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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Learn to mod yourself, there's plenty of thorough tutorials that explain how.


    I'd also suggest you take a couple hours and look through the armor category. Who knows, you might actually find something better.


    btw, whining will often actually bring about the opposite of what you want.

  2. @LHammonds, that explains the logical reasoning behind these decisions; and I understand since Nexus had grown and the community cannot risk any activities that may or may not be illegal (best to play safe in all cases). However, as I said, the forum rules - and your post as well - is assuming that the purpose of screenshooting ripped content is to advertise it and distribute it privately.


    Which I disagree.


    Now I do not intend to deny that there are many users out there who desire ripped contents without actually owning the game. However, if a person purchased the game, liked it, and thus went over the hassle of exporting / ripping and converted it for Oblivion, chances are the person liked the art style and wanted to give more of a persona for his/her character in Oblivion. It is a thin, vague line at best - yes, but there are people who are doing it for aesthetic purposes and are not willing to share it. Much alike private mods which are built from scratch, some people will not wish to share the conversion sincerely because of the time and effort they spent to differentiate their character from others (legal reasons are first and foremost, but it does play a role).


    I admit that while theoretically an owner of two games may wish to convert data to and from and keep it strictly for personal entertainment, it would be extremely frustrating to actually verify if the person in question had purchased the games - much less confirming that the person did not distribute it to an undefined public. Nevertheless, at the same time, posting images proves in no way that the person is distributing the ripped contents with others. As long as there are no links (or instructions) provided with the image, I cannot imagine it being a problem.

    On a personal note, I agree with this as well. I do not see the issue here with such pictures, so long as it does not mention anything about the mod or is talked about.


    I would like to stress again that this needs to be put somewhere in finer writing, not necessarily a book, but a simple one line sentence. Since Lon actually put some finer points in explanation earlier, a sticky here would be great too. Is this something you guys will consider please?


    Roquefort, the Parody plead is probably as hard to prove as a Slander lawsuit is.

  3. Mods with intent of commerical use, or any sort of money making for the mod author, are not only a violation on this site, but is also against Bethsoft's agreement. Therefore, any such talk of that is really irrelevant. Replicated material is allowed so long as it follows this simple ruling. Again, I point to Jojjo's Frostmourne as an example.
  4. Thanks for this post. I did not know you could not post picture with ripped content, but it makes sense now that is' explained. thanks for clearing that up for me I will be more careful, sorry :<.


    sometimes it's hard to tell illegal mod from real one, some of them look good not bad like a 'game rip' . When someone makes a mod to look exactly like something from another video game that is not illegal is it? or is it only illegal if the actually take stuff from a game? Also some 'rips' are used with free materials, it that bad too? I don't want to get into trouble D:? sorry for the questions.


    thanks again for explaining a lot of this

    I think this is a good example of why this needs to be stated somewhere in the TOS/forum rules, or at the very least stickied.


    To answer your question, there's nothing wrong with making something that looks like it's from another game by your own hand and tools. Take Jojjo's Frostmourne sword for example.


    The second question is a yes, that's even stated in the mod uploading rules I believe. If you copy any material from another game and put it into an oblivion mod, that would be considered a "rip" or illegal material.


    Third question, I'm not so sure about. I don't see why it would be, but that game the free materials are made for might have explicit rules governing said free material.

  5. can someone give me the link tothe mod that ads a companion just as companion vilja? i need 1 or 2 more companions(1 archer 1 mage)


    i think i found one ... i havent downloaded it yet, is this (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7819) adding companions as vilja?

    They add companions, but are not quite like Vilja in terms of interaction with the player other than stats and equipment menu stuff. Vilja is pretty much unique. There are other similar companion mods such as Viconia, Stoker Wolf, Saerilith, Rhianna and her updated Rhianna Redux. I believe an intereactive companion mod also was just recently released, Arren.


    Among the same lines as CM partners, there's also Companion Recruit and Share

  6. Showing off illegal content is advertising for said content...which leads to questions about how to obtain said content. So, back to the beginning, we don't allow illegal activity nor endorsement of it...and showing it off in a pic = advertisement for it.


    Take for example the well-known distributor of ripped content...toxa01. What would you think if he hosted all kinds of illegal rips at various other sites and then only uploads images depicting them on the Nexus and says in the description "Don't ask me where to find these mods (unless via PM)" He would be tip-toeing around the rules to advertise his mods on the Nexus.


