with a little googling. I learned how to do it by messing around with files, breaking things, and then figuring out where the hell I went wrong. It's actually not as difficult as you may think. The important part is to make a backup before you do anything <--In case you don't get it, this is painful experience talking. Because it's a Saturday night, and I have no social life, I'll tell you how I do it: I use BAE to extract .bsa file. You'll want to extract them to the same locaton as the .bsa itself which will be something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Maisha Verify that you now have a bunch of folders inside the mod's folder. If so, you did it right. Now, temporarily move the .bsa file somewhere outside of the Skyrim/Data folder. Next navigate to the folder with all of the meshes in it, will look something like: \Meshes\Actors\Character\maisha\femalebody_0.nif" <--Note that the filepath may vary a bit depending on how the mod author packaged it up. If there is no separate "Meshes" folder, he's probably using the default meshes that every woman (or child) uses. In that case, I'm not sure what to tell you, NMM doesn't have a lot of options for managing overwrites. If you do see a Meshes folder, and it has a sub-folder with files called things like "femalebody_1.nif", you can try replacing the body meshes. Download the UNP meshes manually and use your archive program of choice (7zip, winrar, etc) to open the archive. Once you open the archive, you will be greeted with a wall of folders, don't worry, you only need 2 of them. The first folder you need is called "00 Core Files". Click on that, and all of the sub-folders, until you get to the character assets folder. From there, select: "femalefeet_0.nif, femalefeet_1.nif, femalehands_0.nif and femalehands_1.nif". You don't need the rest. Extract those to a place where you can find them easily, like your desktop. The second folder is up to you, but I recommend the one called "01 Skinny Lingerie Static". "Skinny" because, well, it's a kid. And "Lingerie" for the same reason. "Static" just means there are no physics attached. Once in there, you'll find there are only two files: "femalebody_0.nif and femalebody_1.nif". Extract those to the same spot as before. Now copy all six of your extracted files, and paste them in the previously opened mod directory, saying yes to all overwrites. Now start your game and see if it worked. If it did, awesome. From here, you can either leave your files loose (what I usually do, because I'm lazy), or repackage them back into a .bsa (some people say it's better this way). If it doesn't work...damn I hate when that happens. Delete the loose files, move the .bsa back to the mod folder and buy Maisha some shoes. -
Ma'isha has a strange foot glitch
saurusmaximus replied to sudoshywolf's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It's definitely a mesh issue. I ran into this with a follower mod I ported over, in that case it was probably due to Nif Optimizer doing something weird to the foot meshes when I ported her over. In my case, I just replaced the meshes with the proper UNP mesh and she worked fine after that. I don't know specifically what meshes were used for Ma'isha, and the mod author isn't giving credit if he used one of the popular ones. All I can suggest is to, (assuming you are feeling adventurous) make a back up of the mod files, then unpack the .BSA and try replacing her hand, body and foot meshes with stock UNP skinny meshes and see what happens. Assuming that is what he did when he built the mod in the first place. An easier, band-aid option would be to see if you can get her to wear a pair of shoes and cover up her feet. -
Way to spoil the quest for him...
If you have the oldrim version, why not do it yourself? In my experience, most armor mods are very easy to port, usually just run them through Nif optimizer and and the CK64 and you are good, no permissions needed as long as you don't share it with anyone. bchick did a good write-up on the process.
Have you tried Falskaar yet? It's a worthwhile new-land mod. If you've finished the main quest, Wyrmstooth is also a good new-land type mod. You have to kill Grelod in Riften (even for your good-guy playthrough, this shouldn't be too morally repugnant, the woman's a monster). Then talk to Aventius in Windhelm. The DB will contact you after that, and then it will be up to you. Other options that a lot of people like are: Rigmor of Bruma, and the Forgotten City.
Can you launch the vanilla game? Disable all of your mods, go into your SkyrimSE folder, and click on "SkyrimSE.exe". If it does start, you have a problem with one of your mods. Post your load order so we can take a look. If it doesn't start, you probably have an issue with your setup. You said you already tried re-installing the game, so we'll assume that isn't the issue; you did purchase it legally, yes (nvm, I see you bought it on Steam)? Does your computer meet the minimum specs? Are all of your drivers up to date?
You make several good points, too bad it will largely fall on deaf ears, lol. I've been around here for 7 years, and for a long time I would spend time on the forums (mainly with LE Skyrim) trying to help others get their games working. I finally tapered off from that mainly because I got tired of answering the same, "Why is my game crashing!?" posts, and discovering the person didn't even so much as read the mod description.
Unless you are trying to install a body with physics attached, UNP and CBBE are about as easy as modding gets. What are you having trouble with?
So I want to ask about porting mods
saurusmaximus replied to SenpaiMuffin's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
At a minimum, you need to run any LE mod through the SSECK to update it to the newest form. Yes, you can technically skip that step, but you are begging for an unstable game if you do; which is where I suspect some of the "game breaking bugs" you mentioned come from. Anything with it's own meshes and textures (Hairstyles, followers, armor/weapons, etc) also need to to have those run through one of the conversion programs available. Other than some follower head-meshes, it's usually a fairly straight-forward process. Overall, I think most mods for SSE are stable and run well; obviously, I haven't tried them all (or even a large portion of them) but I haven't run into many stability issues in my own game, even when I'm doing my level best to break it. SSE is definitely more forgiving in regards to things like high-res textures and excessive amounts of crap moving on the screen. As always, YMMV, based on modding practices, system setup, etc.. It sounds like a lot of your problems are with Vortex, not the mods themselves. I'm a MO guy and probably will be as long as I play skyrim and Fallout, so I can't help you there. If you want to switch, there is a learning curve, but there are some great videos on setting it up and using it on YT if you are interested (I'm a fan of Gopher's vids myself). -
That is a game bug from way back.From the UESP: A better way is to figure out what specific spells you want and use the player.addspell command to get them that way.
So I want to ask about porting mods
saurusmaximus replied to SenpaiMuffin's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I will tell you, you can forget about the Oblivion Hair Pack. I tried getting permission from the author a couple years ago because I wanted to use one of the hairs for a follower. Never heard back. It sucks, but it is what it is. Edit: I just remembered that several of the hairstyles in OHP are also in SG Hairs, so you might possibly not need it at all. -
Skyrim LE Utlra Modded system specs?
saurusmaximus replied to DasumiancoSE's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I've given up correcting people on this. Nobody pays attention to where they are on this website. Your rig should run that just fine. The big hangup with "ultra-modding" LE is going to be the game itself, due to it's 32bit engine. Just follow all the good modding practices, via SKSE, ENB, etc and you should be ok. -
Moving from Skyrim to Skyrim Special Edition
saurusmaximus replied to jack63ss's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The one time I tried using a save file from LE on SSE, it seemed to work without any issues. That being said, I didn't play with it for a long time either, so I can't say you won't run into trouble. As long as the mod ports you are using are the same version as the original, you shouldn't have any problems there; but then again, this is Skyrim modding, so all bets are off. I guess my advice boils down to: "Be prepared to start a new game". I doesn't appear that Arissa has been ported over to SSE officially; you can try doing it yourself, there are plenty of guides on how to do it, and it sounds like others have successfully done it with only small issues. The patch you found replaces her default skin textures.