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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. If your machine is shutting down it has either encountered an unrecoverable Kernal error, a CMOS issue, or a hardware/power failure (assuming you have no virus like activity) My first guess, since most of the female types in the Character lab have vastly increased graphic intense requirements is that you have a video card problem. If you are overclocking, you have exceeded what is safe. If you are not, listen for fans in your PC to increase in speed. If they are already on high output, heat can be a problem. thermal shutdowns can happen within milliseconds of there buildup. Most video cards are not working at peak performance until the additional shaders, cores and rendering. Resolution of your monitor will also play a role in stability if your card is older. Here is a good program to test your system. This will really put it through a series of events and let you know exactly where your system sits. If you have a problem with hardware, this will at least bring it to the foreground. If you encounter no problems running this, then it is something else. Be aware, that once your system resources start being utilized, the power requirements of your power supply will come into play. An under powered system can be damaging to your hardware. You will get arcing across contact, solder joints and connectors. Good luck :) http://downloads.guru3d.com/FurMark-1.8.2-download-2523.html <----- Furmark is an industry testing standard, and its free.
  2. Oh, this is one of my most favoritest tasks in all Skyrim. Thalmore are conceited, arrogant and self-centered. They are not friendly at all and presume you are the "DOG" they can whip into submission. I have played a whole game never once completing a quest on purpose (1 on accident), hunting and destroying Thalmore. Besides having the nicest gloves in the game, they have nothing else to add to the Skyrim region. They typically have very good equipment, even from the start. You can become extremely wealthy early on just reselling all the belongings they no longer have a use for. Once you get up near Solitude and the Embassy, you can then wreak havoc and vengeance. You will be randomly hunted and it's a treasure to collect "Writs" from the Thalmore agents bearing your name on a death notice. My in game record for just the Thalmore" Kill on Site" documents is 17. To one arrow shot them, makes me giddy and happy. I always go for specific "target location" and already am happy again just thinking about it. :D
  3. Navo, I do hunt and particulary enjoy stealth hunting (using a bow of course). My preferred location (Aftrer I gain enough experience) is in the Rift. I prefer to bounce between Ivarstead and Riften. There's a lot of game in that area with two towns to base from. You get the whole gambit of creatures to stalk to include several dragons, patrols of all nature and wonderful "random" encounter points along the way. Good Hunting!!! :)
  4. I am not sure that I completely understand your problem. It sounds like a field of view issue. Try this and see if it helps. It wil ltake some adjusting, but if it works, there is a permanent solution once you find the number you like best From inside the game, hit your ~ key. this brings the game console up. From there type FOV 70 FOV = Field of View. the number represents the way you perceive the world. Kind of like a bubble eye (fish eye) lens. Adjust this number up and down by 5 or 10 until you see something you like. At the start of each game you can then type in FOV # . A more permanent way (so you don't have to enter FOV again) is to edit the INI file for the game. If you do edit the file, make a backup of it prior to editing it. It can really screw things up if you do it wrong or want to undo it later. find and open up your Skyrim.ini file <---- default location is normally : Start/ Documents\My Games\Skyrim search for the heading : [General] <--- inside the skyrim.ini file in that section find or add : fdefaultfov= XX <----- xx = the number from your FOV console setting save the file change then load your game. I hope this helps :)
  5. It started happening to me after the 1.6 patch STEAMypile was gracious enough to force on us. It seems to happen with modded weapons. I have no solution for it and am often just remaking the item (if that character has the ability) or going back to my prior save (which I now do often) I have auto save on averything I do.