    As for the "I own both games and can port between them myself", sure you can but distributing that content will get you into trouble. What would be the purpose of showing everyone you did this if you did not intend on sharing it? It is a fine line that is best you don't tip toe around...Orwellian or not.


    It is the same reason we don't allow instructions on how to rip content from one game to another...yes, the info is legal but that would invariably lead to use of it and illegal distribution on these sites...thus causing more work for us to combat illegal activity.


    It is one of those fine lines we don't care to get into here at the Nexus. Those that want to tip-toe at the fringes of the rules need to re-think what they are doing.

    Can we get this stickied in the News, Rules and Feedback section? I think this is good plain English that would help to put a stop to a lot of that activity. Might even be good to sticky this to the Mod Talk section too. Though I'd change the title somewhat.


    Thanks for defining the answer to this question(s) LHammonds, Dark0ne, and Myrmaad.

  7. So any type of posting of an image of ripped content is not allowed at all? Even if said image is void of any questions about where it came from, links to other sites that contain it, being advertised or promoted, or any other means of ability to share?
  8. Well understood then, or at least in the admin staff's intention. However, and this is probably due to the part of my education that deals with Business Law (no I'm not a lawyer :tongue: ), I feel a general statement should explicitly state this issue. Something along the lines of "Unauthorized or illegal material may not be advertised, discussed, distributed, linked, or promoted." Maybe even sticky this thread. Otherwise, a poster could simply say it's not in the TOS or stated in forum rules and think they are safe in asking or answering. Not only this, there seems to be a lot of confusion in regards to images of ripped mods with inquiries to where they came from. Read through a couple pages of the Mod Detectives thread to see this. I'm not trying to be a stickler here, only trying to clear up some of this mist. It has been clarified in this thread, but should that not also be stated somewhere in the TOS in general terms?
  9. Robin said recently that private sharing is not against Nexus rules. Do it privately and there's no problem. Saying on the thread to PM for the link isn't doing it privately.

    I've opened a new topic in the feedback section of the forums related to this. I'd like this to be further expanded if possible rather than here. I don't see how the above examples would consitute a violation of the TOS.

  10. "The posting of copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site. This includes linking to sites that contain copyrighted material used without permission of the copyright holder. Legal inquiries regarding copyright infringement are taken very seriously on Nexus sites and we will work with any legal body to identify and bring to justice anyone who might use a Nexus site to share copyrighted material."


    Ninja'd Pronam. Hah.

    Okay I finally found it. Terms of Service. /slaps forehead.


    BUT, how does naming the file of the mod or naming the website that has such content fall under that rule?


    The top of this page is a prime example of why I am questioning this

    There is no link, only a person simply stating what the name of the file is. Also, would telling someone to google this also be considered a violation?

  11. I've always understood that linking to web sites that contain "ripped content," which is in essence material such as meshs/textures/etc. that come from a different game and are ported to the Oblivion game, are a strict violation. However, I do not see this specifically listed in the forum rules. Posting a mod that contains ripped content would probably fall under the uploading rules, but what about simply linking forum posts to sites that contain such mods? Is this something that is stated elsewhere? There's also been mention of even the act of simply naming (not linked) a mod or website that has such material is also considered against the rules. Again, I don't see this stated anywhere.


    Please inform me as I would like to know what is truth and what is hearsay.

  12. @schijnn: It's a rewording of the song 'Ridin Dirty' by Chamillionare. 'Hadouken', 'Shouryuken' and 'Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku/Tatsmaksenpyak' are three moves Ryu uses in the Street Fighter series of games (the energy ball, rising uppercut and spinning air kick, respectively).

    Have they caught you yet Desu? I like that song for some reason. :turned: :tongue:



    Some one a ways back was asking for info on this weapon-


    I have found it recently, if you look for "AL_DeathKnellofHades.7z" you should have some luck.


    Be careful with things like this. You can get banned for offering help with finding illegal material, if you are not banned already.

    I stand corrected, you can and will. This is administration rules.

  13. I got this mod a while back and it works cuz I seen werewolf hunters and stuff BUT I go out every night looking around and I can hear noises im not sure if its a bug or just a annoying glitch that happned but I can here sounds of a rocking boat in the forest not sure if its supposed to be werewolf growls or not..........


