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Everything posted by Brandy1123
I offered my assistance. I am 100% positive they work, and work well. They don't delete your gear, they wont replace your gear, disenchant your gear, enchant your gear, eat your gear, morph your gear, color your gear, vanilla-ize your gear. It works with plain Skyrim, modded skyrim even Skyrim with chocolate sauce. they wont CTD when you open them (unless you put bad items in them to begin with). I have never met an item cap in them, I move them, angle them, stack them. I hide them, climb on them. You can even send a Dwarf over a falls in them. They look the same, they act the same. They all start with 1 vanilla item in them due to the game placement and list items. all normal lids graphic opens and close. They cannot be picked up and they do not taste very good. They are one hundred percent vanilla stock items where the ID codes were used and verified in the Creation Kit, WIKI a multitude of mods and every other location in the world. Type : Help chest, help barrel, help urn, help lockbox, help chest, help me. I am pretty sure I am most assuredly confident they work without any problems. Provided, that you do in fact, follow the instructions listed. Remember to make a save in case you miss a step or accidentally forget a + or - sign in your number placement and a container ends up 14 cells away sticking out of the Jarl of Sometown's head by accident. :tongue: EDIT : If you still are unsure, make one and put a few items in it for a period of time you need to convince yourself it is safe, then go check it out. I bet you still have all those daggers, maces, leather, lockpicks, gems, ingredients or potions you placed inside. In case you just want a quick reply. I am pretty sure they work :teehee:
Seeings that previous versions were aimed at PC users, us (but gradually declined in thought requirements of the player). Skyrim was written for a 10+ year old gaming toy, my prediction is it will be for a Wii type device or NextBox (whatever that is) but require a kinect like input device. It will be less thought provoking and even more dumbed down (if that is at all possible). As the goal and aim of the target audience will be somewhere around the 12 or 13 year old range with about a twenty minute attention span, at best. IF there is a new game and it is ported again for PC users (Halo 4 was pulled from PC use) it wil lbe under control of another gatekeeper like STEAMypile. Again, they will dictate and mandate when and how you can run your game. When you must take an update, how you are required to log in and that you wil lbe unable to play without them latched into your system. Bethesda didn't listen the last time. They don't listen to us now. What makes you think they will listen next time. They are not in the business to make PC users happy. They are in the business to sell a game to make the kiddies all not sniffle and become teary eyed because their happy Adventurer can't find how to work a pair of levers to open a doorway. Time will stop if everyone is made to feel special all the time with no chance to fail at anything and no real change to grow and learn. We are a faltering breed of users.
How rediculous a statement, honestly. There are always ways to do things. There are very brilliant modders here who have practically rewritten the game. I am sure a way could be figured out. It may not be easy, but to say they can't - modded or not is an insult to their creativity and insightful abilities. It may not be able to be done YET, but that is not to say it can't ever be done. The brain is flegm, remove it, it can't be needed : Egyptians The earth is flat you can't go off ito the sunset : Pre Columbus You can't get to the moon. Its too far, void, cold. : Pre-Nasa There is no big foot, no sasquatch no abdominable snowman : ok, you got me on that one. You wont get past the 640k memory limitation. Bill Gates No one will ever break the four minute mile : pre - Banniset You can never break and survive the sound barrier : pre - Chuck Yeager I think amazing people overcame more substantial odds to achieve a goal. Sure it may be difficult. But i don't think impossible.
use the console command to take over their body and do it yourself, for them. hehehe. No, I do not believe there is a mod for that, but I am sure some very intelligent and bored modder could whip that out in a few CK sessions. REmember Lydia was sworn to carry your burdens, not pull levers, open rigged chests, get items from spear pits and traps. She will however, happily break off combat from a dragon to go attack that slaughterfish 200 feet away in the puddle on the other side of the hill.
