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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. I fail to see why not wanting to see scantily clad women "immature." I would think the opposite is more of a teenage thing. But whatever; everyone has their opinions.


    And here's mine: I agree with the OP and others. A different Hot Files would be nice, but I don't think that would change much. Seems to me like these types of mods are released quite frequently, so you'd still see a lot of them even with a frequent weekly change. However, it would be nice to see a general category hot files, like cloths/armors as a different file from weapons, NPCs/Companions, Quests/Dungeons/New Lands, etc, if the Hot Files were to change.


    However, I also agree with Bben and what another poster said. I don't really concern myself with the popular movements. I do my own thing (another reason I call myself Lonewolf ;) ). In fact, I rarely even see the Hot Files at all. I go straight to the Recently Added page to review the new mods.


    But, as a modder myself, I do see the value in publicity, and recognize that Hot Files are used by the public quite often, especially those that have been out of the field for awhile and come back later. Therefore, I would suggest with doing away with the Hot Files altogether! In its place, Random Files. And have the selection leave out the mods tagged/labeled with "adult" on them. In this case, nearly all mods would get the chance to be in the spotlight from time to time.

  2. Yeah but how is compatibility with MMM ? from what i heard its not very good...

    Wow, I'd question where you heard that from. MMM is one of the, if not THE, best monster addition mods out there. The only compatibility issue with MMM is other mods that add to the leveled list, but then that's what WyreBash is for. :thumbsup: Also, you're going to have that problem with any mod at all that adds to the leveled list, so that's not just MMM alone.


    There are some issues with some mods, such as WAC. I wouldn't recommend using the two together, but for the most part, there's no compatibility issues.

  3. :DDDD




    Bloodreaver (sword/dagger)

    Bloodmoon (sword)

    Razor Of Death (dagger)

    Azurewrath (sword)

    Flamesorrow (dagger)

    Xasthurs Edge (sword)

    Xuls Wraithblade (sword)

    Skullcrusher (hammer or axe)

    Mavinas Sorrow (Staff)

    The Venomous (bow or dagger)

    Nightrage :P xD (sword or axe)

    Nightclaw (Sword)

    Nightrazor (sword)

    Death Cleaver (axe)

    Eaglehorn (bow)

    Widowmaker (bow)

    Fleshripper (dagger)

    Ghostflame (dagger)

    Nords Tenderizer (mace)

    Demon Limb (mace)

    Baranars Star (mace)

    Djinn Slayer (sword)

    Aku Di Djinn (sword)

    Frostwind (sword)

    Ondals Wisdom (staff)

    Kuko Shakakku (bow)

    Heart Carver (dagger)

    Fleshrender (mace)

    The Jade Tan Do (dagger)

    Shu Tel Na (dagger)

    Full Moon Sword (sword)

    Demon Edge (sword)

    Ripsaw (sword)

    Obliterate (sword)





    Wall of the eyeless

    Death Sphere

    Lidless Wall

    Spike Thorn

    Head Hunters Glory

    Ghost/Spirit Ward

    Death Bearer

    Aj Te Sera

    Wall Of Sorrow

    Wall Of Pain

    Someone plays Blizzard games

  4. Hey, first of all, i want to say thank you to all of you here! It´s great how everybody helps each other! I found tons of nice mods through this forum, even if i never aksed for some^^

    But now, this is my first question. Can anyone tell me if there is a Vampire Castle Mod? Similar to Sinbloods Vampire Heaven, but as a Castle or Big Minor outside of Cities...

    And another question is, can maybe someone PM me a link for all these sims hairs? It´s too bad that they are not here on Nexus... But that´s the rules i think....

    Anyway, thanks in Advance!





    PS: sorry for my bad English. I´m from Belgium. Hope you understand me anyway^^

    Well I wouldn't say that completely. I'll go ahead and prempt the usual "friendly" reminder to check the first page of this thread, which summarized says this thread is about mods you know exist, not "does this exist/recommendations." Personally, I think this should be allowed. The official Bethsoft forums do it successfully and without problems, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, I'll go above the reminder and suggest that you go to the Advanced Search, check the Castles, Palaces, Manors, Etc, category, and type in Vampire. You'll get a couple pages in the result. I'll also suggest Reaper's Dark Tower/Coldstone mod. That's just a few things that come to mind.


    As for the hairs, I'm going to assume you mean the ones that are shared privately or are converted (ripped). I'd help with that if I could, but frankly, I'm a little confused on whether or not that's allowed. Some members seem to be okay with discussing such issues, while other's get reported. I have my suspicions on why that happens, but to play it safe, I don't know how to help you there. Perhaps another member can. There are a couple legitimate sim hairs you can find from various sources, such as Moonelves, Tolkien Elves, and a few others.


