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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. The 255 number is hard wired into the game engine.


    If you need a technical explanation, :rolleyes: decimal 256 is hex FF or binary 1111 1111 which is the largest value that can be put into the 8 digits allocated for that in the game engine. (binary only allows 1 & 0 ) And no, it's not possible to make it 9 or 10 digits as that would involve rewriting a part of the Gambryo game engine itself. Which we cannot do. :confused:


    The 255 counts zero as a number (It's a programmer thing, you need to be a programmer to understand why) so it's really 256, but zero is always taken by Oblivion.esm so its still 255. :pinch:

    Oh my gosh! I knew that number was familiar but never could remember why! <kicks self for not seeing that>

  2. I think with a mod like this, that wizard's spell book mod would come in handy. You write the spells in it and it takes it away from your spell list where you can eventually recall it back later and take it back out of the book. It's sort of like a separate inventory for spells. Can't think of the name of it specifically though.
  3. Lets try to stay on topic here folks (sorry for double post) and remember what thread we are in.


    Complaints or observations about mods don't go here....and rebuttals go elsewhere also.

    *hands out cookies*

    So do all these "PM me links please" imo.


    but, let me also point out one of the forum rules while we're at it:

    Chapter IX - Vigilantism

    Vigilantism is...


    Performing a moderators job or impersonating a moderator by telling someone they have done something wrong or against the rules. There is a "Report" button underneath each and every post on these forums -- if you believe someone has broken the rules please use this feature and a moderator will be there to sort it out pretty quickly. It is not your job to tell others what they can and cannot do on these forums.



    *Takes cookie* Got milk? :tongue:

  4. Does anyone know of any good combat mods that enable dual weapon wielding? (like so your character can wield a second weapon in their off-hand instead of just a shield)


    I think Unnecessary Violence was supposed to do this but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I didn't like that mod anyway, way too many bugs, very outdated, and the creator has obviously abandoned it.

    This is a very disrespectful and ignorant thing to say about someone's mod, and although I didn't make it, it offends me as a mod author myself.


    Too many bugs? Name them from your personal experience. I'd like to know what you've seen in your game so far.


    Very outdated?! What the heck are you talking about? It's the latest dual wield mod out there! It's also the most comprehensive with more features available compared to others, and if that means a little bit of a learning curve, so be it. All you have to do is read the readme. Not only does it explain everything in detail, it has a troubleshooting section. Let me guess, you didn't read all of it did you? I'm willing to bet no, since you stated yourself you couldn't figure it out.


    Also, you obviously don't know the author. He had worked very hard on UV1 and has been working on a new UV2 version that is nearly completed, which would be why he is not supporting UV1 anymore. But honestly, everything that has a potential problem is in the readme for solutions. There are also patches available for some of the more persistent problems.


    That's fine if you don't like a mod, but refrain from stating crap about it that you don't know! It's junk like this that makes mod authors keep things private! :verymad:

  5. Check this out David: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35257#fileanchor


    It might be just what you're looking for.


    ALso keep in mind that it can cause issues with certain quests (vanilla or modded) where NPCs actually need to kill each other. You'll have to deactivate it for quests like that. Check the comments on it from Bethsoft forums for further details. Skycaptn won't put any sort of confliction notes about it in the descript/readme for some reason.


    I actually have it as a suggestion for my Stealth Wars mod since the NPCs there could sometimes start a civil war inside a city!

  6. Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that supposed to be endgame material with OOO activated? As in level 45-50?


    I could be wrong here since I don't use OOO, but from what I understand of it, it does this sort of thing.

  7. The only date I can give is 2011 at this time. Due to contract deadlines and other miscellaneous hobby-time stealers, I haven't been able to work on this mod in over 2 weeks. Even if I have to pull planned features, this mod will be released before Skyrim hits the stores. I hopefully will be able to crank out the Spartan 300 mod as well but 1st things 1st.



    Very cool. I'm sure the quality of the mod will be the same great quality that was in Lost Paladins, and from the screenies, it looks it. :thumbsup:

  8. 1.A lot of them obviously don't want 'outsiders' in their commuity sites, judging by the means they go to in 'protecting' their files from such when they find out people from other countries are downloading their stuff.


    2. A large number of those sites contain files, mod content and general material that are deemed illegal (game rips, illegal music\soundtrack mods, etc) and therefore we do not allow linking to them.

    #1 bothers me a lot too. I think it's funny how they download from other "outsider" websites and even post other author's mods on their sites, but don't want other people to download theirs.


    Kinda like, what's your's is mine, and what's mine is mine? :laugh:


    Other than that, from what I understand some sites are governed too, not just by the website owner/operator.

  9. No, the model and texture is 100% done. I actually have the 9 different color sets completed. Just making the ground models and menu icons at this point. I'm just saving this one as a nice "extra" bonus. It is nothing fantastic or hasn't been done before though...but goes quite well with this mod. ;)

    Anxiously awaiting this mod Conan.