  6. Bethesda gives us the world of imagination and that in itself is remarkable. What they don't give us is true game support. The support that SHOULD be there prior to the release of all the Beth games. They are riddled with bad code, broken game items, flawed graphics, abandonded content, and a myriad of other issues. They use our community Modders as a tool to fix what they refuse to fix. They release untested patches and don't care about what it does even to vanilla content. With STEAMYpile, you are fighting the in game bugs plus STEAMypiles forced updates and unrelenting demand that you play the game they deem fit ---> and when and IF they allow it. You have no real option but to do as others have said. You lock STEAMypil offline, throw away the key and play the game how you want to. They are so intrusive, you can't even mod (load the CK) without letting STEAMypile into your life once again and guess what? Force you to full current update version. There is no option or ability without having a complete prior game install saved to get back to a previous game version. Bethesda + STEAMypile = controlled gaming. Its like making your "uber-rig" PC a Game Console on steroids
  7. To find anything in the Skyrim world open the Console and type the following help name_of_person_or_thing you will get a bunch of info on your screen. up/dwn to find the REF ID code then type: player.moveto id_code_here This will move you to the NPC's location if they exist in the game world If you are unable to move to their location or you get an error, the item is not "in the world". In the case of the latter, type this player.placeatme id_code Note : the second method will create a "clone" of the original. It is possible to have a second one in the game and so on. You will know clone items, as the onscreen ID code will start with "fff". If you end up with more then 1, delete all the clone types by getting their Screen ID then type "delete" or "kill" from the console. Be aware clones can be the cause of problems. With all Console commands, they can have adverse effects on your game. Save your game before making any changes. EDIT : The attacking Whiterun probably means you are using the Market or Open Cities or another dragon-vs-city mod. You can get another mod to have the NPC's run away if they are not guard types. This can save valuable quest related NPC's
  8. But just think of the epic tale once they reach Sovngarde.. Yea, no kidding. There we were. just sitting down at the tower. Svegnor over there just chunked up some dried skeever and I had a good shadow puppet going from the fire, when all of a sudden this crazy adventurer shows up. Not one like kirgorg was like, oh no, No arrow was stopping this guys knee. Anyways, we was just watching him and all of a sudden he starts shooting at the sky and screaming. So, we watched him for a while and all of a sudden Svengor sees these spiders. Ya, that guy just kept shooting arrows. Then a fireball or something. I guess I remember my first spiced wine. Anyways, so, we head off after these spiders. That guy kept just yelling and screaming. I'm Like, hey, we're busy over here, If you hadn't noticed. We got some spiders to take care of, you just keep shooting the clouds. Anyways, before you know it, poison starts flying and it starts to hurt some, but hey they're only spiders. Then I feel a burning sensation and a sharp pain ,but it went away. And for some reason it doesn't hurt anymore. So, here we are. Where'd that crazy guy go anyways? ;D
  9. I am not sure what you are even asking. I read this and your other post and am really confused as to what you did. You say you loaded an ENB patch. You need an ENB for that patch to work. Also. If you did load an ENB, most of them require some sort of editing that you must do to an "ini" file or files. Reword what you are trying to ask and don't make multiple thread requests for the same problem. people will just overlook your needs. There's a lot of knowledgeable and helpful people here. You just have to be clear (polite also helps) about your request. :thumbsup:
  10. That laptop is not the greatest machine for running an enhanced game from. The processor, although good, is a mid range component running on reduced power (read that as frequency/heat). It has an integrated (reduced core) GPU that has 512M dedicated memory. It also shares all system resources with the integrated Sound and the CPU. The hard drive runs at 5400 RPM and will also be a bottleneck trying to keep up with cell loads and data transfers. If you are able to get the game running on it and it's stable, I'd stick to the standard non-HD mods. You most assuredly are asking for trouble with HD mods. If you only have 1.7GB of ram available, you are seriously in a deficit when you start piling on HD clutter and image resolutions/definitions. The unit is not upgradeable as far as just a GPU upgrade. Even if you were to find a way to do it, the cost alone would be rediculous( the whole laptop runs about $450). Also, you'd still be back to the same CPU, the same memory, the same data bus, the same power supply. Your best bet is to put the money you had planend on, and purchase a game laptop or desktop. If your goal is to run higher end games and to probably continue to do so, the best advice I can offer is replace the whole unit.
  11. A more serious game but FO3 style. I would be very interested in a product such as that. If it has anything to do with STEAMypile, I pass.
  12. Promiser you are absolutely rediculous. What you posted is absurd. How could you be so insensitive and mindless in what you wrote. You forgot a few key things ;) . If I may be so bold, I'll add them in a not so sequenced and time lineated type order. Radiant quest you can't avoid - go kill a "thing" in the cave, ruins, or camp. Radiant quest you can't avoid - thing taken/done out of sequence. Quest breaks. Radiant quest you can't avoid - thing taken/done out of sequence, The Sequal. Thing won't leave inventory Radiant quest you can't avoid - a quest you already did, go do it again. Mindless, skill-less currior with GPS tracking shows up Chicken catches you, go to prison very funny (sadly accurate) game sequence you posted. :teehee: Kudos to you!!! :thumbsup:
  13. check to see if your game save files have hugely increased in size. You may have bloated saves. By unchecking the mods, although it may not actively launch the mods, any game files it has changes will still be changed. Also, adding and removing mods still leaves bits and pieces of its traces all over and back again. If you are a try-any-ol-mod person, you may just need to restart a new character as the data for abandoned or orphan mods is only per character world and usually only persistant to a specific character the remvoed mods were loaded/tested on. The Game data overwrites, however, are until you reload (or restore) your entire game.
  14. I'll use light armor until about 15th level then switch to a nice clothing outfit. I just adore the "Noble Female Clothes Non-replacer" mod. It, with a few other things is just perfect for the "I'm about to make your bad day official" character. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/133958 I don't use Blacksmithing or Enchanting, but only because it makes the game harder. I play on Master with Deadly Dragons and intense Difficulty. Only modded weapons that replicate vanilla stats are used. I also use a few (unenchanted) jewelry mods. The only enchanted items I use are ones that (again replicate vanilla stats) I find or purchase.
