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Everything posted by Brandy1123
You need to go into build mode, selected the NPC then click MOVE. Then move the NPC to the settlement. At that point your settlement population goes up and that person is now part of the happy little commune...ermmm Settlement. :smile:
So, my character doesn't have eyes
Brandy1123 replied to kaboomeow's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You could try and import a head. That may help in your problem -
I have been using the Same mods for some time. I build extensively as can be seen by my submitted pictures. Recently I was clearing a settlement for a new build when all of a sudden I started getting 15 experience points every 6 seconds. So I waited..and waited...and waited. Eventually (2 levels later - now at 46th on this character), it stopped. So I thought it over. Then a few minutes later I was given almost a thousand experience points (about what would have been given by the 15 over that time period). The 15 Exp then continues. I went to a previous save and back to settlement. It seems if I click to ADD things too fast, it triggers this. Though it gets to a point where it just happens. I do use several construction type mods and I have unlimited settlement budgets. I have not added mods or updated recently. Does anyone know if there is an upper buffer limit to what can be added to the game before some stack overflow causes issues? Also, my save games for weeks have been between 10K-11K in size. I do not have corrupted saves and I have seen a gradual increase as my builds have become more complex. So, a game bloat thing, at least a recent error thingy, I can pretty much rule out. The last time I added something, it was 17exp for the build item. The error EXP points jumped to 17 for a few minutes, then lowered back to 15. Has anyone experience anything like this, and what are some suggestions to overcome this? (besides just start a new game del mods, etc etc etc).
Fallout 4 Beta Update and DLC, Creation Kit News
Brandy1123 replied to SirSalami's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #34909225. #34911540, #34912605, #34914740, #34916115, #34916775 are all replies on the same post. I think the delay was built into the model. Its just a good business practice to sell off as much of your product as possible, then the schematics to fix them. I have the season pass and hope to get much more content. I look at it as hours of game time per dollar spent. There has been very few games that have given me so much return play time since Oblivion then Bethesda games.There certainly are lots of problems, things that should have been fixed prior to release. Such is life with Bethesda. They expect the community will fix/append/overcome issues they themselves either can't or wont fix. We all enjoy their works and we just as much enjoy the incredible talent here on Nexus. Those who opt to not get the pass will be left behind like in Skyrim. As the mods become more integrated with the content from them, the less will be available for those who declined the purchase. -
In response to post #23594109. Certainly SteamyPile doesn't have a dog in that fight. They only ask for a paltry 75% of your effort to show up on their chopping block. I also think it will open the door for not so honorable designers. Manufacturing in game flaws that their chargeable content will magically fix - OR- have some associate pass off the MOD under an anonymous and untraceable name to get the curated workshop funds.
The Nords are extremely single minded in there dislike of other races. People ask why side with the Stormcloaks? I say you don't really have another option. The Imperials are puppets of the Thalmor. The Thalmor are just as bad as the nords when it comes to biggotry and racial hatred. At least the Nords don't call you a dog and tell you that you belong at their feet. The Nords are protecting their homes from the Thalmor imvasion. They already have seen what the Thalmor have done to the Impeiral city. Even Tullius bows down to Elenwin and not the possible future high King (Queen) in Jarl Elisef. Tullius even yells at her in the peace conference and undermines her authority with insubordinate and inappropriate patronization. When it comes down to it. You are in Skyrim. It is the Birthplace and home to the Nords. It is their lands, their rights and their promise. All others are guests and in times of war, if you are not of the tribe, you are a possible enemy. When you brandish steel and a viscous tongue, you cannot expect to be welcome.
In tracking center, is it possible to remove entries that you were tracking if the mod is no longer available or "visible"? I have several that I am unable to remove from my tracking center. It seems you need to have he mod available to click and remove the tracking option. I hope there is something I am overlooking. Thanks in advance :smile:
Saphire is quite an enigma. Maybe the Dragonborn isn't supposed to know everything. Here's a little tidbit about our wonderful and lovely cutpurse... Here's what WIKI says.... WIKI link for Saphire (link above is a huge spoiler)
Strange flickering textures when the sun sets
Brandy1123 replied to jules1991's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think that you said you are running it under HDMI. By chance is your sound setup to run through the cable or are you using a separate cable? I have seen an HDMI cable on an XBox have color anomalies. I then tested it on my system with a similar issue. The problem with this one was the cable had a crease in it. They can only form a certain radius when being looped or tied. They are subject to damage. This one was. If you have a DVI or a VGA cable, try just running your monitor off it. Skyrim doens't need HDMI to run. Just test it and see. Also, run a separate audio cable instead of the HDMI for testing. -
you need to go to the STEAMypile boards and ask for their permission to run your game. They control it all.
