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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. @ PharmakosChroster - Your death and destruction declaration is amusing. Just like the occupation at the market I described. Peacefull change was never on the agenda. A Jarl that governs by fear will neither have the love, respect or the backing of the kingdom. When you run your kingdom by fear and oppresion, when the freebies run out, you will get your chaos. I gaurantee if you are not on the top rung of the anrachy ladder, you too will be swallowed up by the new machine. From reading your previous posts, I see you are quite and in depth thinking person. Do you not think these people in the market causing the trouble are not puppets? Tools to be consumed and discarded as waste. As citizens in this kingdom, you can chose to not be led like a pig by a nose ring. You can think for yourself and become what you strive for. Things are not perfect in this kingdom, how much worse will it be when there is no law governing the whole of the realm? To talk about the Dovah's destructive path is nonsense. Fair wages in a free market is what governs how much monetary compensation a merchant can offer the workers he has hired. Fair market is not what you want, its what society deems an item is worth, be it sword, vestment, or abode. If you don't like how much you are offered, you have the option to not sell it or take your trade to another village. That is your choice, not a conscripted law. If you opt to take a low wage to work as a servant, that is also a choice. You are not bound to stay there. Life in Skyrim is not easy, But anyone who calls themself an adventurer can take an arrow in the knee. Its not the Dovahkiins fault you fell on hard times. pick yourself up, stop having a pity party, and move forward. You don't have to forget you were beaten up outside of Markarth, but don't dwell on it. Learn from it and move on. The forsworn comparitive threat that you speak of is nothing. It is a fear tactic. a lot of citizens in good standing also carry swords. Villages across skyrim are capable and will push back these agressors. If a war broke out between kingdoms, it would not be a pretty ENB lanscape, but it will not last. As a history buff, you should know this. People who speak in fear and threats make me giggle. Because I find humor in the what if's about declarations of hate and anarchy, does not mean that I am not prepared. I love my beloved Skyrim and will defend as I can if this movement comes to my hold. My sword is sharp. My armor is at hand. My friends and fellow villagers, also, are many.
  2. Why should I move. Just vote the Jarl out of the hold. Then he can try and find his own adventure anywhere but here. He can take his house karl, his advisor and the chair he sits in with him. By the Nines, we'll have to fumigate for skeevers when he finally leaves. Hopefully he doesn't try to occupy the market district with a gaggle of other thieving beggers and prevent hardworking townsfolk from purchasing much needed goods.
  3. I don't understand why you'd think about doing that, much less posting and bragging about it. If we don't provide by product cost (as a monetary ammount), we will be looking at the last game we will ever see published. If you can't afford it right now, save up and work for it or borrow the money if you need it that bad. We all would like things for free, but like us, developers are providing a living for themselves and their loved ones. If you want Skyrim for free, wait til it becomes abandon-ware in about 12 years. Then you can goto tucows/cnet or somewhere and download Win7BOX and load it up like some of us do for old abandoned dos games. :teehee: In the mean while, if you count the cost of a game, about $60 (US) per game. With hours played (LOW estimate 1200 hours) thats about 5 cents an hour for your entertainment...wait for it, wait for it - 1201 hours - recalculating 4.995836 cents per hour. This game just gets cheaper and cheaper everytime you play :biggrin:
  4. I think you could be labelled too rich when your Jarl invokes a mandatory universal health plan at your expense because you were fortunate enough to be prosperous in your adventuring career and because you can afford your own house, horse, and good armor. Another indicator is when you DON'T actually believe all your SUCCESSFULLY hard faught battles and crawls through all the pits and tombs and ruins were because someone else did them for you.
