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Everything posted by Brandy1123
Hello!!! I just recently reloaded my Skyrim game. I put the usual NPCs,HDs, Armor, Weapon, Misc Abodes, Harder this and that mods. I have played through to the point of NOT wanting to join the Mages guild to get the Elderscroll. So, I conveniently used the backdoor into the midden and worked my way to the library (without joining the mages guild). I recieved all the books, hints, tips, and all that and went on my way towards Alftand. I cleared that and started into the next portion. When I was finally at the door for Blackreach, I saved my game, then opened the door. It is compeltely and utterly pitch black. no torches, no mage light, no fire spell affects. No dragon shout visible effect. I can get attacked and see my hud, so i know the game isn't locked. I can even search around blindly and find the doorway to get back out. Whne I do get killed, blood splatter is like blurred droplets on my screen and if i pan out REALLY fast during an attack, the attacker is a REALLY dark and shimmering navy blue, then they fade rapidly into bleakness. my ugrids = 9 with with a cellbuffer = 100. Interior shadows = 3000.0000 I tried adjusting fgamma from .85 up to 1.2 with no effect on Blackreach. No other dungeons, ruins, houses, structures or pits seem to be affected. I did notice that my water is now that deep pea green. I'll load that fix while waiting for help here. Oh, I have not loaded an ENB with with clean game load. I'm running on a 3.2GHz i7 with a GTX 670 4GB card with 8GB sys mem. I'm capped out at 60FPS locked. I am usually one to offer my assistance on things. This one has me stumped.
The problem with Daedric artifacts is they really are horrible. Even Bethesda can't keep their models consistent. If the Daedric lords can alter the shape and style of their beloved artifacts (as bethesda indicates with the ebony blade), then why won't the Lords create and artifact you can actually use. If your primary weapon skill is a bow, then make the artifact a bow, it its a 2 handed sword, then likewise. The idea of Bethesda changing the artifacts between ES games and calling anything lore is ridiculous. My first thought would be for the Razor. However, anything high enough level where you need it, will more then likely resist its effects. Now, using the disenchant mod and taking the Daedric ability and applying it to a choice and upgradeable weapon, I think Dawnbreaker for old ruin crawls and Azura's Black star for all things enchanting. If you just plan on vanilla items, I go with the star. Everything else (minus a staff) can be far better then the Daedric garbage
@ BarbasTheDog Oh, I do understand what you are saying. I like them because they are not Racially motivated, Class specific, or Quest happy. Usually when you spot them, fire salts are nearby. THey also will heal you if you have been diseased. I role play most of the time I did play adn seeing someone that wouldl assist you is a good thing. Stendarr isn't the God of Mercy. Standarr is the God of Merciful Forebearance and Righteous Might... Following the rules of governing law (whatever that is - programmers giving witness to chickens and such I presume :tongue: ) I guess its all pointless really. Even Bethesda can't stick to their own lore and reasons we have for doing things based on that fact is all faulted at its core. So, Lore - IMHO - is what you make of it in your own game. In my game, Thalmor are the stink of the cesspools and Stendarr is pretty ok. ;) :)
I personally despise the Thalmor. I go out of my way to remove them from the lands of Skyrim. Their insults and demeaning vocalization just irritate me to no end in the game. When an opportunity arises, I take the war to them. Even to their home base, if you know what that is. I make them the dog. I try and get them just before death, when they are bowed down begging for mercy before I honor their plea and mercifully allow them to pass into forever sparkly land. Other then that, I don't like the snotty nobles the insult me in passing on the roads. I also tend to not like the Imperials as they bow down to the Thalmor. Even under open beratement and insults, they still opt to not push this pestilence from their lands. I dislike the Stormcloaks because of their elite racial hatred. I really like the Stendar Vigilants. They stand for a real cause. Its black and white. Its not racially motivated or directed by the course of a civil war. They are true to their cause and make no effort to go outside their bounds. Its too bad they were not expounded on more thoroughly. The game has more political reaching then at first glance. It really makes you judge yourself. IF you think about actions you do in the game and the consequences it would really bring. A really great topic and by the replies, my thoughts at least about the topic are spot on. :)
Can I turn Player.placeatme xxxxx n spawns permanent?
Brandy1123 replied to Sucrilhus's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The problem you are having is you are spawning a temporary NPC. It is a non-named NPC and follows its determined path. It is temporary. THey are for random encounters and so forth. THey usually remain until you leave the cell, the game or wipe them out. Named NPC's are unique and will not respawn in vanilla. Bethesda opted to make them persistant instead of respawning. A way to easily overcome this if you don't want to write a complete mod is to use the NPC editor. Create an NPC (or several) and name them whatever you want.Save the generated BSA/ESP/DATA in your game/data folder. THen you can do a Help NPCname to get the ingame ID. Then spawn them using the placeatme. They will be copies and can act strange, but will be there until dead. THen you can placeatme again. If you create several, an archer, a spell caster, a few hand held weapon types, you can create a batch file and execute the batch summoning each as 1 console command. -
I'm running a 670 GTX with the 301.42 driver . I booted the game and ran it for about an hour and had no issues.
it COULD be Ragnar, but unlikely. More probable, its Hamvir. The ghost ends his journey at Hamvir's Rest.