  15. Lets start at block 1. If you purchased the game, you should be able to make some progress following these guidelines... Follow these steps. If your game is a legal copy, this should fix your problem or at least isolate it to corrupted saves. 1: run the game. 2 : start a new character. 3 : once you get past the character creation, save the game. 4 : Then exit the game. (we will try and load the file you just saved) 5 : Then run the game (through NMM or through steam) 6 : Load the save game you just saved. (if everything to this point works, your old game files are probably just corrupted) 7 : If the save game you just did is not there or does not load, you need to uninstall the game and reload your purchased copy through steam. That should take care of some of these strange problems you are having.
  16. The only time I lost all contact with he currier was when he was running up to me a dragon hit the town and his dialog was broken. I had to revert to 2 saves prior as the dragon kept spawning. the Wolf Queen quest always was flawless for me but I am glad to see the level fix as I would never have guessed that one.
  17. yes, you can add the .ess back on the save game files.
  18. a little off subject - you must be a hockey fan displaying a name like that. :)
  19. EmeRSy you said the sound is present until after the Skyrim logo, if i read your problem correctly. If you are running any sound mods at all, uninstall them and re-download them. Try and use NexusModManager (NMM) to auto install them. It is also possible you have a sound mod loaded but either have corrupt or missing sound data or the sound folder in your Skyrim/data/Sound path. By re-installing the mod - AFTER - uninstalling it, that should fix it if that is part of the problem.
  20. Greeting!!! It seems like you may have lost game extension associations. When you renamed the files, by name changing, did you leave off the .ESS extension? Without that, even though the game save could be valid, the game itself will not associate it with the save game loader. Also, make sure the saves are in the proper path for the game to find them. Normally it would be : \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves
  21. STEAMypile is rediculous. Bethesda even more so for the honor of being shut out of the game you paid for and for having to be tiesd into that GARBAGE (read STEAMypile). "It" closed my game down last evening with no warning even though I have and verified no updates selected. It did. For the remainder of its wonderful little take over, my game, the one I purchased was not even vailable for offline play. Now, Isn't that special. When the wonderful event had passed, guess what? STEAMypile servers were unavailable to play. Also, at that point, I was unable to log in offline so that option was dead too. Thanks Bethesda for implementing such a wonderful and user friendly environment to hang us in. I just adore paying for rights to LOAD software then having to ask permission AND allow virus like software to inundate my registry, my bandwidth, my storage, and my computing habbits. We see how you" roll". Next time, beep the horn before you startup the bus.
  22. There are a few out there. The two I prefer are http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11130 and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13469 Both are wonderful and can be mixed and matched. All are enchantable.
  23. LOL, you have trumped my <spoiler> with the common sense card. I bow down to your wisdom. :P :)
  24. There's several tweeks you can do to increase what you want to see. Rather then have you am me and others banter about what ifs, Here is a link that show you how to change the setting in your INI file, but more importantly, how torevert back if t hey do not work. Some changes wil laffect your save games if you do not follow the directions for removing the change. Here is what you are looking for in the document. this is what oyu will make changes to, but read the document first. [General] uGridsToLoad=7 uExterior Cell Buffer = 64 [Display] bTreesRecieveShadow=1 all in the SkyrimPrefs.ini located in your "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim" path Theres also memory tweaks you can withing the INI file. I hope this helps :)
  25. Roanark If bben46 suggests a direction, you'd be pretty far off course if you didn't at least glance over his input. In a nushell, SInce you claim you are a noob with mods, here is some quick and dirt free facts. a lot of mods require other mods to be loaded as a pre-requisite. They also can demand, under threat of CTD's, that you need specific body meshes, skeletal tructures and HD capacity to do it with. When you do finally decide you want a mod, You need to see how it insalls. If the file overwrites reqiured game data (ie, askes to overwrite) and you do, be aware that uninstalling the mod will not fix this and revert back. That data is now gone. Also, some of the really amazing graphic enhancing "ENB" type mods, HD mods and some others also require you to edit your INI data files. You need to be careful as Bethesda made these really similar and STEAMypile made it worse. Make sure all the files and edits are done as the mod's author describes. Also, before you download any new mod, make a back-up of your data folder and INI files. It can direct you back to a wonderful game experience after an incompatible mod does bad things with your load order and worse to your game playability. Read the portion of Mr.BBens Load order assistance. Its a marvelous piece of work. The order you have mods loaded makes the world of difference in the already unstable platform we call Skyrim. I hope all of this helps at least to some degree. :)
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