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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. The only thing I know about this is if you only have close to 100 mana, it is very difficult to keep the ward going long enough. You already said you know for certain you are in the right spot. If nothing seems to work, console past the quest stage. If you've already done the walk around with Mirabelle and were then told to go find Tolfdir, then you really are stuck. Try this command from console. setstage MG01Pointer 200 This should pass you beyond the ward requirement and allow you to move towards the next quest (Under Saarthal) I hope this is not considered a spoiler, I am just trying to offer assistance.
  2. if you complete glory of the dead quest and take up arms, it allows you to buy skyforge steel ( you get 1 item free, at least you used to). The quest listed allows you to smith nord hero weapons and ancient nord armor. Both these quests are companion quests.
  3. I know of no fix for this issue, but you can do this. If you sneak and peek into his inventory, you can read the letter and not steel it. The letter will activate and you should not gain anything but a snide comment from the currier. You can steal it of course, but normal theft issue can arise.
  4. I'm not sure why this person wrote this. I've never had problems with quests breaking because of picking up items when you find them. This has literally NEVER HAPPENED in my game and I've been playing Skyrim on PC since the very first day it released. ... Well over 200 hours of play, and probably closer to 300. I've done the main quest twice, done the civil war quests twice (once as Stormcloak and once as Imperial), and done all of the faction quests (thieves guild, mage's guild, etc). Maybe they're playing on a console or something? I've heard there were/are more bugs with the console versions. If you've never broken a quest from picking up an item early, you''ve done nothing in this game. There'e several instruments, a few books, at least 1 sword, 24 gems (stackable/unstackable), a potion bottle, a 2nd Sphere, and probably a few others i am forgetting. counsole? almost as funny as your 200 hours of game time. I have over 200 hours trying to help people get rid of broken quest items and fixing bad mods. When you get near 1800 hours, let me know, we'll talk intelligently about this game.
  5. Boss was last updated 6 April (20 April from an edit) . long before 1.6 upgrade and prior to a lot of mods we presently have. It will probably have no idea where to place them correctly. If the mod is not recognized by BOSS, it is left in the order it was found... of course after all the ones it has changed (and could cause more issues by doing that) Boss was a good tool, but it is becoming obsolete due to not being upgraded
  6. Delphine, Tullious, Ulfrik, Every Daedric except for Sheogorath expect you to serve them. Even the Heroes of Sovngarde believe you will serve them (with them at least). The Mad one has no clue to what he wants from you or cares for, or maybe he does but can't say or said but you didn't hear or he said it somewhere else, doesn't matter. Just put some cheese on it :tongue:
  7. With what xlcr has posted, goto your start button on the bottom left. in the search bar, type "dxdiag" <--- no quotes and hit enter. The diagnostic program for Direct X will go through your system and tell you if something isn't right. Its not a technician and its also not definitive, but it will redily inform you of any major issues. When it asks about authenticating driver signatures, decline it.
  8. This is a know game bug. here, scroll down to the bug section. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Unbound It says there is a fix, but I have never encountered this particular problem. I know the mod Prostitution really interferes with the openin acts, but usullay its the toon walking off instead of going to the block. try their DX fix and let us know if it works for you. "These errors may occur even after a game restart, and a possible fix at this point is total reinstallation of Skyrim. Or installing DXSETUP.exe from skyrim\DirectX10" It says DX 10, and the game is DX 9. so, I am not sure what will happen. Its posted on the internet, so its got to be true :facepalm:
  9. Popular mods, as well as MOST mods, require certain load orders to function properly. It is painstakingly boring and tedious to find this. Some people have posted load order help, but unless you have a closely identical system and set-up, i would only use them as a reference and not as fact. I run 163 mods right now with 2 that cause me CTD's. Both of those are in a specific location and circumstance and i chose to live wth them for my gaming pleasure. Be careful on what is considered popular mods. Some are no longer supported and were obsolete with Skyrim updates. Also, when you start using multiple graphic mods, HD mods, ENB's, cell changes (town/dungeon/house/wilderness/etc), you can have all sorts of problems arise. Usually Crashes to Desktop. Some popular mods completely break quests and can cause really strange anomolies. If you decide on a body type, I personally use UNP by Dimonized, I only load equipment that was written for that body type. Sure, you miss out on some really nice outfits, but I chose to keep on track with my decided choice of mods and eliminate all possible errors, flaws or conflicts that I can and still enjoy what this wonderful community can develop.