Enemies/Player attacking too fast
Brandy1123 replied to Downloaderofmods's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
hopefully, Its a timescale problem. See if you can open the console and change the game time. set timescale to 20 (default game time) If that doesn''t work, goto STEAMypile and validate your game files. IT happened to me loong ago. I just reloaded my game ... and all 175 mods. hopefully, we can get yours back up without all that drama :) EDIT I was reasding some notes I had about duo cores. AMD has a patch to correct DUO core issues similar to what you are experiencing. I don't know if it will help or not http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/dynamicDetails.aspx?ListID=c5cd2c08-1432-4756-aafa-4d9dc646342f&ItemID=153 -
Game keeps locking up every couple minutes
Brandy1123 replied to xgcsentielxs's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Your system is running on a low wattage power supply. Even with a much reduced power footprint, under load, that graphics card requires about 220W of power. I dont know what MB, MEM or Storage solutions you have (or other add-ons, USB devices or peripherals (like wireless), but you are pushing that power supplies limitations. More then likely, there could be another issue. Post your mods (preferrably by load order) and also the size of your recent game saves (not quick saves). Also see if it just happens with that particular game. That game could just be corrupt. Now, before you really try even that... ;) goto STEAMypile and validate your game files. For some strange reason they assuem you are going to have a game break and alllow you the priveledge to fix it. -
Is bandwidth on this site purposely bad to get us to pay?
Brandy1123 replied to Kulharin's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The service isn't free. Somebody pays for it. Thats part of the problem with the world and people in general. Everybody wants something for nothing. I get the same hang ups you do. I get time outs, gateway issues. I get slow times and disconnects. I have times where I get logged off just going into a mods pages. Does that mean I am going to complain, even though I pay? No. This is the internet. My connection goes through countless nodes to AND from The Nexus. If you know how to get to a command prompt, pull one up. when you get the little curser in the funny black window where the little light is flashing, type this tracert then hit enter. = the DNS of "http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php" Each one of those nodes or entries is a system/server/trunk your pc connection is going through. You may not care, but your data does. I have 21 hops myself (ONE WAY). Some of these locations have packet loss and some have extremely long pings. If you understand how packets are created and managed, you would have no problems as you understand how headers are added and stripped across the entire transmission from point to point. How packets are sequentiially sent, but not necessarilly received that way. Lost packets, corrupted packets or late packets get requested to have them resent. It takes time. Each one of those nodes is paid for by someone. They allow your data and FREE request to pass through. sometimes your data is prioritised by type, sometimes its in general traffic flow. somtimes its packet size limited, and sometimes not all packets follow the same path. The more people that use the service (or the internet), the more congestion it has. You want Nexus to support more pople, then get more people to support Nexus. IT doesn't mean you have to donate a million $$ (but let me tell you the hardware IS expensive to buy, support, and maintain - not to mention the bandwidth and additional software and service the Nexus Admin have to purchase, licenses, domain, taxes, plus other costs). If a lot of people did donate to support the site, they might be able to continue the amazing products they give us and who knows, maybe increase the service availability. Now there's the other end. The modders. Have you ever supported them? Most have a donate button for PayPal. Programming costs them part of their lives, family and friends. Sure they are not expected to be paid for their work. THey certainly don't required it in almost all cases. But its not free for them either. What compensation do they get? most pople won't even leave a DECENT or positive note on their mod or in the forums, its usually a daily mess of discontent by people who DEMAND things..for free. Most modders can handle criticism. A little FREE click of support for their mod, a Kudo, a thank you. Anything, after all, its FREE. Then there's all the people who give hours looking up solutions for people with game issues. Its almost always the same solutions to the problems, but we do it anyways. WE struggle with your game problems as if its our own. Most times we get a thank you .. At other times we get crucified because we didn't have the right answer, it wasn't replied to fast enought, and your "request" was a DEMAND. That is another FREE service you get. It costs you nothing. People seldom take the 2 milliseconds to click the Kudo button or relay a thank you. THis is not everyone, but it does cover the GIMME GIMME crowd. THINK PEOPLE! They are offering us an extended and corrected fun filled form of entertainment. People like you rant on and on like some spoiled little brat. These people deserve respect and its people like you who only think the world owes you something for free. The world owes you nothing. Grow up or move on. Mostly Grow up. The world is harsh. Nothing is free. -
@ Anime_Otaku102 I agree with your statement except the final part. you left out one word that, in this context, would have been incomprehendable in the 50's You're statement : "about legions of foul-mouthed amateur critics descending upon them " Corrected statement "about legions of foul-mouthed "ANONYMOUS" amateur critics descending upon them " that one word give people courage while being a coward. Its like the texting revolution and the advent of E-Mail prior to that. The ability to say something to someone and have no face to face repercussions. To have the ability to worm out by saying my intent wasn't conveyed or I worded that poorly. We as a society are losing face to face interaction, speech, and courtesy. Anonymity is working in the shadows, lurking unseen like a thief or other person with ill intent. People are transparent and reduced to an online icon with a bastardized morphing of multiple exagerated, hyphenated or fabricated alpha numerical words. We are a lost generation. We have no distinct personality. We have one we show and share with people we must. our familiess, our neighbors and our coworkers (or fellow students). Our real identites, our real soul and beliefs come out online. No one knows us. Know one sees us. There are no real consiquences (barring plots of highly illegal acts). So what if something can get you banned. poof, you get another ip and another "nick" and your back in business being your hateful wretched inner self. Yes, I do believe that one word has a whole new meaning from its original intent and purpose.
