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Everything posted by saurusmaximus

  1. OP, did you ever figure it out? I'm genuinely curious on this one.
  2. The easiest way is to walk up to the NPC in question, open the console, and select him with your mouse. Then type in: inv <- this will show you everything he has in his inventory. Find the armor he is wearing in the list of items, next to the item name will be an 8-digit number, make a note of the first two as those correlate to the mod's position in your load order. So for example, if the armor id# is 2e123456, you would take the "2e" and look in your mod manager and see what mod is at position 2e. That's your culprit. After that, it's just a matter of figuring out why your meshes are missing; did the mod not load correctly? Are you missing a dependency? etc.
  3. You showed the security permissions for your My Games folder; does your main, Documents folder have the same permissions? The only other thing I can think of is whitelisting SkyrimSE.exe and skse64_loader.exe because your AV or Windows is preventing it from writing to the drive?
  4. I wouldn't delete the .pex file, because there is always a chance another mod will need it. If you are comfortable with it, go into the CK and load up the cell that the pool is in, you will find the marker that triggers the undress script to fire; it will (hopefully) be called something like "playerhouseundressmarker" or something like that. Otherwise, your followers should still have their items in their inventories when they leave the pool (mine always do) so usually you just have to go into their Trade menu, and take then give back a piece of their clothing to get them to re-dress.
  5. I've never heard of this before, so I googled and it turns out that My Documents is now read-only in Windows 10 for some stupid reason. I found this thread that goes over how to fix that, if you've already tried all of this, I got nothin' else.
  6. You have a large load order so it could be a number of things, but I will tell you that I used to get random crashes all the time and ever since I got rid of UI extensions the problem has gone away.not sure if you were using it without issues before but I just thought I would point that out.
  7. Well, it IS in Riften, so I'm not so sure about that... :laugh:
  8. So, are you going to try and use the console to make him your steward? For a companion, I guess choose whichever female voice you like the best and use a follower that it uses it: Female eventoned-Lydia Female commander- Iona, Aela Female young eager- Jordis Femalenord-Mjoll
  9. Does CACO actually work on your game? Sometimes MO will flag skse files as incompatible, even though they work fine. I get a similar error with Simply Knock in SE. Did you check the CACO mod page and see if anyone else has this problem? You might have better luck there.
  10. Did you try replacing your ENB binaries with a fresh install, just to see if that was the problem? Are you sure it's not something in your SKSE install that is the problem, either SKSE itself, or one of it's dependent plugins? I know you called out SMP specifically, but several SKSE plugins also use d3dxxx.dll files, and I'm just wondering if one of those might be conflicting somehow.
  11. I'm with Algabar, try a different ENB preset and see if the problem persists. Or even better, just install the ENB binaries without using a preset and see if that works. Another thing to try is, get to the main menu then disable your ENB, usually by pressing Shift+F12, and see if it will load.
  12. Did you actually check? Other than the FNIS.esp itself, disabling mods that require it usually only result in a T-pose.
  13. In that case, the only other thing I can suggest is maybe checking your .NET install and making sure that isn't corrupted.
  14. The ReadMe that comes with Bethini explains how to use Bethini with MO
  15. Error 5 usually means you need to set your install folder to have administrative permissions. The FNIS mod page has an FAQ about it.
  16. Is this a new install or did it suddenly start happening? It sounds like you have an SKSE-dependent mod that isn't playing well with your setup, either because of a conflict or a missing file. Is LOOT throwing any errors on your load order? Another thing to look at is to check that you aren't having any permissions issues with the folder Skyrim is installed in, and that your AV isn't blocking SKSE as a virus.
  17. You're going to need permissions to use the main parts of the origin body anyway, so that's not really an issue. Theoretically, not including the 1st person meshes shouldn't matter because the vanilla meshes won't be overwritten in any way, and they would be the ones to show up in-game. And now that I think about it, I don't know why it would matter, because most body replacers aren't really focused on the arms, are they? :wink: Some include them, some don't (I already looked). In my setup, both the male and female bodies did include the 1stperson meshes, so I can't say how it works; and I'm not at home to test it right now.
  18. Where is SSEEdit actually installed? It should be in your main Skyrim directory. Then point MO to the file location to run it. If you aren't running the CK through MO, it won't see your mods because they aren't in your Data folder like it expects them to be.
  19. Copy the .esp and any associated texture/mesh/script files to another location before starting over. When you get up and running again, package everything into a .zip file and install it like any other mod.
  20. I would scrub your data folder,reverify your game cache with Steam, and start using a mod manager of some kind. It makes these kinds of things easier to track.
  21. The only other thing I can think of is to make sure you are properly copying all of the needed files for the preset to work, some of them have several options to choose from and it's easy to miss something.
  22. That is correct. You don't need any Racemenu files for a body replacer. You also need to include files for the 1stPerson body, and I believe there are separate meshes for Argonians as well. This will be problematic for me. How do I generate these files? I've only created a body for humans, so I have nada experience with any other nor how to create the equivalent for them. I've seen the 1stPerson NIFs, but BodySlide can't alter those, can it? I'll be honest, this is outside of my abilities as well. I just know you need a 1st person body if you want to use that body for the PC. I just went and looked at the 1stpersonbody.nifs I have installed, and it's just models for the arms, and there is also a .nif for the 1stpersonhands, so maybe just use whichever models that came with the body you are basing yours on? In other words, if you based your model on CBBE, use those .nifs instead of trying to make your own. It's the same with Argonions, the only extra parts are for the hands, both normal and 1stperson, so you might be able to get away with reusing those as well; the only potential issue with that being there might be a wrist seam if the weights don't line up. I guess my suggestion then, is to try doing that and see what it looks like.
  23. That is correct. You don't need any Racemenu files for a body replacer.  You also need to include files for the 1stPerson body, and I believe there are separate meshes for Argonians as well.  Is that right? (not disagreeing, just a little puzzled) I thought the jslot (afaik racemenu preset) also included any adjustments made to the body from within racemenu For instance, in my play, I create my "base" body using bodyslide, then I refine it from within racemenu, then I save a preset so it can be called again later. where then are my racemenu body adjustments stored?  I have several different flavors from various refinements over months of tweaking. If I load one, the body and face change. If I load another the body and face change again. And so on  The only reason I suggested the skeleton, is because when I've converted some of the older UNP-based followers that included a skeleton in their mesh folder (rather than referencing the standard skeleton), I found I had to replace it with the XPMSSE skeleton to make things work correctly. But I suppose simply noting the necessity would suffice in those cases.   Racemenu comes with provisions for editing body morphs, but it's primary purpose is for editing the head; and as such, if you include something like a jslot with a body replacer, you are going to be forcing the user to use whatever head you made. Some body replacers will come with a .nif file for the head, but that is only for weight-matching, and has nothing to do with Racemenu. Edit: I just realized I probably didn't answer the question you had actually asked; and the truth is, I'm not sure if any body edits you make are saved when you export a RM preset, I would assume so, but I've never checked.
  24. That is correct. You don't need any Racemenu files for a body replacer. You also need to include files for the 1stPerson body, and I believe there are separate meshes for Argonians as well.
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