Assuming you are not going over the top with God items and unreasononably modding vanilla items, a bow can easily get to be over 225 per hit at "sneaky" range.. Add another ~60 for enchantments and ~60 for poison then 3x multipler (base) for sneak attack and you have well over 800 points of damager on your first shot. You hide and shoot again (high level = high skill perks). I can wear miners clothing (not bulky, heavy or honestly, ugly and unrealistic looking armor), with dual enchantments and be a stealthy archer, take little to no damage fighting smartly. You reasonable can get off four shots (using perks) at any first target (will take out a dragon) and usually two at any secondary ones. From perches melee enemies have a hard time reaching, you take out archery targets first (with 80% resistance to fire/elect/frost and another ~80% resistance to magic, spell caster and dragon breath are completely harmless). Since the last I read long ago, resistance was capped at 80 regardless of your true listed number I stop all enchantments there. on the generic locations (not counting all the mods/additional slot jewelry or helm/circlett mods) you have foot, body, hands, head, neck, ringer. 6 total locations (falmer helm and circlet work, but not counting it) here's a typical enchantment distribution head : magic, archery body : magic, muffle foot : magic ,fire hand : electrical, fire finger : frost, electrical neck : sneak, frost there are mods to give three perks at 100 enchantment, there are also ear rings, nose rings, lip rings multiple rings, circlett with helms, and then there's the private part insertions, clips and piercings. None of which are even slightly needed. If you get a race perk for one of the above enchantments (like Nords get frost), change that to archery. Multiple targets are still no problem. With knock back and stun (or paralyze poison), you just need to switch targets with zoom and slow time perks. By the way, i use almost exclusively dwarven arrows for no other reason then I like how they look on the kill shots. Have four or five bows already poisoned and on your quick keys. Make sure your weapons are charged and at least one can soult trap. I almost NEVER nead to heal. I never use any spells and my mana is 100 edit : With 100 mana and 4 items for magery, you can became guild master of the mages guild casting only five required spells. Bridge Crossing, Training Ward, Magical wall for the Sphere, fire/ice for Elder Scroll. Magery has great powers and effects, but in reality, quite useless and harmless childs games. edit 2 : With tougher, increased critter and encounter mods one could conclude that my strategy is in error, I could conclude with three perks per slot and 8 more available slots, I am taking it easy on the game evan running at master level, tougher dragons, warzones and other added goodies (that I am already)
does anyone mind dragonborn is delayed because of ps3?
Brandy1123 replied to lolozori's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
No, i think its just fine that Bethesda gives more precidence to its console users. Why not, we are palying a console game. -
when something is purple (blocky with no details) it means it has lost its texture. Usually with mods, something was overwritten that's not compatible or the texture was removed or moved to and unrecognized file location. It is not always the case, however. You could be short of video memory, too much information to be rendered for your system hardware, exceeding the 4gb game limitation., etc..etc...etc If saving and reloading your game does not get rid of it (the purple problem), try purging your cell buffers (pcb from console) go somewhere in the world where there is not a lot going on or an already cleared location, then try it. save your game first. You could also verify game cache from STEAMypile. That can clear up a multitide of issues. Isn't it great, they have to give you permission to fix your game?
I know because I have over 2000 hours playing, modding, testing, altering, and trying to break skyrim - usually with great success. I do not think the codes here constitute being a spoiler as they are common everywhere and to use them is an act like all other "cheats". ---- If someone finds them offensive or think they are spoilers, then I will most assuredly remove this post ----- codes (there many are others, but these are common larger containers) barrel : 10e882 urn : f8477 strong box : 9424c chest : f3923 open console with tilde : ~ player.placeatme code 1 select item by clicking it to get it's item ID on screen (center of window) then use the following to adjust the items physical appearance and positioning. Get item cell position for moving it getpos x getpos y getpos z --- then use setpos x y or z based on the numberical celll position (example : setpos x -4563 -or - setpos y 453) for setting agle of item getangle x,y,z setangle x,y,z (note setting all 3 angles to 0 (zero) will stand it uptight and usually properly set) for moving item on its axis rotate x,y,z make sure to save your game first - if you make a move mistake and your item goes away, move it back to the original position - thats one reason you showed it you also can use disable to remove item from interfering and from being visible and then enable to bring it back and reset it. You can use this if the graphic does not match the collision location due to a move. it will set the graphic to where it should be. markfordelete will remove it permanantly (but in some instances traces wil lremain mostly inert in your save game file. All items will be safe in these containers I listed. If you change the item, it is recommended you remove all contentes before attempting. what you do in your game world, even based on advice or opinion is your own doing. Make no judgement on things you alter without really knowing its consiquences or effects. THese codes do work and are fully operation if done correctly.
Trying not to post a spoiler, I'll post an ingame conversation. There is a mage in the game by the name of Septimus Signus. He is a bit touched upstairs. He is a brilliant (or was) mage. He rambles on about dwarven lore and history. He talks about the brillian minds of the dwemmer. How he is but a child in their realm of knowledge. There is an argonian woman by the name of From-Deepest-Fathoms. She, like septimus, has an item you need for quests. listen to them talk. They both are a bit out there due to having SOME timy bit of dwemmer knowledge. If just a small fragment of their brilliance drives people insane, it is not even comprehendible what level of knowledge they possesed. I would imagine the same sort of thing for the Alyiad's of Elder Scrolls 4
you can also use the console to add in containers anywhere in the world. You can move, rotate and set them to elevation. Ask if you cannot locate the console commands or are unsure of their usage
I am sorry for your loss. Its just another reason WE DONT NEED STEAMypile. They want ultimate and absolute control in everything you do.