Very clever.... And nicely done. Now we're all waiting your you tube videos. :tongue:
Ahhh, why thank you :) :) :) :thumbsup: And a merry Christmas to you and yours as well (red and green Christmas smileys - the best i can do hehehe) :wub: :sick: :wub: :sick: :wub: :sick:
There's about 160 different factions in the game. Everything is a faction or belongs to one or several. To have one error out and declare it as unknown is new to me. More then likely you have or had a mod that altered a faction, probably on your follower. The follower registered the bounty by some script change - even if the mod was removed fragments still can and do affect the game. The paycrimegold is the catch all. You seemed to have all the major regional factions and it didn't clear it up. you also tried to set yourself in jail for the time and all the options there. It just seems like the faction no longer exists or the trigger for it was broken. I looked and just am at a loss for a reasonable solution. You may have this be a growing problem if it is a script fragment or trigger. Watch your save games to see if they start bloating in size. You may have to reload the game if it continues. Hopefully its just a rare glitch.
When I did play, the Ethereal shout was my favorite. I never used "God Mods" (for anything, equipment abilities etc) and I rarely used fast travel. The best way off a mountain ... jump (ethereally) ;) With Deadly Dragons and Hardcore, sometimes its better to just let them breath on your ghostly form - damage free, then unleash your storm of hurt.
This enough video memory to run a ENB mod for Skyrim?
Brandy1123 replied to Dweedle's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
New drivers are going to be of little help. The entire laptop is being choked on the main bus sharing memory, bandwidth, Limited CPU, and clock cycles for resources. Even for a 6000 series GPU, its running with reduced operation and ability (shaders). I would not run an ENB on that system and I also would restrict any HD mods to the absolute minimum to increase game performance somewhat. Watch the mods you load. More and more mods are eating limited vital core memory - reducing your available useable memory to nothing. On that laptop your hard drive is probably a low end 5400 RPM hard drive. That will also reduce your systems ability to get data where it needs to timely. My best advice, is stay with no HD mods, don't load any ENB's or game overhauls and start looking around for that new system. Year end sales already started. Check out NewEgg.com or Amazon.com I wish you the best in this. I hope what we have posted helps out. :) -
Although I do not favor Nords per say, I like them better then the Altemers. At least the Nord's have a love for their lands. The Altermer invade Skyrim calling all people Dogs and everyone is beneath them. They want you to see the True Masters. Pshawq!! As for Nords, I do not care for the Steroid ripped brutes that Bethesda left us with (for male characters). I neither find them handsome, appealing or "hot". I do not like playing as a beast or lizard, but I think the Bretons or more likely the Redgards make the best players characters, at least for looks. if you're going to goto or be drawn to Skyrim (whatever for is a mystery to me) you may as well have the calling as DragonBorn.
Definately go with the 600 series and eVGA. IF you wait about 2-3 more weeks, you'll see a drop in the card prices and you'll get a 670 for the cost of that 660. The US holiday season is approaching and they want to put their cards in all the holiday boxes. Check Newegg and amazon for great pricing. There are 3GB 660ti cards and the extra ram will do wonders. I would stay away from the 600 series cards that have a Boost clock or Core clock less then 1000Mhz. These cards were higher end cards that failed at higher speeds so were hard clocked down. Also, SuperClocked cards are already being overclocked. These cards failed at the higher end, but can still manage slightly better performance then the non-super clocked cards. If you opt for a lower end card, don't "skimp" out with less then 2GB on board. You will regret wasting your money on it. The 650 series card is a complete waste of PC case space (and money)
I saw this type of problem with TWO different ENB's loading or really, two types of environmental mods requiring d3d9xxx.dll files. This will cause the cyclic problem or a hard crash at the skyrim loader from STEAMypile and never get to the Skyrim game launch menu, as your video shows. I encountered it running an environmental lighting ENB and HiAlgo, both requiring (different) d3d9 files ( located in your skyrim directory). In my case, by uninstalling one of them, the other one allowed the STEAMypile loader to execute its game launch.
@ JanusForbeare hehehe,, you "11-11-11'd" me. I have a better more precise one. "You STEAMypi-11'd me" :tongue:
It sounds like the bookcase was moved via console or a mod did not edit the location properly. The bookcases (and all containers) can not just be moved arbitrarilly. Set something on top of the case and see if it slids off or can be set to "hover" next to it. If you can, the case was not properly placed. Also, if you can target the bookcase while not actually pointing on it, its placed wrong. I hope this helps.
