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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Hey, let's stay on topic here. Take this to PMs or start a debate on the Debate section. Geez. :rolleyes: Since you guys are continuously playing forum police, keep in mind that doing that is also considered against TOS/Rules of Forum use. Don't say anything, just report it.




    So since I've been playing Oblivion again I've noticed that for some reason (Because of a mod obviously) when I use a basic attack or block, sometimes a fire effect occurs, as though I had hit my enemy with a fire spell. At first I figured I could ignore it, now I'm annoyed; it makes seeing what's going on in combat next to impossible, since it occurs almost every hit/block now, so my combat is a roiling screen of firey doom.


    I'm sure it's a part of OOO or MMM, because the only mod I have that affects basic attacks is AR_s Hand to Hand and that only increases my fist damage.


    My question is this; what's causing this effect and how do I remove it or turn it off?


    Thanks in advance.


    P.S. I'm not sure if this is exactly the right spot for this kind of question, so let me know if I should move it.

    As Kjkirimi said, you'll need to go to the troubleshooting section, however, I will mention that it sounds like you have Reflect on your armor/shield enchantments.

  2. Hey i need a mod and idk where to get it could you please tell me if you know? Thanks.

    You're gonna have to give more details than that if you want some help. :wacko:



    Does anyone know where I can find some nice single braided hair?

    Tansyuduri, search for some of the hairs done by Growlf. He made some nice braided hairs that are even animated. :wink:

  3. DUDE. Are you serious? O.o A while ago you asked the exact same thing and I sent you this PM:


    Back then you answered that you had checked it out and it was not what you wanted. But it IS the exact pose in the screenshot. Make up your mind XDD

    DUDE. Yes I am serious! O.o The pose looked different to me when I saw the angel picture not to mention I had forgotten about that mod.


    Jump off your high horse. Don't be an asshat.

  4. what is this armor/sword?




    Edit: yep, found it. That's the sword from the Thunderbird and Dawn Armor set. You can see it pictured in the below image.




    What mod are those wings, and where would I be able to get it?

    My google-fu has gotten me to a file download (http://u.115.com/file/f11ffb43db) but it seems to have expired.


    What idle anim is that from?

  5. I think if they did that, that would be the longest movie ever. Especially if you think about all the detail pointed out at times, you'd end up with absolutely TERRIBLE pacing of a movie.

    Well he is talking about the book, not sure it was written with the intent to get a movie deal.


    After all the movie kinda fails. The actor in the movie for Eragon doesn't even begin to match the description in the book.

    I actually like the movie, and prefer the movie ending with Durza versus the book ending. Movie ending would have been cake if it had the enflaming blade magic!


    I liked how the movie had split scenes with Galabatorix and Durza. It seemed to give them more character than what the book did.


    I thought the actor for Eragon's character was a good choice (though they should have darkened his hair), as well as Brom, and Durza was great too. Arya's character was completely different, and she didn't even have pointed ears! At least she had angular features in her face. And then there's the Urgals. They ended up looking more like humanfied ogres at best.


    Despite the character flaws of the movie, I still enjoyed it and have it in my library of movies.

  6. Don't forget to use OSR. That might help increase some FPS. Also, Streamline has a purge cell option. You don't need that extra one. I'm not too sure about Oblivion Script Optimization. I thought it had issues with mods. No clue on Operation Optim.


    If you do use OSR, you'll have to change some of the settings for Streamline so that they work together.

  7. Books and movies always differ in some respect. I have yet to see a movie that exactly matches detail for detail the book it was based on.

    I don't think it would ever be possible for that. too many details in a book.

  8. How about just say "PM me" or "Check your mailbox"--even better, say nothing and quietly send a note to their inbox. -mm


    I don't take anyone's side here but maybe "PM me for the link" is directed to one person only and not the whole tesnexus?


    This isn't about taking sides. If your message is directed at one person, perhaps it would be wise of you to send them a private message. :wacko:


    Is this really that hard to understand?


    Speaking of wisdom, do you think it's wise to get into a debate with a moderator? (Other than in the debate forum, of course.)

    You made your point but no need to be so patronizing :(


    Thanks to Desuchan for naming that hairstyle and to the moderator who changed the link to a picture instead of instantly banning me for not knowing

    :blink: :huh:

  9. Let me ask you this: if you are fighting an opponent who is so much more powerful than you, wouldn't you take any and all opportunities to end the fight as quickly as you can? I see Eragon's final strike as more than luck, he was taking his one chance to defeat a foe he knew was able to destroy him easily and to also save as many lives as he could in the process.

    Ahh, now that's a good way to look at it. I still can't help but think sucker punch though.


    I guess that also brings in the question of what is considered being unhonorable or simply taking advantage of an opportunity, especially since both were already in melee.


    The flaming sword magic was pretty cool though. I'm a big fan of flamy swords. :biggrin:


    The book and movie were certainly different with that battle though weren't they.

  10. Im looking for a mod that I cant remember the name of, only the features.



    What this mod does is it makes it so that if you used the z key on an item in a shop, you could pick it up and move it around (using z) without getting any crime gold.

    Also, if you threw things around to much (say you went into first edition and ripped all the books off the shelf) the shop owner would get angry at you, say something like 'thats not very nice' and would move to put them all back in place. If you moved displaced items back into their original spot, they would appreciate it, and increase their disposition towards you.