    Good luck in your searches. :thumbsup:

  5. Obl;ivion is big. It starts to overflow available memory pretty fast, even faster without the 3GB patch. At that point it swaps data to virtual memory - a swap file or page file depending on terminology - they can be considered to be the same. That's normally on a spinning hard drive, and is slower to access (by several hundred times at least) than solid state memory. If you use Readyboost (win7), or a swapfile set up on a USB stick (XP/Vista), it's far faster to access than the spinning hard drive, so if data from the swap file is needed (often happens with Oblivion), it is accessed faster and hence less stuttering and more speed. An internal SSD is faster still, but is also vastly more expensive.


    You leave Oblivion installed on the main HDD, as that just delays loading time and (a little) access to new data files. The swapfile archives the bits of data you use again and again but which won't fit into memory.

    Okay, I think I understand. So how would you direct Oblivion to use a USB drive for swap files rather than the HDD? Would placing BSA's on the ssd or usb drive help?

  6. Bare with me here because the computer age is slowly leaving me behind:


    I'm not exactly following how a thumbdrive and SSD would help Oblivion. I'm taking it you are placing the entirety of Oblivion onto these drives and then running the game off it? Or is it just certain files that get accessed by Oblivion, like for instance, the BSAs.


    I'm also trying to understand how Oblivion is considered a pagefile. :blush: I'm taking it that the game itself is consider a pagefile and in this case, putting the entire Oblivion game onto the drives is a bad idea as it would shorten the lifespan of the drive?

  7. I remember seeing a mod that cause you to lock-on to an enemy. If you move left and right, you circle that enemy instead of just moving in a straight line left and right. Does anyone happen to know the name of it?

    I'd be interested in this as well. Always wanted it but never could find one.

  8. It's not what the system was designed for. The file database is for sharing public release files, rather than for private mod development among a modding team. It's mainly because we're slightly restricted on space requirements so don't want all the space being taken up by mod teams with no room for actual releases.


    Creating a Source Forge type site for mod developers (with this topic in mind) is on my list of things to think about, but right now we do ask that mod teams don't use the Nexus to share private files with each other.

    Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for the quick reply. :D


    I guess I thought it was possible because sometimes when you try to look at a new uploaded file, it'll say something about access restricted, but I take it that's Moderator Review mode?

  9. I haven't finished this one yet. I just got excited about the Thor movie and wanted to crank it out. Gotta have little projects on the side to mix things up once in a while. But I've learned my lesson to not have "multiple" projects on the side. One main project and at most, one little one that can be cranked out quickly.


    The glass mod is still expected to be finished before Skyrim arrives.




    FYI - I've been talking with a guy that is making this armor in real life! He is making the chainmail and has the gloves done and now working on the sleeves. Once all of the chainmail is done, he will be adding on the plate armor and glass shards. I can't wait to see what it looks like. If he gives me permission, I'll post some pictures of his choosing in this thread. He still has several months worth of work on it though. :D

    wow, yeah, that'd be pretty cool to see. Definately upload some pictures!

  10. Just FYI, lonewolf_kai, by responding, you, too, are flamebaiting now... Just saying...



    Which is why I editted it out before you're response.


    Some of that picture looks like Drake's Anthro-dragon with a lot of retextures. Not sure of upper body.

  11. LoneHP, that's a pretty general question. There a several mods out there that will do this. I think the current popular one is Modular Beautiful People++. You'll also need a body replacer, the most popular one is HGEC, but there are also several options there as well.



    edit: other response not worth my time.





    I'll thank you in future to Not Edit Out any administrative comment I make on a post. -myrmaad

  12. No, you don't need to script... There are a few ways to do it.


    The easiest is to put you animation into the specialanims folder (you can rename it), open an .esp, in the NPC window goto player -> animation tab, and check the box for that file.


    But you can also MAO tho seperate player and NPC animations.

    As Logicdragon reminded me, just be careful of doing that if you already have a mod that uses specialanims. Your esp or the other mod will overwrite it and it won't work. In this case you'll have to merge them.


    MAO can also conflict with other anim mods, so be cautious if you use it.

  13. hey all. I was wondering if someone might be able to tell me what the hairstyle is from the picture and where I might get it

    hmmm what armor is that?



    Just to stop the whole "OMG why is all the stuff private, why does nobody share?" discussion - that is my Sciath armor and it won't ever be released publicly because it partly uses ripped content. Rules are rules, so it's not going anywhere anymore. Cheers :)

    Hmm, that's funny. I don't recall seeing all of these discussions in this thread you state. :mellow: I don't see a single one since that original question was ask....


    And nice sneak "salute" there. As they say, "if the shoe fits, wear it." You want to take that to PMs please? I don't feel like being caught up by your trolling.

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