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Everything posted by Brandy1123
This will depend greatly on your GPU. Supposedly, the 12.6 was a good version. After 12.2, I dumped my liking for AMD and moved on to Nvidia. I had nothing but issues and game stopping lag with all manner of beta drivers and inconsistant revisions of their drivers.
If you edited the NPC in with the NPC editor, you could also have offset them by changing the scale, the hair position and rotation. Mods the change the hair styles or allow hair styles for races other then intended can cause this kind of havoc. The Quickstart might cause this with the NPC creation if you have an unusually large number of hair or beauty mods that change not only hair styles, but mesh and textures as well
There are a ferw things you should do to get nice screen captures TFC : Toggle free camera. Allows you to zoom all over in an "outside the body" experience TFC 1 : Stops the motion for still type shots TM : Hides all screen menus (you can also do this from the Screen setup menu in game by adjusting the transparency) animcam : gives you a 3rd person camera remember if you turn your menu off, you will NOT see anything for the interface until you remember to either turn it back to opaque or turn it back on. If you are running an ENB and find your screen shots to be dark, disable the lighting effect prior to starting the game when you are just playing for the pictures and photos. I hope this helps :)
It looks like you have mismatched mods for beautification. Uninstall all of your beauty mods (as per mod instructions) then re-install them with the most current version. Rmember to follow the uninstall instructions for each mod. Stay with one body type when you are loading them, like UNP, CBBE etc. Most of them are not completely compatible so find the one that fits your visual needs and stay with that particular model. Some body painting/tattoos give a body texture because the paint is actually invisible clothing. That body "suit" could also give visual problems if not set properly for your model. There's also a seam reducer mod that can help in some cases. I hope this helps out :)
I have seen this before. Try this : open the console and type "set playerfollowercount 0" This will remove any "ghost" followers and reset the counter. You may have to leave the area and come back. See if that helps out. :) Make a save game before console editing just in case something goes amiss.
A final note to all this good advice is this. Once you pull up Lydia t hrough help, If you find "copies" of her that the ID code starts with FF, they are in fact duplicates in your game world. Move to them with that console code "player.moveto #" Empty any valuables from her and delete her with "markfordelete". when you leave the area, she will be gone. Make sure to save your game prior to this. Incase you make a mistake.
You may be having texture issues with a Race mod. Make sure you have compatible races/body types and the right modification of each. Several body types (and races) often required specific (other) mods to be loaded as well. Make sure you have them in the correct load order. Each one of your mods will tell you if you need something else with it and if there are compatability issues as well.
I am not a fan of STEAMypile, but here is a test to run. Test the game cache. Verify integrity of game cache 1.Load Steam 2.From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu. 3.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button. 4.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes. 5.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit. Provided your game is a legal copy, your game will update any corrupted/missing files. If you have no mods loaded and you are getting errors like you say, this should repair it.
The scrolls show a weight, but do not actually give you the encumbrance for them. To test it out, drop all your gear and see where your total encumbrance is
The Mod Manager can have its parts detached. It can happen just keeping your finger on your mouse button too long and draging your mouse. HedgehogintheFog gave you great advice. Just to clear up the directions for you a bit, the resetUI is on the main part of the ModManager. At the top of the screen, click the "crossed wrench and scredriver" icon. ResetUI is there. That will tie or join all the parts of the Mod Manager back together for you. :)
I'm so glad you were able to hunt down the culprit. It can take a while if you have many mods loaded and make you wish you could pull out your own teeth. Enjoy your newly found game, 1 less error to worry about ;) Your advice is excellent. More people should listen and act upon it.