    I KNOW this mod exists, because a few years ago I used to use it. I just cannot remember any resemblance of the title for the life of me :/

    Put it in its Place or PIIIP for short ;)

  11. Well, yeah, he won merely by lucky chance, seeing as he was vastly less powerful than Durza. What exactly is your point?

    Well my personal point is that he won the battle by a sucker punch tactic. I wouldn't exactly call that lucky chance. Lucky chance is if he swung his sword when he slipped and fell back while Durza was trying to thrust and Eragon slashed through his heart. That's chance.


    His victory was based on Durza's distraction, and while he wasn't looking, he stabs him. Not a very valiant manuever. But I guess in war, all is fair, eh? Whoever walks away alive is the winner no matter the circumstance I suppose. Not a very honorable way of battle though imo.


    I was just wondering if someone else felt differently about it or saw it in a different light.

  12. ***SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ IT YET*** (Should be obvious from the title)


    So I finally got around to reading Eragon and was actually disappointed in the end with the battle between Eragon and Durza the Shade.


    Does anyone else feel that he won that fight based on a sucker punch? (err.. sucker stab?)



    Side note, refrain from talking about the other books please, I haven't read them yet and plan on it. :sweat:

  13. I say myself! Yeah... wait, no? Oh come on, Stealth Wars was really hard to put together! :wallbash:


    In all seriousness, I would say Jojjo. He's one of the best equipment modelers I've ever seen.


    Also, Corepc, and the rest of the MMM group.


    I'm also starting to really like Waalx's stuff as well, so put Waalx in there too.

  14. Months ago i used a utility belt mod that had several variations that came in light and heavy armor versions. There was an upper and lower harness/belt combo, and the same things split into separate parts. It somewhat resembled the belt on the greaves of Taylorsd's Stealth Armor mod. I lost my whole mod library when my last PC was attacked by a horrible virus so i can't even get the exact mod name. I've scoured all of Tesnexus and PES to no avail. As i remember it was fairly popular so if anyone can point me to a link for it i'd really appreciate it, thanks.

    Here is the Original one

    Here is an Updated one

    Here is the Streamlined one


    And, here is my shameless plugin: Weapon Tool Belt

  15. That isn't going to work. Go with my method (no endorsements/comments on a picture with ripped content, or have them forcefully disabled by a mod) and the imageshare isn't going to turn into a dusty barren mostly composed of subpar images of characters in poor lighting conditions and jaggies all around because all the good screenshooters went somewhere else to upload or got banned...


    Remember, nudity got a not-so-warm reception when it was disallowed. Imagine what would happen with the new rule regarding ripped content... All I'm saying that trying to avoid or prevent the inevitable will only leave you going crazy in a bunker fifty feet underground. After all, wouldn't the images fall under Fair Use anyways?

    That still doesn't prevent PMs though.


    Personally, I'm with you, but admin has been pretty specific in this thread (and now in TOS) about your point and how they feel about it.

  16. I've added the following to the terms of service:


    Aside from no nudity, you should only upload images that would be acceptable in the file database. This, importantly, means that you should not upload pictures of mods you are using that would not be allowed in the file database such as mods using ported or copyrighted content. Whether or not you use these mods is your choice, but please do not upload pictures of these mods in action to the Image Share section of the sites.


    [/thread] now? :wacko:

    Thanks Dark0ne. I think that'll help with a lot of this confusion and define a nice line that users should not cross. It'll also give ammo for the moderators and those posters that give friendly warnings to other posters.

    :biggrin: :thumbsup:

  17. And Savage, IF you can't link to those sites to show people here your screenies, how would that work?

    People either view my content where I post it or they do not. Makes a lot less drama that way.

    But if it contains any sort of ripped material, you can't post the link here, correct?


    Edit: I didn't catch the edit you made to my quote. Thanks for correcting my grammar....

  18. @Lonewolf_Kai


    Thanks for the reply; however I already tried that and didn't find anything. I was just hoping someone might have stumbled on a mod with that threw it in as a feature. Searching npc with "enchant" in either the filename or the file description yields nothing :'(

    Really? There's like two in the first page that I see.... :mellow: Are you sure you did it right?

  19. Rather than analyzing it, I think it's easier for one to just post their content to other sites. Personally I have enough headaches in daily life to be worrying about breaking rules here. If I don't post, there's no rules broken and no reason to worry.

    But at the same time, other posters here might get banned for things they have no knowledge about. I.E. those that were "helping" find such mods. This is why I brought up the thread in the first place: 1. to understand the intentions of this forum, and 2. to ask for a more specific TOS about this situation. As it stands now, I don't see anything that states such material is not allowed here. I hate to say it, but bannings based on those types of violations is a bit unfair. It seems unjustified when you consider the current content of the TOS and Rules of Forum use.


    And Savage, you can't link to those sites to show people here your screenies, so how would that work?

  20. Is there any sort of mod that has an NPC enchant your stuff? I just started a new character that i decided would refuse to use magic; only problem is, i have no way to enchant my gear and I am VERY underpowered. I suppose i could use any of the billion portable enchanter mods out there but for the sake of my roleplaying I would really like an NPC to be doing that magicky stuff. Sorry, I know its kind of nit-picky.

    Well you're right, theres a lot of mods that allow you to enchant outside of the mages guild. I'd suggest you search Enchant and see what you can find.


    What you need to do is go to Advanced Search, click on the NPC category from the drop down menu, and type in enchant for the description contains box. Submit and browse through and take your pick. :thumbsup:

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