    ANYWAY can som1 plz tell me a specific place with werewolves or a person who is a werewolf living in a town or somthing cuz Im getting kinda bored of skipping the mornings and running around a laggy forest all the time....

    Sounds like you have a mod conflict somewhere if you're hearing a rocking boat sound in a forest.

  14. Ok, I now think I'll download OOO. I've already beaten Oblivion before on the Xbox 360, and have been playing around enough on the PC to be able to play normally. To LordFrostcraig, redeyesandlonghair, and rhapsodicink: You are awesome! :happy:

    Just don't go past level 25 when using it. I hear the game is a borefest after it.


    Its not necessarily a borefest, more that you can kill everyone in your way at level 50.

    hmm, I has always read that it was well before 50, more like 35. I don't use OOO myself so I have to go on what people say. From what I understand, level 25 is the max that you'd want to be before it came down to a simple "mow everything down," which to me becomes boring after awhile.

  15. Ok, I now think I'll download OOO. I've already beaten Oblivion before on the Xbox 360, and have been playing around enough on the PC to be able to play normally. To LordFrostcraig, redeyesandlonghair, and rhapsodicink: You are awesome! :happy:

    Just don't go past level 25 when using it. I hear the game is a borefest after it.

  16. The Vyper and I had a discussion about this once regarding an enchantment that was using a burn effect. Here's what he had advised:


    I just tested it and, as it turns out, you'll need to use an actual script to force the Fire Damage shader to play. First, you need to make this script:



    scn FiveSecondBurnScript
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    pms effectFireDamage
    Begin ScriptEffectFinish
    sms effectFireDamage


    IMPORTANT: Make sure the script is set as a Magic Effect (the default setting is Object).


    Now, you just need to add this script effect to your existing enchantment. Open your custom enchantment and select "add". Instead of selecting a normal effect (like Fire Damage), select Script Effect. Set the duration to 5 (or whatever the duration of your Fire Damage enchantment is set to). Now select your script from the Script Effect Info section (which is usually dark). Give your script effect a name (I named mine Burn). You can also choose what school of magic this effect belongs to, but that is only truly useful for script effect spells. You can also choose a visual effect, but that isn't necessary here because the script itself plays the effect. Click OK and you're done. The Fire Damage effect shader will now play for whatever duration you set it to, regardless of how strong any other enchantments are. Interestingly enough, the Damage Magicka effect shader also plays, but is hard to notice.

  17. I gotta add my two septims in this discussion.


    Firstly, if you don't think gore belongs in a medieval type fantasy, then you don't know anything about the medieval ages. Combat in that era was even more gorier than what is represented in Deadly Reflex. I can appreciate that you don't care to see it. Neither do I, nor do I use DR. It's a matter of personal tastes. However, saying that type of violence is unrealistic is not true at all. There needs to be a whole lot more included in DR if you want accuracy.


    Secondly, I like and have played several Mortal Kombat titles because I actually do like the story and the gameplay. I really enjoy Martial ARTS, and some of the action in the games is fun to pull off. But here's the thing, I don't even bother with the Fatalities, because I don't care for them either. Fatalities are a small part of the game. So again, your point there is wrong. If you also noted, I capitalized arts in Martial Arts, and even though the fighting style is considered violent, many consider it an art form, as do I.


    Thirdly, you keep saying "pointless and meaningless" well really, what's the point to playing games? Does it do your homework for you? What about your job? Does it feed you? Solve the world hunger problem? There's really only one answer to what the point is, and some find that answer with that "pointless and meaningless" violence as well. As I mentioned previously, it's all a matter of personal tastes.


    Fourthly and finally, mounted combat, as in swinging your sword while mounted, has been determined as a game engine impossiblity. But they also said the same thing about dual wielding. In the mean time, if someone can actually pull mounted combat off, don't hold your breath before it happens.



    The point of playing games is to have fun. I treat games as if they are books, novels. What's the point of reading books? I'll leave that to you to answer.


    Games, like any other media (old, like books, or new like today's 3D movies) is just that; a medium. A medium for what? A message. And that message depends on, in the case of books, the author. That's the point of these things (media). You have something to say, or a goal to reach (like earn profits), and you use these media to get your point across (and get money because publishing these media costs money [and time]).