From version 1.6x update Bethesda introduced a few new funities. That being one of them. Not everyone experiences it, But i do know what you speak of first hand. For me, Here is how I was able to rid the problem ( At the time I was runing a Radeon 5770 video card <---- drivers can cause this flashing problem as can a poorly set-up video solution) Launch Skyrim Click the options menu from the game loader screen (under PLAY) Turn off Antialiasing (off best performance) Test your game If you still have the problem, then also start adjusting the Anisotropic filtering 1 step at a time gowing towards OFF - best performance you may just set them both to OFF and work up on the anisotropic filter effects. Anisotropic filter : enhances rendered objects on sloped surfaces (from viewers perspective) while eliminating jagged surfaces (aliasing) Antialiasing : smoothing effects (blending) jagged edges on curved surfaces and diagnals I hope this helps out your problem :)
The only 2 options from the Sounds series I know worked for me with no problems, (unless you are running another mod of the same type) needs to be the following versions or before The Dungeon : V1.21 The Wilds : 1.11 The other version or Sounds options have been known to cause serious save game problems and some people reported CTD's. I do in fact have these files, but I do not have permission to distribute them from the Mod's creator, Cliffworms. If the Author would msg or email me through the Nexus msg service so I can in fact verifiy it is the rightful owner, I will re-post the mods in the english verion once permission has been granted. Right now there is a German version and a Itallian version on NExus with these version numbers http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11138 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11653 I hope this helps :)
The NPC editor requires you to have 2 other applications on your system prior to it being ran. There is a detailed text file inside the compressed mod file if you downloaded it manually. You will need to extract the uncompressed folder to your " \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim" directory. A far easier way to implement the editor is allow the "Download with Manager" do all the installation for you. http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p522/Brandy_123/Help%20Files/LoadingtheNPCEditor_zps8c97c293.jpg Follow the picture step by step 1 : Download NPC editor with Nexus Mod Manager 2 : Make sure the Editor has downloaded completely inside the mod manager (will say 100% when ready) 3 : Enable the "mod" 4 : click windows START <----- find executable NPC launch program 5 : Where it is. Just click away. A final note. make sure to read the help on using NPC Editor. It can be quite intimidating at first, but well worth learning. I hope this helps out :)
I am not sure if this is what oyu are seeking, but it may be work for you if its not the exact mod; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22290 The modder also lists other mods that were combined to make the listed mod. PErhaps yous was one the author no longer supports.
The best thing to do, is as you stated. Just keep your eye on your save game size and if youget to an area where you start to CTD predictably, just avoid it. Most places in the wilderness are just superficial and have no bearing on the game world. When you do decide to start a new game, remove the mods you no longer like or require. After your next start, remember bits of the removed mods could be there and start to build up again. Start the game fresh and clean with what you now know are ones that make your game enjoyable to you. :thumbsup:
This typically will happen if you have a mesh (or texture) problem with an item. You will also start getting CTD's if you open inventories and the item is a level list item and happened to find its way on the searched corpes/chest/whatever. If you have weapon and equipment mods, specifically ones you know are acting up, go through the mods that provide the item. Make sure you have all the pre-requisites for that mod, and that any uninstall was properly performed as per the mod's author. Some mods require manual removal of things before you can upgrade to a newer version. Before you change anything, make a good clean save somewhere inside a house or somewhere and unequip any items you will be changing the mod for. If you have an item that grants bonus's, you could find your character stats to be messed up if you remove an enchanted item (mod) and that item is still equipped. I hope this helps somewhat!
Hi there, this was and still is an issue that causes much grief to players. There is a few things you can do, but I recommend you follow the fix from this "mod" . Remember to backup any files you are going to change in case you wish to come back to a pre-mod state. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22866 See if that helps you out.
It is normal, as the data it stores continues to be specific to that game load. Note that when you add and remove mods, that data, although is removed, still has remnants pitted throughout your save file. Also, poorly written mods can leave orphan bits of coded scripts and other fun little things inside the game save. When your game is between 12M and 15M in size, just monitor it. If it starts to jump into the 20's, the only help is to start a new game. Some of the mods, like the wwonderful sounds of skyrim series, ended up having issues after a game patch. Some mods are dependant on things Bethesda changes in upgrades or DLC's. A good mod today might not play so nicely tomorrow of after you load a few incompatible mods. You mod load order is a huge issue. a lot of gme problems can be solved by understanding what a mod does , what it changes, and how much support it gains from its creator. The larger the mod you load and the more mods you load will affect your gave save size. I hope this helps somewhat.
