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Everything posted by evilneko

  1. I have a friend who has his PC connected to his 52" 1080p TV. His machine's only a year newer than mine, though he went all out and bought a top-end CPU and video card, and skimped a bit on the memory (I went more midrange, and more memory and upgraded my video later). Didn't hurt him much, at least not for Fallout.
  2. Ubfortunly Obsidian and Bethesda have already announced that none of the DLC will enables play after main quest as Broken Steel did. yeap i would love to march with the legion to Shady sands, or Give freedom to the waste with NCR ( freedom for the people of the waste play tax of course :devil:) or help Dr Mr House to spread his control and prove that general Oliver don't have Lupus! or help Yes Man to boot his sister Sky net... so maybe to much scenarios possibilities for a single DLC.... Guess I won't be getting any DLC then!
  3. Meh, I'm not gonna get the patch. I'm satisfied with NV as it currently is and probably won't patch until they release a DLC that enables play after the main quest a la Broken Steel.
  4. The ads can be bypassed very easily. And I don't mean by premium. ;) Also in my experiments it didn't seem to matter if the ad actually played, the page eventually refreshed and showed the download links.
  5. You do know Fallout 3's nearly 3 years old right? I built a machine 3 years ago that plays Fallout 3 pretty well.... for about $400. Damn near anything on the shelf today that doesn't have crappy Intel on-board graphics will run Fallout 3 well enough. But if you want to build one, building is damn near foolproof these days. Everything's keyed so it can't be inserted backwards, it's more difficult building legos than building computers.
  6. Political Correctness is a worn-out concept that's been taken way too far, way too often. And I love tomato's conundrum too. I think it would be fun to apply it to politicians--you know, the guys who came up with the whole idea. When a politician says "hispanic" but is in his mind thinking "wetback" ...that's dishonest. I think it'd be best if he actually said "wetback" when he's thinking "wetback" and let his constituents sort out whether they care that he used a racial slur or not. Also I wonder what Bill O'Reilly would talk about every holiday season if it weren't for "political correctness." :teehee:
  7. So you don't think there will ever be another large scale war? Nope. Too expensive, world's economy too interdependent, plus I think the only nations capable of making war on such a scale are the US and China. For economic reasons, neither will do it. The world can't buy cheap chinese crap if the chinese kill us all. Not to mention the last two were started by those darn Europeans and it seems they've pretty much gotten over that whole "loving to kill each other" thing. No longer can one make their fortune inventing a way for Europeans to kill each other with greater efficiency! (Now, it's Arabs and Jews and other Middle Eastern peoples) As I said in my previous post, I don't believe we'll see another world war in the same sense as the previous two. Instead, we'll likely have localized conflicts unrelated to each other.
  8. evilneko

    Libyan War

    If you're going that route then we have plenty of business in Libya. We were in Iraq at least in part because Saudi Arabia wanted us there. The Arab League and NATO wanted us in Libya.
  9. evilneko

