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Everything posted by evilneko

  1. Bethesda isn't making Fallout Online.
  2. I believe that's portuguese, not spanish.
  3. If ChkDsk wants to run it means Windows thinks there may be a problem with that drive. If it wants to run consistently at every startup, either something's going wrong during shutdown and it's raising red flags, or ChkDsk may be stuck in one of the many locations Windows checks for programs to run on boot and not getting cleared on a successful run. I'd advise not defragging until you know more. Defragging will not clear whatever is causing ChkDsk to run, and if there is a legitimate problem then defragging may very likely make it worse. Try manually running it yourself, and see if that clears it.
  4. That is one butt-ugly Shep. Here's hoping 3 is better than 2.
  5. Can I connect a 1541 to it without any modifications? :teehee: Do the special keys actually work at least for the emulator?
  6. You have a bulldog leashed to your laptop? :teehee: You cleared your cache, but did you also clear the cookies? You didn't say. Also, try another browser. That'll show if it's a browser issue or if some third-party software is interfering.
  7. evilneko


    Well it appears we are in agreement then that usage trumps origin. :thumbsup: I am glad that Japan has fostered a culture and laws which allow gems like Kojika to be published (and that there are people here willing to scanlate it). Anyone trying to publish something similar (or Kojika itself) in the US would meet with a firestorm of controversy, to say the least. Meanwhile in Japan, it's published in a monthly seinen magazine.
  8. I don't really care for the idea of them being pretty much dead and gone, but let's take a more serious look at it. As a faction, they've repeatedly had their top ranks chopped off, significant numbers of mooks slaughtered, and large important bases destroyed. This would tax even a modern nation in our world nearly to the breaking point. A wasteland post-nuclear faction would face even more difficulty, so I think it's highly plausible that they aren't really a force to be reckoned with anymore.
  9. The cows will of course rule the day. :teehee: I didn't know there was a tweak guide made for NV yet.
  10. And the FO3 main quest ending doesn't upset the balance? Riiiight. :rolleyes: Do agree about the main quest in NV though: why should the Courier either pursue the guy who shot him/her, or essentially become any side's point man? That's why my NV character had other motivations to go after the guy (which I guess could also apply to the vanilla Courier, but only if he was that dedicated to his job). But she really doesn't care about the power struggle much, and probably won't ever finish the main quest.
  11. Naturally. It's their job. They are not reporters reporting the news, they're pundits talking about the news. And that's really the problem, isn't it? Too many commentators billing themselves as news reporters. The other half of the problem is even when they explicitly state they're giving commentary (such as Olbermann's "all the news and commentary...") people watching often just swallow it whole without thinking about it for themselves.
  12. I hold many liberal views (for example, gay marriage and abortion rights), but I also hold conservative views ("from my cold, dead hands" ring any bells?). Generally I'd prefer the government butt out unless I ask for it (I can haz Pell Grant?). I think this currently puts me left of center, even though the republicans are supposed to be the ones all about small government. :confused:
  13. evilneko

    Illegal Wars

    He hasn't, yet. He may not ever plan to do so, as he seems to think the engagement will be brief. The War Powers Act doesn't require Congressional authorization unless the forces are to remain longer than 60 days. He's headed for another situation like Clinton got into with the Bosnia/Serbia/Yugoslavia conflict, though IIRC that never came to anything. I'd support the Libya campaign more than Iraq. Bush went into Iraq under false pretenses and (obviously) without a good plan for the aftermath (he should've asked his father why he didn't kick Saddam out back then...). In Libya, the Libyan people, the UN, and the Arab League have asked for our help. We're there in support of people fighting to get out from under an oppressive regime--much like the French were here for us in our own revolution.
  14. Which would have course lead to an extremely quick Brotherhood or Enclave victory in DC, and if nothing else, they'd never touch the Boomers in Nevada. XD
  15. I don't see a problem. I don't see a problem with animal testing or genetically modified crops either. Most people have no idea how many millions of lives have been saved by such, and how many millions would suffer otherwise. This to me outweighs the momentary discomfort an animal might feel.
  16. I think Caesar's Legion would have a fighting chance assuming they didn't all try to go melee on the daedra. Why? Quite simply, they'd be more likely to enter a gate. Caesar wouldn't flinch at the idea of sending men inside. The NCR would have to wait until someone volunteered. If gates could be destroyed from the outside, well... that just makes it a done deal for either the Mojave or DC. The daedra wouldn't stand a chance.
  17. It may be like Fallout's stutter. I didn't really notice much outright lag though. Bloodrayne 2's a pretty old game, maybe it doesn't like your modern hardware/OS.
  18. I blame Ted Turner and the invention of the 24 hour news network. Those hours had to be filled with something, thus giving rise to the endless op/ed shows we see today instead of news. What I do is similar to Aurielius: when I'm looking for information I'll look at multiple sources and compare them, while attempting to ignore any partisan spin. I won't take, for example, a political article in the Wall Street Journal (right-wing bias) as gospel nor would I take one from Huffington Post (left wing bias) either. Certain things I won't even look at because I know the source is too heavily biased (Alex Jones, anything said by or on Glenn Beck's shows, Michael Moore) or the headline reeks of bias, and the likelihood of getting anything useful out of such sources is almost zero. I look for concordance and verifiable facts. Just recently for example I went looking up articles on whether Obama's Libya intervention was constitutional, and found a lot of crap decrying it as unconstitutional, and a lot of comparisons to Bush (both), but found it odd there were no comparisons to Clinton's air war in Bosnia. But, at least one of them led me to look up the War Powers Resolution, which gave me something else to look for in the news articles, and eventually led me to conclude "probably, but not completely sure because IANAL." When I'm watching "news" on TV I'll generally watch CNN or MSNBC. I like that Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnel both regularly air corrections and apologies when they make mistakes. Don't much care for Ed and if Michael Moore shows up as a guest I'll change the channel. And Anderson Cooper seems to be the only guy on CNN, ever. What's up with that guy? At least he doesn't seem to do a lot of editorializing but then, with the amount of commercials CNN shows, he probably can't fit it in. :rolleyes: (they don't call it Contains-No-News for nuthin' I guess)
  19. evilneko

    Illegal Wars

    This topic sparked a bit of a research binge in me, and from what I have found, I am still not sure whether the Libyan action is unconstitutional or not. The crux of the matter would be whether or not Obama provided proper notification to Congress, as required by the War Powers Resolution of 1974. He did officially notify Congress in a letter, but whether this was sufficient to comply with the law I don't know. It sure seems like though that there'd be a lot more buzz from both sides if it weren't, so I'm thinking it was. Thus, it would appear that legally he has until May 21st (give or take a day) to seek the approval of congress. At least he didn't enter the war on false pretenses. :rolleyes:
  20. I got the impression that the road turning dangerous was actually a recent development, traceable mainly to the Powder Ganger revolt. In Goodsprings they tell you the NCR pretty much keeps the road clear, but when you get out to see for yourself you find things have changed. The Goodsprings residents obviously don't travel much, and don't know about the Deathclaws (well, they don't know how bad the Deathclaw problem is) to the north and that the NCR has pretty much abandoned much of the road.
  21. This? Funny it doesn't look like stealth armor. Doesn't look like the esp references any Anchorage stuff either. Could try using FO3Edit to remaster it without Anchorage, but if it does need it, that could result in crashes or other bad things.
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