I know of no fix for this. it usually happens if you talk to Cruel-Sea prior to the quest starting.
I was plagued by this problem about a week ago or so. what i found by much hair pulling was a bad mod. That happened to be the mod called Katherine - Badass Rogue Companion. I do not know if the mod itself caused my issue or a conflict with something else. IF you have this mod, try it and see if it works for you. My symptom was the same. After you remove the mod, goto STEAMypile and validate your game file. you will find 1 error file that it auto repairs . Load your game.
Who calls the Dark Brotherhood on the Dragonborn?
Brandy1123 replied to LordSarcasm's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Recall the currier with his little notes of intrigue? They state that not everyone will be happy to see you, as the dragonborn, flap your dragon gums, spewing out dragon breath (without even a breath mint afterwords :tongue: ) Just imagine, its some of "those" people or factions that take the DB into their employment. If some small child can evoke the power, then even a simple famer or some astute Royalty might likewise favor that cloak and dagger approach to elliminate you. EDIT : This was just psoted to the mods... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29655 It gives you the name of a person who contracted the hit. Revenge!!!.. I mean if you dig that sort of thing...and so forth :biggrin: :tongue: -
Skyrim can be difficult but like other things, you have to learn how to use what you have. I am not saying this to brag or to flaunt skillzzzzz or harass. I find Skyrim on Master level a little stumbling at best. IF you watch ALL enemies except dragons and spell caster (they have their own flaw too) they all rush in and do two things. 1: Posture in a defensive mode 2: Immediately attack. If they posture, full out attack, but not to zero stamina. Then faint away as they ready their attack. Drift straight backwards, then left or right as they close. They will almost always miss. If they attack stay close until their weapon or claw/talon starts to move then run backwards. They will almost always miss. Then charge for an attack and drift back. repeat. Spell casters start a glowing spell crackle when they are ready to discharge their fury. Keep a tree, urn, pillar, NPC between you and it. Depending on their level, they get one, two, or three shots then need to recharge. At that point, engage. You do take some damage from indirect hits, but be aware where you step. Most of your accumulated damage is due to stepping into the persistant effect of the spell. If they summon a "pet", don't wast your time on it. Go for the owner. If you kill the owner, the pet dies. Just be aware of what the pet is and its abilties. You can use the pet as a shield while fighting its owner. Never fight a dragon on a hill or open field. You take 100% of the damage (mius resistances). Instead, find a large tree and fight from it. When the dragon postures up and its head tips back, get behind the tree. Almost all of the damage will be negated. Then step out and attack (again be aware of where you step) Powerful and unique creatures you need to get to aplace of cover and fight it like a spell caster. By the time you are fighting them, you should have some magical protection. There is always some terrain feature or object you can use in your defense (or attack). Just learn to judge your target or prey, be aware of your enemy number and positions, but above all, know when to run. You can always come back once you see how they react and where they all are located. A final note. Don't stand toe to toe and exchange battle greetings. Always move. Move left , right, jump. The AI has a harder time tracking you. Use terrain, static items, people, other critters as part of your tactics. watch before you engage. Judge the strength by equipment worn and position they are in. Look for a way out BEFORE things go bad. Have fun too, that helps. :)
If you are running a NPC handling mod for things like : More NPC, Better NPC's , Super Uber NPC's, goto a place where you can release all your NPC's from your control. Then, go some where far away from that location and clear your follower count via the console. set playerfollowercount to 0 Make a save without any followers and exit the game. Reload the game with the save you made and go see if the Draugr return to the undead status you expect. Then go collect your entourage of cohorts.
It is a strange problem. I have one follower mod that, by itself causes no problems, but when I add a lighting ENB, the mod causes horrible striping glitches in my HD object lighting. I also had the Kajiit merchants (in Whiterun) have a bad levelled item in thier inventory. The moment the Merchant said "Take a Look"... I was looking at my desktop. I had to removed all my item mods 1 at a time to find the problem. The culprit mod ended up needing Dawngaurd and it wasn't listed as such by the mod author. (I don't use Dawngaurd). There's a lot of "construction" around Whiterun. I found the Whiterun Market has at least four house mods and a caravan mod that fight for valuable space and mesh. Insta-desktop. If you are using the market, look closely at other things going on, to include fast travel and carriage mods. AS a side note, there is a way to still lower ugrids and use an already saved game, but you have to go through a somewhat tedious "cleaning" process for the save. Like you, I just start a new game when I alter the uGrids.
I was unsure of your tech level with your orignal posting. Furmark will burn in your GPU/card(s). If you have VRAM problems, it will most assuredly become apparent. Use the 900 second test at whatever resolution you can.