This forum is not a waste of time nor are any. Some people have extremely strong views and others don't really care. Some people plant seeds of malcontent just to raise tension. You are right when you say, people of a generation wonder how it was for previous ones. Wondering what it was like to live through "something" as it was happening. I am sure the ones who have struggled with hardships the most remember things quite differently. People have ways of recording history and events through shaded glasses. They remember extremes on both ends but forget the smaller events that brought them to the point that future generations discuss, honor, or condem. You talk about art. What is art? is anything I create considered art? You could vomit in a bucket and someone, somewhere would purchase it as art. Art is one of those things that will never have a true meaning. Here's the definition 1.The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination 2.Works produced by such skill and imagination. I think this a really hard thing to put into tangeble words. Art and any entertainment or liking comes down to individual tastes. I guess thats life in a nutshell. very thought provoking. It really makes you think about a lot of things that drive you in life. Oh, and for the record, Todd Howard was NOT slouching in his chair eating cheetos. He was slouching in his chair eating Doritos. ;) Kudos, I really like where you took this.
This post is not so simple to reply to. There is no doubt re-playability here. The programming work done is remarkable. The items and game play are really good. Not great, but good. My biggest problem with Skyrim, isn't what Bethesda did to the game or what they didn't do (more later). My largest hands down problem is STEAMypile. There are fanboys who will start flaming about how good it is. You can have it. I freely let you take all STEAMypile is with no problems. Its your right. For me, I say we lost freedoms, rights, and ownership of a purchase. I know about EULA's (by the way go read STEAMypiles) and I know I opted to load Skyrim. What I didn't know about was STEAMypile. I do now. I don't like forced updates, forced to be online even when you check offline (for its twice a month required update or whatever it is) and its intrusion in my gaming habits, my hardware usage and system resources lost. I have to go through them to play MY game, load my game (even though I was mislead to believe the disk allowed me to load the game- why else was it there?). To say most people dislike Bethesda, I feel is over stated. There is nothing you can do that will make all people happy. Someone could win 200 million in the lottery and complain because they paid 42 million in taxes. HELLO... you just obtained for your personal wealth 158 million dollars based on your $25/hour PREVIUOS employment (or less). No, bethesda's programmers and artists are not disliked. The port of this game is a miserable trial for PC users patients. The dumbifying the quests with pointers and hints make the game impossible to lose. THey could have opted to NOT put 10,000 hints at every turn. Instead, they could have worked on quests and timeline events and clear up items they KNEW were problems... ie static locked items in your inventory, broken quests, reduction in graphics to 2D with a3d objects plastered on. It is a game for a 10 year old toybox. We are PC users and were expeceting software technology to be on par with technology available. Again, this does not mean we hate the game. We still wouldn't be here if we hated the game, But we don't love the game. It is palyable and replayable. So is Half-life 2 (which has the same technology level). We are still here because there is no competition and the community makes it an enjoyable way to spend your free hours of entertainment. I have played since 12:11 AM (at least started my download then) on 11-11-11. I still play. theres a lot I dislike, but modders and users make it tolerable and enjoyable. You can't make STEAMypile tolerable, bearable, likeable or want-able.
If that is what you are confortable with, then by all means keep looking into it. A 3 GB card will store and utilize more textures and graphic maps more efficiently then a 2 GB or 1 GB card. The 660 ti is not a bad card and will play Crysis 3 (its a really nice card for Crysis 2 as I played it and can vouch first hand). As for games, a game is really only dead when YOU stop playing it. I dislike a lot about Skyrim but there's more that I like then dislike AND there really is no competition for this genre of game.
I certainly think its worth my testing tonight. IT may save the console poking for placement and prevent the atomic blast of dynamically placed items causing injury. MY Skyrim homeowners insurance has a pretty high deductable. I just hate to go that route. You know, getting the Jarle involved in a property damage lawsuit, get quotes for repairs and adjustmest, any damage to my neighbors property or persons....blah ... blah ...blah to much bother with.. ;)
System Resinstall - Best way to reinstall all mods?