    Any ideas on a release, or still TBA? :tongue:

  10. That armour cannot be released Kai. The uploader of the image said so himself.


    Please dont ask me about the Grey Warden armor its personal !!!!

    Oh, he mentioned in the comment section of his mod that you could find it on another site, with something about Underground. My searching proved useless. However, I will not ask further.

  11. Ok Mod Detectives, I browsed the entire thread and found some amazing mods, but I'm planning on playing a Barbarian -type female character and didn't find any Fur or Leather armor that would fit this type of character, except the YAARM Fur armor.


    Any suggestions ?

    Look into the Apachii Goddess store. There's some barbarian type clothing in the basement part of the store.

  12. Hello Mod Detective, and good work as always!


    I just reinstalled my game after jumping to win 7 from xp, and I can't seem to figure out what mod gave me the weapon idles that I had before. The one-hand sword idle that I saw in-game in 3rd person and in menu had the sword held at the right leg, with the point down, but my char's face was held upright and straight, with a straight back. The 2-H idle had the sword at the right hip, with the blade horizontal and pointing back.


    It's not Idles Poses Replace, for those slight differences I mentioned. Ach! it could be part of something larger, but I have no idea. Reinstalling (especially on a new OS) is making me figure out how to get what I do have working together again in and all new way, for that added difficulty) Help, please! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif And thankshttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif

    I don't think it was this


    but the 1hander idle sounds like it. It's the 2handed idle I can't figure out. I have a similar idle, but it came with a body mod rather than a posing/idle/animation replacer.

  13. I'm looking for two mods. Firstly, I recall there being a mod which expands on the weaponsmiths in the Shivering Isles. Amongst the things it added were Amber shortswords and scimitars, I believe. I THINK the name was abbreviated in the same fashion as, say, OOO and MMM.


    The other thing I am looking for is the weaponset in this image here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/20459-1-1224418703.jpg


    Thanks, mod detectives. /salute


    I noticed part of your inquiry didn't get answered. The second weaponset you're looking for looks like a katana from:

    Romuska Fantasy Store

  14. Does anyone know which mod adds Chameleon when crouched with mastery in "sneak". I used to get a loud sound and green magic effect when I crouched, along with the chameleon effect, but it has stopped working. I thought is was part of the Unofficial Oblivion patch or Supreme Magicka, but I couldn't get it to work after cleaning my save of both. Maybe it's built-in with certain races? I tried the Grand Ring of Shadows and the chameleon effect works for that. One of those mods always asked if I wanted a sneak bonus, or something like that when I enabled it.


    I even went so far as to re-install and start a new game but it still doesn't work. The funny thing is, I hated that effect, it's just maddening that I can figure out where it came from.

    You wouldn't happen to be wearing Vypers Stealth Armor would you?

  15. lol from what i heard from some ppl looks like ancient_law never answer ha? xD

    No, and I doubt anyone he hasn't talked with before will ever talk to him now. His stuff is like the Holy Grail of mods.

  16. Let me clarify it for you a little on those dragons ahrimangame. The few people that do have AL's dragons were/are his friends. They were the only ones given the privilege to get them from him. They have explicitly agreed not to share them so that AL doesn't get sued for copyright violations. Like everyone said here already, you cannot get them. I'd give up on even trying. The only person you could possibly get them from is Ancient_Laws himself, and good luck with that.


    With that being said, there is another dragon that looks very similar to Akatosh, except the dragon has forelimbs. HERE is the link.

  17. in advance, im sorry if im creating a topic with already answered questions, wrong section or with grammar mistakes, ive searched the community and i didnt find anything related to these.


    a friend of mine showed me this game and i loved it, after wasting 2 months of my life playing it over and over with different races and classes, he told me to go look after mods.


    i found this website wich seems to be the best about TES modding, but i also found myself in a labyrinth of headaches with sooooo many terms that seems too technical but yet needed for a better gameplay.


    i browsed a few mods, read what they require, and i didnt understand a bit of it. so, if you can take a few minutes of your day to answer these i would realy appreciate it.


    so, what is: OOO, MMM, FCOM, BOSS, wrye bash, HGEC, OBSE, OBGE and OBMM?? i would realy like to try those mods which refer to these, but i just cant understand what they are, what they do and what they mean.


    thanks in advance

    First and foremost, check the FAQs stick up on this board. Very informative stuff.


    Secondly, just as a brief answer: OOO (Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) is a game mechanics overhaul and then some. It adds all kinds of things and changes. MMM (Mart's Monster Mod) adds a ton of different monsters. FCOM is a compilation of Franceco's Overhaul, OOO, and MMM. BOSS helps put your mods in order, which is to help prevent mod conflictions. OBMM is a utility program to help activate mods and keep them in order as well as other functions. Wrye Bash is similar except it has some functions that OBMM does not. OBSE extends non-modded oblivion(often called vanilla) script functions to do more things and is often required from many mods. OBGE is a graphics and screen effects extender similar to OBSE, except its for graphics only. And finally, HGEC is a body replacer.

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