  10. I thought that was a strange event also. I took it as this. The soldiers spirit saw into the spirit realm. In that, he saw the dragon blood. The Dragon Born being bloodkin was seen as his old friend.
  11. this does not always work, but you can try it Open up the console click on the NPC you want to remove items from, then type; "inv" <---- no quotes Look for the item code you want removed in the list and then type; removeitem "code" 1 <---- no quotes, the number1 indicates how many you want to remove. if they have more then 1 enter that number I hope this helps
  12. Kind of hard to joust when your shield is preventing you from living after the first pass. I think its only because of traditional shield placement. It can be modded for anywhere. A taleneted modder here could do just that if they had the drive. Each shield would have to be done or at least 1 usable one so its scripted for the right hand. Thats a lot of work for each shield made for the other hand.
  13. The best thing about Thalmor up there is watching their heads roll down the staircase after you shorten their stature. :ninja: :devil:
  14. it sounds like you really mwessed up your follower count. Make a save incase this does not work to your specifications. open console and type this : set PlayerFollowerCount to 0 This will reset you to no followers. If Lydia is really not messed up, she'll act like she's ready to follow and start carrying your burdens. once you ask her to.
  15. disabling a mod only stops it from being called up. You still are dealing with data changes that are permanent for your game load. When you download most mods, you are overwriting code. The less experienced the modder the more permanent damage wil lbe done until you again change it all back. An experienced and good coder will keep all their data isolated and unique. They will put all their data in its own folders to be called and utilzed when their mod is active and requires it. Each time you load a mod and are asked to overwrite, that is not going back to what it was when you uninstall or deactivate it. Usually when you get to the place where you are now, a complete reload is required. I stress and have been for a looooong loooong ime to make data folder back up every mod or every other mod. its tedious and time consuming, but far better then having to completely reload the game and then find all your mods (hopefully without returng to this same spot.
  16. it was dumbified for the play boxes. There never was an intent to make it a game for PC users. Dx 9 was released in Dec 2002. Xbox 360 was released in Nov 2005. The game was made for this system and API. With the extremely limited hardware capability (by todays standard) we all opted to settle for 7 and 10 year old technology. Granted, Skyrim is a fantastic game, no doubts about that at all. But, we as PC users have to settle for altered content (all new ES releases have changed things, so no biggy there) and less then grahpical standards of today. The list of things left out is obvious. You can start with bodies. there are 2. Male and female. no age at all. The gaurds are all cookie cutter, the 2D graphics with periodic 3D overlays. The lighting and effects hence all the ENB's our tallented modders have envisioned. The basic 2D armor, the distortion from first to 3rd person. the camera zoon and pan, the lack of controls, trapping the mouse, hardcoding keys, yadda yadda yadda What was really left out was a game for PC users.
  17. @ f raquar "Maven doesn't get directly involved in the day to day operations - she stays behind the scenes and just expects results". Listen to the dialog from the townfolk and especially in the court. She is directly involved in everything in Riften and of Skyrim. Then go and listen while down in the cistern in the thieves area. Oh, wait, is that Maven you see down there once ina while. I think it is. Hmm, it seems she also has ties to the Thalmor, after all she is one of the few honorees at the embasy. I also remember she is mentioned as an old friend from another person in whiterun. Then you are conscripted by her to elimate her only rival and take control of that asset. I do believe once you are in the DB, there is mention of her there too. She and Astrid are old friends. When you are hired to steal a horse from the Blackbriers, later on, if you are fortunate enough, you come across the individual getting chopped down. The assailant says this is a msg from Maven and kills him, then walks off. Yes, she is involved and heavily so.