  5. I am not sure I understand completely. You said the Jarl has given you the OK but you do not get the diallog to buy the house. In order to purchase the house, you need to complete 4 or 5 mini quests from the people of Riften. Collect things for them, kill monsters at locations etc. Until you "win over the people", the house purchase will not be available. I hope that is what you were asking. :)
  6. you are asking to do a few things at the same time, really. From what I am reading, you want to not only make and NPC be in the Blades faction, but you also want them to live at Skyhaven. There is a mod that adds more to the recruitable numbers (Extra Blades fixed), it increases from 3 to I think 10 (or more) without counsole commands. If you just wanted them to be in the blades here is the faction number (just to check against what you already have :00072834 I am unaware of a counsole command to set a home location to an NPC. Again, Mods do this. (better followers/myhome is your home) read all Mod requirements and make backups before any mod. Practice Safe Modding - You never know what other mod yours touched. :biggrin:
  7. Bonjour Letawolf , Voici quelques petites choses à essayer Deux choses que je voudrais signaler. Reportez-vous tout d'abord si vous avez besoin d'exécuter NMM en tant qu'administrateur. deuxième, voir si vous avez besoin d'activer dans votre pare-feu ou votre routeur. J'espère que cela vous aide à résoudre votre problème :)
  8. Dual monitors are a strange entity. a lot of times, like now, the mouse gets trapped to an active window. When you alt/tab out, it loses sync. I think at update 1.45 or so, The mouse was trapped to the window. I think it was done so you had a harder time disableing STEAMypile and still play your game. The second monitor extends the desktop another X,Y grid beyond your primary screen. Although your mouse probably works on the second screen, Skyrim sees that as outside its active window and loses sync because of it. a lot of programs have problems in extended desktiop panels. For some reason, when you cut down on both monitor resolutions, some programs start working normally. I have no idea what your resolutions are, but try setting them to standard VGA 1024x768 and start your game up. I'd be interested in knowing if it works.
  9. It could be a memory low indicator, especially if you have it happen randomly. do a system restart and shut off everything from your start-up you don't need. Shut down fraps or firefox, or media player, itunes, office loaders, adobe garbage, system monitors and the like. All this uneeded garbage gets dumped to apage file when your memory STARTS to get near capacity. The item rendered could get a hick-up if your extremely slow hard drive is taking valuable bandwidth across your bus, not to mention CPU as even more memory is used as it executes. If you're running offline, unplug the RJ-45 plug from your NIC card and then turn off your antivirus, spyware and any other wear-wares you have running. Then start your game and see what you get. Normally with memory (or a bad driver), you'd get some extreme pixelation/a lock-ups, heavy stutter/latency or the like. Its hard to say what that "marshmellow" is without completely isolating every game parameter and hardware function being called by your game/CMOS / OS. EDIT : there ya go. don't need to go through all that garbage i posted above. glad you got it back working :o)
  10. you have 5 mods that affect dragons and see what David Brasher said about DeadlyDragons. Also, You have an alternate start mod and race compatability. You are also running SOS, a known bad mod(taken down by the auther) . You have several Bash msg indicators that look like they were not adhered to. Behemoth Dragon.esp Active BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp Active DeadlyDragons.esp Monster Wars.esp ASIS.esp Active WIS iv --- presently under moderation Advanced kill moves are Scripted. anything scripted can break your opening scenes. (as will the prostitution mod) I did not look at the ones that didn't make sense just reading their names, but it appears some of your mods are no longer supported or out dated. a lot of what you have is not even in a reliable load order. I am not sure how to progress helping your problem. There's a lot of mods, a lot of good mods in that mix. I think you just have way to many conflicts. More then likely you had others that were removed or unchecked. Although gone, they remain in your game file as clutter. Sorry to see it like this. My suggestion at this point, would be to start a new load and insure you read thoroughly through the newer mods to see compatabilities. I know its hard to take, but that is probably the best you can hope for if you really want a good functioning game.
  11. I've never tried to add vegetation, but the added items location has to do with eye level/angle. If you can select the grass by ID see if you can; getpos x, getpos y, getpos Z then see if you can setpos x, setpos y and setpos z you can also set angle and rotate rotate (axis) (magnitude) setangle (axis) (magnitude) I can't help you on the "strange" looking grass. All returned values are from center of your active cell. I hope this helps EDIT : Make a game save prior to attempting. You never know what might happen with console fun. Also, If you error out in your entry and somthing goes "poof" refer back to your most current getpos number and re-enter that. It will come back to the previous location.
  12. Delphine said, dragons aren't just coming back, they were dead. Someone is bringing them back. Resurected or soul transferred if you watch Alduin "resurrect" one. You are of a bloodline and that bloodline ties you spiritually to the blood in that line (The Dragons). The Greybeards talk that their could be others but you are the only one who responded to the call. Since they do not think it out of the question that there could be others, there must have been multiples before or at least rumor of it.
  13. I think I prefer older and worn armors. Although our modders are incredibly talented, I don't want to look like a superhero. I don't want to look like a hooker. I don't want to look like the homeless. I don't want to look like a circus preformer. I would like something practical and comfortable.