    And yes, most of the "message/s" of these media are solely for entertainment purposes only. Which kinda makes our present civilization in our part of human history rather sad.


    As for Martial Arts: I prefer REAL Martial Arts. I like Nickleodeon's Avatar any day over Mortal Kombat. Martial Arts, real Martial Arts, is not about violence (ripping your enemies apart ala-Mortal Kombat) or the glorification thereof. It is about self-defense and discipline,etc.


    Lord Of The Rings is Medieval Fantasy. But do you see Mortal Kombat-type gore in it? No. LOTR is done rather tasteful. Now that's FANTASY. Real historical Medieval Combat is NOT FANTASY, it is REAL. Therefore Real Medieval Combat GORE doesn't have a place in Medieval Fantasy like TES4 or LOTR. The gore in Vanilla TES4 is acceptable; it makes its point but does not obsess over it (it isn't pornographic/flashy) the way DR seem to do.


    Notice that the magic in LOTR doesn't obsess over itself as well; what I mean is it isn't flashy full of SFX, but it makes its point across. And it does so rather effectively.


    Making something flashy runs the risk of making it too much visual, as if it is trying to cover up some sort of insecurity with a lot of false bravado.

    That's gotta be the one of the most laughable posts that I've read in awhile. At least you got one point right, that is it's simply entertainment.... :rolleyes: Oh well, everyone has an opinion. Doesn't mean everyone is wrong if isn't like their's I suppose, although, your exmaples to "defend" your point are ... entertaining in themselves. I can point out the fallacies in them, but then, what's the point? :wallbash:

  18. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=13555

    Does anyone know where the wolf can be found? The only clue I have about it is the UPS19392 id, which I have no clue what that is anyways.




    That's the number for the file on a japanese site. That can't be linked here , sorry.

    Just checked that file number; it only links to the image lonewolf_kai posted in the first place. If that Amaterasu companion IS on that image board, it's under a different file number.

    Yeah, I sadly found that out last night. I don't think it's a released mod, or more than likely it's in the Japanese language, and would be hard for me to find.


    Would it really be so hard to recreate though? It's just a retextured wolf (unless you know something I don't LOL).

    That's what I was thinking, but I'm also not the greatest texturer in the field, which is why I was hoping there was a file already out there. In fact, texturing is probably my weakest skill in modding. I can do simple editing, copy/paste, etc., but painting those red symbols, and the wing-like swirly designs on the shoulders will prove difficult for me. Still, I may try it at the very least.

  19. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=13555

    Does anyone know where the wolf can be found? The only clue I have about it is the UPS19392 id, which I have no clue what that is anyways.




    That's the number for the file on a japanese site. That can't be linked here , sorry.

    Just checked that file number; it only links to the image lonewolf_kai posted in the first place. If that Amaterasu companion IS on that image board, it's under a different file number.

    Yeah, I sadly found that out last night. I don't think it's a released mod, or more than likely it's in the Japanese language, and would be hard for me to find.

  20. Any word of this? i would love to see it released sometime VERY soon.

    It won't be going public anytime at all, unless he does some mesh changing. He was using ripped content. At first, I didn't recognize it, but I do now. In fact, I can see now from the pictures that pretty much all of the body is ripped. I don't recognize the head though. Might've been a redone clanfear head. But yeah, the entire body is a complete rip.

  21. Yes, it can work.


    1. Copy everything in the Data folder except the files that shipped with the game...specifically, don't include these gigantic files / folders (which he already has):





    Data\Oblivion - Meshes.bsa

    Data\Oblivion - Misc.bsa

    Data\Oblivion - Sounds.bsa

    Data\Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa

    Data\Oblivion - Voices1.bsa

    Data\Oblivion - Voices2.bsa



    2. Export your OBMM load order to a file.


    3. I assume you are copying it onto a USB stick or external hard drive...we certainly don't allow public distribution of compilations like that here at the Nexus.


    4. Once he copies the contents to his Data folder, he then needs to activate the plugins either in Oblivion's Launcher or OBMM.


    5. He then needs to import your load order via OBMM.




    The only possible "gotcha" I can think of is if he does not a patched version of Oblivion (basically 1.0) which many mods won't even act like the plugin is activated unless you have version 1.1 or higher.

    whoa, wait a minute. There are some mods that add things in those top three folders. Don't you think it might be a good idea to copy those too?

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