  18. I created an NPC in the editor and called him WifeBeater. I placed him in Whitetun. He looks good bound to a pole with a scrificial dagger hanging out of his chest.
  19. That is an older graphics card. hopefully its the 1GB version. that will help drastically. Try not using anything that enhances graphics. That means no HD mods or environmental mods (ENB's). Also, turn off all grass and vegitation in the game set-up window. Turn off all anti aliasing and anisotrpic filtering in your graphic card setup. If you really want to use mods, try just using replacers mods that are not HD depth or quality.
  20. When call your supervisor at work and tell them you wont be coming in today because your rockjoint or ataxia is flaring up.
  21. I found my most enjoyed and hardest game play was when I opted to not use any town what-so-ever. I looked at how I entered into Helgen and took that as an Omen. I decided if ever I was to become free, I would hide myself from society. I never entered a town/village/fort/settlement/campsite. It was very difficult. As such, I presumed I would never learn alchemy, smithing or enchanting. So, I never used those devices either. I never trained a skill. I did sell to the Kajiits if i found them along the roadways, but not near a town or while they were encamped. As a result of playing this way, I just looked back at my final save and only had spawned 7 quests. 3 of which were generic. I finally called it quits on her at 41st level. I did most dungeons,caves and ruins i was able to gain access to. I had 4 items in my inventory that could not be dropped and were persistant. So, without using any console commands, any "cheats" or any followers, I had the best game play through of my Skyrim experience. Of the 15 or so times I completed what I decided was my final goal for a particular toon, This one I spoke about was my most memorable. I had complete choice i would say in about 95% of the entire time.. I hope this is what you were intending on when you opened this discussion.
  22. I hate reading this kind of thing. There is no road map when a modder puts out their works. Sometimes they are listed as Beta, but usually not. There are so many things that can cause any number of mods to crash on 1 system and work perfectly fine on another. I run about 160 mods with very little problems. It was very painful getting to where i am with my load order (another big and important part of DLC) , the mods and mod versions i presently run. Whats funny, strange is i could give you all my mods/load order and ini changes and it could still crash your system/game. So, its all about finding what works on your system and how you define your level of graphical happiness. Sorry there is nothing more I can add to make it easier to fix. It sounds like you are going to need to do a complete uninstall/re-install :(
  23. installing mods can be a risky thing. Often, more then not, existing files are overwritten. What that means, is when you do a remove, the overwritten files stay or they are deleted (causing the original use of them to become corrupted). So, jsut uninstalling a mod does not mean that the mod wont still affect your game. Also know, there are many poorly written mods or mods the occupy the same space. There are environmental mods, cell mods, mech mods, etc etc. most of these will cause some for of terminal game closure. Going through each of your mods and the version number, it will be extremely painful and time consuming. Honestly, I would say to do a complete re-install. make data folder saves at regular intervals as you put on mods in the future. It is always best to oly load 1 mod at a time and then test it out. trouble shooting multiple variables is a nightmare. 2a+b(dx+u/3(d4*1/2t)^3 + ƒ(dV(dy/4dy+(dy-dz) = ? where as x= 1 is so much easier to trouble shoot. ;)
  24. Your game file is corrupt. You can go to an uncorrupted save, which probably won't work or you can start a new game. There was a post about Sounds of Skyrim Mod causing this. as the Author has pulled the files, i can only presume the word I heard is true.
  25. I say just walk the lands until you have pretty much mapped all the locations. Be warned, picking items up from chests and trunks and off bodies can and will break quests. Do all the easy ones first. The misc quests. Those are ones that often become abandoned and broken due to you already clearing out a cave/den/camp/thingy. If you find an item with a name, like " Hammer of Tanoman" then its probably a quest item. Also, if a book is in a chest don't take it. Don't even read it as you may accidentally grab it.
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