  14. Bethesda in their finite wisdom to give us a PC - Counsole game, hard coded the key mapping. What that means is if you try and remap ithe input keys (some will) you will break the i/o flags and get no response from your selected input device/keys. SKSE dose have available alternate mapping, Just be sure to follow the SKSE direction on loading and activating it. There is a standard mod on Nexus that somewhat remaps some of the keys, but to get your media keys to funcion, I am not sure. If you can trap a macro program to the Skyrim window, its possible you can macro your keys active through it. I never tried this, it just popped into my head. I don't know if the hard coding will break when the macro activates or if your mouse x,y will lose sync with the game pointer.
  15. @ Lederberg - keep posting if you find other mod conflict or occurances. I still run my SOS mods, but they are older versions. I have no idea when or where the issues start with that mod. I hope the author, Cliffworms does not give up on it. I helped a lot of people and that mod is definately one of the mods you need for a really unique and heart capturing journey. @ SirTopas Remmber that BOSS has not been updated and does not always give you the correct load order. Its a fabulous program and I use it, but i only use it as a reference and start. You can see if a BASHed patch works. As a general rule, keep all like mods together and work out from there. Authors are starting to become really versed in Papyrus and the grey matter is flowing. More and more mods are starting to change more then just a small portion of the game. Huge endeavers are out there and being worked on everyday. To find issues with conflicts is becomming a full time job for each of us. Before you make any more changes, do back up your data folders, cfg's, and ini's. At least you can get back to this point. Again I am sorry about yesterday and I hope a solution is found for your conflicts. :o)
  16. Nah, it just been one of those days. I tried to not make it at you, but that was epic fail. post what you have. I have a few more hours tonight.
  17. # bben46 I read through your guide and found it quite a resource. I have benn assisting people for a long time over and again . One ends up saying the same things. This is an exceptional piece of work and compilation of knowlegde. You have but a single flaw in this endeaver... You have presumed that people care enough to govern the investment of their entertainment and gaming experience to read and learn. Other then that, this is an all inclusinve "how to". Not just for gaming, but for a healthy computing experience altogether. Thanks for taking all that time and effort. I hope at least 1 or 2 people read it and find some enlightenment by it. You have pointed to quite a few resources in there that can save people a lot of $$ if they start to learn to really troubleshoot their system and hardware. :o) Edit 1 : cudos to you good Sir.
  18. @ everyone I have been running this mod for several days with no problems. I am running 163 mods including this one. a lot of issues people have with any mod problem are due to load orders, software drivers, or hardware that is being overworked for what it was designed to do. Mods are a huge undertaking. Knowing what you have prior to loading any mod, regardless of how insignificant it seems, is vital. You need to know what the mod is altering, be it mesh, terrain, quest, location, graphics, or time. Know what you and it is doing to your present game loadout. Too many people just d/l a mod and immediately blame the mod when their system crashes. Moreso then not, it's what you already have running or more importantly, how you have your system enabled for the game. Loading more cells at a time may not bother an unloaded game. once you start adding all the HD and extened encounters and spawns, then add particle and ENB's and other environmentals to the mix. All the items add up, the grass, the trees, water and reflection. Glare and eye sparkle, your uber weapons and animation. Its all a strain on your hardware. Overclocking is not the answer. for every 10 overclockers there are 1 to 2 that really understand what they are doing to the CMOS and what the CMOS does to ALL the hardware interupts and requests and what it all can do when you click up a frequency from a driver GUI. My whole point here, is know what you are doing to a system and for that matter your game requirements to run without error on your present configuration. Read a mods descrption and read the comments left by present users. Not just for this mod, but for any mod under any game. I will help most anyone with problems with hardware and if i can hunt down a mod conflict, I will do that also. Just help us out a bit if you need some assistance and post what you are having issues with. There are a lot of experienced people who used to do this, but its get tiring repeating everything over and over. just help out a little by reading about your mods, then post like Lederberg did without prompting. Lederberg was assisting in the hunt for the problem and updating the findings. He/she was not asking someoen to do it all for them. Troubleshooting is not fun and is time consuming. I promise you will learn valuable insight if you just read and logically step through your load order and some basic troubleshooting on your own. If your reasonabl efforts still fall short, thats when you should bring it to our community and ask for help. If things like this start getting troll central with bogus or seemingly bogus requests, then presume there will be less and less experienced people to assist when problems do arise. Know that just unloading or unclicking a mod does not mean the mod's effects will be disabled. Overwritten code only gets fixed on a restore or a reload. save your data folder or any other files you have altered prior to loadaing mods. You will have much less bloaed saves, be able to restore from a mod conflict and prevent a 4 hours struggle with STEAMypile to get it all back up again. @ SirTopas list what you have and i'll see if I can find anything that can help your problem.