Brandy1123 replied to drum2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
yes, but if your archived mods are not current or by nature of when they were made are no longer compatiible with v1.8xxx of Skyrim, then you might find yourself back with your head banging off a wall. Make back-ups of your data folder periodically. then if you do install a mod that doesn't play well with others, you just reload the data folder prior to that mod install. Then if game files are over written as a result, you can just start from your now restored folder. I tend to not load more then 2 mods at a time before I save my data folder. I keep the previous 4. They can be upwards of 10GB (or more) on a heavily modded system. My present data folder is 14.7 GB in size. As this will be a fresh load, it wont mean much. after time, do a defrag on your game drive. it really does help with reads/writes from your HD. If you have an SSD, its not really required or advised. -
Oh, I just found a little gem. I am not sure what it does, but I am going to see this evening. I imagine any 3d object can be set to static, but it doesn't exactly say that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25068
I would not judge my GPU upgrade on Skyrim. Skyrim is really coming to the end of its life (or already surpassed by some counts). Instead, look to the future. A 660 TI card is not much less then a GTX 670. The 670 will give you about a 25% increase in memory bandwidth and bus width. You also get a better fillrate. The TI is a great card. I had one. THey tend to run a bit hot and require a slighyl larger power supply then your 560. An OC or over clocked card will run hotter. The 3GB will only pay off dividends in the future and take your card beyond the life span of a 1 or 2 GB card. The type of games you plan to play and other requirements should also go into your decision. Games like Elder Scrolls Online will probably run fine on your 560 card, buit look really good on a 600 series. While that 660 ti may look good playing the up and coming Crysis 3, the 670 will give it a smoother frame rate and be a bit cooler when you would be peaking out your TI card. I always say get the most you can afford when you make a purchase. Shop smart, but don't skimp on hardware. The better equipment you get, barring a hardware failure, will last longer and give your money back in useability. Newegg.com has great prices and when compared to Amazon.com, you can pretty much see what prices are good or bad. For the record, I think Galaxy puts out great hardware. Usually you can get a THREE year warranty instead of 2 for no extra cost, but you need to jump a few online hoops to register your purchase. best wishes on your purchase :) EDIT : looking at your post about SLI - You really should purchase both cards at the same time. As time moves on, roms change, BIOS changes as does hardware and sometimes clocks and card branding. Sure they may run, but may not run effiently. Again, it would be better to purchase the higher rated card if you are going to get just one card at this time. More then likely the second card won't be purchased and you might wish you spent the few extra $$ now.
System Resinstall - Best way to reinstall all mods?
Brandy1123 replied to drum2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
uninstall NMM via windows uninstall. check your Skyrim data folder. If you have items in there other then vanilla items, you might be better off just uninstalling/deleting the whole game (and file structure) and reinstalling it fresh. With the possibility of fragmented mods you never know what issue you may encounter. IF you already reloaded your whole OS, then redoing the game is not any more complicated and insures a clean slate to start. If you cannot recall the mods you have, take a screen dump of Wrye Bash mod list or screen shot your NMM screen (may take a few if you are heavily modded). then you can refind the ones you like. If you do decide to reload, some of your savegames may be completeyl unplayable. So you will litterally be at a fresh game load. make sure to look at or at least save your INI files as well as game saves/screen shots as those will be gone if you do reload. You can still just uninstall/reinstall NMM without the game reload first just for giggles. It might fix it. Just remember you need to delete the NMM folder/path after the uninstall or it could grab the entries again. -
I used to use a Radia GPU. I had all kinds of issues with driver problems. Some drivers work and some don't. See if you can change the driver version you are using before you start pulling hair out or slamming your keyboard into your monitor. It might be something really simple if you are fortunate enough. You may have to try a few different one. make sure you write down the version numbers so you can go back or recall which ones you did try. If I remember, they had a lot of them.
Oh, I understand You used to be able to do this and have things "lock" in place,,,, 1 : got to first person view 2 : set the item where you would like it 3 : while looking at the object you placed (and still in first person) save your game 4 : load the game you just saved. Alternately you can use the console (my preferred method) Getpos x,y,z (only use 1 axis at a time to get its cell location - this is constant for all "get or move" commands) setpos x,y,z (based on the getpos value. Watch for negative values) getangle x,y,z value (value is how much to move item) setangle x,y,z valiue rotate x,y,z value You can also use markfordelete <--- be careful with this one. once marked, its gone forever from that game load) disable <---- makes it non-interactable and hidden from sight enable <---- brings it back into play and visible. make sure you make a game save prior to using console commands. and also insure the item you are affecting has its ref # on screen (ie, was selected while in console) some items will hang in space and not fall if you are in TCL mode, others will tumble to the ground when you exit TCL. I hope that helps a little better :)
Hi there!! Heres a nice mod to adjust spawn time. It works wonderfully and has even cleared up two areas that were broken and not respawning for me. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6548 (remember to thank all the authors of mods you use. Without them this game was dead almost a year ago)