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Everything posted by evilneko

  1. Browser-integration for scanning downloads is really redundant, as your AV's real time monitor will scan all files anyway upon creation, write, read, and/or execute. Scanning for malicious scripts and such on webpage is somewhat different, though doing it through a browser plugin is a very poor method of doing so.
  2. I don't think I'd mind if there weren't a jump button. Presumably it'd mean no more jumping puzzles. Platformers suck in 3D.
  3. Speaking of Photoshop and the right-right lunatic fringe, Alex Jones picked up on that (or hell maybe originated) the Photoshop nonsense in this failure of a video. (Surgeon General's Warning: Watching any Alex Jones video may reduce your IQ by up to 20 points, cause severe head trauma, and/or spontaneous death by a number of causes. Alex Jones videos have also been shown to cause spontaneous brain tumors in laboratory mice. Watch at your own risk. Or watch the by shanedk)
  4. Oops guess not, just a brief thing... Anyway, glad to hear he's finally gone.
  5. Sure why not, if it'll help bring peace to the region.
  6. I think there should be a variant of Godwin's Law for people invoking 9/11. :rolleyes: What should we call it?
  7. I donno what to say. I've played it on a few systems now, one of which I think was pretty close to the stated requirements of the game, and it ran fine. The Bloodrayne series has some diehard fans over at GameVixenZone (no link due to adult content), maybe you can find someone there who can help.
  8. I never did get Borderlands working on my desktop. It simply does not like AMD quad cores. :(
  9. Mind also, the wedding (which I didn't watch, since I had no interest, though I probably should've anyway) was both new and an exceedingly rare event. There were new, even on-going things to talk about. On the other hand the tornadoes have come and gone, nothing much new to say about it except a quick bit about a new body being found here or there, which at this point sadly is just another statistic to most people. As the guy above me said how many times do you want to see the same destruction over and over? Hear the same story, over and over? Yes, lots of people died, lots of people are homeless, lots of people got hella lucky to survive, but we've already heard the story. What's new? Oh right. The wedding.
  10. I haven't had any more problem with NV than FO3. Actually, I've had less.
  11. Reading up a bit on Hayek now, but some first impressions: So what is Hayek's plan? How would he deal with our current situation? They should've worked that into the lyrics somehow, or if they did it's not very clear. (I think I've found the answer in my reading, but I'd rather not comment on it til I've read more) Keynes is right about one thing: we'd be a lot worse off if not for the bailout. Had GM been allowed to fall (what, you think Ford would buy them?) tens of thousands (possibly well over a hundred thousand as related industries either fail or downsize as a result) more people would be out of work, and that means more spending on unemployment (which in itself, is a good thing, unemployment benefits are one of the best stimulus methods, but it's better to have those people employed), less tax revenue, and less consumer spending.
  12. Wait you mean that's not a photochop? Brilliant! :teehee:
  13. BitDefender's TrafficLight is free and runs as a transparent proxy, so it works with all browsers. ;)
  14. Hey, sorry I forgot to get back to this thread. I have my camera set at 19% vertical and 25% on horizontal and it behaves decently with that setting. It does continue moving after I stop moving the mouse but I think that's a stylistic choice by the game designers. It kinda slows to a stop. No actual lag. I am annoyed though that there are no widescreen options for screen resolution. :( But then it's a pretty old game so that's no surprise.
  15. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is my favorite movie of all time. Make of that what you will.
  16. Kendo2 obviously doesn't watch that liberal media. :rolleyes:
  17. I think you just read Glenn Beck's mind! :biggrin: :teehee:
  18. Already being discussed in the other thread. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/371933-playstation-network-getting-hacked/
  19. Don't know what you're getting at either. The website and downloading work the same in all browsers.
  20. Now let's just get you upgraded to Windows XP. ;)
  21. That's not really enough information for anyone to help you.
  22. It was probably accidentally deleted. I suggest using regular folders instead of fancy-schmancy libraries. ;)
  23. Download and use Recuva to see if they were deleted. :)
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