First off, I would recommend bben46's troubleshooting manual. Its quite remarkable and will help you out in any game you play online or modded. I had a similar problem a few months back. AS suggested, it was mod conflicts. With new updates, some mods become obsolete or damaging to your game play or load order. If you are running a lot of system intense mods, 7k mods, world changing mods, cities, NPC, wars, weather, spawns and a menagery of other things, it is possible, your system is just overloaded. More then likely, you are experiencing mod conflicts. Check the size of your savegame file. If you are exceeding 15meg or beyond I would say you have the wonderful gamebloat issue. If your save is somewhere between 12-15M watch it closely, as that could be a problem. Open up Task manager and see what processes are running. If you have more then about 20 you need to see what's loading on your system. More then likely (as bben46 declared) something is taking up your resources. Inside that same window, you can right click on a process and set its priority. Spy sweepers, anti virus, and lately Adobo -- horrible offender, vie for your system. They want it and dont want you to be able to use it. STEAMypile is another one. STEAMypile updates will kill your game play, even though they are invisible.. HMMMMmmmmm Post back if you find anything else or are able to isolate this down more. I wish you the best in finding a solution :)
I am not sure about a command that will display what followers you have. However, Since you seem to want to make sure you don't have any, this will clear up any "strays" that may be persistant Open the console and enter this command set playerfollowercount 0 Be aware, that if you started a quest to meet an NPC somewhere, It will trigger the follower count (or used to). This could break a quest. Go through your quest list prior to using this to make sure you dont have some quest person waiting patiently in some far recessed location anxious for your arrival. I hope this was helpful in some way :)
Missing Distant Buildings Or Missing LOD
Brandy1123 replied to gamefever's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This whole problem how you describe it seems to be a uGrid issue in your skyrim.ini file. open up the file and search for uGridsToLoad= uExterior Cell Buffer= "uGrids" tell how many surrounding cells to load (space around your present location) and gives available objects in that defined region the means to be rendered. "uExterior" tells how much buffer to use for the number of cells you load. both of these are tied together. And care should be used with these. **** make a game save and the ini file save prior to doing this. If you decide the change is not good, going back to a lower number means your save game will not be valid - Save a game with the original then save it again with the altered one**** now the uGrids should be 5, 7 or 9 realistically. If you have a low end video card, stay with 5. uExterior Cell Buffer is your (uGrid+1) times itself example ugrids 7 uExterior Cell Buffer 64 (7+1) x 8 this should allow for more data in the surrounding (and distant) to be visible as you move across the landscape. The higher number you use, the more detail you will also see. If you go beyon 9 on ugrids, your system will probably start to become unstable. Remember to make your saves. Another little tweek you could try is iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400 <---- ammount of preloaded game data only if you have 2GB or more of system memory uInterior Cell Buffer=3 <------ \______ for preloading cell data. uExterior Cell Buffer=36 <---- / Both Cell buffering can be upped to 6 and 72 and beyond. You can use 16 and 102 but now you are starting to press your system. The exterior cell is tied to ugrids. I hope this helps :) -
Glitch found Bandit Marauder and Marauder at Level 4
Brandy1123 replied to drstrangelove15's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The bandits you speak of in a vanilla game do not have those bows at low levels. A mod you are running is probably interfereing with the levelled list of equipment. place your load order here and we'll see if something can be spotted that may be causing the problem -
Any way to get rid of the 3 20lb elder scrolls?
Brandy1123 replied to Talon111's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The quest items are not supposed to add encumbrance even though it is listed. If you want t o try dropping (and hence saving) quest items, there is a Nexus based mod that allows this. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8409 I have used this and it has its problems. The main one is, you can accidentally sell or drop an item then lose it forever. So, if you do use it, I advise a save game prior to its install, just in case. (I advise that to any mod you add, by the way) -
if Belethor is gone, there used to be a known issues where he is actually invisible and he has also been known to just die for whatever reason - boredom probably. If you would like the new and improved clone of Belethor, try this Player.placeatme 0001A672 <--- that should be Belethor's RefID number. If you find at some point you have 2 Belethors, delete the one that starts with FFF in the console I hope this helps :) EDIT (re)Create him near his store so he doesn't get killed (again) walking back to it from wherever you summon his new-ness from.