    Libyan War

    Don't buy it for a minute, the wars could hardly be more different. Shrub sent us into Iraq for entirely different reasons, and we were the instigators of that action. I may be giving Shrub the benefit of the doubt but I think he and others in his administration believed there really were WMDs. They were fooled. Either that or they outright lied. I think Bush truly believing in WMDs is more likely though. (Cheney, not so much.)
  10. Well I found my copy of the game so I think I'll install it and see what happens. Hope it doesn't mind 64 bit Windows.
  11. Hardware, shmardware. Hardware ain't everything. If it were, the Atari Lynx would've been the handheld to have, back in the day.
  12. I almost wish I had twitter so I could taunt him.
  13. I don't actually think we'll have a WW3, at least not in the sense of the other two world wars. We may end up with conflicts around the world such that it could be considered by some means a WW3, but they'd be unrelated conflicts.
  14. There's a utility called After Fallout C which will make Fallout work again after a Windows re-install. It's available right here on Nexus. If you have Oblivion there's a similar one called After Format (IIRC) that does the same thing for Oblivion. :thumbsup:
  15. You sure it's lag or is it just too fast? ;) I remember Bloodrayne 2 had a pretty annoying camera and super-high mouse sensitivity... hmmm maybe I'll dig it out and install it again just to see.
  16. I'm not a lawyer in either the US or the UK but it seems to me the prosecution in that case just simply couldn't find an applicable law to convict the guy with. "Conspiracy to Defraud" was obviously very, very hard for the jury to swallow in that case (seeing as they didn't swallow it) and no doubt the prosecution knew its case was weak going in. They took a gamble and lost--big time. According to previous stories about the case, the UK apparently has no law about "facilitating" infringement -- which is sort of understandable due to the need to make exceptions (such as "Common Carrier" status in the US) but nonetheless there are models to base such things on (such as... US "Common Carrier" status...) so that's something Parliament might want to address I think. This lack of a law respecting facilitating infringement pokes a few holes in what I was going to say about ISPs not wanting to become download police. In the US, no ISP wants to do this as it'd put them on the hook for the illegal activities of their users. They would no longer be common carriers if they started such monitoring. Since the UK doesn't have a facilitating law I'm not sure how they'd end up becoming responsible, but of course I'm not a lawyer in either country so what do I know right? I don't buy the cynical "they'd lose half their customers" line. The vast majority of users know jack about how to go about pirating things over the internet, and it's streaming video, not piracy, that accounts for the lion's share of bandwidth used. You know -- Youtube, Hulu, etc.
  17. You may have exceeded the capacity of your power supply. Or your motherboard can't handle the new CPU. What happens if you power up with new CPU + old video card?
  18. evilneko

    Libyan War

    Hyperbole does not serve you well. Actually, it would seem that it does. In fact it would seem that it only expressly forbids landing a military fighting force. Despite the situation lately improving for the rebels, I think they could use the help, and will definitely be thankful for it. As my dad once said in jest, "let's round up a bunch of hillbillies and send 'em over there and point 'em at Qadafi. They'd probably do better than the rebels." :teehee: On the other hand Vietnam started with "advisors" too.... though I think it's a bit too early to draw that comparison so directly, the nations participating would do well to bear its lessons in mind.
  19. :thumbsup: Thumbs up, Aurielius. While the right to a speedy trial (for some definitions of speedy, anyway) may be one given constitutionally, surely there's something similar within the body of military law that would apply to prisoners, whether "of war" or not. If not then, well, it's as you said, antithetical to our values. As such it would be a problem in need of a fix.
  20. I saw his "message" right about the time it was posted but kept getting db errors when trying to report it. I had to wonder just what kind of botnet army he thought he had. The Nexus sites have got some super fat pipes, it'd take a helluva botnet to saturate it.
  21. Hey, somebody gets it: From http://www.informationweek.com/articles/229401628 In short: piracy is a symptom, not the disease. So let's report pirates to the content makers instead of law enforcement, who can then maybe learn something from them ("Why did you pirate this?") and adjust their marketing accordingly and have a bigger impact than legal action ever could. And all we'd need to do that is an email address, which every user provides when they register. :thumbsup: Unfortunately most probably won't be as clued in as this.
  22. Considering that none of Fallout 3's necessary files are over 4GB, no. It will make no difference. Changing file systems involves formatting the drive.
  23. If the resources for the Chinese Pistol aren't already in NV's bsa files, what you need to do is extract them from Fallout 3's bsa files and plop them in a folder under your NV Data folder. Then just make yourself a new weapon in NV's GECK with the same stats as the Fallout 3 Chinese Pistol. There are a ton of unused Fallout 3 resources in NV though, so the stuff might already be there, heck it may even have a GECK entry. Have you checked? Edit: Actually I just checked myself and they're not there, unless it's under some non-descript name. What I suggest is opening up the pistol in Fallout 3's GECK, screen-shotting the settings, then extract the relevant files from the BSAs and make yourself a mod to add it. I can't do it because it'd actually be copyright infringement if I did it and sent you the entire thing. But you can do it yourself, and there's nothing stopping others from guiding you step by step through the process. (It's actually fairly easy)
  24. I think someone did something similar for Fallout 3. Either that or they faked it by having a clothing item modeled to look like the weapon. As for switching without going through the pipboy, you do know you can set hotkeys right? Top number row, 1-8 except for 2 (grrrr....). Highlight item in pipboy, hold down the number and it gets assigned.
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