I really think the mages college is one of the worst inventions by Bethesda. They did put a lot of time into it, but is quite rediculous in effect. I know other guilds are equally along the rediculous theme, the mage one I avoid altogether. I did play through it my seconds time playing just to get all the walls. I became the Guild Master, the Gand Puba, The Shiznit, the Oz of Skyrim, with 100 magery skill and four basic spells. Healing, lightning, ward 1 and heal other (because heal other was my cross the bridge quest and ward 1 was required as part of the wizard quest. I used 2 items to boost my magery enough to cast Heal other and ward. Three and a half hours later, I was guild master. Of all the guilds, this one should require mastery in at least TWO/FOUR areas, if not all six (alchemy and enchanting). Its just another indication of Bethesda dumbing down the game for console users and or people who no longer think deeply enough to want to spend 3 weeks of real time accomplishing something worh while. The other guilds, as stated, are equally a let down. I would expect the Mages guild to be above that with all the power you eventually SHOULD have at your fingertips. But no, I completed it as an archer, while only three time casting a spell (all required). To cross the bridge, to put up a ward, and to blow open the acient magically locked door before (just before finding the Eye of Magnus) gaining my "Doctrin in Magic arts", uhm, I mean Guild Master. By the way, which not even Farengar even realizes. "You should join the mages college...." . You Dolt, I'm your boss!!!. I typically do not join gulds anymore do to unrealism in the time it takes to become the grand and glorious leader of it (not to mention of them all simultaneously). When I did, I like the companions or the Thieves guild. The latter because I did enjoy the final portions and the unexpected twists you encountered. I do think the Assassins guild is the best laid out guild path, but again, the time it takes to beccome this and the trust you must really instill to become that leader is a short day at best. Also the end of the Assassins guild quest is the worst (best) let down I have ever experienced. Just kill Astrid in the abandon house, take the dagger and move on. You should at least have the option of releasing the prisoners.
Without knowing much more then you wrote, try this, Turn off anisotropc filtering and turn off antialiasing. Both of these are in the Skyrim Option when the game gets past the STEAMypile screen on the game load.
The most enjoyable game run I had was when I ran my 1 life series of characters. My most favorite played out was what the start of the game already gave me. A reason to want to avoid all human contact. Wrongfully accused once and head to the chopping block is not my idea of a new hair style. So, I never entered a town village, Inn, settled area. I only traded with Kajiits I found on my travels away from town. I did no crafting what so ever. Its amazing how many containers are out there that never respawn and you can use to hide your valuables. I eventually loaded a houseing mod that gave me the BASIC of shelters, off the track of "normal" road travellers. The main quest I avoided by not picking up the dragon stone and never had to bother with that in my inventory. I also avoided "obvious" quest items. You can still gain the possession of a few artifacts. As I was wrongfulyl charged at the beginning, I opted to NOT be a killer of what is normally considered friendly people, lizards and kittens. :P . Bandit types were fair game, but again, I did not assault or enter into their camps (areas like the Labrynthian Maze). As Thalmor aren't real people, they were fair game (not the embasy). If you so desired, you could advance the main quest to start by console, so the the isolated dragon walls (and dragons) would be of use. There is at least one mod that moves all the dragon walls to a location outside of a "guild required" environment. Maybe this will give you other ideas to start your next epic tale with. :)
THat is excellent advice... Also sometimes the effect does not take place immediatly. In those case insure you have the NPC selected while in the console type DISABLE <---- removes the NPC then type ENABLE <---resets the NPC with the latest changes taking effect immediately.
That is 100% oblivion.
What Georgiegril is asking is this. What are the setting of your Ugrids? They are found from : Start > Documents > My games > skyrim > skyrim.ini (not Skyrimprefs) There will be 2 headings in there called uGridsToLoad=# uExterior Cell Buffer=## What are the numbers listed beside these entries? You possibly do not have them, but if you do, they are noramlly found under the heading of [Display] These two lines are very important in your setup files. They can cause your game to not load at all, be extremely blocky and not so nice looking or have your game be smooth and pleasing. It has to do with how the graphic environment is loaded and what definition or resolution is to be for distant objects. The wrong settings can completely destroy saved games. Be careful changing these. Going back to lower numbers will make previously saved games corrupted. THere is also a formula of sorts to figure out the proper settings for the cell buffer.
Here are some edits for Skyrim.ini that might help you out Find back-up then edit your Skyrim.ini (not skyrimprefs.ini) [Combat] fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0 <------ soft lock on, not auto target, but leaning towwards it fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0 <------ soft lock on, not auto target, but leaning towwards it f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 <------ Adjusts elevation that you describe. You may have to tweak this to your liking f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 <------ Adjusts elevation that you describe. You may have to tweak this to your liking If you want the arrows to fly really far, add [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000 <-------- allows arrows to go a loooong way and still hit the target if your arcing is right fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=10000.0000 <-------- a more realistic setting I hope this helps your problem :)
Your translation makes it impossible to understand what your problem is. I have many screen shots of Potema mission. Even looking at the screen shots I am unable to determine what you are asking. See if you can reword your question.