I can honestly say I have never encountered that one. However, Recently, (last night) I had a unique isuue that after house of mind numbing research ammounted to nothing. Until I decided for giggles to verify the game cache at STEAMypile. IT took 3 times running it before it cleared, but found problem at each execution. When it was compelted, my graphical problem went away. STEAMypile : Library : All Games : Elder Scrolls - Skyrim : Prperties : Local Files : Verify Integrity of Game Files There might be a quicker way to get there, But I only go to that place when hell freezes over and I need a dried field biscuit to start a fire.
There's a lot that goes into "properly" overclocking ones system. I won't go into all the parameters that should be monitored closely for "safe" operation. IF someone does decide to oveclock either their GPU or main board/memory/CPU and isn't monitoring heat, voltage and frequency you could easily blow a trace, component or arc on the board. Over clocking also chews up power outside the already under spec'd card. Now then, heres a few programs you could use to test your card/system. Again, monitor heat closely and know your graphic card's heat limitations. it will eat your card. If you don't already have these or similar monitoring software, then I would suggest to NOT overclock as you probably are setting your system up for emminant failure. I am not responsible for action you take in overclocking, but I do wish you well in the undertaking. :) http://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/ http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html http://www.galaxytech.com/__en_gb__/XtremeTuner.aspx http://www.iobit.com/iobitsmartdefrag.html http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html Also inherant in windows is : dxdiag <--- ran from the start/search These are only a few (free) tools. If you only run one, use the first one (highlighted). The program is called furmark. Good Luck :)
The limitation is the parameter of your Graphics, unless the "mouintain" is at the edge of the world. Ugrids and its associated parameters can adjust how far you see and haw far things get rendered in terms of cells. Be careful when altering these parameers.
Boss and Bashed patches are good and a great deal of care has gone into those applications. However, They are not fool proof. A Bashed patch for example, can only take into consideration a mod that has been examined or falls into a specific profile. Most mods will. Some will not. It will move your load order around unless you set up specific guidelines for it not to. Most people also have no idea what a ptach from them is even doing, what the dfialog boxes really are saying or have personally taken time to read the user guidlines (instructions) for those programs. When you change the ugrids, you can be introducing a game save error if you bring it back down to a lower value. Ugrids and its associated partners : uInterior Cell Buffer, uExterior Cell Buffer and PreloadSizeLimit need tobe set with care. If your game works sometimes and crashes seemingly at the same spot at other times, then I would start looking for a mod conflict. An NPC problem, an Item issue, even an overlapping struggle between mods fighting for the same physical space. Start papyrus logging and check your log file after a crash. see what in conflicting at the time. This may not show you the problem, but will point you generally in the right direction. edit : lol...it seems you and i were writing about papyrus at the same time. :tongue:
Here's a quick and dirty way to resize your images. :) http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p522/Brandy_123/Help%20Files/reduceyourimagesize_zpsbf4f1d48.jpg
By your post it appears that you have some knowledge of hardware. But again, it seems you may not really understand how mod interact. Most often, a CTD is the cause of a bad mod or conflicting mods. In your case, the 3GB 670, unless you are overclocking it to dangerous levels or have a severe heat build up, should not be a problem for skyrim..at all. Your system, again, unless underpowered or damaging limits of overclocking, again should not be a problem for Skyrim. More then likely you are having a problem with your mod load order. You need to hand set your mods in some semblance of order by type. Pay attention to mod author requirements as they change regularly. Also, be aware that some mods now require that you have the DLC's from STEAMypile... i mean Bethesda as some of the newer mods require the content from them. MAke sure you have mod requirements for all mods. Most one on one troubleshooting i have done comes down to not paying attention to what is required by the author and sometimes load specific orders. Here's a Fantastic tutor on self help for fixing some problems. BBen, a moderator here, has another http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ <--- pinned by Board Admin compiled by missjennabee and crew http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new <---- bben a crusty OLD admin here at Nexus :P ;)
I just tried using the COC locations all over Blackreach. Every location including Sinderions shack, arean, city, etc have the same pitch blackness. I COC'd to whiterun with no problems at all. Either something seemingly unrelated broke Blackreach or one needs to actually join the mages guild to ultimately unlock and enable the lighting effects for Blackreach. EDIT : After a lot of dead end research and mod load order struggles I determined It was not any mod I had loaded (roughly 180). I ended up verifying the game cache. As simplistic as it seems, it found 3 corrupted files. After the repair, the lights came back on in Blackreach. For the past ten minutes I just sat on the edge of a wall in a joyful little heap, and watched the flourescent swaying mushrooms. I also took some pleasure in cutsie pie sparkle dust floating to a fro as it passed me by. For a moment, I thought I was in a Twilight movie.