  19. I was looking at your processor, the 2 core E8400. If you by chance have that overclocked, tick it back a few cycles. You are running quite a few increased resolution mods, not necessarily HD quality, but improvments on vanilla wireframe. If you are overclocking that 560ti, its probably not netting you what you think with that processor. Overclocking is a bad thing. Few people do it correctly with latency, front side bus, AGP speeds, heat with increased freq's and power consumption. Not to mention heat dissapation and fluid (air/liquid) flow. Here's something you can try... Enable papyrus logging for the crash. add or enter the following to your SkyrimCustom.ini (create it if you don't already have it). Path should be : My Documents/My Games/Skyrim After a CTD. check the log file at : My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script I heard some people say it doesn't show up. If thats the case, launch the game again, it will be there. See what the last entry is. More then likely, that's your culprit (at least for that present crash). This hunt and peck can become really bothersome (especially when you're reading a book to an 8 year old). OK, I'm out for a while. good luck, i'll be back to see if you found anything else.
  20. Hi , oh whats this? A mod loading/conflict issue. You mean this kind of thing still happens? i looked really fast at your loaded mods.; Village animals makes changes to Dragon bridge. See if that one is part of the problem with mod conflicts. Scenic carriage might be an issue also. It appears to go right through part of the area at dragon bridge Lawrens guards will conflict with script changes on existing gaurds. I'm not sure about this one, but a quick disable/load will tell you Sounds of Skyrim mods have been pulled by the author. They are known to cause bad saves and corruption. Since that is a mod known to cause issues, I definately say to at least disable it for the time being. IF the solution is found elsewhere, then re-enable it. Don't rely on BASH for its patches. Its not been updated and is known to cause issues with what it believes is best for you. Use it as a guide only On a side note, did you activate these while you were in the region of the Bridge? If so, it will surely cause you to crash. If so, for the future, NEVER activate a mod while in the same cell or vacinity as it is.
  21. Try unsing it again on the Companions, this time wait about 30 game days before returning. The AI should be reset on all faction members by then. make sure you leave the vacinity of whiterun and don't enter that area again for the duration. if that works, then try the other ones with the other factions the same way. Personally, I think it's inevitable. You are probably going to have to reload the game. something is broken and uninstalling mods probably won't help.
  22. He is one of the OTHER Dragonborn that "may be" around but has not answered the summons (as the Greybeards said). He actually used the slow time dragon shout and wrote it while you were in the warp :biggrin:
  23. I can see a few things that could be your problem. 1 : warzones is a beast. if your system is not up to the challenge that will put you down right now. (even if it is up to it you need to follow its set-up precisely) 2: SOS mods do some of the same things as soundtrack mods 3: Midas is known to crash when you summon objects 4: you have a lot of external HD mods loaded 6 : I don't recognize some of them, more then likely from STEAMypile - on your own on those. I can't stand STEAMypile and wont support their activities when I can help it be aware that sounds of skyrim was rumored to cause the kind of crash you are listing. Right now the english version is not available. it looks like it has been pulled. A new start more then likely will not help you at this point, if you have no back-ups. its probably a reload from scratch.
  24. The most contracts on any toon i've collected was 8 from the Dark Brotherhood. There is no mention of these at all further on in the game, as you mention to do.
  25. This is a difficult thing to deal with. The companions and the Thalmor have a very diverse reaction AI. Like most factions, the more you deal negatively with them, the more hostile they become. The companions are seen out on hunting parties and look like bandits. If you accidentally attacked 1 even at range, they may not like you very much. With over 1050 different faction types, its hard to say what will really fix this issue. If you want to try generic console fixes, here are 4 basic ones. I seriously doubt they will work, but might. If you are to a point where you may need to reload the game, try the following. As with any console change, it may affect things strangely in the game world. some not so nice. Make a save game prior to trying these. the "1" folling the command tells that faction that you are an ally - at least up to thise point. If any of the existing faction members are in your vacinity, it will not affect them and you will be back to square 1. go somewhere you are sure nothing from that faction is near you when you use it. 000B3292 VigilantOfStendarrFaction 000C78E5 MarkarthThalmorFaction 00039F26 ThalmorFaction (Thalmor) 00048362 CompanionsFaction (The Companions) Use these as follows - remember, this can make the NPC ai buggy, there is no garantee on faction editiing (or any console editing) player.addfac ######## 1 or player.addtofaction ######## 1 it is possible you have an NPC who is disliked by the faction, especially if you are using a follower mod. you can try to send the NPC home and see what the encounter outcome is prior to the console command.
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